DEV Community

Thomas Cansino
Thomas Cansino

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[DAY 78-80] I learned about APIs, D3 library, and rebuilt my pokemon app

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another blog where I document the things I learned in web development. I do this because it helps retain the information and concepts as it is some sort of an active recall.

On days 78-80, after completing all the projects and acquiring the certificate in the front end course (random quote machine, markdown previewer, drum set app, basic calculator, and clock timer app), I started the next course which is the data visualization course.
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I finished the data visualization with D3 topic which teaches on using a D3 library to build charts, graphs, and plots in your web app.
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I also finished the JSON APIs and AJAX topic which is about GET and POST data using new XMLHttpRequest and fetch API methods.
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To consolidate my learnings in fetching APIs, I redid the pokemon app that I made using Javascript back in the DSA course, but this time, in React.

I transferred my Javascript code to React and also refactored them for code readability and because I want to practice my skills in doing it.
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After building the app in React, I deployed it to github pages.

Here's the link:

Anyways, that's all for now, more updates in my next blog! See you there!

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