DEV Community

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Front-end dev. Mostly Angular.


Front-end developer

How to conditionally render a component on the same route in Angular.

How to conditionally render a component on the same route in Angular.

2 min read

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You might not be lazy loading properly in Angular. Pitfall of barrel files.

You might not be lazy loading properly in Angular. Pitfall of barrel files.

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4 min read
Simplifying form error validations in Angular.

Simplifying form error validations in Angular.

4 min read
NX added a new trick to speed up your e2e pipeline.

NX added a new trick to speed up your e2e pipeline.

2 min read
Stop delaying. Share knowledge on a blog built with Eleventy.

Stop delaying. Share knowledge on a blog built with Eleventy.

Comments 1
10 min read