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Which mainstream programming language has the ugliest syntax?

Ben Halpern on March 06, 2018

Regardless of the language's usefulness, which language fails the beauty contest the worst?

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Does BASH count? :|

if [! -d './directory']; then
  echo 'nope'
  echo 'yep'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


vorakl profile image
vorakl • Edited

Sorry but it's ugly only because it's wrong (there should have been additional spaces before and after square brackets) ;)

The BASH is powerful and its syntax allows to write easy to read code. It just needs some rules to follow. For instance, there can be found a quite good Shell Style Guide from Google

In this particular example, it could be written even simpler

[[ -d directory ]] && echo yep || echo nope
joseprl89 profile image

that is even harder to read

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sent2null profile image
David Saintloth • Edited

That's the funny thing about these questions (and variations of them can be found in developer forums going back to the early 80's and usenet groups) they are highly subjective.

This should not be surprising as language to large degree encapsulates methods of thinking and psychologists and linguists will tell you quickly that there are vastly many different ways of thinking.

The fluidity of spoken languages ability to relay information comes not from their terseness it comes from their interpretability.

Programming languages are syntactically terse means of conveying information about how to shift bits in low level computer memory cores which in their abstractions from that low level task must necessarily replicate the possible interpretability of the syntax and that will vary with the mode of thinking of the reader. It's a paradox of information transfer between beings with vastly different ways of thinking about the particular ingredients of language revealing itself.

To me, a person who prefers syntax that is explicit over implicit the first version looks more interpretable than the second (my main criteria for this are two fold, a) my personal preference and b) how I think most other engineers would think about it and in particular to ensure that as many as possible would have as little effort as possible in capturing the meaning of the code )

Everything beyond that is subjective bickering....

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

That is going to be very helpful! Thank you.

dserodio profile image
Daniel Serodio

IMHO the worst bash quirk is not being able to put whitespace around the assignment operator, ie.:

foo = bar # syntax error
foo=bar # works as expected

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

*cough* set -o to turn an option on and set +o to turn it off *cough*

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Bash counts!

casperbraske profile image

It's beautiful, IMO. <3

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

That would be Bourne Shell's fault, not BASH.

erikthered profile image
Erik Nelson • Edited

Java's verbosity gets old pretty fast. Especially after seeing what's possible with other JVM languages.

Kotlin is a joy to use, in part because of how expressive yet succinct it is. Going back and forth between the two makes Java's flaws much more visible, unfortunately.

tobias_salzmann profile image
Tobias Salzmann

Java Syntax has the weird ability to direct the attention to the less important parts of the code first.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

To each his own haha, I love Java for how verbose it is and really dislike Kotlin. Operator overrides are a really neat idea but I can't get over the fun/func craze of using it instead of just saying function. Swift, Go, Rust, they all do it.

hrmny profile image

What's the benefit of typing out function?

There is none, it just adds more characters

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chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez • Edited

Then we should use f because "un" would just add a few more characters 🤔.

I think there's a fine line between short and too short.

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alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

There's a reason why we don't all prefer our Shakespeare or our technical documentation in SMS/text speak :).

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juhohame profile image
Juho Häme

Writing code Shakespeare style would be awful.

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awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

f already stands for function in mathematics:

y = f(x)
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hrmny profile image

it's just what you start with, the next one would be g(x)

xtabdeveloping profile image
Márton Kardos

Rust goes like: Fn... And I don't think there's anything wrong with writing instead of function, with good syntax highlighting there's barely a difference. I don't think code becomes any more readable by writing longer words. And Java's verbosity doesn't increase the readability at all. "final public static void" Btw you don't even have a function keyword in Java and nobody tends to make a problem of it.

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mojo2012 profile image

the modifiers are necessary to differentiate non-final private/protected non-static methods with a return type ... it makes total sense 😅

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez • Edited

I agree with you on the fun part. I've been getting more into JavaScript recently and I can see the use of the full word (function) being better for beginners overall.

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hrmny profile image

"fun is short for function"

"Oh ok"

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chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez • Edited

Yeah, but I still haven't seen the first person who doesn't question what fun is the first time they see it.

Sometimes being clear and short don't go hand to hand.

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nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

there's a readability factor that I feel is added when you use the whole function. Especially for compiled languages, the "less characters" argument has no weight at all.

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series0ne profile image

It’s actually a “fewer characters” argument.

