
Welcome Thread - v42 staff on September 25, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa) • Edited

👋 Hi DEV! I'm Mariz and I'm a Junior Software Engineer (mostly dealing with C++ and C#). I initially studied Computer Science with a dream to work on space rockets 🚀 But I have long since adjusted my goals to:
👩‍💻 become a full stack developer,
👐 be a more active contributor to the open source community, and
⚡ pioneer... something.

Random fact about me: My MBTI is INTP!

I hope you all have a great day and maybe you could share random facts about yourself to start it off~

sajjadkhan12 profile image

If you are a beginner in programming world and want to learn programming fast. So I suggest you a website which have projects with source code and you can use those projects and practice those projects Projects With Source Code

pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Thanks for this info. Checking it now...

pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Just finished checking. They are all php projects. Do you know any similar site with Rails or React JS projects?

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sajjadkhan12 profile image

I will try to find, then i will tell u sir

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pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Ok bro! Thank you.

vineetnayak777 profile image
Vineet Nayak S

This is really helpful sir. Thank you So much.

thavee profile image

Just what i needed. #php. Thanks

derekwsparks profile image

Thanks also checking it out.

qdcou2020 profile image


Thanks for that tip. I will look at it later tonight once I'm home.


rahuldaniel profile image

Thank you bro

jysh profile image
Jayesh Patel

Thanks you for this.

car_pencil profile image

Random fact about myself is that I have this weird mark on my left hand that looks like a bruise. Most of the people I've shown it to have said that it's a birthmark, but neither my parents nor my grandmother remembers seeing it when I was younger. And if anyone is curious, no, it does not and had never hurt.

techgirl007 profile image

Hi Rania. Sounds like natural pigmentation. Some cells change color as we grow older. I am not a doctor but I have seen this a few times with a number of people, and they have told me that story. Hope that helps!

thecodepapaya profile image
Ashutosh Singh

I have a similar mark in my 👀. People think it's an injury but my story is similar to yours. It wasn't there when I was a kid and no it does not and has never hurt 😄

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qdcou2020 profile image

Hi A.S. My name is "QD" & I am new to the coding world.

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Thanks for sharing that Rania~ I wonder what that is, my guess would be a late birthmark 🤔 but it's definitely a cool thing to add on your uniqueness _^

jysh profile image
Jayesh Patel

Hmm. Interesting.

tdecelle profile image

Good luck pioneering!

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Thank you Thomas! Good luck as well as you graduate and venture out in the real world! If you have project ideas regarding C++ and Python, hit me up if you want a collaborator~

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qdcou2020 profile image


I am a new student to the coding world. Is "React" similar to python? Could you explain how python work, like its purpose & all?



hakuscent profile image
HAKU Scent

Good luck <3

jysh profile image
Jayesh Patel

Thank you. Good Luck to you as well.

naniebue profile image
Nkem Aniebue


adeohluwa profile image

omo igbo

ayatullah_ayat profile image
Ayatullah Khameni


gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Nice to meet you, Nkem!

revati17 profile image


gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Nice to meet you Revati. If you have any project ideas for Java, you can message me if you want someone to work with~

alexb007 profile image
Bakhrom Rakhmonov

Hi gmlunesa I wish you will be reach all of your goals very soon!

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Thank you Bakhrom!

minhsangtrinh profile image

Great to know you

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Great to know you too, Minh 😊

victoreds profile image

You're such an ambitious guy! Go for it

elquimeras profile image

Welcome home dude!! Passion will take you to infinity and beyond !!

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Thank you BlackSlash 😊

arunahk profile image

Cool :-)

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)


ayatullah_ayat profile image
Ayatullah Khameni


ayatullah_ayat profile image
Ayatullah Khameni

Go ahead gmlunesa.

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Thank you impl_b! 😊

alfonsosuarezg profile image
Alfonso Suarez

Good luck!!! ^-/

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Gracias, Alfonso 😊

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alfonsosuarezg profile image
Alfonso Suarez

Hablas español?

walidkhall profile image

Hi 👋 good luck for your goals!

qdcou2020 profile image


I am new to the coding world. What is "MBTI & ISTP?" Also, what is the difference between CSS and C++? I am sooooo confused...


elsimmon profile image
Simon Sesugh Lankwagh

C++ is high level object oriented programming language that is used to build desktop and games and other applications for hardware and embedded systems. While CSS Stands for Cascading Style Sheet which is a language for designing the appearance and interface for websites.

jkimexploring profile image

MBTI is the Myers-Briggs personality type and ISTP is just one of the 16+ results. You can look into it more here:

michaelakinosho profile image
Michael Akinosho

Welcome to the community, I am a noob as well.

ysinghchouhan profile image


imarchit19 profile image
Archit Gupta

Hello Mariz!

mynameisgenesis profile image

👋 Hello! My name is Genesis and I am currently working as a Computer 💻 Programmer. I use the .NET framework with C# and some of the front end languages. I want to be more involved in a group of like-minded individuals that also understand my work. Also, learning new things from other peoples experiences!

peteshepley profile image
Pete Shepley

C# is one of my favorite programming languages. I do not get to work in it much any more, but I do hope it has continued to improve and expand to incorporate new ideas in our field. Have you used many other languages and how do you think it compares?

Cheers 🍻,

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Genesis! This is a great community to be apart of :) What's something new you're looking to learn?

mynameisgenesis profile image

A little more about UX, how people learn and work. Plus even if I read something that is not related to the languages I currently use it's still some awesome knowledge 😄.

beardedglory profile image
Alex Musick

👋 Hello!

Glad to see I'm not alone with .NET development.
Sometimes it can get a lot of hate from the community, but I'm glad to see that changing slowly.

Happy you're here!

joonaojapalo profile image
Joona Ojapalo

Heh, indeed I have noticed that .NET doesn't have the sexiest reputation in the opensource community. But actually the developer experience is quite nice with the latest components (WebAPI2 with Swagger etc.)

derekwsparks profile image

Awesome name. Welcome.

albydarned profile image

I need to learn more C#. Any good resources you know?

jussivesa profile image
Jussi Vesa

Hello Genesis! First off the bat - Cool name! :) C# is fun, hope you're enjoying your current work.

gabbychapa4 profile image
Gabby Chapa


arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

👋Hi DEV! I am Arpit and I am a Full Stack Software Developer at IBM. I develop and design for Ed-Tech, Social Good, Psychology, Intuitive UX and UI.

You can find out about me at

I love to develop beautiful and clean User Interfaces. I came here to exchange thoughts and share ideas with this amazing community.

prabangkoro profile image
bagus prabangkoro

Hi Arpit, what an amazing website! So neat and cool ~

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

Thanks ;)

zohaib304 profile image

Website is awesome.

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

Thanks, Zohaib :)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to Dev Arpit! It'll be great to hear what you have to say about clean UIs :) (something that I think a lot of us forget while doing the nitty gritty programming work :) )

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

Yeah. I'll contribute real soon!

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Hi Arpit, your website is awesome!

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

Thanks, Goldy! Means a lot :)

sambarnes90 profile image

The nav in your portfolio is great but the way - the animation and the perspective you get on the snapshot are both really cool! Nice work 👏

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

Thanks Sam! Glad you noticed. :)

toocolline profile image
Collins Too

Powerful, cheers Arpit!

tamimfares profile image
tamimfares • Edited

Hi Dev 😊
This is Tamim. I am a Trademark Attorney. I hate my profession 😫, and I am in ❤️ with Web Development Frontend & Backend.
I am good in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP and use Laravel .. it's one of the most powerful and enjoyable PHP frameworks out there.
Now am learning MERN stack and it is just WOW! 😍

Web Dev is my hoppy .. however, I am learning a lot passionatly to become a Professional Full Stack Web Developer; so I can change my career and my life.
Although I have a lot of obstacles for I'm living in Syria .. where many services like MongoDB & Firebase for example are banned due to the US Sanctions against my country. 😔

But I will keep learning and trying (Thnx to VPN) .. and would like to communicate with u guys and wish u all the best 🙏🏻😊❤️

phoebevf profile image
Phoebe Voong-Fadel

Hello Tamim,
Welcome! I'm also aspiring to become a MERN developer too! It's such a shame that MongoDB is banned in Syria due to US sanctions. I hope you find a way to overcome all these obstacles and difficulties.

Good luck in your journey.

paulywebster profile image

Hello Tamin,

Welcome into the community.
I already learn something thanks to you.
I did not know the MERN stack.

Thank you ! I hope you will achieve your goal to be Full stack web dev

jemimahoke profile image


dayatstuff profile image

Best of Luck, Tamim...

porgeet profile image

Wow, keep powering through!

danielw profile image
Daniel Waller (he/him)

Hey Tamim! Great to have you in the community.
I bet your legal background will prove very useful for you along the way, considering all the licensing issues in the open source software world

spring00day profile image

Hi DEV! I'm Steff and I'm here with the purpose of learning from the community and give back when I have the knowledge to.

My goal right now is to learn everything about how web and mobile applications are done from start to finish c:

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Steff! What languages do you like programming in? Are you interested in native mobile dev, or something like React Native or ionic?

imarchit19 profile image
Archit Gupta

Hi Steff!

awakeel profile image
Abdul wakeel

Hi All,

Hope you doing great, I am Software Engineer (Javascript) with 10+ years plus experience.

Started my career as PHP as you all I believe ;) and now playing around with all javascript frameworks.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome, welcome to DEV Abdul! Yes, a lot of webdevs got their start with PHP :) What JS frameworks are most interesting to you right now?

awakeel profile image
Abdul wakeel

Started as Backbone JS developer when Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Disappears and then switched to angular 2+ when google announce typescript support, and now playing with Angular 8+ and React & React Native.

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awakeel profile image
Abdul wakeel

Created a lovely kids teaching tool in polymer Google web component library.

cnicodeme profile image

Hi Abdul! I can relate to that, I followed the same path as you. PHP is great for starting development :)

Good luck and welcome on DEV :)

awakeel profile image
Abdul wakeel

Yes, PHP is damn easy language to start your career. At that time I have two option either to start with PHP or ASP.

I started PHP because of XAMPP One tool for everything to start with no additional step, configuration. ASP was a bit harder to configure as starter.

But in 2009 I switch to ASP.NET when Scott Guthrie announce ASP.NET and web service support [WebMethod] :).

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cnicodeme profile image

YES!! XAMPP!! Oh man the good old times!
I've moved on Linux since then (I remember spending all my days trying to install Debian, configuring the network, the sound, starting to feel discouraged and reinstalling Windows after a whole weekend with no computer!).

I went on the Java, then the Python way myself. I think the key element is to be happy (and efficient) with the programming language we use everyday :)

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Hi, DEV!

I'm Cathy, and I'm a Senior Software Developer.

The last few years, I've been a Full Stack Developer. Recently, I've been focusing more on expanding my AWS knowledge.

My personal goals are to become a more active contributor to open source and to get some of the side project ideas I have off the ground!
I am excited to learn a lot from this community!

sambarnes90 profile image

I've contributed once to open source...

To fix a typo in the documentation 🤣

Every little helps I suppose!

Any open source projects you're planning on focusing on specifically Cathy?

bsoyka profile image
Ben Soyka

Sounds fun! Open source is definitely something I enjoy, and I think it's great that you'd like to become more active with it.

knidarkness profile image
Sergey Dubovyk

Hi, Cathy! OSS is cool, so join it and help to improve even more :) !

skillfulhacking profile image
ouɐɹɔs ʞɹɐɯ

Welcome to DEV, AWS is always fun to learn about, I recently followed a blog called "Last week in AWS" it is a great resource to keep up with the ever changing AWS offerings.

porgeet profile image

Hi Cathy, that's a pretty cool goal! Good luck.

Don't know where I'd be without open source and node modules that other people wrote! 🤔

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
mayur profile image
Mayur Bhonde

Happy Coding, Nelwin. 👨‍💻👨‍💻

parveenmittal1 profile image


pabc profile image
Paulo Brás • Edited

Hello DEV Community!! I am Paulo and I am a Business Analyst on IT teams. I do not work with actual code, I help developers by providing them business requirements.

I have a Quantitative Finance background (some C++,Python and R projects) but I am now fully following a Full Stack Knowledge path so that:

  1. I learn more and more :D
  2. Maybe put up my own business
  3. Be versatile in different areas.

Looking forward for your guidance and support throughout this journey. Feel free to contact me, you can get my details at GitHub PABCon

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! This is a great place to learn more about technical things, even if you're not an actual coder yourself. And who knows! Maybe you'll pick some up along the way :)

pabc profile image
Paulo Brás

Thank you Chris! I am not a coder yet :) working to get there.

jilfransoi profile image
Gilles François • Edited

Hello. I am a french web developper, long time reader on I created an account because I am planning to make a post about a very specific problem that a lot of people have using Gitlab continuous Integration. After some tinkering I found a solution so I want to publish it on and share it to people that have the same problem (they are many according to unresolved questions posted on gitlab's forum). Have a nice day !

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome, glad you finally decided to join! Have a nice day too :)

townheadbluesbo profile image

Hi I'm Kevin - I've been around IT for ages in the database world. Currently I am working with my son to build an ‘offline first’ app to help him in his career in the film world. I still love the ‘Oh I created that’ moment after designing, writing and running code as the outcome pops up on the screen - which now could be on my phone! Done a lot of Oracle and Python, Java etc in the past. I play Ukulele in my local Uke orchestra. I live in the Yorkshire Dales which is a beautiful part of Northern England.

otaviopires profile image

Hey guys! I'm a developer. I like biscuits. I work.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Sweet biscuits (like cookies?) or southern biscuits like this?

Both are valid choices, but I love the latter!

otaviopires profile image

I much rather prefer cookies solely for the fact that those delicious looking treats are not yet available in my region, however we have something very unique that you may like to check.

sambarnes90 profile image

Biscuits are amazing - and cover a very specific type of sweet treat here in the UK.

porgeet profile image

Oh, no way! I like biscuits too!

matthieumuchu profile image
Matthew Mucunguzi

Hi Community, I'm Matthew and I am a software engineering student that uses mainly Python. I do web applications using Flask and MongoDB and I would like to improve my knowledge Python by mastering Flask and learning Django and databases in detail. Am also interested in Blockchain frameworks and cloud computing in the long term.

Thanks ✊🏾

Funfact: I love sports,business and pyschology too

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Matthew! What's your favorite psychology fact? :)

afroshok profile image

Hi DEVs,

My name is Jimmy and I use Afroshok is my vehicle for as a multi-faceted designer, developer and technology consultant. I work out of Nairobi in Kenya.

I have over 16 years of experience in web development, mobile applications and gaming. I started in graphic design before Adobe was on Windows, and now also do specifically infographics in print and web as well as motion graphics for broadcast and Web.

My stack is React on Django inside Docker. Now that confidence to code is at an all time high, I want to contribute more to the Open Source community.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awesome! Are you going to take part in Hacktoberfest?

afroshok profile image


I should. Let me settle in to the project I am on. We are using a open source repo so I see myself getting paid and participating in the Hacktoberfest. 😄

genreshinobi profile image

Hey DEV! 👋 I'm Ninja and I'm a QA Lead in #GameDev. I consider myself an aspiring expert in the field of manual test strategies for #VideoGames. I'm a hobby coder trying to get better. I've googled my way into fluency in several different languages: C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, & Python.

As a hobby coder, my coding network is relatively small. So I've been looking to branch out and make new connections and friends that are as passionate about coding as I am.

Additionally, most of my projects so far have been small, personal, and private. I'm at a point where I'd love to get more involved with a community, bring my coding skills up a couple of levels, and develop something fun that might get interacted with by someone who isn't me.

Peace, Love, and Source Code ❤️

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Ninja! This is a great place to get connected with other coders - welcome :) Also:

googled my way into fluency

is awesome! If you can learn on your own with just the Internet - then nothing is beyond your reach - It's a great skill to learn and perfect :)

genreshinobi profile image

Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to making some new connections and learning a thing or two during my time here!

porgeet profile image

That's some serious passion, that's a lot of languages! Keep it up 😄

badmalik18 profile image

I am currently a CS student in my 3rd year and currently trying to get my hand on web apps with laravel and vue.js
Although things have not been as straight as I thought would be.
But hoping for getting stuff together qyickly 😊

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Hi BAD_Malik!

Welcome to DEV!

ahmadsleimanr profile image
Ahmad Sleiman Romero

Sup, I'm Ahmad, I'm a Junior Software Engineer, I know a somewhat decent amount of languages at least at a beginner level, and well my main one is Java, specifically like Spring Boot as a framework. I studied Software Engineer (institute) and am validating it with a university now (with a formal Systems Engineer bachelor title), still got a bit over 2 years to go. I just started working at a Fintech startup as a support software developer (I help on multiple areas on small projects).

Hope to get good enough to be able to get a job in Japan one day.

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Hi Ahmad! Living and working in Japan is an awesome goal. What gravitates you to Japan? Is it their culture or their technological advances?

ahmadsleimanr profile image
Ahmad Sleiman Romero

I love niche stuff, also sweets, plus I like the asian more "do your work" kind of thing, and I know already several friends that live there

clineamb profile image

Hello DEV!

joined a bit earlier, but finally posting...

I'm Caroline/c-line/Knilly, whatever.

Senior Software Engineer here, working for BuzzFeed Tech. Here to absorb what ya'll have to say. Maybe I'll post eventually. I sometimes try to stream on twitch, and I'm an avid TTRPG player (primarily D&D 5e). Fun Fact, my first adventure will be published as part of the Uncaged Anthology, Vol. 4 later this year.

Also, joiend to start our BF Tech presence here on -- be sure to give it a follow ;)

ufko profile image

Hi 👋

porgeet profile image

Hey welcome. Nice to see a fellow DnD player too 😄

jaecen profile image
Jason Addington

Hey, DEV! I came here from the Hactokberfest post.

shoshin profile image
Grant Shangreaux

also here for Hacktoberfest!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hacktoberfest! Welcome to DEV Jason :)

svenvarkel profile image
Sven Varkel

Hi, I'm Sven. I'm from Tallinn, Estonia. Been developing web and software since the nineties, well over 20 years by now. I've been working at Fortune500 companies as an engineer as well as manager and also in smaller software companies. I've run my own business, too.
Last ~6 years I've been active in several startups. Currently I'm the Chief Engineer at, a #proptech company. I'm also CTO of, a startup foundry.
I share my time between work, my family and friends and my hobby - singing in heavy metal band HERALD.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Sven! Welcome to DEV :) heavy metal band - interesting! How did you get involved with that?

svenvarkel profile image
Sven Varkel • Edited

Thanks for asking. In fact I've been doing music longer than coding. I co-founded my first punkrock band at highschool in 1991😎 And I created my first programs at highschool in 1992 or 1993 I guess. But I've been singing at choirs etc since 1982-83. Right now I don't sing at any choir any more but just in the band. 🤘😎🤘

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

That's awesome :) 😎

deekshasharma25 profile image
Deeksha Sharma • Edited

Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is doing great!
It's Deeksha Sharma, I am a software engineer and life long learner. Currently investing my time in learning creative skills to make technology learning easy. This is something I never learned in my grad school or the companies I worked with.

I also draw illustrations in free time:

ramansingh189 profile image
Raman Singh


jaypey profile image

Hi DEV! I'm Jay, a french-speaking canadian from Montreal. I work mostly in python, but I'm still in High School. I plan on studying to become a software engineer and I'm a huge open source enthusiast.

I discovered DEV from the Hacktoberfest and I'm looking forward to learn more about this amazing community!

Have a great day!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Jay! Great to see that you're so involved and just in high school. Have a good Hacktoberfest!

mrcavern profile image

Hi, My name is David. I've been following the blog for several days and I finally decided that I need to join the community. I'm a SysAdmin and Devops Engineer working renewable energies, mostly wind power. I'm based in Madrid, SPAIN. Enjoying to work with groovy and jenkins daily and happy to be here to meet and also maybe help others. :D

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV David! I have used jenkins in the past, but was never very good at it... do you have any resources that you like for learning it better? Thanks!

mrcavern profile image
mrcavern • Edited

Hi Chris, for sure i'd recommend learning groovy.

Actually there are not many resources to learn, besides the official documentation.

I started on from there, what I did was creating a parser in groovy to pop out the VMs I was automating from a YML config file.

Let me know if you're curious about something and maybe I can give some advice.

Edit: This post is also quite good and extends over basics.

laughingbubba profile image
Laughing Bubba

Hello, i am an IT dilettante. Just cuz I delight in something doesn't mean it's all superficial ;)

Recently I've caught up on a few articles on this site and wanted to like one of them and then bing bang boom! I'm here.

My general interests are JS, Svelte 3, web app developemt, containerisation and data science.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! I've wanted to try Svelte but haven't dipped in yet - what do you like about it?

laughingbubba profile image
Laughing Bubba • Edited

1) React / Vue like component goodness without the bundle bloat of React / Redux etc cuz the templates and dependencies are all tree shaken before being compiled to plain JS bundle which ONLY has the bare minimum code (whats left after the shake) to make the pages function blindingly fast.

2) A flat learning curve - they have (apparently) a similar structure to vue components.

The svelte templates are a little handlebrs-ish and if you've ever used Meteor.js there's a familiar reactiveness about it

Fun fact Evan You used to work for Meteor.js and peeled off when they introduced support for React.

3) You have SSR with Sapper but you're not wedded to it and it just generally makes sense to me compared to JSX.

I haven't looked back since.

OH and it has it's own online REPL to try wired and wack things out with.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Huh, interesting! Yeah, I definitely should check it out. Thanks!

fidelve profile image

Hi!, new guy over here. My name is Fidel and I'm a Chemical Engineer and self-taught programmer.

Right now working on my webdev skills, looking forward to participate here with you all and keep learning.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Fidel! Are you looking to use webdev skills as part of your chemical engineering?, or are you looking to switch careers?

fidelve profile image

Ideally, I would love to work developing apps (web/mobile/desktop) related with chemical engineering or engineering in general.

I have 8 years of experience working as a field engineer in the oil industry, my main focus is to distance myself from that industry for ethical reasons, I believe we should do everything we can to lower our dependency on fossils fuel.

I also always felt a high interest in software development, so if I ended up working for a couple of years as a web developer I will feel very good because that would be a great learning opportunity.

In the end, I believe that the most probable and interesting path for me to take is to work as a developer for some time, improve my skills and then find a way to blend chemical engineering and software development.

Thanks for asking.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Yeah, that sounds like a great plan - since you have so much experience in one field, it would be awesome to apply that in your software development career too!

swissgreg profile image

Hi DEV Community!

I am Greg, and I am a Software Developer fooling around with Java and JavaScript (React ❤️)

I am based in Europe (been around Poland and Switzerland) and enjoy working on side projects, with my recent dedicated developer job board: 🇨🇭

In the free time I love playing football (soccer as some say) and eating cupcakes 🍰

All the best!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Greg! What's your favorite type of cupcake? :)

swissgreg profile image

Haha Chris, probably these:
Vanilla Cupcakes

cnicodeme profile image

Hey 👋

Nice, thread 42! That's a good number to make an introduction :D

I'm Cyril, a web developer.
I've built and sold a few services including VoilaNorbert, Transferslot and Selldom.

I'm currently working heavily on

Happy to chat if you have any questions :)

ayahmillennial profile image
Ethan Buntario

Great projects Cyril! Keep it up.

cnicodeme profile image

Thank you :)

brycesnyder profile image
S N Y D E R H A U S • Edited

Hey! I'm Bryce! I'm the lead front end developer at McAfee for our Gamer Security product. I stumbled across while scratching my head on some react stuff... Seems like there's a lot of decent insights here and I'm pretty stoked for all the learnings to be had! Here's my codepen for some fun. I haven't worked on it in a long time, but it's still good to sift through!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Bryce - welcome to DEV!

Interesting - I hadn't heard of "Gamer Security" before - what's that?

brycesnyder profile image

We actually have been working on it for the past year, and it was just released the other week, so it's relatively new! I did work on the main LiveSafe product and a bunch of other things including our TrueKey prior!

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ah, interesting! I'll have to check it out :)

gidmak profile image
Gideon Markus

Hello dev! I'm gidmak, I have some experience with Dotnet but I'm currently learning and working with php mostly. I have a degree in computer science. I look forward to learning from and contributing to the open source community.

Fun fact about myself...I don't know this but I will learn it and I will do it.

Hope y'all have a great day

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Gideon - welcome! I love the attitude that you'll figure it out and learn it :)

gidmak profile image
Gideon Markus

Hi Chris. Thank you for your kind words. Looking forward to learning from you and other experts here and contributing as well

lalabee profile image

I saw an ad for the Hackathon from Quincy Larson’s (freecodecamp) list of links. It is being hosted by DEV and Digital Ocean. I wasn’t sure if I had to start paying to read the Digital Ocean stuff, so I clicked on the DEV link instead, and ended up here. I read a nice article about data structures that was understandable, so, I decided to join. I also want a free tee shirt, but I don’t think I know enough to participate in the Hackathon (but I will anyway.)

andreipavel0 profile image
Andrei Pavel

Yes! 💪 Coming in at v42, no better thread.

Hello 👋, DEV. My name's Andrei and I might be the odd one out as I started engineering with C++ and I'm in awe whenever I find out how little I know of it.

But I think we should all struggle to innovate and C++ is willing, but kind of slow 🐌 in that regard.

So I've been looking at modern languages and I think you can do anything ranging from embedded to web with Rust & Dart+Flutter, but D & Go are reasonable compromises in some cases. So I'm all about out with the old, in with the new. What do you think?❓ Should we be happy with good old C#, Java, Javascript, Python, PHP?

I also love automating work tasks or everyday chores with #!/bin/bash so keep an out for those posts.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Andrei! I think you should use whatever makes you happy and productive :) If you're not liking C++, then go try some others! And good luck :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I totally get what you mean about being overwhelmed! 4 PRs is a lot when you're not just looking for low hanging fruit.

Moving in the game dev direction sounds awesome! I've always wanted to write a story line for a game — I wonder if game creators are open to folks contributing storyline ideas over GitHub. 🤔

Anyway, best of luck to you in finding the right project to contribute to this Hacktoberfest!

paulosandinof profile image
Paulo Sandino

Hi, I'm Sandino, currently studying Software Engineering in Brazil. I love to learn new stuff about development. Since the last year I've been focusing in javascript and nodejs, and I'm very happy with my progress since then. I like to know how the things works and make useful comparisons between languages to understand better how each one works. I don't interact a lot in communities, specially world-wide communities like this, so I'm hoping to learn a lot of things and change this interacting more.

agcy1210 profile image
Aman Chaudhary

Hello DEV Community!
This is Aman, pursuing computer engineering in Junior year. A developer who is in love with python and good with web development.

Random fact about me : Initially at the age of 11 yrs, I wanted to be a HTML developer then after some years I realized HTML is not a programming language (awkward silence)-my whole life was a lie...

Now actively working with Python and Web technologies and crazy about competitive programming, data structures and algorithms.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Aman! Good luck with the rest of your education :)

leeclench profile image
Lee Clench

Heyo! I'm Lee a DevOps focused platform engineer working for IBM and Hacktoberfest this year brought me here.

I'm presently learning a bit of Go and a bit more on Kubernetes.
Fun fact: I have one of only 10 '96 Nissan Stagea cars remaining in the UK which is neat :D

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hacktoberfest! Great to have you :) Ha - how did you find out that you own one of the only 10 remaining Stageas in the UK?

leeclench profile image
Lee Clench

There's a site in the UK called which takes public data on cars that are on the road or SORN from the DVLA and displays it in a neat format. Currently there are 7 on the road and 3 SORN off/untaxed and to my knowledge mines the only one that has an LPG conversion which is neat.

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Ah - neat!

pvsharshith profile image
Venkata Sai Harshith Penugonda

Hello Dev,
This is Harshith, 3rd year CSE (Integrated BTech+Mtech)student at JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad.
In search of Hacktoberfest event, I landed in this community. I love the concept of open source contribution. I dream of participating in Google Summer of code 2020-and eager to connect to people who could guide me in my journey and also accompany me in peer learning.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Hacktoberfest should be fun :)

noah670 profile image

Hello everyone,
I have recently started my journey as a programmer working on various projects mostly using Python and Java. I am still working towards my degree in Computer Science but I am very excited to be apart of this open source community and continue to enhance my skills as a developer. I am also interested in game development and have played around with tools such as Unity and Blender but I would like to learn new things about other peoples experience.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Noah! What types of games are you interested in making?

devmount profile image

Hi DEVs 👋!

I'm Andreas, a freelancing software dev and consultant. I'm reading posts here on DEV for more than 2 years now and finally decided to give some love back ❤️ You are an awesome, welcoming and supporting community!

I mostly code in Javascript, Python and PHP. I'm a Vue.js enthusiast and love pure CSS solutions where possible. I've also done some machine learning projects. I love open source and contribute whenever possible.

Keep being awesome!

Fun facts: I love climbing and my first laptop was an Acer Travelmate 220 with both floppy and CD drive 🤓

tommwenda profile image
Tom mwenda

Great to be here. I have been brought here by a simple but informative article about 6 things you probably did not know javascript could do natively

I am a backend developer, with keen interest in machine learning.

aquasar profile image
Alex Quasar

Hi DEV my name is Alex and I have made a career switch from data analyst to web developer. Currently spending time with Gatsby. I hope I can connect with like minded peers at DEV, learn more others and perhaps help other developers too.

A fun fact about me, I have swapped my Netflix subscription for a Front End Masters one! XD

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Alex - welcome to DEV! Ah, swapping Netflix for Front End Masters is a great move :) Good luck with the career switch!

deytel profile image
Donald Eytel

Hello DEV,
I have been doing System Integration for over 30 years. I have primarily been using proprietary coding language only used in the System Integration tool. Would like to learn some new language to better my self and possibly get me a new job.


rakibwd profile image
Rakib Hossain Chowdhury

Hello Dev Comunity. This is Rakib currently working as a Help desk technician. Really interested in learning programming. I started with #Python.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to the community Rakib! Python is great to start with. Good luck!

rakibwd profile image
Rakib Hossain Chowdhury

Thank you.
Please let me know if have any suggestion.

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

The best suggestion I have is to just do a lot of playing! Make small little projects that interest you, and you'll end up learning a TON, even if the project seems silly at first.

From there, just start making larger and larger projects.

Have fun!

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rakibwd profile image
Rakib Hossain Chowdhury

Thank you.

wocman profile image

Hello, Dev My name is Olalekan Ilesanmi founder of Wocman Technology. I have soft skills in HTML, CSS and PHP as a founder and tech evangelist am looking forward to firstly build a team and then the solution. I'm open to contribution and collaboration from anyone. Great to be here!

awaisrafiq410 profile image
Muhammad Awais Rafiq

Hi,I'm Awais, I'm working as Data Analyst and I'm trying to learn some language.Please help me to get my hands on python.
Please also suggest me should i go for PHP or Stick to Python (Main concern is back-end coding)

cpben profile image

Each language has it's own flavor and mentality about it. Overall, they are pretty similar. I would consider dabbling into a couple just to find one that fits your way of thinking. C or Perl or PHP or Python, etc. each fit better to each person. Find one that rock and rolls for you, learn it and then all of the rest will easily fall into place. Learning a second or third language is really easy after the first one.

awaisrafiq410 profile image
Muhammad Awais Rafiq

Thank you so much @cpben .i will do it for sure.

s4if profile image
Saiful Habib

Hi, I'm Saif, I'm teacher at vocational high school in Indonesia. I teach programming there, so i'd like to deepen my knowledge here. I do occasional programming though, but it is only simple system like student registration system or program to manage my student's homework. I use php and it's framework like codeigniter or laravel to code but I'd love to learn other language/framework too.
Regards, Saif

catalinagrace1 profile image
Catalina Grace • Edited

Hello DEV community. I am a Senior Java Programmer with full-stack experience.
Mainly interested in Spring Boot, Grails, Groovy, Hibernate and frontend technologies. I am also a technical author on writing about pediatric dental crowns.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! Java + pediatric dental crowns is quite an interesting combination :) - how did you get involved in that?

techgirl007 profile image
TechGirl007 • Edited

Hello. Newbie to Github. Just completed my first 4 PRs. Super excited. Love to learn more and meet like minded people! FUN FACT: I am studying law! 😲

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

First 4 PRs: awesome!

So - are you going to be a lawyer, a coder, or some combo of both?

Welcome to DEV!

techgirl007 profile image

Hi Chris. Thx. I am think both! Who knows, some people may need a little legal help when it comes to the clash of traditional law and digital law! ;)

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome! Yeah, I could really see how they would be useful together.

barathkumarj profile image
Barathkumar J

Hey DEV, This is Barathkumar working as Software Test Engineer. Basically I'm from Mechanical background, then I move on to Software side. Now I'm working in Manual testing. I have knowledge of Automation Testing also.
I'm quite good in Java language, SQL.
Now I started to learn on HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

davidrock profile image
David Rock

Hi, my name is David, I'm a Senior Software Engineer with a large experience with C#, Kotlin, Angular, Javascript and Typescript. I'm mostly interested on Web and Mobile Development. I like to try new stuff but I not consider myself a "early adopter". For now I am studying Functional Programming with F# and trying to learn a few about DevOps.

fabiocaccamo profile image
Fabio Caccamo • Edited

Hi guys,
my name is Fabio Caccamo, I'm a passionate full-stack developer based in Torino, Italy.
I'm focused on Python/Django development since 7 years.
I love open-source and I published many libraries on GitHub:

marlonx19 profile image
Marlon Englemam

Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying to figure out how to use this DEV thing. I am simply in love with the layout haha.

I'm currently working with React, React Native and Xamarin. Well, just passed by to say hi!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Marlon! Interesting that you use both React Native and Xamarin - what do you think about the difference between the two? Which is your favorite?

marlonx19 profile image
Marlon Englemam

Well, I personally prefer React Native, but it's probably because I'm just more used to it since I develop in RN for quite some time more than I do in Xamarin. The company where I currently work mostly used and gives preference to Microsoft technologies so since Xamarin was acquired by Microsoft they just grabbed it

React Native community is much bigger and I feel like I can rely on it more than I can on the Xamarin community (github can prove what I'm saying). On the other hand, I have a feeling that Xamarin is less likely to throw errors out of nowhere and it is more stable. One thing I dislike about React Native is that it gets updated very often, which is for a good reason, but that usually causes libraries that you're used to using on the environment to break due to incompatibilities.

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chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Thanks for the insight! Yeah, that's the one thing I don't like about React Native :) - it's no fun when updates break libraries...

ramanaditya profile image
Aditya Raman

Hey, I am Aditya Raman from Bangalore, India. I have been working on Django for a long time and currently working on machine learning and I am excited to be among you all. Let's hare some open source projects to get started with.

deadsteal profile image
Deadsteal • Edited

Hello all I am a 15 year old (backend and front end ) developer & ethical hacker I love OSINT and I also love helping people learn about the above I mainly use python2 python3 and nodejs (java can go suck eggs 🥚) one of my dreams is to go to defcon,own my own computer and work as an IT or anything in cyber security #goblueteam umm yea I am also the head of a small discord community on discord
Just look up zero net on disboard this isn't advertising because it's on topic 😇 hope everyone has a great day

jesstemporal profile image
Jessica Temporal

Hello all! I'm Jessica nice to meet you.

I'm a data scientist and a bit of a developer, love to talk about python and R and maybe a little bit of Go.

Very involved with the python community here in Brazil. I also have a podcast with a couple of friends and I post a lot in Portuguese.

Fun fact about me: I'm a little addicted to learning new things on the internet, so far I've learned knitting, ukulele basics and frivolité on youtube.


evieskinner18 profile image

Hi everyone, how you doing? I'm Evie, junior C# developer and senior cheese eater from Stroud ❤️

Last year I made a career change from teaching to software engineering 😁

Fun fact about me... I have been playing the drums for over two decades.

Enjoy life!

burnto profile image
Brent Fitzgerald

Hey folks, I'm Brent!

I'm currently an engineering manager/leader at a pretty big company. I'm actually kind of a meta-manager since I manage managers and even managers of managers! At this point I read more code than I write, and I try to keep up with some of the latest ideas and tech with little side projects. I like many languages including go, obj-c, python, and js. I also generally like web stack stuff, though I often feel it's gotten too complicated and I worry about how huge and fast moving it can be for people just learning. One of my general professional interests is in creating tools that give people more power and leverage so they can do exciting things quickly and easily.

I've been lurking on for awhile now and I really appreciate what an inclusive and positive extended community this is. I'm also a dad and partner, and I like reading books, fixing bikes, hiking, and gardening, and recently I've been getting into powerlifting. Looking forward to chatting. :)

3mrragab profile image
عَمْرُو | Amr

Hi DEVs :D

I've been reading articles from time to time here. I decided now to join and try to be more active here - at least by reading more -.

I work for Amazon. Specifically, Amazon Development Centre Scotland. I work mostly with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, CloudFormation, and React.

I hope by time to be able to form and write blog posts or snippets that is useful for developers here by time.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! It's great that you decided to join the community :) What's your current favorite AWS product?

shoshin profile image
Grant Shangreaux

Hello everyone 👋!! My name is Grant and I've been a long time Free Software user. My interest in programming began as a child with the LOGO turtle graphics program, continued into video games, and matured when I wanted to build digital synthesizers and learned Max/MSP. I discovered that there was a whole world of Free Software alternatives starting with Pd and GNU/Linux, and went down the rabbit hole.

After many years of learning and teaching, I took a chance and got hired as a professional software engineer just over 2 years ago. Most of my professional work has been in Ruby, JavaScript and TypeScript. I'm a long time Emacs user, currently deep into the Spacemacs config/community. I love Lisps, and owe most of my fundamental programming knowledge to Racket and

However, my main passion is helping other people in my community. I did this as a Montessori teacher for many years and participating in lists and forums in the FOSS community. I'm here at DEV because I want to continue that participation, teaching, and learning! I'm participating in the #hacktoberfest 2019 event, and hope to share the experience with others here!

Random fact: I'm Oglala Lakota and have also been learning the Lakota language to help pass it to my daughter. (its hard!)

vejeta profile image
Juan Manuel Méndez Rey

Greetings Grant, I saw your talk at LibrePlanet. Do you have any resources that you recommend to learn Lakota?

shoshin profile image
Grant Shangreaux

Hi! Wow glad someone saw it and was interested :)

The resources provided by the Lakota Language Consortium have been very helpful
They've published a new dictionary (book and digital) and a grammar handbook that are excellent for self study. My only caveat is that these materials are primarily produced by academics/outsiders, so just keep in mind that there are other perspectives out there. However, the materials were created with the help of many Lakota elders and there is a trove of knowledge there gained through interviews and deep study of the language. They also publish materials for schools, a few childrens books, and some audio resources, I believe.

There's "Reading and Writing the Lakota Language" by Albert White Hat Sr. He taught at Siŋté Glešká university and there are several videos of language courses from college you can find on Youtube. Its definitely worth it to get the native perspective.

Sitting Bull College also has some resources and offers summer language institutes, which I would highly recommend if you can make it. I just finished a 1 week remote course offered by the Lakota Language Consortium, so they have summer institutes as well. I'm happy to answer more questions! It seems like you just kind of have to get started and make connections with people to really get moving. There's more and more material all the time though, there's a teacher named Denny Gayton who has been making videos on youtube that are more humorous / daily life lakota language. I believe there's some courses on language apps like MemRise, so just go ahead and see what you can find :)

Thank you for reaching out! Glad to know I reached someone.

Philámayaye ló

pete_codes profile image
Peter Gallagher


I'm Pete Gallagher... I'm a Freelance Programmer and owner of PJG Creations Ltd. As well as being a happy programmer in just about every language, I also run Notts IoT, co-organise Dot Net Notts, Notts Dev Workshop and sit on the board of LATi.

I'm an active STEM Ambassador and Code Club Volunteer, and enjoy helping and encouraging young people into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects.

I love everything IoT and retro computing!

sprasain1 profile image
Sabal Prasain

Hi DEV ! I am Senior Software Engineer working especially with JavaScript ( React, Angular Framework,, SQL Server. I aspire to be an expert in Angular and React, and be a full stack developer. I also would like to contribute something to the dev community who aspire to become a software developer.

milg15 profile image
Maria Isabel Lopez

Hey! I'm Maria and after months of reading articles on this website I finally decided to sign up😅. I'm a CS college student and I work part time. I occasionally do some python projects and I develop in this obscure language called deluge. I want to be a bit more involve the tech community. I want to learn a lot from all this cool website can offer. 👾 I hope you're having a nice day. OHHH and I also want to learn Japanese so if you have something for that I would appreciate any tips.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

pravunathsingh profile image
Pravunath Singh

Okay, so I'm Pravunath Singh. I'm really passionate about Web Development, IoT and chatbots! Also I'm a huge startup fanboy, with a dream of creating a product using my field of interests which would at least touch a thousand lives, if not a million. I've always considered ML/AI as a blackbox but now I've started to think otherwise and would love to explore this field. One thing I strongly believe in is learning through experience so I'm ready to collab in anything which has got something related Web or IoT or Chatbots. PS- Forgot to mention, Memes are love and so is Astronomy

saxenanickk profile image
Nikhil Saxena • Edited


Nikhil this side. I am a Full Stack Engineer (mostly deal with requirements, designs, frontend and not much backend).

Think | Design | Create | Innovate

I believe in above line (pipe separated words😅)

Let's start by sharing most crazy errors you guys faced.

byrocuy profile image
Roby Attoillah

I'm Roby Attoillah, you can call me Roby. I'm currently a college student of undergradute program information engineering major at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia. I am still a beginner when it comes to developing. I have Android development and Web design interest.
Nice to meet you!

rajatgarg97 profile image
Rajat Garg

Hi DEV! I'm Rajat. I'm still an undergrad. I love solving problems using tech. I am a budding AI guy. I am chiefly interested in Computer Vision. I am here to interact with the tech community and learn.

gmpetrov profile image
Georges Petrov

Hello DEV!

My name is Georges, i am a front-end developer 🎨

I use React.js every day and i've been converted to typescript for some months now.
I like functional programming and i am eager to learn more about this paradigm.

Cheers ✌️

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Georges! How are you finding typescript so far? I'm interested, but haven't fully bought in yet :)

amtayaji profile image

Hi Guys, Amit Tyagi coding since 2001, Eagerly learning can't have enough, Great fan of Kubernetes n containerization concepts, I believe sooner we would be contributing open sourced containers to Global Ecosystems

usama5 profile image
Usama Hameed

Hello everyone, my name is Usama and I am a self taught software developer currently working full stack with react and typescript in Germany.

Not so fun fact: I took a C++ course as part of my curriculum of Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering and ever since, have been teaching myself different new technologies. I decided to dropout of my Masters course in Physics and Engineering and start working as a Developer.

I'd be very interested to collaborate in open source projects 👩‍💻 I have already been a part of the FreeCodeCamp contributors team where I developed the (probably old) ES6 and Functional Programming part of the curriculum.
I hope you all have a good day and I look forward to connecting with you all 😍❤️

Usama 🙏🏻

awakeel profile image
Abdul wakeel

That's great

sayanmondal2098 profile image
PH3N1X • Edited

Hi DEV! I'm Sayan and I'm a Software Engineer (mostly dealing with JAVA , PYTHON and JS). I'm a full stack developer and a active contributor to the open source community

I hope you all have a great day and maybe you could share random facts about yourself to start it off~

praveenjasso profile image
praveen jasso

Hi 🙋🏻‍♂️. I'm jasso having 5 years of experience in IT industry. Started my carrier in start up based company there I have learned lot of things 2 years back I have joined as a Full Stack Developer in Infosys. Ryt now I'm working on the contact centre Domain for US Telecommunication companies there i'm Developing and maintaining IVR based applications. I'm a quick learner and interested in Research. About my personal I'm an Electronics and communication Engineer from India(Chennai). I'm a basketball player and my hobbies are spending time with my friends and family.

brianlovega profile image
Brian Loveless

Bonjour y'all. Greetings from just northwest of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Brian Loveless here just starting out on this side of the net.

Been a fan and user of it for a long time and finally learning to do some coding for myself.
Thanks General Assemb.LY !

Random Fact: 2 truths and a lie version !

  1. I have a collection of over 63 nutcrackers.

  2. I have seen every episode of Parks and Rec 3+ times.

  3. I have a cousin who works at NASA.

I am having a great time with the basics so far (Html, Css, and JS).

Looking forward to connecting and growing.

memoev profile image
Memo Villalta

I call BS on #1, since I've seen every episode of P&R 4+ times and everyone works at NASA nowadays, right? lol Welcome dude!

brianlovega profile image
Brian Loveless

Thank you. Actually I do not know anyone working at NASA. Though I hope to one day or even better work there myself.

zubairkh profile image
Zubair Ahmed

I'm currently working as Lead Mobile Application Engineer in Seven Software Development company in Islamabad Pakistan. My core skills are to develop applications on Native Android. Also I did work on apps using React Native platform and now a days working on Flutter platform as well.

I believe to work in a dynamic, professional and enterprising environment this will provide me the potential for advancement and increased IT skills, decision-making responsibilities through consistent learning under the business and IT leaders.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV!

Interesting that you've done native Android, React Native, and Flutter - how would you compare all of them? Which is your favorite?

trenddreamer profile image
Barry West

Hi, I'm a software engineer from South Africa, I am really interested in learning everything there is to know about JavaScript and its frameworks.

I love to learn how things work from the ground up and I'm looking forward to learning some new things here.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Barry!

This is a great community for learning :)

What javascript frameworks are you most interested in right now?

trenddreamer profile image
Barry West

Thanks, Currently im loving React and I was trying out a few things with svelte.

dkurilo profile image

👋 Hi DEV!
I'm Dima Kurilo, and I'm Senior Web Engineer. Whatever it means.
I mean, I really not sure if I understand it. I worked on really different projects. Such as, for example, SCADA system, video surveillance system, Front-End projects, different Back-End projects etc.
You can check my GitHub: to see small part of what I can do.
I want to switch to functional programming languages like Haskell.
But you know, I have that PHP curse and it's not easy to escape it.
But I'm working on it.
And I'm love to develop things. So If you have any crazy idea about to develop something, write me. Maybe I can help with it.
Fun fact.. Well. You can find me here:

electrux profile image
Electrux • Edited

I am a recent undergrad, currently employed as a DevOps engineer. However, I live for systems programming - Compilers, Interpreters, and Operating Systems.
My absolute love is C++ and I am currently writing an interpreted programming language: Ethereal -
Nice to meet you all 😁😁🤩🤩😊😊

genialkartik profile image
Kartik Tyagi

I, Kartik Tyagi, born in Uttar Pradesh, India. At the age of 21, I'm a Mean Stack Developer, Mozillian from India ( one among the earliest known people who're responsible for Mozilla Punjab Community), LPUian (student by profession in Lovely Professional University, Punjab), Contributor in Localization (Hindi), responsive in Community building and engagement.
In the meantime, I love to help people in whatever way possible. Like to share Knowledge with others. Kindly, drop an Email in case of any query.

emertola profile image

Hi guys, I'm Erwin and I am a Front-end Developer. No, I'm not good at design, but I'm working on it, promise :P

I am into Javascript and currently using Angular and ReactJS, and working my way to learning the backend side using NodeJS. Also, I am currently interested in the blockchain technology/development, hoping I could learn from some of you guys about it :)

knidarkness profile image
Sergey Dubovyk

👋 Hi DEV! I`m Sergey, Software Engineer (for now, mainly JS & Python) from Ukraine, Lviv. Currently I an working on a developer's portals and API docs product and that feels unexpectedly entertaining :)

Here I am looking for some discussions regarding algorithms, tech and so on. Also, I am curious to participate in other open-source projects, so feel free to contact me as it tikes much time to scan through GitHub. May be related to other tooling as that seems quite interesting and useful.

Btw, if there's some cool slack/telegram/etc group with high activity related to such topics -- would like to hear :)

Not much in a topic of this group, but also I really love traveling and mountains, so may be we will meet somewhere once :)

codeboy1010 profile image

Hi this is Cio and I am learning web development at my own pace(self studying).I'd like to gain more traction with this new found hobby by immersing myself in environments such as this and surround myself with like minded individuals who are passionate about building something cool and/or maybe dreaming about changing the world in a good way.(i have some cool ideas but not in a position to have it built nor have the necessary skills(not just yet)to bring it into existence.

I mostly read Dev articles on my free time or when I'm looking to get my gears going by reading motivational insights,experiences and tips to get me through habitual procrastinations.In some cases,due to some high quality posts here,i ended up not finishing anything at all and just found myself reading endlessly and thoroughly consuming all these incredible stories and food for thought until i retire for the night.

Anyway,I'm glad to be here!Good vibes to everyone.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Great to have you on DEV Cio! Welcome :)

walidkhall profile image

Hi DEV! 👋 I'm Walid, software engineer based in Germany, mostly working as mobile developer (Java, Swift, Objective-C, C++ ...)

Random fact about me: I started my career as full stack developer working with Angular and Spring Boot.

Also I like coffee, traveling, and knowing people as much as I can 👐
I like also coffee.

What I want ?

  • I don't want to say "professionnel mobile developer", I'd rather say I want to learn new things every day.
  • To be more active in the open source community.
  • Create my first blog (I don't know yet from where I start 🤔).

I hope you all have a nice day 👐

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Walid! Welcome to DEV :) This is a great site to start your first blog! It doesn't have to be complicated or long - just write on whatever topic you know best!

tahaadotdev profile image
Muhammad Tahaa Khan

Hey DEV Community!! I'm Tahaa and I'm Front-End Developer ( Just Completed my 1st Semester Final Project with BS4, SASS, JS! ) Now I'll be learning C and then C# + ASP.Net. I'm also selected for Artificial Intelligence Program by PIAIC Islamabad out of 18000+ Students. Now I'll be learning Python, Dockers, Kubernetes also. I'm on Day 14 of #100daysofcode, You can also follow me on IG @tahaadotdev

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Congratulations on being selected for the Artificial Intelligence Program!

tahaadotdev profile image
Muhammad Tahaa Khan

Thank you so much! I've completed AI for Everyone by Andrew Ng too. :)

heeseokson profile image

Hello. Dev! I am a senior development. I write little english language.

Main program language is Delphi, but latest Web do developping program language javascript ( node , vue etc) using fullstack.

I like very much all for programming.

I hope you a great day.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to Dev! It's good to have you here :)

simonkalu profile image
Simonkalu • Edited

Hey guys. I'm new here. Yey!

My name is Simon Kalu,
I am a Javascript full-stack web developer with over 10 years of experience.
I live and work in Nigeria.

I am here to learn from others and also contribute to the community via open-source projects.

It's nice to be part of this community. Thank you real tough candy for mentioning this site in your last video

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Simon! Welcome to DEV :)

adityadesle profile image
aditya desle

Hello Devs! , i am Aditya Desle , a Web Developer and mainly dealing with (HTML, CSS, JS ) some hands on dart and Flutter too.

Working and sort of contributing with Mozilla Gujarat Community .

habpygo profile image

Hi all, landed here because I read an article on tinygo that I will need to embed some of my Golang code in/onto micro controllers. I'm a newby in this development-for-micro-controllers-field and I realize I'm embarking on a new journey here.
Have a great day.

kingsleytorlowei profile image
Kingsley Torlowei

Hey guys,
I'm Kingsley and i've been coding for a couple years (mostly machine learning). Lately i've been doing some backend development and my aim is partake in more challenging projects and build apps that actively use machine learning.
I'm also actively looking to get my first job software development but most job postings are vague and it seems like companies want too many things from developers so i need tips from OGs here on how they did it.
Also, before i started i coding i was learning and working on becoming a chartered financial analyst.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Kingsley!

Yes, it can be tough to get a first job in software dev; but it sounds like you have a couple years of coding experience, so that should make it a bit easier. Here are some of my tips:

  1. You will get rejected from a lot of jobs, and a lot of companies will just never respond. Don't get discouraged! You only need one company to say yes - so keep applying

  2. It's true that companies like to see developers that can do a lot of things - but that doesn't necessarily mean that won't hire you anyway... so apply! Let them say no to you (meaning: don't count yourself out before even applying!)

  3. Make sure you have something public they can look at that demonstrates your skills. That might be a portfolio, or a blog, or a few public projects - but it goes a long way if they can see something that you've built.

Good luck! Just keep applying to jobs and learning... and you'll get there :)

hoyelam profile image
Hoye Lam | 林浩意

👋 Hi DEV!

I'm Hoye Lam and am Software Engineer that is primarily focussed on iOS currently. I started studying computer science when I graduated from Highschool in 2013. From there onwards, I've been an intern and worked with great engineers in various industries like education and healthcare. Now I am employed at Somnox where they are helping people sleep better using Sleep Robots based in the Netherlands Delft.

One of the recent side-projects I have worked on is the iOS mobile application Think Drop where you can store your thoughts privately and securely.

For other interests, I like to talk and read about mindsets, motivation, inspiration and watch esports videogames. You can find more about me on

Hope you all have a great day and thank you for sharing your knowledge!


  • I'm Hoye Lam 👨‍💻
  • Software Engineer primarily focused on iOS currently 📱
  • Based in the Netherlands 🇳🇱
  • Thank you for sharing your knowledge 📚
elquimeras profile image
BlackSlash • Edited

Hello Devs!!

I'm from Latam my first language is Javascript, my second a rarely versión of spanish made between chile and venezuela (= between Chevere and Bacán, I hope, maybe, only maybe, anyone understand what the heck I'm talking about JAJA.

Software engineer from the world to the world, interested in make incredible things behind of my laptop or, why not, in front of it.

May the force be with you!!
See u soon!

prabangkoro profile image
bagus prabangkoro

Im glad to have a chance to know this platform, I wish I knew it sooner!

Im Bagus,from Bandung, Indonesia. I graduated with Electrical Engineeering degree but my passion is in programming 🙈

Now,vIm a full stack developer, mostly working with Java Springboot and Vue. Meantime, Im exploring React, Redux, etc.
Recently Ive gained interest in open source and community. Im seeking for opportunity to contribute more in community!

stay foolish, stay hungry

kurenn profile image

Hi DEV! I'm Abraham a Senior Software Engineer(mainly Rails & Docker). I wanted to build video games when I started my studies, but I got into a web development class and just felt in love with it!

I love to teach people, to challenge them and hear them about what they think about. I co-founded a company called Icalia Labs which has given me the opportunity to train new icaliers and code as crazy.

Random fact: I collect deck of cards, and sometimes perform some magic, you can see some here -

Hope to learn from this community!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Abraham! Love the magic trick with your dog 😂 Glad you've joined the community!

gauhar profile image

Hi guys! Just found about this platform while reading something about css. My name is Gauhar. I am a full stack developer who has been leeching for a long time on community and now feels the need to give it back a little.
I cant think of any fun thing about me atm but i am super excited to be here. Nice to meet you all virtually! :) .

amillionbugs profile image
Kris Raven

I've seen these articles come up quite a bit on Twitter and they're usually pretty interesting~ :) And fun fact, although it hasn't been too much fun for me, is that I'm partially colourblind and no one actually knows! I'm a QA Automation Engineer interested in not only QA.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Welcome Kris! Glad to have you!

My two sons are color blind as well...

fyqaaaaaaaaaaa profile image
Nur Syafiqah

Hello, i am just a student here and want to learn. anyone knows how to create multi auth with crud in it? For exmple, i have a admin that could create another admin and create security guard. And the security guard that could log in and create visitor. Anyone that know how to deal with this? using laravel framework??

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Nur!

I don't know any laravel, but the general way to do that is to create users with different "roles". Then, you'll set permissions on each action - so for example, creating new users will only be an "admin" role task, whereas creating visitors would be a "guard" level task.

So the magic words to google will be: "laravel users with different roles and permissions" ... or something like that :)

hope that helps!

mrksdck profile image
Markus Decke • Edited

Hi *,
I'm Markus, a Dev in Berlin working on eCommerce projects.
My main area of work is backend with Java and Spring Boot.
Looking for a place to learn & share, connect with people who care about the way and what they work on.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Admittedly, I posted this under my personal account at first. I guess you all know who is behind the scenes picking these goofy GIFs now. 🙃

And welcome to DEV, folks!

tdecelle profile image

Hello! My name is Thomas, and I am about to graduate in computer science. I have mainly used JS in my personal projects, but I am looking to become an expert in a variety of languages including python and C++ to contribute to open source projects.

danginaseeb profile image
naseeb dangi

Hello I am From Nepal. I am currently learning Web App Development Using Angular and Ionic framework. I hope to find someone whom i can ask my silly questions freely and help my journey of App development.

akote profile image

Computer science enthousiast. Love hardware and software development. OOP knowledges. I am learning android development. Hope I am at one of the best places for learning everything about computer science. Thanks a lot for you help.


sqlmancerqueuellc profile image


I think I'm getting old. I've got about 20 years of experience in various programming languages and technologies. Some of these programming languages and technologies even still exist :-)

Recently quit my "real" job to work for myself. I just want to work on some interesting projects, monetize them, and do some writing about what happens along the way.

damsalem profile image
Dani Amsalem • Edited

Thanks for having me Dev!

My name is Dani Amsalem and I'm a web developer. I got into web development by playing around with a WordPress WYSIWYG editor (Divi) and then made my way through a bootcamp.

Currently, I build custom WordPress themes at a marketing agency in NYC. My goal is to expand out of HTML, CSS, and a bit of PHP and JS into ES6, SASS and React.

A fun fact about me is I ride an electric skateboard (Boosted Board V2+) to work instead of the subway. It hustles at 24mph top speed so I get to work faster than the subway. The only times I will concede to taking the subway is when I'm going somewhere with my wife or if it's raining.

duekanem profile image

Hi Dev! I'm David and i am a Software Engineer at a Start-up Agri-tech company and i develop and maintain their website, which is my first real job in tech and it is not always doing things on my own and having the time to build a community but i am excited to be part of this team of wonderful Dev. I write JavaScript.

bethalstephen profile image

Have you design any thing related to Agri-tech? I am basically belongs Plants Nursery business. I am interested to know how to care Indoor Plants in Pakistan buy using Agri-technologies .

peshie01 profile image

“Changing the way the world does business, globally” – that is the ethos of the Flutterwave brand. Its quest in improving the trust between African entrepreneurs and its global consumer, can be experienced in its two innovative, visually-stunning and reliable products. With offices in San Franscisco, Lagos, Nairobi, Accra and Johannesburg, Flutterwave is challenging how payment for goods and services are made in Africa, globally. With an easy payment API that handles processing of local and international credit card payment and personal expenses by integrating banks and payment-service providers into its platforms to reduce business stress, the possibilities are endless with flutterwave’s Rave and Barter.
First of all, let’s get to know the company.

Flutterwave is the brainchild of Andela’s co-founder Iyin Aboyeji ‘popularly called E amongst friends and colleagues’. It is a payment processor for Africans by Africans. With over 68 integrated payment gateways, including a mobile money application, flutterwave is a payment-gateway, risk-management and payment-processing platform, all wrapped in one. It has investments from MasterCard, CRE Ventures, Fintech Collectives, 4DX Ventures, Raba Capital amongst others partnered with Standard bank, Ecobank, United Bank for Africa, Guaranty Trust Bank, Zenith Bank , First Bank and Access Bank and still counting.
Some of its products and services includes;
Rave – a multi-currency, card and account payment platform that enables business owners and online shop accept payment globally using live keys and it give owners benefits of accessing payments details of their customers from their dashboards. This is Flutterwave product consists of API that can be integrated into various websites for different payment functions. It also has various plugins and libraries that can be used with different languages and platforms (Joomla, Cordova, PHP, Vue Js).
Barter – an application designed to be able to manage funds in local currency by helping you track your spending habits, send money to friends and manage finances and subscriptions all in one platform. This product facilitate medium, small and personal payments within and across countries by partnering with Visa with the creation of individual accounts to help entrepreneurs save more.
“Pay with Bank” transfer – In partnership with PayAttitude, flutterwave’s newest product enables customers, parents and friends to send money via phone number. With a 99.6% success rate in its first week, this payment method is resolving how a portion of the “unbankable” receive money.
So how far has Flutterwave come?
Let’s talk numbers… 550% growth in customer base, 1,571% growth value in Barter’s online process count, 26K merchant and 32K customers on the Rave and Barter payment platforms respectively (and climbing), licensed in the UK and Zambia while also obtaining an international money transfer license for USSD in Nigeria and a ‘Best Payments Company’ award at the Ghana eCommerce Awards ceremony in 2018, it is clear that flutterwave is having an impressive year. Other impressive feats include;
Partnership with telegram to enable bot payment system on its platform
Collaborating with Trustwave and Flywire to ensure free and secure online payment and also the payment of foreign bills in Naira, respectively
The secure and renewal of its Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) certification, and
Partnership with international clients such as Transferwise,, Flywire, JumiaPay, Uber, amongst others
The company is processing more than $2.3 billion in payments across 60 million transactions and still counting while integrating tools like Shopify, Quickbooks, Xero, Squarespace, Sage, Zoho to make transactions easy, acceptable and instant.

It can’t all be that good...
It is true. Every successful company has had its fair share of challenges. Flutterwave is no different. Most prominent is its quest in attaining operational and money transfer license in several countries. Furthermore, with the advent of its dispute platform, customer issues with unknown or unsolicited debit transactions can now be resolved, in real time. In relation to its services, there have been some complaints as to its ‘poor customer relations and prompt response from its social media platforms’, ‘inadequate sensitization pertaining to product update’, ‘sub-par product awareness to illiterate business owners’ and ‘a high USSD processing fee’. In truth, it’s not perfect yet but for a 5 year old company, it will only get better.
Any last words??
While reading Iyin’s 2016 YCombinator’s interview, it is quite easy to buy into his dream - transforming digital payment in Africa by the internet. It has its work cut out but it is reassuring to know that Africa’s online payment transaction ecosystem is in safe hands.

metalcar profile image

Hi DEV! I'm MetalCar and I'm a Full-Stack-Developer. I'm currently working in a POS-Project written with TypeScript and React. In my freetime I'm a Freelancer for some projects written in PHP, NodeJS and React. I'm not good in words, so please feel free to ask me if there's a question about me.

zafaranwar86 profile image
zafaranwar86 • Edited

Hi All,

I am Zafar. I would like to learn programming from scratch! I have done computer science engineering from India. I'm working as a software engineer. I would like to increase my skills in programming.


jddeep profile image
Jaideep Prasad

Hey DEV community 👋. I am Jaideep, a Software Developer specializing in Mobile applications. My tech stack includes Android, Flutter, Java, Dart, Firebase and Python.
Super excited to be a part of this awesome community.🎉 🎉 🎉
Feel free to connect with me on Twitter - @JaideepPrasad3. We can discuss lots of cool stuff about tech, music and sports as well 😉.

skillfulhacking profile image
ouɐɹɔs ʞɹɐɯ

Hi Dev! I'm a senior security engineer that loves to work on side projects and build and break open source projects. I am a hobbyist electronics and kit builder, into Amateur radio, ISS, LEO satellites, 3d printing and more! Feel free to hit me up to chat about any of my interests.

kylelaverty profile image
Kyle Laverty

👋 Hi DEV! I'm Kyle and I'm a Sr. Software Developer with over 10 years experience. I current work at Miovision Technologies Inc. in Canada. I primarily code in C#. Recently I have started working in dotnet core and deploying it to AWS.

abir045 profile image
Salekin Imran

Hi, Its awesome to be her. I am an upcoming front-end developer who likes to build things. I want to learn new skills and build better things with creativity. I would like to see other peoples journey as a developer and their interest in making things. Also be part of a community of learning new languages and the passion to be unique.

prathick profile image

Hi DEV..! I'm prathic and I'm a Javascript developer. I have done a masters in information technology majoring in software development. I am currently unemployed and searching for the right fit.

I also love gaming(FIFA) and love watching EPL.

0xbanana profile image

Hi DEV! Im Jason aka 0xbanana a infosec professional who loves to build things! I do full stack and am constantly working to improve my code and my products!

I look forward to sharing, connecting with and maybe even meeting some of you all!

jussivesa profile image
Jussi Vesa

Hi all! 😁 I'm Jussi and I'm currently working as a Full-Stack dev. Atm I'm interested about Angular and Microsoft Azure services ✨.

Goals ahead:

  • 👌Launch my new reservation system to the public
  • Learn new things on Azure

Lastly, fun fact! I started as a intern on Angular front-end and quickly moved on to .Net Framework backend, IIS, Azure services like Service Bus and last year I worked on a PowerBI integration with Azure Functions! Never know where you head to next! ❤ Happy coding everyone!

aestrro profile image
Kevin Carr

I'm Kevin, thanks for having me!

I'm learning how to become a better, more disciplined developer so that the software I write is of high quality. I'm also here to share my experiences, assumptions, and awkwardness with you all.

chantelsky profile image

Hello 👋!
I'm Chantel and I was a 3D artist and graphic designer who fell in love with web dev mid last year. I'm working hard on trying to get commercial experience in Brisbane, Aus. I've recently deployed my portfolio -

My goal is to eventually become fullstack and be a contributor to the open source community :D

Hope everyone is having a productive weekend!

nwertz50 profile image
Abdul Niyas

Hi DEV!😁 Myself Niyaz an entusiast with love for technology and work as an DevOps engineer. I would like to know if someone could provide me with the zero to hero🚀 kind of content in DevOps⚙️ so that i can make my base strong.

suzicurran profile image
𝚂𝚞𝚣𝚒 💖💜💙

Hello world!!! 🤩 I'm Suzi, a senior engineer and manager at Wayfair in Boston. I do a lot of work with JS/React and PHP, but dabble in Ruby and C#.

I recently worked on my first open-source project, which was all about creating free tutorials and lessons to help new developers get up to speed on core JS concepts. You can check it out here:! 📚

I got into coding by trying to make video games in my spare time after work, then finally quitting my desk job and attending a local full-stack bootcamp. Changing careers has been so great for my mental health and I've been lucky to work with amazing, kind people from different places and backgrounds. Now that I'm more experienced and putting together my own engineering team, I want to make sure I'm creating that same great environment for the people I work with - so I'm studying all the books/articles/talks all I can about how to be a great manager and team lead. 🤓

mykelangelo profile image

Hello everyone!

I've just started learning Go and Dart/Flutter and I like these two of Google's languages pretty much.

Also not that long from now I've become a DevOps Engineer with Google's courses on GCP & GKE etc.

And nearly for five years now, I've studied and worked with Enterprise Java (now Jakarta EE).

imgovind profile image
Govindarajan Panneerselvam


I'm Govind and I'm a Full Stack Developer working in SF. I've worked for quite a few startups in Healthcare, Ed-Tech, ML and Fintech.

I am Looking forward to share and learn with this amazing community :)

imgovind profile image
Govindarajan Panneerselvam

Hi DEV! I'm Govind, a full stack developer working in SF. I have worked in a few startups on Healthcare, Ed-Tech, Fin-Tech and ML.

I'm looking forward to share and learn with this amazing community :)

johnfacey profile image
John Facey

Hey everyone.

I'm a Salesforce Commerce Cloud Developer who has spend most of the time in JavaScript, Java and PHP. Recently just published my first NodeJS Package and looking forward to learning more React & VueJS. 😊


toocolline profile image
Collins Too

Hi fam, I'm Collins Too, an Associate Software Engineer, currently at Andela. Mostly a Rails developer and my goals are:
Become a senior full-stack engineer and a pro in Rails 😊
Be an autonomous contributor in the community

franciscomcg profile image
Francisco Gomes

Hi everyone! I'm a software engineer based in London. I've specialized myself in React and JavaScript/TypeScript and love, not only reading about it but also, sharing my experience with others. I'll publish my first post very soon and the subject will be TypeScript!

arunahk profile image

Hi DEVs & Testers,
Currently my attention go to Test Automation while last year I focused on development.
I joined with DEV.TO to learn from others.

warrickbayman profile image
Warrick Bayman

Hi DEV. I'm a full stack web developer from South Africa. I work a ton in JavaScript and Node and I write a lot of PHP using mostly Laravel and Symfony. I'm also a huge fan of the Vue framework.

I decided a few months ago that I needed to learn something new and started learning Rust, which I'm really enjoying, but don't always have as much time as I would like to put into that.

I currently work for a very small web development company in Johannesburg and have a side project that was recently picked up by one of the big banks here (huge amounts of red tape!).

I'm a big Linux fan and have been a CentOS and Ubuntu user for years, although I'm currently using an over-priced MacBook Pro (I kinda like it, though).

I've been using Medium for a long time and write about Linux, PHP, JavaScript, deployment, testing, and whatever else I think others might find useful. I like Medium, but it can be really frustrating when writing anything even slightly technical in nature. So hoping to find some better tools here.

ricardolgrj profile image
Ricardo Gonçalves

Hello everyone! I am a web and mobile apps developer. I work mostly with WordPress and Laravel for web apps and now with Flutter for mobile apps. I am passionate about free and open source softwares and I want to learn, share and colaborate as much as I can with all the community. That's what brougth me here (and because everybody was talking about!

skdblog1999 profile image
Shashikant Dwivedi

Hey, I am Shashikant Dwivedi from India. I am developer from last 4 years, and current I'm on my path to become a full stack cross platform developer. Currently I'm a student in Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan

phoebevf profile image
Phoebe Voong-Fadel

Hello everyone! I'm Phoebe and I'm a self taught Front-End Developer. At the end of 2017 I decided to quit my job to look after my two children and teach myself to code. My ultimate goal is to become a full stack developer (MERN). I'm also an advocate for parents who have taken a career break to re-skill and transition into tech.

Random fact: My husband and I were the first non-native couple to marry on Orchid (AKA Lanyu) Island. Lanyu is off the coast of Taiwan. We also named our daughter Lanyu.

heortizr profile image
Hugo Ortiz

Hi Dev community, I am Hugo, a few years ago I get out from dark side of Java to dive me into JavaScript world and now I am working mostly in Express, Hapi and Graphql, those are a few of my goals:

💻 I am actually interested to dive in VueJS and ReactJS frontend technologies
🗄️ continue with backend in HapiJS and Graphql
💪 and finally I hope to become a Full Stack Javascript developer


kcmatienzo profile image
Kryselle Matienzo

Hello everyone! I'm Kryselle, current student of Software Engineering Technology and I'm on my 3rd semester. I got a degree in Psychology but when I moved here in Toronto, I decided to finally shift my career. I've always had a great interest with html, css, designing and creating websites because back in my highschool they taught us the basics.

So far i am enjoying my program, it's very challenging but fun! I've learned c#, python, js, html, css, sql, and now I have, pl/sql and java. Honestly, im having a hard time understanding some of the lessons but I always have this craving of learning. Next semester i am going to have my coop and i feel like what ive learned in school is not enough especially with javascript, i had a hard time learning this last semester.

