How's your COVID19 work from home desk setup looks like?
Mine is here:
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You can't have too many plants.

That's a nice setup. +1 for plants.
is it a safari or something? xdd
With my cat and dog it's like my own zoo! :)
Wow, Your workspace is very beautiful !!
Love the setup, Jim!
🤩 Plants
Great idea sitting on the ball, I have a standing desk and change frequently from sitting on the chair to sitting on a gymnastic ball to standing (on a balance board).
Thanks guys 😊 I put a led strip at the bottom of my desk so I can switch colors according to the mood 😏
This is the magic behind it: cable clips
Nobody: ...
😎 😝 👍 awesome
This looks awesome Robin 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Love your setup! I have to get a better monitor!
Nice screen. Big enough for a "single-screen setup".
The lighting is pretty cool as well.
Sick lighting
You guys inspired me to turn this into a post:
Remote working equipment
Robin Kretzschmar ・ Mar 23 ・ 6 min read
not enough plants xdd
I have been enjoying working from home more then the office.
What a great setup! Does the vertical monitor arrangement cause any neck or back discomfort?
Thank you and no I have not found it to so far. It took some time though to get it all the right height and angling.
I love that monitor setup.
Haaa, love this setup! Looks super comfortable ⭐
😮 wow
The monitor setup is sweet.
I like the way you arranged the two monitors :)
why wont you put one vertical?
I thought about it and my setup at the office I work at has one of my monitors vertical. However I found that I did not use that one as much as the main screen. Aside from the fact the stand does not allow me to, I am finding I am leveraging my screen real estate in this configuration the most.
fair enough.
Here's mine
Great placement of the stickers 😎
v. subtle.
I really suck at placing stickers hahaha
That's the only thing standing out dude !! It's looks great.
Woahhhhhh !!
I guess you kind of like
Any ideas on a outdoor power supply with a solar panel? My battery doesn't last very long...

This is beyond beautiful!! :o
Next to the window, always with my pen and paper, some water nearby, usually some coffee or tea, and resting on my DIY laptop stand.
I really want to add some cable organization and better headphones.
You don't use a mouse ? :o
Good spotting! I don't use a mouse much. Most of my work is UI development, so I use one to test mouse interactions. Otherwise I mostly use keyboard commands thanks to vscode+vim, vimium, spectacle, alfred, dash docs, and a shortcut to the OSX menu search.
I do play some video games though, so for that I take it off the stand ;)
This is really neat !
I tried vscode+vim but I felt like I couldn't "express myself" easily with it. I guess I should train more !
It took me a while, but now I miss it - I even tried to use vim commands inside this text input!
I started out with VIM Adventures and just using
to move around, but I would put a sticky note on my monitor each week with new useful commands to learn. I'm still learning!Looks good !!!
Here you have mine
Full description here:
Everything is within arms reach. Very productive setup.
Thanks. It’s the result of many tries over the years 😁
My favorite thing in the room is that sweet Stormtrooper helmet!
Great multi-tasking setup ☕
Thanks :)
Wow, So many screens 👌🏻👌🏻
Multitasking FTW 😎
Meu cantinho, porém ainda falta vida, quero colocar plantas pra ficar uma coisa mais "natura"
Nice! I'm a big believer in multiple monitors
Me too rs
I multiplied my productivity
Nice, I love the vértice monitor to your right.
Thanks man, I used an old monitor as a vertical one mainly to use the terminal and see the chats
For my not at home setup in the office I have the same type of setup attached to a macbook pro. I do like having the vertical space!
This is my workplace at home