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aramix profile image
Aram Bayadyan • Edited

Actually in javascript es6 you don't have to type any word to create a function just () => {} which is the best notation IMHO

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Objective C
Or should I say
[[[[[[[[[objective c]]]]]]]]]]

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber


Oldschool-wise, I can never forgive Pascal it's := operator.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Can you tell me more about the := operator?

lavigi profile image

In Pascal, a:=33 would assign the value 33 to variable a. The is-equal operator was just =. It was less error prone than what finally stuck, thanks to C and Java ---> = to assign values, == to compare them.

chainq profile image
Károly Balogh

I strongly disagree, with the Pascal remark, but I'm a Pascal lover, so I'm probably biased the other way. I'd say := vs. = is much better and a lot less error prone and ugly than = vs. == let alone === in some languages.

Also := was not even a Pascal invention, but much older. It comes from ALGOL actually, IIRC.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

=== and !== look rad in Fira Code

databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

And there was me thinking it was from ADA ... it's like archaeology, this, just stripping layers away.

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ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

Historical linguistics is a real discipline in natural languages. I love the analogies between natural languages and computer languages.

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databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

Yes, and there's definitely a "thing" with code quality being correlated to natural readability too.

I come from an ORACLE background originally, and it would drive me insane to see people uppercasing their SQL, like it was an act of kindness to the compiler, and us humans have to suck up the inconvenience. I used to send people photos of major highway direction signs and ask "WHY DO YOU THINK WE DO NOT PUT INFORMATION THAT HAS TO BE QUICKLY ABSORBED IN UPPER CASE? Which do you find easier to read?".

I was also once instructed that all text in a BI system's reports should be in fixed pitch uppercase – got out of it by showing how wide that made every text-heavy report.

TL;DR; People are sometimes quite dumb.

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

All very fair points. I never minded Pascal as a language. Just that assignment operator.

I had forgotten it came from ALGOL.

But you agree PHP is hideous?


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chainq profile image
Károly Balogh • Edited

I believe there's worse than PHP, but that alone doesn't make any PHP better for sure. :)

BTW, I always think about replacing : with be and = with equal in my mind when reading Pascal code. So a:=1; is let a be equal 1. Same works with colon elsewhere, for example type definitions like var x: integer; can be read as let var x be integer; ... It makes the whole syntax quite readable for me.

But I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry if this just makes it even worse. :P

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ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

No, it's a nice thought. It does work, as far as I can remember. Maybe it's what Pascal's creators were thinking.

michaelgv profile image

PHP: it’s not a bad syntax, it’s just not what some people like, and they’ve formed opinionated debates over it.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them) • Edited

Especially if you look at more modern PHP. I really like Laravel's code style.

For non-PHP developers, a few syntax niceties:

  1. All variables have a $ prefix. So $post = getPost($id).
  2. Accessing class properties (non-static) is done via an arrow: $request->has('name')
  3. Accessing static properties is done via :: (by far my favorite). Route::get('/api/posts', function() {});

I also like PHP namespacing:

namespace Vendor\Lib\Class;

and accessing the namespace:

use Vendor\Lib\Class;
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ethan profile image
Ethan Stewart

As someone who's used PHP in the past, all of your niceties are among the many reasons I don't care for the language 😆 to each their own though! 🤷🏻‍♂️

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antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

Haha, I can understand that. I actually liked the namespacing so much, I wrote a babel plugin that rewrites import paths in JS to work similarly. Not EXACTLY the same, but it's very similar.

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I really dislike PHP namespacing.

anasik profile image
Anas Ismail Khan

I agree. There's nothing bad about the syntax. True, the language could be better. There are 99 reasons to dislike PHP but syntax is definitely not one of them.

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jeroendedauw profile image
Jeroen De Dauw

PHP has been my main language for 10 years.

-> instead of . is rather unfortunate. Much harder to type :/

$var instead of var is also not idea if you ask me, though at least not as silly as needing to hit 3 keys.

That does not make the syntax as a whole ugly though.

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ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

Lol. It helps. :D

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

True enough. The syntax isn't bad as in defective or overly verbose. It does look inelegant to me, though.

databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

You might have to blame ADA for that.

PL/SQL also uses it – it is very closely related to ADA.

tiffanywismer profile image
Tiffany Wismer

I personally find JavaScript to be absolutely hideous.

cutiko profile image
Erick Navarro

Javascript is very close to start looking like a bunch of emojis:
()=> :}

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

()=> :} isn't a valid span of JS in any non-string context, but there is bound to be a Haskell library that introduces a ()=>:} binary operator/infix function.

