Today's challenge was very easy but was pretty tricky to tackle. I found the solution to first part by using python sets and for the second part, I used help from Reddit.
Please share your solution too.
with open("day21.txt") as fp:
lines =
food_dict = {}
safe_ingredient = set()
all_ingredients = []
for food in lines:
ingredients, allergens = food.split(" (contains ")
allergens = allergens[:-1]
ingredients = ingredients.split(" ")
unique_in = set(ingredients)
allergens = allergens.split(", ")
for allergen in allergens:
if food_dict.get(allergen) is None:
food_dict[allergen] = unique_in
food_dict[allergen] = food_dict[allergen].intersection(unique_in)
safe_ingredient = safe_ingredient.difference(set(k for value in food_dict.values() for k in value))
safe_count = sum([ingredient in safe_ingredient for ingredient in all_ingredients])
print(f"Safe ingredients: {safe_count}")
while any([len(i) > 1 for i in food_dict.values()]):
for a, i in food_dict.items():
if len(i) == 1:
alg = list(i)[0]
for a2, i2 in food_dict.items():
if a2 == a:
if len(i2) > 1:
if alg in i2:
names = list(food_dict.keys())
print("My dangerous list: ", ",".join([",".join(food_dict[i]) for i in names]))
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