Loved that elephant there 😅😂
It's Benjamin Blümchen. A hero for most of the German kids. :)
I don't know if he is famous outside of Germany as well. :D
Hey, I recognized that show! I don't know if this qualifies as popular but it used to air on many channels in the Middle East countries.
And this is mine.
You know what will be more interesting here, the view that you get when you sit on that chair. Can you share that as well? 🤞🏻
Unfortunately, this is not possible :(
Damn !!
Privacy concerns, I guess :) That's understandable. Seems like a cool place.
How do you cope with distractions?..... Nice and simple set up tho
I like having plants on your desk.
I moved in last month and was looking to get a desk by the end of this month but I'm not sure if IKEA is still open. Oh well, who needs a desk anyway
Haha cool! I'm worried about your back though. Had issues with this setup in my student years :D
Yeah it's definitely not healthy so I take breaks more often and when I need to work for extended periods of time I take the laptop to the kitchen where I do have a table. But first few days showed me that working from the kitchen makes me eat more so I decided to move to the couch
😅 Nice !!
Here you go.
That globe and those wall clocks are really adding to the vibe haha
Here is mine:
magento devs are rich (just kidding)
That is definitely a streaming studio.
Love the colors. :-)
Screeeennsssss 😮
Amazing setup!
I can't concentrate on my personal desk, so this will have to do for now. Might upgrade soon though
I loved that chair.
That's a minimalistic desk setup.
But what a cool chair.
That seems like a heavy chair!
My setup. Enough screen space and a mechanical keyboard. That's all I need.
Also sunlight is nice. 😃
Love the bottles at the right! What kind is this?
?And the leather chair looks nice 😏
The bottles great. They are from Chilly's
Yes, the chair looks nice. But could be more comfortable, to be honest.
This looks sooooo good !!
Thanks. I like yours as well. The yoga ball is great for your back. I should get one.
I have that exact black chillys bottle.
Is this how you remote?
Filled with all the junk my kids hand me throughout the day, and stacks of their paper for e learning.
What matters most is how productive your setup is for you. And yes, I cleaned up my desk before I posted the photo :)
Because let's be realistic most eberyone else cleaned up their desk prior to posting.
Literally stole a hallway to fix up my WFH office but I love having tons of light :)) I need one of those gym balls to keep my back in check though, great idea :D .
Thanks but that chair also looks classy. 😅
Like always simple neat and clutter free 👍
Minimalism 👌🏻👌🏻
At the end of the day, I put everything on the side, I fold the table, and voila.
A modular table perfect. 💙
Here's mine
The lamp 💙
Too much beer next to my laptop :)
My workplace at home!!

Looks Neat !!
Nope bro. I have 15 inch MBP behind 27 inch monitor (U2720Q). That PC is for gaming only!
I run a hidden clamshell mbp + gaming pc setup too 😎

My small setup desktop and laptop
Don't laugh at my books! They're old and required for my day job. :)
What monitor is that?
Here's mine. Basic setup

Looks amazing !!
Water has no enemies
Working via remote with the help of my personal rig :)

Nice! Is that a be quiet! case you got there? 🌝
Yes it is. A PureBase600 from 2016 if I'm not mistaken :)
Sweet. I’ve heard that be quiet! is a good brand.
Neat !!
Are you streaming development session by any means ? (as I can see the camera and the mic).
Or are you streaming gaming ? (which is popular).
Love the setting by the way.
I would love to stream some development session with people or security advocacy for developers.
Here’s mine. There is another MacBook Pro at the bottom of the table and a Linux server. I switch between the 3 using a KVM.
Kind of crowded but when I'm coding I just have the water bottle and the pc, you always need a water bottle <3 hahaha.
Water is must !!!
I have a bit of a TIE Fighter thing going on...
The link is broken.
I have the same concept the Fn + 1 - 4 toggle various layers. However I have been working on remapping the caps lock as the Mode_switch modifier so that I can use that key as a Caps + key modifier. Example Caps + Ctrl/Menu/Alt are my Left/Down/Right respectively. The issue I am having is making that mapping permanent. Something keeps resetting it — Ubuntu 19.10
Kind of a mess but with everyone at home I'm relegated to repurposing my extremely small 'workshop' in the garage; probably need to take some tips from here and up my Covid game :)
This is usually my standing desk (no electric engines, just that hand crank)

But with my girlfriend and I working from home this is our setup :)

Standup desk. Sharing the room with my daughter, so occasionally noisy
Noisy 😅😂
I use a 2013 MacBook for a laptop, and a Cyberpower PC with a custom 16GB memory chip.
Also using a Chromebook with some gamer stuff attached for school
Fixed standing desk. I mean, there is a crank to bring it slowly down but I've never used it in over a year..
Love your keyboard! I recently just replaced mine with a 60% Keyboard. How do you manage the lack of some keys?
I worked for the last two days from a couch. Now my lower back hurts, don't do that XD
This is my desk:
A dark bat cave !!!
The keyboard! So nice looking! Is it also comfortable to use?
Gotta get that fresh air while you can!

Currently losing the dongle battle of being able to have charger, yubikey, and external monitor plugged in at same time 😐

Neat !!
That angle makes it look like you work in the last act of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Borrowed monitor at the moment but slowly getting there.

I need to try that yoga ball thing! Spending way too much time here 😄
Thats my setup 😁
Hahah Classic !!
go must be your lang to go xdd
Just switched from work to freetime.
Got a KVM switch and a big mess of cable under the table :D
Mine: arch linux because I like it but I need windows for actual job.

Here is mine!!!
After seeing this i realized i need some plants its awesome the life it gives.

Mine is the end-product . check it here: