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Thomas Laue

Cloud engineer | AWS cloud enthusiast | #serverless

Location Tübingen, Germany Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


Cloud Engineer at fme AG

AWS documentation and service quotas are your friends – do not miss them!

AWS documentation and service quotas are your friends – do not miss them!

3 min read

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A cross account cost overview dashboard powered by Lambda, Step Functions, S3 and Quicksight

A cross account cost overview dashboard powered by Lambda, Step Functions, S3 and Quicksight

6 min read
How not to send all your money to AWS

How not to send all your money to AWS

8 min read
Refactor Terraform code with Moved Blocks - a new way without manually modifying the state

Refactor Terraform code with Moved Blocks - a new way without manually modifying the state

4 min read
Automate DevOps Workflows using AWS StepFunctions Service Integrations

Automate DevOps Workflows using AWS StepFunctions Service Integrations

7 min read