(This is a joke, all of ():} are reserved characters)

dougblackjr profile image
Doug Black

HA! You are 100% right!

edoxtator profile image

It's right behind Java, IMHO. It's much easier to read obfusticated C than JS.

tiffanywismer profile image
Tiffany Wismer

Right, I mean... so many parentheses. I know that's not an aesthetic issue but trying to figure out where everything begins and ends makes my brain cry.

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qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Sounds like you need Bracket Pair Colorizer

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twobridges profile image
Dean Grande

This is by far the most useful comment I've read here, thanks Mihail

vintprox profile image
Rodion Borisov

Why would anybody care to read obfuscated code in the first place without the help of formatter? Unless you are developer of bundler...

nickfazzpdx profile image
Nicholas Fazzolari

Same here.

ewnx01 profile image
Drunken Dev

Definitely, but there are some small signs to become more handleable.

chocolim profile image
Choco Lim

Objetive-C have a special place in the darkness places of my heart.

shaioz profile image
Shai Ohev Zion

"Wait, how many [ do I have? [[[[[ fuck this shit!"

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman

And yet there are people who insist Objective-C is somehow a great language, ahead of its time. Like Javascript and C++. LOL

eljayadobe profile image

[[[alloc Shit] init] intercourseWith:Penguin]]]

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mouvedia profile image

Reminds me of ClojureScript.

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

I vote for Objective C as well

atyborska93 profile image
Angelika Cathor • Edited
private static final OpinionAboutJava opinionAboutJava = OpinionAboutJavaFactory.getOpinionAboutJava("ugh...")
evanoman profile image
Evan Oman

Explicit is better than implicit, right? Doesn't get more explicit than that :D

lacanlale profile image
Jonathan Lacanlale • Edited

this is terrifying yet taught as the "standard" for the first two years of every university that starts with java (the beginner language not the uni name LOL) ;_;

vishnuharidas profile image
Vishnu Haridas
val opinionAboutKotlin = getOpinionAboutKotlin("Aha!")
dhandspikerwade profile image
Devin Handspiker-Wade • Edited

Unpopular opinion but Python.

Personally find it difficult to read. It's like supposed to be really easy to learn and write but in the process lost any structure in longer file. Other languages based on whitespace like Ruby or Lua have clear endings to blocks. Python just drops out the block without a clear indication.

mjb2kmn profile image
MN Mark

We're not alone!
I think Python is deceptively ugly, because at first you expect it to be sensible but when you actually try to understand it you find the ugliness in it's whitespace.

At least stuff like Lisp and Objective-C have the courage to show their ugliness loud and proud. (and oh goodness! those are ugly!)

edoxtator profile image

I grew up on 6500-family and Z-80 assembler, and I find those very easy to read, despite some of the cramping from the mnemonics and addressing modes.

I wrote a lot RPG for IBM systems during the 80's and 90's. RPG is still (IMHO) the best business language in terms of clean syntax. It's essentially a hopped-up macro assembler language.

Java's syntax has always made my head hurt. It has wayy too many rules and doesn't trust that devs have the capacity for making the right decision.

Python's syntax doesn't cure all of Java's sins, but it has the decided benefit of its syntax not getting in the way of problem solving.

If you follow the guidelines in PEP-008, make good decisions, discuss those decisions openly, respect the analytical capacity of the Programmer of the Future, you can write not just good syntactically clean and readable Python, but code that's maintainable.

These are all big if's I grant you, but I'd rather solve problems and get work done than try to make Java happy.

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dhandspikerwade profile image
Devin Handspiker-Wade

I see the opposite problem. The lack of syntax is a bigger annoyance than how verbose Java is. This is why there are so many different languages; everyone has different opinions on how to solve problems. :)

As someone who has never worked with Python professionally it felt like I was fighting the formatter any time I wanted to quickly jot down temporary code while working through a problem.

chigix profile image
Richard Lea

The WHITESPACE is exactly the problem.

wplj profile image

Lisp, "ugly"? best oxymoron ever.

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faranaiki profile image
Muhammad Faran Aiki

Oxymoron? Best misnorm ever. Oxymoron is when the antonym meets its base word.

vladinator profile image
Vlady Veselinov • Edited

Absolutely. My pet peeves with it are:

  1. Python lacks punctuation, in the logical sense of the word. If punctuation was an unnecessary lexical tool, people wouldn't use it in English. It helps convey meaning.