I've joined this group to meet other people who have the same passion and interest when it comes to programming/coding. I am looking to get more projects/practices that I can try to work on to enhance my skills.

Anyway that's it for me. My introduction is too long already. Have a good day to everyone!

songthamtung profile image


My name is Songtham and I'm the technical product director at Geddit. Originally from San Francisco, I moved to Bangkok last year in 2018.

My background is full stack developer and I'm currently using the PEAM stack (postgresql, express, angular, node).

I also blog regularly on Medium and will contribute to here as well 🙂

Nice to meet everyone.

incep04 profile image
Shivani Sachan

This is Shivani Sachan, Software Engineer(mostly dealing with Python). I have done my in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. And also I am a Data Science Enthusiast.


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Shivani! Welcome to DEV :) What's most interesting to you in Data Science? It's such a big field! I've started learning more about it as well, but it seems like just such a big field to learn :)

purcellconsult profile image

What is happening DEV! I'm a python developer, open source enthusiast, and published author. Looking forward to this community.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! What's your book?

asheshtrivedi81 profile image

Hey there DEV , i am Ashesh Trivedi. Well i am an electronics and communication engineering student from Gujarat. I want to learn competitive programming. I have learnt C in my curriculum and am currently learning C++. It's great to be here.

soswinsimmons profile image
Sean Simmons

Hi All. I'm Sean and just getting started in the web development community. I am currently working on front-end projects and my goal is to continue learning AWS and become a full-stack DevOps engineer and ultimately tackle projects in the IoT and Blockchain space.

I hope everyone is having a great week! I look forward to connecting with you all.

vctr90 profile image
Victor Rivas

Hi there I am Victor. I am a web developer living in Canada. I love to turn code into value and would love to explore new technologies. I am pretty interested in finding a clear path to be very fluent in React.

Fun fact, when I was a child. I thought food you eat would end up in your feet.

porgeet profile image

Sup guys and girls 👋

I'm Pete. I'm a graphic/digital designer and have been learning web development on and off for several years.

Just started work on my first full stack application 💻
Hopefully people will like it! 🙏

ramansingh189 profile image
Raman Singh

Hii Dev!
I'm Raman I'm a BCA student from India.
My goal is to learn front-end web development till december. I know HTML and CSS and I'm learning JavaScript. That's why I'm here, to learn new things related to web development.

gjvpaet profile image
Gabriel Joshua Paet

Hi DEV Community! I'm Gab and I'm a full-stack web developer based in the Philippines. I joined DEV to start my technical writing journey because I really want to share some of my learnings throughout my career and also learn from other members of this great community. :)

2dsharp profile image
Dedipyaman Das

Hey, this is Dedipyaman (@2dsharp ). I'm a freelance software developer and a student, writing code for the last 8 years and trying to write clean code for the last 4.

I enjoy architecting scalable systems for the web and have been recently hooked into DDD + CQRS.

I like Java, PHP as my main backend drivers. C++/QT, JavaFX for desktop.

Trying to learn Go this year (and maybe clojure too)

Find me at:

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Dedipyaman! Awesome that you're so into learning :) Good luck with that!

peterokello profile image

Hi DEV 👋, Peter here. Happy to be a part of the community. I work as a Technical Support Analyst as my day job and work on various side projects on the side. Part of what brings me to the dev community is to see what fun things people are working on, and get to know more people in the development space.

Fun facts:

  • I'm a huge sports fan. I enjoy playing and watching rugby (watching: 7s, playing: 15s). Soccer wise, I'm an Arsenal fan (sadly). Basketball-wise, I'm a 76ers & Rockets fan

Some things I'm learning about

  • JavaScript frameworks for frontend systems (looking at the pros & cons of each js library)
  • scaling backend systems (in particular databases) and best practices when building storage solutions
  • Stuff I'm learning out of curiosity: Redis, ElasticSearch, NoSQL, Microservices
  • Current sources of information right now: web ( of course!!) and podcasts. Btw if you've got an interesting podcast you're listening to, feel free to drop a comment
denniszen profile image
Dennis Clemente

Hi, I'm Dennis, a junior web developer (front end), coming from UX design and writing (journalistic, ad copy and UX). Looking forward to learning more from this community. Starting to get curious about analytics, data-driven marketing.

ikhiloya profile image

Hi I’m Ikhiloya, a Junior Android and Java developer mostly working on enterprise applications in the financial space here in Nigeria. I also write articles and short “how-tos” and I’d love to contribute more to the open source community.

vamsikrish profile image
Vamsi Krishna

Hello Everyone 👋 I am Vamsi Krishna, Associate Consultant at Microsoft Services India based out of Hyderabad, India. I mostly deal with SharePoint related using C#. Currently, I am learning Node.JS, AWS and Kubernetes.

Happy to join the community and learn and grow along with you all.

sajjadkhan12 profile image

Hello i am sajjad khan and i am software engineer. I am working on programming projects which is post on my website Projects With Source Code Like my work please

davek profile image

Hello DEV! I'm Dave and i'm currently working as a research associate.

  • a coding beginner
  • starting to get into Python
  • interested in many other things like machine learning, GIS, open data, OSM, modelica etc. and
  • looking forward to learn from/with you.

Have a great week,

Fun fact: There is a squirrel outside playing with a piece of paper 😄

backciro profile image

👋Hi DEV! I'm Matteo and I'm a nerdy coder since '96 :) I spent most of my free time from University (Politecnico di Torino, I live in Italy) to manage my own computer business that I started this summer with an investor.

I own 50% of SILPH Technologies that I hope could be a good corporation someday :)

... but for now I'm alone and I'm trying to make some cool stuff with many techs as possible such as Angular, Node, C#, Flutter, Kubernetes, python for ML and something like that! :)

I hope that I could help someone here inside, and I'm sure that I'll get helped from you skilled devs! 😆


yababay profile image

Random fact about myself is that I am living near greate Russian river named Kama. The majority of foreign people counts that the largest river in European part of Russia is Volga, but it is not true. Kama bears more water, and one can say that not Kama influents into Volga, but vice versa.

msquared96 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Mikie from Ireland 🇮🇪 I've recently graduated from university with a degree in physics and I've started working as a junior data scientist with a major bank in Ireland.

In my spare time I contribute to FOSS where possible and maintain a FOSS project along with a few of my friends (check us out, we're open for Hacktoberfest: My first love/language is Python, but I've also dipped my toe into basic web development, Rust, SAS and MATLAB.

A random fact about me: I've never seen the Lord of the Rings

sturke profile image
Burke Stanion

Hello DEV. I stumbled onto this via a tweet from someone I follow on Twitter. I’m in the 50th day today of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. I’ve been following several tutorials and practicing. I’d like to get projects built for my portfolio and enter the field working professionally as a web developer in early 2020.

slimzycm profile image
Slimzy.CM • Edited

Hi DEV, Am Slimzy.CM, am a Beginner to Software development and am in the journey of becoming a full stack developer.

Am Majorly focusing on Web development(Backend), Using PHP and JavaScript. it's actually hard for me to chose which side to push towards, Should it be more JS family like react,nodes and the rest used for Webdev or probably PHP and the rest 😟..

Well I hope I become better as each day passes..

paramjitsinghchouhan profile image

Hello! I am Param. Learning Reactjs for making Web Apps. This is the first time in my life I genuinely want to be a Developer. I would love to be a part of this community. In next three months I want to be able to make my own Web App in React.

arpitsen profile image
Arpit Sen

Hello World!.
I'm Arpit, a noob here. Looking forward to learn setting up my old Dell Inspiron 600M to be a reverse proxy nginx server running on a linux flavor with some basic firewall configuration.
ThanX again.

bobwalsh47hats profile image
Bob Walsh

Hi all!

I'm a Rails/Vue/Serverless developer who's been around long enough to learn a few transcendent truths about being a developer/contractor I hope I can share here.

I've built my second Saas, LearnShortcuts will help you push curated keyboard shortcuts, CLI commands, and syntax into your long-term memory so you can stop googling and keep coding! It's a work in progress, but it's getting there.

If you are into books, here's one I wrote a decade ago that is still relevant today: The Web Startup Success Guide, if not, that's alright.

Right now I'm building a Nuxt/Vuetify/Netlify site to become the new home of my "brand", 47hats. I want OUT of the WP world! Any help/suggestions appreciated.

bobwalsh47hats profile image
Bob Walsh

P.S. I mostly work from my home office, where our cats like to sit in front of my 3 warming iMacs 27-inch monitors, paw at the glass and generally assert their... dominance/love?

dt97 profile image
Dattatreya Tripathy

Hi DEV!!! I'm Dattatreya Tripathy and I currently work as Associate Software Engineer at ServiceNow. I have a passion for learning new technologies and I feel DEV is the right path for that. Further am passionate about programming, googling and open-source which brings me here!!!

platonik93 profile image

Hello All, I'm Alfred, junior Sysadmin and Telecom Technician and Computer Science student. My short term goals are getting certs in AWS/GCloud as architect/engineer. Long term goals as a technical consultant in ERP implementation and such.

snowjorden profile image


My name is Jorden and I'm a freelance web designer for the past 20+ years. I consider myself to be quite the novice. I'm quite proficient with HTML, CSS and Photoshop. Javascript, jQuery, CSS3 & HTML5 are sort of new to me and I'm attempting to learn them.

Hoping to gain some valuable insight and at times, help, here at DEV.

Thanks for reading.

saadmaansawmik profile image
Sadman Sawmik

Hi Dev!, I am Sam. I am been working (learning) django for about 5-6 months now. Now-a-days I am learning React and some basics of JS. I am a self taught. So, i am conspicuously open to receive any kind of guidance or advice. I really want to build a career in Web Dev.

Excuse my weak English.

the_codebasher profile image
Arthur Ibik⚡ • Edited

Hi DEV, Ebuka based in Nigeria and I shuffle between being a full stack dev and a DevOps engineer. Currently trying to understand aws ecosystem for more mission critical systems.
I'm just a certified learner!

filipswierczynski profile image
Filip Swierczynski

Hi all :) I am Filip, I'm in my last semester of college and will soon graduate and look for career opportunities. Right now I am learning node.js, vue and ios dev with swift, while building my capstone project with codeigniter.

mcdavrii profile image

Holla DEV! I'm mcdave a front end developer at DaveTechk mostly working with JavaScript and react framework. At night 😎 I'm a 3D animator.
I've been following up posts from the dev community for awhile now.
My goal is to become a full stack developer hopefully before the end of 2020 😅.
I love cartoons don't judge😌

teestunna profile image
Tope Babajide

Hi Dev! I'm a web application developer with 2 and half years experience. I want to use this medium to meet fellow developers and learn more about full stack development.

Fun fact: Big sports fan(Soccer, basketball)

r_dbl_l profile image
Russell Thomas

Hello all, I am Russell a long time email developer trying to transition in to full stack Javascript. My goal is to never stop learning from others, and to teach everything I know to anyone interested in learning.

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

I'm JA, I'm considering myself a junior developer (although I work for over 5 years). I'm a bit lost in this messy world and I hope I can find some guidance around here.

brendalimon profile image
Brenda Limón

Welcome! Here you’ll find amazing people who can help you with different situations! Get comfy and enjoy the community!

codingtagofficial profile image
Coding Tag

Hi Dev, Coding tag is an e-learning platform strives to delve effective strategies to teach trending technologies to both beginners and experienced users. The website covers programming languages, technical interview questions on different domains, weekly current affairs, latest tech blogs, and many coding tags are also listed on our blogs.

Visit Here:

marcoah profile image
Marco Antonio

HI everyone! I´m geologist, but i learning python and about DataScience and MachineLearning to improve some projects related to GIS, Marketing and Infraestructure Development. My beginnings was in VB6, after that VB.NET and now PHP+Laravel+Vue and in this moment Python and R. I hope to learn from the community and thanks!

haifahrul profile image
A Fakhrurozi S

Hello! My name is Fahrul and currently working as a Software Developer at . The technology we use is Angular as frontend and Node JS with Koa JS as backend, and postgres as Database.

Happy nice day guys 😄

genialkartik profile image
Kartik Tyagi

I, Kartik Tyagi, born in Uttar Pradesh, India. At the age of 21, I'm a Mean Stack Developer, Mozillian from India ( one among the earliest known people who're responsible for Mozilla Punjab Community), LPUian (student by profession in Lovely Professional University, Punjab), Contributor in Localization (Hindi), responsive in Community building and engagement.
In the meantime, I love to help people in whatever way possible. Like to share Knowledge with others. Kindly, drop an Email in case of any query.

ashu369 profile image
Akash Banchhor

Hello, I'm a computer science student, I learn a lot of things online, I want to contribute to free online content related to my stream.
Soon I'll be sharing my content on my very first YouTube channel.
Wish me luck..

imgovind profile image
Govindarajan Panneerselvam

Hi DEV! I'm Govind, a full stack developer working in SF. I've worked with a few startups in Healthcare, Fintech, Ed-Tech and ML. I wanted to learn more and contribute to the open source community. Looking forward to share and learn with this amazing community :)

iamdwit profile image

Hello Devs. I'm Dwight, a frontend dev from Florida. I'm really into Elm, and getting my indiedev on. Finally joined so i can catch up on great content and hopefully contribute as well.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Dwight - glad you finally joined DEV! Welcome :)

arcticjuggernaut profile image
Chris Johnston

Hi Guys!

I am an accidental developer. Strong Microsoft background so I gravitated towards .net core and stumbled my way through learning some Angular. I don't feel like I am a proper developer but I'm getting there!

imjaroiswebdev profile image
José Antonio Reyes

Hi DEVs! I’m here for learning and share what I’ve learned and done ✌🏽

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Welcome on board José :)

adityarajsingh profile image
Aditya Raj Singh

I am a Web developer and programmer from Ahmedabad, India. I am currently pursuing B.E. in Information Technology from Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi.
I have a passion for web development and love to create for web and mobile devices. I know how to create web applications, to run across devices using the latest technologies available. I am also into competetive programming and love playing with alogrithms and data-structures.

anuragjain0610 profile image
Anurag Jain

👋Hi DEV! I'm Anurag and I'm a beginner in the computer vision field. As I am a beginner in Machine Learning, I love to learn all the time.
I want to increase my knowledge in this field as much as possible so that I can solve real-world problems!👩‍💻

Random fact: I am an Introvert!!

akhilalekha profile image

Hi Dev! I'm Akhila and I'm currently working as a Junior QA Engineer. I want to switch my career as a Web Developer and that's how I found this portal. I want to learn more about it and interact with developers. Have a good day :)

joonaojapalo profile image
Joona Ojapalo

Hello DEVs! 👋 I'm a programmer and I believe that I found my way to my tribe. 🙂 I have a background in programming as a hobby from 90s (Basic, Pascal, C), as a CS student (Python, Java, MATLAB), as a startup developer (Python, R, PHP, es5+6) and as an enterprise developer (.NET, VB, C#). Currently I'm starting my journey to become what I would call a "modern enterprise architect". So basically would like to learn how to build big, business critical and complex (and preferably decently usable) systems and also have fun along the way. 😅

craigleo profile image
Craig Leontowicz • Edited

Hi DEV, Im a designer and marketer thats terrible at code but loves trying to learn improve my coding by releasing personal side projects.

Recently I launched -

Its a free logo design download templates resource for startups and MVPs.

I joined DEV to keep learning and share what I learned when I can! :)

arupam profile image
Arupam kumar saha • Edited

Hello👋 , I am a CS student , tech enthusiast , Weeb and FPS gamer . I am interested in full stack web development and competitive programming .
I look forward for the community's help in my journey .
Have a great day everyone .
Happy coding and deving .
Thanks for reading :)

porgeet profile image

Hey guys and girls 👋

I'm Pete, a digital/graphic designer. I've been learning web development on and off for several years. I figure it would be pretty cool to be able to make the things I design so I've just started work on my first full stack web application 💻 Hopefully people will like it 🙏

parveenmittal1 profile image


udezi profile image
Udeme Eno-Nta

Hi DEV! I'm Udeme and I'm a Junior Mobile Software Developer (mostly dealing with have and Android platform). I studied Computer Science and wanted to know as much languages, frameworks etc, but I've narrowed my interest to mobile app development with Java.

Random fact about me is I play the piano.

wasuaje profile image
Wuelfhis Asuaje

Hey DEV I'm wuelfhis, Venezuelan living in Buenos Aires, python lover, open source enthusiastic, DevOps and Tech Manager. I love my job.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome Wuelfhis! Do you do all of those things in your job? What's something interesting you're learning about now?

wasuaje profile image
Wuelfhis Asuaje

Thanks, Chris

Yeah, I do all this: I'm Tech Manager of a group but always "hands-on" in the projects, so I can take a couple CI/CD pipes tasks or python scripts fixes. And attend a zillion meetings. Whatever is funny!


andrewyehle profile image
Andrew Yehle

Hi everyone! My name is Andrew. I’m an undergrad student for computer science graduating in winter and excited to start working full time.
Coding Blocks podcast brought me here and encouraged me to be a part of a strong community.
My main platform is .NET but I love tinkering and learning! I hope to learn lots with all of you and contribute as much as I can along the way!😁

sebastienponcelet profile image
Sébastien Poncelet

Hello! I'm Seb, junior full-stack developer (php/python/angular). Graduated and worked a few years as a mechanical before fully converting myself to programming.

Hoping to become a skilled developer with good practices and contribute to the open source community.

