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Top comments (203)
Welcome everyone!
Please go find a post and leave a thankful comment. It goes a long way!
Hello all,
Here to learn, then share, rinse and repeat.
Heyo welcome to the community! :D
That's cool, Welcome bro.
You are welcome !
Hi I'm Dario. I am an electronics engineer apprentice from Switzerland (originally from Italy).
During my apprenticeship, I learned very valuable things in firmware development. I wanted to share this knowledge and dev.to seems like the perfect Platform for it!
I started a Series about Firmware development, and I'm planning to expand it more and more.
Let's start this journey!
Heyo Dario!! Thanks so much for sharing your learnings, that sounds awesome :D
I just read your 2038 problem article haha I was literally just joking with friends about that - keep up the great work!
Hey Chris! I'm glad you liked my article!
This topic is very interesting to me, since it is going to be a global challenge.
The article was written by the help of ChatGPT. The other two articles are written by myself.
I also went through your articles and they also look very interesting. Looks like i am going to read for a while now ;)
Thanks a lot!
sounds like a great set of knowledges! thanks for sharing
Welcome to this platform Dario.
Hey Dario! I haven't ever worked on Firmware development, but will head over and check out your articles!
Hello! I am Mohamed, an Electronics & Communication Engineering student but I am learning Computer Science by Online Courses :).
I've been learning Python and Practicing Problem-Solving on CodeForces.
Recently, I've found Front-End is an interesting track for me to learn ^^
great choice, JavaScript it's your new friend.
you should learn it.
Thanks :)
hello 👋
Hello @sueleybyte :)
hello world! i'm learning python right now, is worth it ?
of course!!
Learning Python was one of the best decisions I've ever made :~) both from a career perspective and personal enrichment/knowledge perspective it broadened my horizons a ton
It's worth learning, most deep learning frameworks basically support Python.
actually that's my main reason, i wanna know more about ML and DL.
That's true. I hope this library will help you
Hi! My name's Polina, I'm a self-taught Frontend dev with 7+ years experience, currently leading a team at Neon.
Feel free to connect with me on linkedin
Besides coding I love music and my doggo

Quite clickbaity this one. Welcome to you!
Say hi to your cute doggo from me! 🦴
Thanks, will do!
welcome to the community everyone!
Hey to all, I am happy to joint this great community! I have a keen interest on learning software engineering, especially JavaScript! I will be starting my online learning soon and hope to acquire full-stack skills in 4-6 months.
That's fantastic Isaac - best of luck on your journey and welcome to the community, definitely lots of fantastic resources here to help you along the way!
Many thanks Chris! I am open to learn from experts on coding on this platform.
I welcome you all to this peaceful community development, here,we all shall be working as a team and family, putting ideas together to solve our problems and I know this project will teach and impact positivity in our lives.to bring more fortune and develop our careers one way or the other.
Hello everyone my name is Henry chidiebere I am just a beginner and would love to learn about the tech and dev community more I am also interested in AI and java programming would love to learn from everyone guidance
Heyo Henry! Welcome to DEV and hope you dig the community here. 🙌