Open Source thrives on community collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned contributor or just starting out, we're here to foster those connections and support your journey through these weekly posts!
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Promote your project by providing a link to the repo. Everyone who posted in previous weeks is welcome back this week, as always π
Open Source should be a welcoming space for contributors. The README is the front door of your project. If you'd like to check out an example of a README, here's our OpenSauced/insights README.
If you submit please have the following in your repo to make it welcoming and helpful for contributors:
Feel free to drop your issues and repos in the OpenSauced Discord #π-looking-for-contributors channel at any time!
If you're new to open source, and you're not sure where to start, check out our Intro to Open Source course.
Finally, consider reading the Best Practices for Maintainers.
Just a note to say, we've restarted this post from something Ben was doing for a while :star-struck:
Let's bring collaboration and inspiration to every open source contributor!
Top comments (3) michTheBrandofficial/NixixJS
Here is my code repo for the new JavaScript framework NixixJS. Feel free to checkout the file. Thank you all.
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
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CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
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