Very happy to be glad of this community!

jazzyboy1 profile image

Hi :)
I'm Jaz and I'm a student studying Software Engineering.(though currently on an internship)
I get very excitable when I see new tools or frameworks to try out. Recently I've been obsessing over Golang and ReactJs :)

I'd love to eventually be knowledgable enough about coding to write my own articles and tutorials; for now, I'm really appreciating some of the articles on here :D

michalautin profile image
michal-autin • Edited

Hi DEV! My name is Michael and I'm passionate so called solution engineer, sometimes team builder or leader. Working with WEB for a very long time, still learning, on daily basis. Currently looking for interesting long-term opportunities. I don't do JAVA, but the rest of WEB related stuff aren't strange to me.
Recently I've built React/Firebase live app at

nagendrasinght profile image
nagendrasinght • Edited

I was going through a article on writing clean code and got here to know more about coding. I have started learning Python recently. I would like to transform myself from reader of all the contents to contributor.

timalsinaanil96 profile image
Anil Timalsina

Hello DEV! I am Anil. Currently I am learning JavaScript. I have the basic knowledge of HTML and CSS but I am planning to learn JavaScript to its core. Hope I find someone currently learning the same. I am looking forward to find like minded developers and work in some projects together. I believe in learning by doing.
Thank You !!

vkeknec profile image

Very new Newbie. Learning the fundamentals.

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

For any newbies here, feel free to reach out to me. I’m looking to mentor junior developers in TypeScript. I have a few slots remaining.

kristoferek profile image
Christopher Michael Nowak • Edited

Hi, My name is Chris.
I'm a React Developer since beginning of 2018. I like the way things and vauluable thoughts are presented here.

It's great to see how people share and appreciate others efforts, especially in area of one of my favorite interests.

Hope to make and get valuable inputs here.
(I like Scrabble, unfortunately only in my native language yet) 😁

guillaume profile image
Stawarz guillaume

Hi DEV, I'm Guillaume.
I'm just starting a second life as a web dev after ten years working with horses.
The head always full of stranges CSS animations and my hands never far away from my keyboard.

seibmacdaniel profile image
Mac Daniel

Hi everyone! I’m Mac, a UX designer based in Manila. A bit odd of me to be here, but I’m one of relatively few designers that code in HTML/SCSS/JS from scratch.

Twitter brought me here and boy does it feel nice to see a lot of dev topics that has impact on design both as a craft and a mindset.

I’m currently working on introducing Vue.js as a means for my team to design and build reusable components. Broad strokes for now but I’m excited more than terrified.

hairedfox profile image
Hai Tran

Hi Everyone! I'm Hai. I've been a Ruby on Rails Developer for almost 3 years. I love learning new technologies and listening to music, sometimes singing too. I'm looking forward to learning new stuff from you guys.

Have a great day!

johnoricha1 profile image
John Oricha

A mechanical engineering student who's passionate about Android development. I'm a beginner and still learning the basics of mobile app development.
I'm here to learn and get support in my journey to becoming a professional Android developer.

glui2 profile image

Hello, Gavin here - currently working in SRE as a graduate electrical engineer, but started getting into frontend development a few months ago as part of a graduate program and have found that to be much more enjoyable, and in tune with who I am! So far have developed in Vue, html/css/js, Java, python, bash and am currently trying to pick up react.

Looking to get into an entry/jnr level front end role in the next year!

dionysos profile image
Denis Bakhoum

Hi Dev! My name is Denis and I am graduate student in Software Engineering.
I'm a linux enthusiast(I love CLI).
I'm currently working as a back-end developer intern. I have experience with PHP, C and Java but Javascript is the one I love and I want to become a full stack MERN developer.

I like reading about pretty much anything and everything I can learn something from(I also like Wuxia).
I love music and I play guitar.

This is my first time joining a dev community and I'm looking forward to the experience!

minhsangtrinh profile image

Hello! My name is Sang and I am currently a Programmer. I want to join a group to study. Also, learn new things from other people's experiences!

smartyansh profile image
Anshul Bansal

Hello DEV community. I am a Senior Java Programmer with full stack experience.
Mainly interested in Spring Boot, Grails, Groovy, Hibernate and frontend technologies. I am also a technical author on writing about Groovy and Java ecosystem.

Just read an article about, how we should not run after technologies just because they are backed by big companies like Google and Facebook. Rather we should try to solve some real world problems using the best possible technical solution.

Have a great day to all the fellow members.
I will write my first article on DEV soon about "Batch optimization techniques using Hibernate" which I realized in my current project and some tips and tricks

mouazalabsawi profile image
Mouaz Alabsawi

It's Mouaz here. I worked with a lot of things to mention but mostly Java, c#, Angular & React.Also I taught various courses in computer science. The love of CS fuels the eagerness to learn more about its disciplines. That's why I am here.
I do love helping others, if you need someone to dive into a problem you have, I'd love to assist.

maheshcse87 profile image

Dev to is great place for Developers ....

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello! Yes, Dev is great for Devs 😂 Nice to meet you :)

ssriravali profile image
Sadhu Sri Ravali

Hello Dev community! My name is Ravali, I am a machine learning engineer. I love to develop robots and one day wish to build a bot as great as Baymax from Big Hero 6. I love to code and interact with various people. Hence my goal right now is to learn and connect.

alexb007 profile image
Bakhrom Rakhmonov

Hi community. I'm Bakhrom Rakhmonov Software Engineer from Uzbekistan.

I'm professional Senior Backend Developer using Django/Python stack.
Also I'm a fullstack developer (Django, Vue.js, R

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Bakhrom! Welcome to the community :)

iikeli profile image
Iiro Alhonen

I'm Iiro currently working as a QA Engineer and trying to learn the skills to make a career move to UX design/front-end development.
I just stumbled upon the DEV community when looking at this years Hacktoberfest sponsors. Looking forward to again do more coding and getting that sweet sweet free-t-shirt-swag.
For a fun fact: just got Venom and Carnage tattooed on my legs a month or so ago.

bsoyka profile image
Ben Soyka

Hey there, DEV! I'm Ben and I'm a middle schooler with a love for coding and writing. I work mostly with Python and HTML/CSS. Great to meet you all!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Ben! It's great that you're so involved at such a young age :) Welcome to the community!

smartyansh profile image
Anshul Bansal

Hello DEV Community,

My name is Anshul, I'm a Senior Java Programmer with full stack experience. Also, a technical author on

I am interested in Grails, Groovy, Spring Boot, Hibernate, SQL and frontend technologies.

I recently read an article about, How we should not run after technologies just because they are backed by big companies like Facebook and Google.
Rather, we should try to solve the real world problems using best possible technical solution.

I am going to write my first Post on "Best possible Hibernate configuration for Batch Inserts" which I discovered in my current project.

Have a great day to all of you.

vmp profile image
Vadim Pashaev

Hi DEV! I'm Vadim and I am a fullstack web developer. Founder of Technology with we working is mostly (React.js, Next.js and Node.js).

My goals:

  1. become a professional in Web App development;
  2. and create multinational team of developers.
stuartjluscombe profile image
Stuart Luscombe

Hi, I'm Stuart. I've ended up on this site various times over the past few weeks via my Google News feed so I figured I should probably sign up!

My work is centered around automating things and I mainly achieve this through the use of PowerShell, although I've dipped in to Python and also recently written a web application in Rails.

beardedglory profile image
Alex Musick

Hello everyone! My name is Alex and I've been mainly a .NET developer for 11 years.
I came to try and advance my knowledge and become the wizard we all want deep down.
Currently working on broadening my concepts of architecture in a cloud-based world.
Happy to see everyone around!

teja profile image

Hello, I'm Teja and working as a software engineer (Java). My aim right now is to learn everything about java and related technology. I came here to gain my Dev knowledge and become geek (lol 😂 possible?) and want to go deep down in this field.

Nice to meet everyone and have a great day!

peteshepley profile image
Pete Shepley

Greetings. I'm pete. I am a graduate of the Computer Science department at Kutztown University in Kutztown, PA. That was a long time ago. Since then, I have worked in the industry on various projects, including streaming media; ticketing and admission; serving Internet ads; and most recently, creating cloud systems to handle large data sets.

I hope to learn from and contribute to this community. It is my firm belief that we are a village and we can only grow together.

Cheers 🍻,

xera0 profile image

Hello, DEV Community I'm Emil junior full Stack developer looking to develop and grow my skills at the moment I'm working on my github profile and projects ideas that would help me in getting my first Tech job is hugely appreciated

danginaseeb profile image
naseeb dangi

Hello Its Me Naseeb From Nepal. I am happy to find this platform. I am currently learning Ionic framework with angular js and i hope to find someone whom i can ask my silly questions and get solution of it.

Thankyou!! :-)

vmanikes profile image
Venkata S S K M Chaitanya

Hello Peeps! This is Krishna, a DevOps and Software engineer. My interests are writing scalable and high performant code in GoLang and being a DevOps Engineer, I make sure that systems work as expected and make sure they don't fail

johnnyd profile image

Hi community. I’m in the process of a career change...or should I say reconnecting with my original career as I became a marketer for 12 years and now re-training as a developer with swift. Looking to become full stack efficient and build my own apps. Excited!

dannystyleart profile image
Dániel Sebestyén

Hi DEVz!

I have read bunch of interesting posts here, mostly about advanced techniques in frontend web development and testing topics.

Seen cool stories that pointed out mistakes and even stuff that I'm doing right.

Have fun! ;)

rishabhp_ profile image
Rishabh Priyadarshi

Hi everyone! I'm Rishabh and I am a pre-final year undergraduate engineering student. Currently I am working towards my goal to become a full-stack web developer and looking forward to learn from all the awesome people here.

ufko profile image

Hi, I'm a computer engineer and after seeing dev is co-presenter this year's hacktoberfest

I found myself here. I'm currently trying to learn javascript and looking forward to read your posts :)
jumy profile image

Hi, I am Jumy Mathew. Have been reading some wonderful articles on this site and so finally decided to sign up. Along with my learning, I would love to contribute towards technical and related topics that are dear to me.

paulywebster profile image

Hello DEV,

I'm Paul and I'm software engineer. I'm a native PHP developer but I recently have the opportunity to join a team of JAVA developer. I'm passionate by software craftsmanship, I love working on legacy code, writing unit tests, applying design pattern, thinking about system or code architecture, read and learn about all of this.

It makes me happy to work on what I love.

I'm also not native English speaker that's why I did the exercise to introduce myself so do not hesitate to fix me.

Fun fact about me : Sometimes I make recursive dreams (it's horrible)

jpatrickphilip profile image

John Patrick here, glad to be part of this community. I lead a startup engineering firm and our goal is to focus on niche UI (web and mobile) dev. Wanted to lead my team by example and also learn and contribute in React, Angular space.

Other than dev efforts, love motorcycles, photography and research around technology.

sambarnes90 profile image

Hey everyone!

Sam here from Newcastle, in North East England.

I've been working as an e-commerce/digital market manger for about 6 years now.

No background in development until about 2 years ago when I started working with frontend JavaScript and getting data out of APIs.

Now I've moved into a little bit of node.js for the backend, which I'm really enjoying.

I've made my first couple of apps for custom purposes.

Hopefully I can learn ever more from you guys!

I'm thinking maybe React is my next stop...

martinteevarga profile image
Martin T. Varga

Hi Dev, joined because a lot of devs I follow on Twitter post their content here.
I am currently working on reactive apps in Kotlin, still trying to understand the whole thing.
Fun fact about me: I learned to program on a ZX spectrum clone some 30 years ago. These did not have a space bar but a rather small space key. I never learned how to properly press space bar on a full keyboard.

deanagan profile image

Hi Dev! I'm Dean, a software engineer(mostly dealing with C++, C# and Python) based in Australia. I am currently in game development, but have always found full stack development super interesting!

I hope everyone have a good day!

skarnata profile image

Hi DEV! My name is Setiawan and i am a software engineer (c#, SQL, Entity Framework, Dot Net, Python). I'm really happy join this community and hopefully i can share and take benefit from this community. Thank you.

efebudak profile image
Efe Budak

Hi DEV, I'm an android developer. I like to write and read technical blogposts. Looking forward to learning from your experiences and hopefully share some of my experiences too.
Salute to you who endures the endless unknowns world!

prasadghole profile image
Prasad Ghole

Hi DEV! I am Prasad. I am firmware engineer working as Tech lead for various embedded system projects.
I also like to explore and learn about System design and applying those practice to software.

17ksuruli profile image

Hi All, I'm currently working for Infosys as a Senior System Engineer. This is my first Company after completion of my degree (BE Automobile) graduation. I got trained in Networking by Infosys. Hence, I had been maped to NOC/TAC related project. Currently serving for Singtel client as TAC1.5. I'm focusing on my career as I need to achieve expert level in Networking.


ismaestro profile image
Ismael Ramos 🚀

Hi there!! A web developer here just arrived!
Mostly Angular and Node. I like frontend and backend but I try to be a senior developer as a Frontend.
Random stuff:
I'm learning to play DCS, for two weeks now. 🛫
I want to improve my English so in the future, I will try to telework for companies not only based in my country.
I'm learning how to DJ 🎛️

I hope I can learn a lot of things here! :)

jamalmoir profile image
Jamal Moir • Edited

Hello DEV!

I'm a Software Developer for a FinTech startup (recently bought out by a large global company) in Tokyo.

Now a days I'm mostly writing Python (Django, Pandas, Number, Scipy, etc.) and JavaScript (AngularJS, React, etc.), but have experience with other languages too.

I'm strongly opinionated about software development and enjoy a good conversation about it, so don't be shy!

I'm a productivity demon.

A fun fact about me - I have to go through the whole alphabet/months from the beginning to get the name of the next letter/month.

dikshagoyal26 profile image
Diksha Goyal

Hi👋! I am Diksha and I am a final year B.Tech student. I am a full stack developer and Have some experience in the same. But currently, I am looking forward to open source contributions.

I came here to exchange thoughts, share ideas with this amazing community and to learn new things.

cxong profile image

Hi! I'm a professional python 🐍 developer by day and hobbyist gamedev 🎮 by night. I've been maintaining a retro shooting game ( for a long time, but also make the odd game jam thing and create PRs fixing typos. I blog about various gamedev topics at Cheers!

chrismichael profile image
Chris Michael


Hi devs,

My name is Chris Michael, I recently graduated from a Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciene. Mostly focused on web development. I work a lot with Vuejs in the frontend and Nodejs as backend.

My goals are:

  • become a full stack developer.
  • Contribute to open source project.
  • Find a job.

You can find me on github, twitter, and my Personal Page.

qdcou2020 profile image

Good Evening Everyone!

My name is "QD" and I am a new student to the coding world. A few things that I would love to learn is how to create apps, websites, arcade & video games (all varieties), media (including social media platforms), and anything that's virtual reality. I also want to be proficient in HTML + CSS + JAVASCRIPT + SQL + REACT. I also want to master data visualization.

Fun Fact: I love to watch Judge Judy, all levels of the news, & realistic horror films. I can also cook my butt off, Angus beef chuck roast (2-4lbs) w/the fat is one of my favorite cuts from the cow.

ayahmillennial profile image
Ethan Buntario

👋 Hi ALL! I'm Ethan and I'm a Product Manager. I've been trying to learn full stack javascript (have taken several courses in Udemy) & I'm currently working on my first projects, an open-source basic online store. If you guys have done similar things in the past, please let me know. I'd love to see real-life examples from everyone here.

kashfifahim profile image

Hey DEV, I'm Kashfi. I'm a student studying computer science at Queens College of The City University of New York. I got a year left. Currently looking for Summer 2020 internships, but I really don't have a project to showcase my potential. So during the day, trying to pass as many of the 7 classes as I can. By night, coffee and coding up a decent project to get me some experience and confidence.

Fun fact about me? Before getting into computer science, I was studying English literature. I'm a big fan of Chaucer, John Milton, and of the many powerful revolutionary autobiographical works of the Civil Rights movement. Also, on Super Smash Bros., my go-to character is Samus.

jeyob profile image
Jonas Eyob

👋Hi fellow coders!

I'm Jonas, a Management Consultant with a MSc in Computer Engineering. I haven't coded professionally for too long (I mean REALLY long) but this is now changing with my aspiration to move back into real tech :)

Was made aware of this site on a Docker 101 learning event!

Goals for this year (and beyond....)

  • Completing a quite ambitious side-project using BE: Python (Flask) and FE: React
  • Become a full stack developer (with a focus on data engineering/science)
  • Contribute to an open-source project
  • Getting to know more of you here are
svsven profile image
Sven van Steenis

Hello everyone! 👋 I'm Sven and I'm a full stack web developer from the Netherlands currently living and working in beautiful Norway.

For the past 5 or so years I have worked in innovation/digitalization with various startups and SMBs as a mixture of UX design, concept development and web development. Recently however I have transitioned into a more corporate world, and am happy to be able to dive a bit deeper into the technical end and to put at least some of the buzzwords🔥 and hype🚀 behind - though I doubt there is ever a true escape from that. 😬

ericboucher profile image
Eric Boucher

Hi DEV! My name is Eric and I am a Senior Software Engineer and Data Scientist.

However, I got side-tracked and started the Explore platform with the purpose of activating open-source for social good. If you want to contribute to impactful projects, have a look!

Beyond that, I am always super interested in hearing about projects using GIS to tackle climate change and humanitarian crises.

pauloo27 profile image

👋 Hi, my name is Paulo, I'm a 17 years old Brazilian 🇧🇷 guy finishing the high school 🙏. I've been playing with programming for about 3 or 4 years, but I dont have any project that I'm proud of 😂 😅. I know a little of Java ☕️, C# 👓, Ruby ❤️ and I'm studying JavaScript/NodeJS/React and GoLang 🐻.

Emojis (ab)used on purpose to take your attention away from my bad English

abahgat profile image
Alessandro Bahgat

Hi 👋, my name is Alessandro and I am an engineer based in Cambridge, MA 🇺🇸 even though I am originally from Italy 🇮🇹.

I work for a really large company during the day but I still occasionally manage to find the time to dabble with side projects on my own time.

I am currently building a small Android application as an excuse to learn Kotlin.

grootweare profile image
Devashish raj

Hi,I'm Devashish Raj or just raj will work too. I'm a college student and i have done some programming in java, c, python & created few websites as school projects in html and css.I signed up after reading an answer on quora through which i came to know about this community.

tschach profile image
Tobias Schächtelin

Hi DEV community 👋,

my name is Tobias, I am a so-called full stack web developer with a background in social and communication sciences and ten years of experience as a professional developer. I care a lot for the people that use my software and I think that you cannot take the user seriously enough.

