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Rakesh Reddy Peddamallu
Rakesh Reddy Peddamallu

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Leetcode - 605. Can Place Flowers

To solve the problem we are going to iterate through the flowerbed and check for 3 things , left , right and then current

left should be empty and also it can be the first pot as left of it is not present and we can plant there
Right should be empty and also it can be the last pot as right of it is not present and we can plant there
Current should be empty so we can plant there

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Javascript Code

 * @param {number[]} flowerbed
 * @param {number} n
 * @return {boolean}
var canPlaceFlowers = function(flowerbed, n) {

    for(let i=0;i<flowerbed.length;i++){

        let left = i==0 || flowerbed[i-1]==0
        let right = (i == (flowerbed.length) - 1) || flowerbed[i+1] == 0
        if (left && right && flowerbed[i] == 0){
              flowerbed[i] = 1
                n --

    return n <=0
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