It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.
Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
Summarize a concept that is new to you.
And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿
Top comments (25)
I've been tinkering with NestJS...I've learned how to get TypeORM running with Postgres, and how to use Passport with the local strategy. I was able to use the local strategy for both username/password combo and email/password combo. I've also been getting in to Vue. I recently switched to Debian for my OS, so also learning a little about that and XFCE.
I learned a lot about using styled-components on my React app this week.
Also, got introduced to this a new topic called "User-stories". User-stories are a method used in organisations to design and code various features of an app in the form of stories. e.g As a User, I should see a list of only on sale items on the "deals" page. This means that I have to create a new component named "Deals" and display certain items in it. This is a really great concept which can help us actually visualize how the user would interact with the elements and design accordingly. I guess its better than saying the boring "create a deals page with sale item" ! Anyway that's it for this week :)
How to implement Row Level Security in Postgres for Multi-tenancy in Ruby on Rails.
Fun fact, really hard to change Postgres Roles on the fly even with Rails 6 changes.
Hey Andrew, can you point me towards any documentation or blog posts about this? I'm curious about integrating RLS into a rails app.
There are RLS gems, I don't use any of them.
There are no real end-to-end examples designed for production available.
I've built a serverless system to store more than 1-month of analytics data of GitHub and wrote down my takeout on terraform and typescript!
Check it out here:
Creating my first upload file mechanism using postgres, express and react with typescript
How to upload files in Golang... It was quite interesting, went ahead to link with Hasura...
I've learned how to set up a SOCKS proxy server, and how to connect to it via Java. Also, I've known how to run windows docker containers on mac os.
Améliorer le Seo \0/
A+! Félicitations!
Today I learned how to do GSAP animations in my portfolio website(still not complete) but I'll be posting it soon after getting some awesome landing page animations done
Dealing with blobs in JavaScript.
I've realized, that web components is the choice for my app rewrite. So I've been learning about Snowpack and lit-element and tinkering with it lately. This is pretty ambitious for me!
To be honest, nothing