I currently work with an AngularJS/GWT/.NET stack as a developer-team-of-one, developing an intranet web application.

I would like to be more active in the community and make it a friendlier and more compassionate place where everyone can feel safe and comfortable.

Also, I like typography, generative art, and nerdy computer retro stuff. And I am one of those "turns coffee into code" people.

Feel free to get in touch 😊

acoh3n profile image

Great having you here and I really like your desire to make this community friendlier. Can't wait to see you in action

prankshaw profile image
Pranjal Rastogi

Hi, 👋
I am Pranjal Rastogi, Final Year Computer Science Undergrad from New Delhi, India. I have worked as a Data Science intern and software developer intern👩‍💻 and have participated in competitive programming contests and proficient in C++, Python. Also, I have worked on many relevant projects in these domains.

Currently looking for a job as a Software Developer!!

Feel free to check my profile, I have added all relevant links :)

m2costa profile image
Matheus Morato

Hello everyone!
I'm Matheus and I'm a Junior Frontend Dev, currently working with Angular and Ionic. I'm a CSS fan and think that web development is one of the most beautiful forms of art that was bring to us in this century! My main goals are to become a UX/UI pro and improve my knowledge in as many areas as I can!

rajanmali profile image
Rajan Mali

Hi DEV, I'm Rajan currently working as a junior front-end developer in ReactJS. I have currently completed a bachelors degree in computer engineering. Some of my goals for the near future is to become a more active member of the web development community and contribute what I can back.

tareqrosul profile image

Hello There!!!
I'm Tareq
I just found this cool community
after surfing a little bit I loved the contents here.....
I want to be a competitive programmer
Looking for help and guidance ........
hope this site will be a lot helpful :)

memoev profile image
Memo Villalta

Hi, my name is Guillermo! I got into programming about 2 years ago, but really felt in love with it after a couple months and meeting Javascript👌. Ever since I've been trying to learn as much as I can about full-stack development, even got into a nice web programming bootcamp and I have enjoyed every step of the way. I'm amazed with how big the development community is and how amazing people have put together places like💎. Feel free to check out my personal website and my blog page (built with Gatsby and love), I'm currently working on adding more content. Let's write something together, I'm looking forward to find my way into contributing to open source.

beeferikson profile image
Beef Erikson

Hello DEV!

I'm Troy and I have been self-teaching myself various aspects of programming for the last 3 years. I'm disabled (agoraphobia with panic attack disorder) and have been on disability for the last 8 or so years.

I've slowly been working towards learning what I need to know to effectively start my own video game company and am actively involved in the #100DaysOfCode community on Twitter. My hopes is that in a year or so I can become financially independent so that I can get off disability and make a career out of this. Most of my experience is in C#, Python, and I'm currently involved in C++/SDL.

It's nice to meet you all!

joseteranc profile image
Jose Teran

Hi, I'm José born in Ecuador, a few years a go move to Germany.
I been learning code for a few months is amazing and very difficult.
try to get as much tips I can get, practice some exercises and build cool new relations.

jkimexploring profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Jenna. I work in SEO and social media work but I've been coding for a couple years, mainly in JS. I've been posting all of my programming stuff on my blog but I decided to start moving it all over to connect with more developers.

somyamahajan18 profile image

Hi DEV! this is Somya and i am an undergraduate CSE engineer. I have some knowledge on C++ DS algo javascript and i am currently polishing those skills. I wish to explore my field to fullest. And i love participating in new events.

sjpcanon profile image
Seth Jacobson-Pohutski

Hello DEV! I'm Seth, an SE1 working in .NET/WPF/C# native apps. I majored in Video Game Development @ Full Sail University and have been working in various fields for almost 9 years since graduating. Looking to improve my architecture skills. Would love to work on small projects with others!

w3debugger profile image
Muhammad Umar

hey It's me Muhammad Umar, having more than 9 years of experience in UX/UI Web Designer / Developer & Frontend Developer. Currently working as Visual Web Developer / Frontend Developer.

Studied GW Basics & basic Turbo C++ in college. Started professional life's first 2.5 years as a UX/UI Web Designer & Interactive Designer to know the psychology of people's behavior & emotions. Then learned and worked as a UX/UI Web Developer & Frontend Developer to make Static / Interactive Designs work in browsers. Trying to grasp on Core JavaScript.

Love Family, gaming, music, deep movies & quotes, cultures, people & society :)

steniowagner profile image
Stenio Wagner


I'm a FullStack engineer that create ideas and develop solutions in the shape of softwares using my creativity and my technical knowldge in JavaScript by building web apps with React and mobile-apps using React-Native that aren't just beautiful, but are easy to use and really problem-solvers.

Also, I create RESTful APIs and GraphQL APIs using NodeJS with AWS's and Heroku's services. Always writing a clean and understandable code, as a good poem should be!

My GitHub:


snowjorden profile image

Hi, my name is Jorden. I'm new to this community but have been coding/scripting for 20+ years. Hoping to find some help for issues I run into, as I know there's much more experienced coders than I am. Even after 20+ years, I'd say I'm a beginner.

My expertise is in HTML and Photoshop (Graphic Design). I'm a middle of the road CSS coder and essentially a novice when it comes to javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3. Trying to learn these new skills to develop even more sophisticated websites.

Thanks for reading.

xtbhyn profile image
Tuhin Bhuyan

Hello all!
🤝 handshakes
✋high fives
to everyone

Here is my story so far..

Co-founded my first venture with two friends, a web development
firm called "ULeap"
2016 - 2018:
Got bored of client work, took a break for 2 years and joined design school
Founded my second firm called "projckt" with a desire to build my own apps
Currently working on two projects:
i) Cereb - A fast access snippet manager
ii) Particles - A "supercharged" web component library
1991 - 2013:
oh boy! lets not get into that 😆

I joined this wonderful community to learn, interact and share. Have an awesome day! 🔥🔥🙂🔥🔥

rivermoon profile image
Mauricio Rivera

Hello DEV World!

My name's Mauricio and I am here to get more involved in the dev community.
I am going to participate in the Hacktober fest for the first time and would love to get some suggestions on OSS projects I can contribute to.

I have worked with C, JS, C++, HTML/CSS and I am interested in blockchain, robotics, space, and finance.

Excited to meet people on here from around the world :)

alfonsosuarezg profile image
Alfonso Suarez

Hello ladies and friends developers! I am a younger novice programmer and full-time game dreamer geek who aspires to become a not-too-distant day in a full-stack developer. Game Development and Web Technologies will always be my passion, and I wish that software engineering and computer science be part of my future, as well as I want to be part of the new generation of developers that changes everything...

Actually, I am not officially studying software development in a University (I could have studied but not yet). All the little I have learned was from exhaustive research from the first moment that I programmed in Pascal my first command line program of a simple calculator at my 15 years; moment where I knew exactly what I would dedicate all my life to.

Although these four years that have passed have been very interesting and I have been able to learn from everything I could, I am aware that my learning path is just about to begin and I hope that here I can learn with you, and perhaps soon I will be able to share content from as good quality as the one that is full this community.

In all these months I have been following many of his posts, and today I gave myself the task of finally joining this amazing community of programmers. I hope to be welcome!

And by the way! Sorry for my bad English UwU

shadowsea profile image
Sekele Mogashoa

Hi DEV, total beginner here. Not sure where or how to start, python has been a language I've admired for some time now and my additional interest lies in network security. If anyone has info on how I can go about learning it would be greatly appreciated.

bvodka profile image

Hi DEV, I am Oladipupo and I am a data enthusiast self learning to break into the data science space. I had my first degree in Computer Science and I am a scholarship awardee from MENA and DataQuest. R was a language of choice, switching to python

crayon1337 profile image

Hello! My name is Mohammed. I am currently working as full-stack web developer. I also hosted several MMORPG game servers been responsible for it's database (MSSQL) and website (ZF3) as well as writing couple of desktop applications to get daily tasks done easier. I am very interested in new web technologies and looking forward to achieve high-end career in the IT field.

mjsaijem09 profile image
Mark John Mejias • Edited

Hi i am here to ask some questions about ionic 3 since this framework best for mobile dev, but there's still some errors that other ionic community can't answer.
I hope i can find some answers for my questions here. Good bless everyone.

danhbui profile image

Hi all! My name is Danh, I come from Vietnam. I'm currently a medical student in Germany and I practice programming as a hobby. I learned front-end web development with HTML, CSS and Javascript on Udemy and JabJabJavascript and had made some fun projects. Now I'm scratching the surface of Node.js and Python.
Here are some fun things I made (with instructions from the above-mentioned sources):

zenante profile image
Zukisa Nante

Hello everyone, I am here because I want to write an article about web design and development. Suggestions are welcome. I am a Jr Web Developer who also seeks a job. Currently finishing my training as a developer from BeCode in Antwerp, Belgium. Any suggestions? Thank you all in advance.

danhbui profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Danh and I'm a medical student in Germany. I'm practicing programming (specifically HTML, CSS and Javascript) as a hobby and have made some fun things with the instructions from amazing teachers on Udemy and JabJabJavascript:
I'm currently scratching the surface of Node.js and Python, too.
I'm very happy to be a part of this community.

askat08 profile image

Hi there. My name is Askat. I’m self taught JavaScript developer still beginner. Very excited to be part of developer community. I need more practice and guidance on my path to get job of my dream. 😃

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Askat - welcome to DEV! Good luck on your programming journey - towards getting a great job!

rezarudy profile image

Hi I am Reza. I am new to golang, previously working with Java. Glad to be in this community.

stankovich96 profile image


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi! 👋

gmlunesa profile image
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa)

Nice to meet you too Manny! I read that you're studying Software Engineering, how do you find it so far?

azriel91 profile image
Azriel Hoh

Hiya, am making a game using Rust (the language), dev log lives at:, updated every 6 weeks.

diego_ginko profile image
Diego Ginko

Hi! Im new here, Im Diego from Argentina and Im a developer. Currently working with Android but with knowledge on Visual Fox pro (yes, its old) C#, PHP, javascript and some others.

imarchit19 profile image
Archit Gupta

I am an Engineering Undergraduate based in Delhi, India and majoring in Information Technology. Hello All!

luc1el profile image

Hi I'm a Junior Software Engineer in Korea and I'm a Freelancer
I hope you all have a great day

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV! How do you like freelancing?

surajsugga profile image
Suraj Kumar

Growth Hacking Machine ! Helping🤝innovative🚀and creative💻minds to learn🎓and build great products🎉for the next billion users.

surajsugga profile image
Suraj Kumar

Connect with me for Technology consulting and Web Apps development.

surajsugga profile image
Suraj Kumar

I love community a lot and teaching is my hobby.

justinerobert profile image
Igune Justine Robert

Hi all,
My name is Justine Robert.
I am glad I am here now! Looking towards sharing technical knowledge as I contribute and also learn!
I hope am finding a family here!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Great to have you Justine! Looking forward to you contributing :)

mindset profile image
Jayesh Tembhekar ⚡ • Edited

Hello everyone. I am from India and love web development I always thrive to be more productive and I love to help other peoples also.
I came to know about this beautiful community.

wgrl profile image

Been in this game for a decade and I just showed up here. I'm not sure what I'm doing.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

I'm not sure what I'm doing.

I'm not sure any of us do 😅

Welcome to DEV!

leandromarin profile image
Leandro Marín

Hi all!, I’m new here although not so new in this world with 44 seasons and counting. I’m willing to learn and contribute as much as possible. Grateful attitude from my side, patience on yours ;-)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Leandro!

44 seasons and counting

That's a fun way to put that 😂

kalindkaria profile image
Kalind Karia

Hello Dev Community !

kmruiz profile image
Kevin Mas Ruiz

Hey DEV! I'm Kevin and I'm moving here! I'm a fullstack engineer based in Barcelona and I would love to talk about software architecture, team dynamics and lots of things with you all!

jgriffis1976 profile image
Jason Griffis

Heel, I'm Jason. I'm just ramping up to get started with a career in coding. Trying to decide between a CS degree or a boot camp. I've been learning python via Codecademy and some other sites.

willyelns profile image
Will Germano

Hi DEV. 👋
I'm Willyelns, but everybody calls me Will. I'm a Software Engineer. Currently, I'm leading the mobile squad with the dream to change the current technology, Ionic, to Flutter. ❤️
I'm here to improve my arguments to demonstrate that Flutter will resolve our problems more effectively than Ionic. 💪💪

Random fact about me: In my country, my name is really tough to speak. 😐

sebastienponcelet profile image
Sébastien Poncelet

Hello! Full-stack developer with a mechanical engineering background. Aiming at becoming a skilled developer with good practices.

thinkinsysdev profile image

Hi All, I’m Tanmay Bhide, Lead Architect for Emerging Technologies at a Financial Services from. I am a polyglot - coded in java, JavaScript, .net, python .

rippermx1 profile image
Carlos Valdés Aravena

(Sorry about my grammar, if you have a constructive critic, please let me know it)

Hi everyone.

I'm Carlos, software engineer from Chile.

My first contact with technology was in University (Wish should i learned to programming earlier, thoughts like this make me wish a time machine for go back when i was 12 and suggest myself to start learning to code instead of play video games).

In present days i am working in a MVNO where i have learn a lot of usefull and interest tech anknowleges (My first real job in the software industry). This job have bring to me theorical and practical good bases.

i consider myself as a full stack developer (In a growing level 15 in a scale of 100, think as a RPG game to understand).

My middle future goal is, start my own software bussines.

Thanks for reading me.

fgiaquintaruiz profile image

Hi everyone I'm trying to begin a project to create a pwa app so here learn new things hopefully!!

solomontiny profile image

I am solomon a front end developer

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Hi Solomon! Welcome to DEV!

rcheesley profile image
Ruth Cheesley

Hi DEV! I work for Acquia as Mautic Community Manager. I'm based in the UK and have a background in Community Management, web development, marketing automation and Open Source.

Most of my focus at present is supporting the community to develop governance structures, workflows and on-boarding processes while raising the profile of the project at events and conferences ( for more info!).

I'm working on developing my technical skills, I know enough to be dangerous and am fairly OK with managing Github etc but am keen to know more so that I can support in other ways.

sameershaik profile image
sameer aaron

hi i'm sameer and i'm a consultant enigneer

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /

Hi, welcome on DEV !

peterchiukl profile image

do as much challenges as i can

salilbc profile image
Salil Cuncoliencar

Hi DEV!!

I am Salil, working as a Full Stack Developer at Intuit India in Bangalore. Working across mutiple technologies mainly Java, Springboot, Javascript, ajax, c++, C#

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey

Welcome to the site!

ssembatyabrah profile image
Ibrah Ssembatya

Hey Dev.
I'm learning computer programming and mainly focusing on python and c++ but I have a project which I have been working on for almost year and I believe it will be of great use to people.

ayatullah_ayat profile image
Ayatullah Khameni

Hi Dev's all! I am learning react. Now i can make todo, calculator such like these small projects. Can you provide me a interesting project ideas for beginning or intermediate.

sarah_chima profile image
Sarah Chima

Check out There are many cool projects there.

yasirdocs profile image

Hello, i'm new in here :))

dravigon profile image

Hello ppl,
New here... Just wandering around...
Love programming 😍
Glad to join the community

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

raghavmayank profile image
mayank raghav

Ssup Guys.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


coded_fae profile image
abiola farounbi

Hello Dev, am abiola. Looking forward to learn a lot of new things from the community

prernachachare profile image
Prerna Chachare

Hello I am a .NEt Developer. I know SQL Server as well

twostepdeveloper profile image

very good

cheersmas profile image
Shradhan Kumar

Hey Dev community! I am a Front-end Developer with a keen interest in design.
I started my career as a UI-UX designer, but soon I changed to front end development.

I wish to become better at development and become a full stack developer.

reneisrael profile image

Hi, René here. Glad to be here with you.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi René! Glad to have you here too :) Welcome to DEV!

birdb4 profile image


My name is Brian and I’m new to JavaScript.
I’m a Padawin looking for a Jedi willing to show me the ways of the FORCE as it’s concerned to writing JAVASCRIPT please.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Welcome to DEV Brian! This is a great community for learning JavaScript - there are a bunch of good resources on here.

If you haven't checked out Wes Bos's free javascript 30 course - then that's a fun resource for it too:

Good luck! and keep playing around with it... a lot of my learning throughout the years has been just messing around with fun projects :)

khinexin profile image

Hi, I am Khine, working as a junior programmer on spring projects.

sir_denrele profile image

Great to be here

oluwashane_30 profile image

Hi dev.I'm udochukwu. I'm a student,studying computer science. I work with html,css and Javascript. I'm trying to learn node js too.

nicgul profile image
Nicolas • Edited

Hi! I'm Nicolas and running a small startup with the goal of making it easy for SME to go "Big Data".

I'm a back end developer, mostly Java, and now want to learn more to become a full stack developer. Right now interested in OAS3, Go, Rust, Scala, Spark and Cassandra.

See you out there!

ysinghchouhan profile image

I am here because one of friend post something about Axios so I checked and sign up.

srgrace profile image
Sourav Verma

Hi all,
I'm Sourav, an AI enthusiast, Currently working as a Data Scientist. I would love to talk about anything related to AI and maths(of course :)).

jemimahoke profile image

Hi, I'm Daylight. I'm here to blog about a task I was given and in the process also learn and see new things from this world. I hope to make friends and learn a lot here.

90adityacode profile image
Aditya Rauniyar

Hi Dev,
I am a Software Engineer(mostly dealing with Node.js, React, React Native, Angular 2+), Please ping me if there is required any help. It would great to participate.

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi Aditya! Great to have you on Dev :)

alexandref93 profile image

Hi DEV! I'm Fuechter and I'm a Front-end Engineer with 9+ years experience. Today I'm working mostly React, Redux and GraphQL and I have some goals:

  • Be more a active contributor to the open-source community
  • Know new people that like talk about technology
  • And learn more about technology :)


car_pencil profile image

Hello, I'm Rania and I'm still very nervous about this whole thing because as of now I'm still very much an amateur. I hope to work as a full-stack developer someday. Aside from the nervousness, I am very excited about finally being part of the community. I can't wait to meet new friends and talk about our favorite things.

I see a lot of people sharing their MBTI, I'm an INFP :)

Currently learning HTML and CSS, and I hope to learn more!

rodrigoschio profile image
Rodrigo Schio

Hello World


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello 👋 :)

nupur2030 profile image

Hi Dev!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hi! 👋

netleap profile image
Emmanuel Idé

Hey 👋Emmanuel here, cto at, special interest in audio tech, aws stacks, ml and nlp

nwertz50 profile image
Abdul Niyas

Hi guys,

May i know if someone has a good source of DevOps, sort of zero to hero or a kickstart content.


itsraghz profile image
Raghavan alias Saravanan Muthu

Looks interesting. Just opened this app in my Samsung Galaxy mobile after a few months !!

gabbychapa4 profile image
Gabby Chapa

Hello I'm new to this

elquimeras profile image

Hello there!

elsimmon profile image
Simon Sesugh Lankwagh • Edited

I want to learn more about Java and PHP development and how to use them to become an ict entrepreneur. Advanced use of frameworks for freelance and international remote jobs...

jruipinto profile image

Hi! I'm Rui and I'm a software developer and electronics technician. I am always looking to improve my skills

felixdroid profile image

Gracias, para mí también es un placer

laffazmedia profile image

Thank you for taking me in!

solinkz profile image
Solomon Eyitene

Hello,im new here. My name is solomon and i am a frontend developer.

acalism profile image
Dawn Song

Hello, guys, I'm here today.

minega25 profile image
Minega Shyaka Patrick

Hi DEV! My name is Shyaka Patrick and I work as a junior software developer at Andela. I do mostly React and Nodejs. Super excited to join this great community.

astrojose profile image
Joseph Emmanuel

Thank you, its great to be in

pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Hello Everyone! I'm a Rails and React developer. I'm here to learn more to be a better developer.

victoreds profile image

Hi, I'm Vic. I'm an undergraduate in Computer Science in UPM and I'm also working in Indra.

fakaza2019 profile image • Edited

This is My first post. Feels So good to be here.

alexribeirodev profile image
Alex Ribeiro

Hello DEV! I'm Alex and I'm a Systems Analyst with current focus on cloud development. I work with Node.js, C#.NET and mobile technologies.

dhruvgarg79 profile image
Dhruv garg

👋 Hi DEV! I'm Dhruv and I am currently a computer science student. I have experience with android development and I am in love with kotlin.

abiolalawani1 profile image
Abiola Lawani

I am Kingsley, just want to learn about data science and ai in general, solidify my python skill. Hope you guys will help me .

chaithanyaks profile image


aamin887 profile image
Amin Alhassan • Edited

Having accrued two years of learning to code with no knowledge of coding when I first began. I am glad to say, I am starting to make sense of a lot of things which werent to me.

mahmoudshoaala profile image

Hi DEV!! I’m Mahmoud and I’m above 11 years of experience in the it field ( cloud computing, infrastructure, messaging, cloud security), now i am looking forward to dig deep into developers world.

sirmueldon profile image
Samuel Adeosun

Hi DEV! I'm Samuel and Senior Animator (2D), also a content developer and a digital marketer

hardik_khanesa profile image
Hardik khanesa

Hello everyone,i am hardik from india.I like read articles on computer science.

peyton_bair profile image
Peyton Bair

Hi Dev community!

ayahmillennial profile image
Ethan Buntario

Great offerings Patrick! Especially the last one. lol

millsjessicainokc profile image

overwhelmed..... first day of coding school uuugh ADVICE?????

dmitritikko profile image

Hey guys, I am new here. I am a CS student in Kenya. Hoping that one day I will be a professional coder.

adnan_ganie profile image

Hi, Dev Family

ayahmillennial profile image
Ethan Buntario

hi to you too!

tanjiya profile image
Tanjiya Zahir Bhuiyan

Hey dev,

This is Tanjiya. Have started my career as intern. I am a backend lover and planning to work in machine learning in future!

Thanks for that platform

cipher0942 profile image

Hey I am Shivang .
Student of software engineering in Mumbai .
Interested in Cyber security

omraj profile image
Om Raj

Hello 👋

asf89 profile image
André Ferreira

Hello, DEV! My name is André, and I am currently studying Computer Science. Now I am focusing on learning functional programming and I look forward to learn many other subjects here!

imohessiet profile image

Hello, my name is Imoh Essiet, I'm currently working as a digital marketing specialist. I'm a beginner, just started to code, I'm learning about HTML and CSS. I'm looking to explore and learn more.

tanotwitt profile image
waldo saavedra

I am a beginner in the world of programming and I want to learn to program quickly.
I like technological innovations

leonanml profile image
Leonan Müller

Hi Devs, my name is Leon and i am jr front end developer from Curitiba, BRAZIL. I'm work with reactJs and i am pretty excited to build my own app.
Each day i want learn more and more =]

designdevy profile image
Muhammad Athar • Edited

Hey hey! Good to be officially here! I'm currently learning Spanish my 7th spoken language and React my nth web language.. 🙌

sudonitin profile image
Nitin Sahu

I accidentally made the same pr twice and hacktoberfest is considering the second one too, how do I delete the duplicated pr or what is the solution here for me.


sakshamjn profile image
Saksham Jain

Hello Guys

jensihnow profile image

Hacktoberfest sent me here... lets see if convinces me to stay! ;-)

idarbuashvili profile image

Hey, got here by good quality article which I found. Loved it hope to find some more. :))

python1980 profile image

Hello Dev. My name is Sid and by profession I am an energy sourcing manager who purchases natural gas and electricity. Part time I try to learn Python for data analytics.

abhecreative profile image
Abhishek Goyal

Got to know about this community via twitter btw i'm a JavaScript developer, learning reactJS.

fakaza2019 profile image • Edited

It feels Good to be here Guys i am Happy 😃

mykelangelo profile image

What do you think about my opensource traffic violations reporting tool project on my GitHub?

happycoder491 profile image

Hello DEV community!

Fun Fact: I went from computer science major to pastry chef to front end developer. Yup. It's been an interesting ride lol

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Hello! And yes - that is interesting - what do you think of the change so far?

peyton_bair profile image
Peyton Bair

alert('this site is not secure');

neeklaus_berger profile image

Hi, I am working as an AI developer dealing mostly with images and video data. I also have a keep interest in NLP and linguistics. Fun fact about me is I speak 8 languages.

peyton_bair profile image
Peyton Bair • Edited

Good afternoon Dev Community!

This is my first Post

akshay_pal01 profile image
Akshay Pal

Hi guys..
I like to develop user freindly web app.Working with ReactJs and Anglular as Frontend developer.
I attracted myself here by good ideas that was shared here.

amud27 profile image
Amudhan Rathinam

Hi, I am a senior engineer and here to learn new stuff and share whatever i can.

fyodorovandrei_ profile image
Fiodorov Andrei

Hi DEV, My name is Andrei Fiodorov. Born in 🇲🇩Moldova, live in 🇮🇹Italy. I am a 👨‍💻Full Stack developer.

geekcom profile image
Daniel Rodrigues

Hi devs, iḿ geekcom from Brazil.

luis_ferreira profile image
Luís Ferreira

Hi, I'm Luís and I am an Angular developer. I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to join the community. I hope I can not only contribute but also learn a lot!

mrrootcoder profile image

Just analyse and respond according to that

_one_mole profile image

Hi Dev, My name is Imoleayo. I'm a digital marketer and aspiring game developer.
I hope to learn a few things from the community.

_naveenmishra profile image
Naveen Mishra

Hey All,

Naveen here. Building a way to align incentives between open projects and contributors. and trying to get fit. tell me your favourite open project at

rjankathi profile image
Raj Ankathi

This is Raj and I practice engineering

albydarned profile image

Hello! I'm Steve. I'm a Software Engineer at TankLogix and also have a couple side projects I work on in my spare time. I'm just hoping to learn from the community and interact with more developers.

nervi0s profile image

Hi 👋 I'm new here, I hope learn and have fun with the community! :D

mejtfk profile image
Lee Abdulraheem

Hello, I'm a I'm a web developer and I'm very happy to be here

obanec profile image
obanec keucha

Hi folks, looking for software architect for a freelance project.
r u interested?

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

Hey J! You should check out, maybe make a listing for the role you're looking to fill.

hanukana profile image

Wanna learn more from all of you about machine learning and coding!

ibrocast profile image

I'm a .Net Full Stack developer passionate about learning DevOps, and Security. Love the outdoors and spend time hiking and long walk.

xterm profile image
Aleksandr • Edited

Hello all!
I'm a hybris developer from Saint Petersburg.

xaxdev profile image

Thank's Dev

ibrahimdd272 profile image
ibrahim dauda

Hi, good morning everyone how are you doing? I need help and support me to fix it my adds up

drey771 profile image
Babatunde damilare daniel

Hi DEV, I am Damilare and am a junior web developer(frontend development)

sunny69487728 profile image


prernachachare profile image
Prerna Chachare

I have learnt ASP .NET, .NET Core, .NET MVC and exploring myself with RPA using UIPath. Anyone who works on UIPath??

sudheer919 profile image

it's my honour

cookiepool profile image

Hello Everyone!Newbie levaves a comment,that's it......

jysh profile image
Jayesh Patel

I love to learn. Heck I've even taken a course called "Learning how to learn". Recently I've developed interest in philosophy especially stoic.

cheginit profile image
Taher Chegini

Hacktoberfest, onward!

nwokoprecious2 profile image
Precious Onyekachi Nwoko

Nigerian, learning react.js! passionate about innovation, learning and collaborations! cheers to great things.

rahuldaniel profile image

Hey Guys ..hello

zikrimarquel profile image

I'm gonna learn to write blogs here.😛

ndemo profile image
richard ndemo

Hello! am Ndemo from Kenya. A tech enthusiast trying to get in touch with what life has to offer.

gowthamhm profile image

How to use the sql in rust

nikithanimbalkar profile image

Hullo there

ankaonufryk profile image

Hello to everyone, I'm Anka and I am new in Developers World. Learning JS.

mahedi178 profile image

I am happy being a member of this most valuable site. I hope this journey will make a productive way of my carrier in the future.

firdousbhat profile image


zohaib304 profile image

Hi Dev, I'm Zohaib and I'm a student and a Freelancer. I mainly focused on creating a top-notch premium WordPress theme. I'm glad to be here.

narayn92 profile image
Narayanan Ramanathan

Hi! I am a Front End Developer with 6 years of experience in web development. I am here to help and connect with other web developers ..

jcastroc profile image

Hello I am Juan Castro, I am new in the world of web development and I love it

pratik4046 profile image
Pratik Agrawal

I'm focusing on Front End Technologies!! Meanwhile love to experiment and play with code.

anabiz1 profile image

Hi guys! Good to be here. Just started, little skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. But lack the knowledge of what's happening at the back end. I need a mentor.

derekwsparks profile image

My name is Derek. I'm hear to learn as much as I can about C#.

phemmylintry profile image
Oluwafemi Adenuga

Hi, I'm Femi and I am a python web develop. Studied Computer science and am looking forward to connecting with experts here and also develop my skills

sayami007 profile image
Bibesh Manandhar

Yipieew 😁

whirlwin profile image
Øyvind Ødegård

Hey 👋 I am whirlwin. Vim is the best editor. Period. There is nothing you can say to change that! 🔥Also, I work with Kubernetes (for which the default editor is also Vim). Ciao! ❤️

jiadmiftx profile image
Miftahul J.

hello world

salvadorrueda profile image

Hi everybody. Hactokberfest is coming!!! 🤩

Looking for a great open source project to join in 😍

clover_vegas profile image
Clover Cleaning Las Vegas

Hi, I'm Here to learn

linuxsuren profile image

Hi Dev! Good to know this place where people can communicate between programmers.

ethereumcommunitynetwork profile image

Hi, I am from ECN( ECN is an Ethereum Community Network working by community method to build a space for both Chinese mainstream and devs to learn Ethereum and Blockchain.

zaars59208 profile image
Zahid Khurshid

Hi I am here to get know about others.

tgusd profile image
AirDavo!! • Edited

I'm interested in front and back end web development...
I'm a complete beginner.

kcmatienzo profile image
Kryselle Matienzo

Same here! I had some of these courses last semester but cant remember and understand most of the things so i am looking to learn more about those.

deathdater profile image


bech profile image


ganeshvidyayug profile image

In case of Jhipster application with mongodb, how the ManyToMany relationship between entities will work, can you please explain clearly

hanukana profile image

Wanna learn more from all of you about machine learning and coding!

ebukoz profile image
Earl Bukoz

Hi all, new here. Willing to learn more, meet incredible people and contribute to the best I can.

nickolayl profile image
Nickolay Loshchinin

Hey DEV!
I am Nick from GSPD ( We are a team who designs and delivers tailored 👒 software solutions for enterprises 🏦 and startups 💫. Nice to meet you all! 🔆

gitryder profile image
Danyl Fernandes • Edited

H! I'm Danyl Fernandes. I'm an undergraduate Computer Science student in India.
Thanks 😊

salobhi profile image
Salman Khan

Hi Dev¡
I am Salman Khan from Pakistan. I have handsome experience in java programming. I love to propose best solutions and
looking forward to become a architect.

benbihi profile image
Elmustapha benbihi

hello from

tayebasta profile image

I would like to learn from you

twnsndco profile image
YRB Cole

Howdy! I'm a designer at Robin Powered. I do a bunch of front-end at work on our component library and design system, and in my free time am a hobbyist full stack dev.

bobbymcwho profile image
Bobby McDonald

Hello! I am software developer from Akron, OH area. Currently working mainly with ruby on rails based apps.

Looking forward to participating and contributing to the community!

alvarotorresc profile image
Alvaro Torres Carrasco • Edited

Hello DEV! I'm Alvaro Torres and I'm studying Web Development in Seville, Spain.

sohamniyogi profile image
soham niyogi

While doing informal surfing around LinkedIn, saw a post on deploying a kube cluster on private cloud which was published in this community. Got interested to read and experiment some moee.

michaelakinosho profile image
Michael Akinosho

Looking for ways to contribute and hopefully improve my Python skills, :-)

nitin1104 profile image
Nitin Bhatnagar • Edited

Hi I am Experience technologist having 8 years of experience in frontend development and UX design. I love to learn and implement the whatever I learnt. #react :D

dtharaka profile image
Tharaka Dilruk

Hi DEV! I'm Tharaka and I'm an undergraduate who following an information systems degree program. (I'm learning Html,CSS,js,bootstrap these days). I want to be a full-stack developer.

jldd profile image


Soy estudiante de informática,poco a poco voy descubriendo mas y nose si es algo bueno o malo. Pues cada vez me doy más cuenta de que me queda mucho por aprender...

Salu2s ;)

itech0 profile image
Steve W

Hey, glad to be here!

jassmarok profile image
Jaspal Marok

Hey DEV, I am Jaspal after so months of lurking around I decided to sign up.

jhivesh profile image

HI DEV ! I'm Jhivesh and i'm a Junior Fresher currently doing a diploma in Big Data.So i joined DEV as i needed information about machine learning.

smakubi profile image
Samwel Emmanuel

I work as a Platform Specialist for Salesforce. I enjoy technology and sports!

nagraj0308 profile image
Nagendra Chaudhary


charles_nutrot profile image
charles nutrot

I am here to learn alot from the tags I chose. Understand alot of code and hopefully become somehow all around with the stuff I learn here

hmada2000 profile image


mykelangelo profile image

Also, I'm about to start working on my diploma project which would be a social gaming platform app fully integrated with Telegram.

God bless Durov and his team, this product is amazing!

tonixx profile image

Hi all,

I'm a web developer from Romania. Please get in touch if you're romanian :)


brianmitchl profile image
Brian Mitchell

Hello! I'm finally making account here to try to keep up with all of the great content I see linked from here! 😄

digitalchauhan profile image
Akram Chauhan

Hey Creative People,
I'm Akram Chauhan. Having little bit of experience(4+ years) as Laravel, WordPress and Flutter(2 Years).
Looking forward to learning new things.

nikhilch07 profile image

Hi Dev,
This is Nikhil. I'm junior javascript developer looking to explore js frameworks and deep dive into the one of the popular js library react. Want to be expertise in react redux.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Welcome Nikhil!

dayatstuff profile image

Hi Dev! I'm Hidayat, from Indonesia, still working with php, nodejs, python.
But recently, try to study/learn dart because of flutter and community around here.

nagamalleswarao profile image

I am very happy to join this community. because I will learn something related to Java full stack developer.

ike10 profile image
Ike Oche • Edited

Hi, I am oche I studied computer engineering, I am interested in we b development and front end design. Also interested in any cause that helps humanity

james406 profile image
James Hawkins

👋Hi'ers :)

🔨 I'm James, co-founder at Hiberly. We provide a platform to help manage tech debt using human feedback.

🔗Always keen to find people who'd like to try our prototype.

arunprakash1414 profile image
Arunprakash S • Edited


manikandanm1757 profile image

Hi Dev, I'm Manikandan, i want be an MERN developer, one of the artical brings me here.

revati17 profile image

hello people, this is revati, a DA student, currently in dublin. Here to learn java.

ved54321 profile image

Hey, I am Ved, a full-stack developer. Planning to start writing tech blogs and become a more active contributor to open source community.

blitzblade profile image

HEY DEV,I M Harshdeep, studying at IIIT,lucknow.Doing BTECH in CS