  2. Abbreviations. What the hell does "t", "p", "x", "y", "pd", "plt" and "sns" stand for? The community has a horrible notion for naming conventions. The most popular Stack Overflow posts have this style of naming and it's making the language hard to learn.

  3. Underscores. Who decided that this "init" with two sets of double undescores should be one of the things developers write most often? It's not readable.

All of these things make Python hard to understand.

tterb profile image
Brett Stevenson • Edited

I'm personally a big fan of Python, but I still totally agree with #3. Even though I write python pretty regularly, 95% of the time I just copy and paste the whole:

if __name__ == "__main__":
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(copy & pasted)

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vladinator profile image
Vlady Veselinov

Oh yeah, despite complaining so much I still like it overall as a language.

markcaggiano7 profile image

I hate python too. Lack of {} make it difficult to read, debug, write and whitespaces are a nightmare. It is also a nightmare to copy and paste snippets.

thais profile image
Thais Hamilton

The greatness of Python is proportional to its ugliness

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca • Edited

Basically every language that's actually paid my bills (which means I can't hate them too much:

so much boilerplate private static final void getter arghh
Ever had<to const<try to > parse> this nonesense const?
my $head has @had enough of this %_#&
Did no one [get theMessage:message] that sometimes you have to actually @Read code?

twof profile image
Alex Reilly

Obj-C: what if C++ but everything is different just because

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

...and then there's Objective-C++

I want to tell whoever made it: "What did source code ever do to you?!?"

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

I always hate dealing with our VB code base. You thought parenthesis and curly braces were bad, what about a whole statement to terminate a block: End If End Case End For.

Then there is having to continue a multi-line statement with an ending underscore _.

If condition1 And condition2 _
   And condition3 Then

End If
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then there's Sub vs Func keywords. If I use Sub then later decide I need to return a value, I have to change the keyword to Func in order to do so or it will not compile.

There are probably more I'm not thinking of.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald was my first language, and I have a special hatred of it. (What sort of lunatic thought Dim made even the SLIGHTEST bit of sense for initializing a variable???)

anasik profile image
Anas Ismail Khan

HAHAHAHA That's literally the first thing all developers, who generally tend to hate, say.

Even I was like "Hey what's this Dim.. oh wait, that's a variable being declared."

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I believe Dim is short for dimension. Not sure why the syntax is so array-focused.

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dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Technically a scalar value is just a special case where an array only has one dimension and one element... I remember it from QBasic in the 90s and apparently it goes back to Fortran.

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

True point. Although. technically declaring a value is also called instantiation, but that doesn't make Instant a good keyword for declaring a variable. :-P

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tinsoldier6 profile image
Jason Gade

Dim goes back to VB's BASIC roots. You didn't have to declare most scalar variables, but you had to use 'Dim' to 'Dim'ension arrays.

In some dialects, strings were treated as scalars and didn't require declaration, but other dialects required you to 'Dim' them as arrays.

As was mentioned, it may even go further back to FORTRAN, but that's a bit before my time.

/grognard hat off.

daniel15 profile image
Daniel Lo Nigro

Be glad ReDim Preserve isn't a thing any more :P

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman

DIM was short for dimension. In early BASIC forms, it was to declare an array by indicating its size. Later it was repurposed to do any sort of declaration.

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

I suddenly remembered my very first programming language back in 1989 (?). GW-BASIC. And line numbers.


cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman

GW-BASIC was my very first language, too! :D

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Back in the day, I worked on a VB Embedded program but didn't have the devices yet so worked in VB 6. All well before .NET.

When I started to port it over, I found that VB differed. Like, VBe and VB6 had incompatible for loops. Or maybe while. I didn't like VB much either way, but it worked. It's the incompatibility that's ugly to me.

.NET ftw

eljayadobe profile image

I like this game.

Ugly syntax:

  • C++
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Intel assembly
  • Erlang
  • Eiffel

Verbose, unwieldly, and/or awkward syntax... but not what I'd quite call truly ugly:

  • Java
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Scala
  • Objective-C

I just don't like it syntax:

  • Pascal (Object Pascal, Delphi, Oxygene)
  • SQL
  • Ruby
  • Haskell
  • LISP

Nice syntax:

  • CoffeeScript
  • C
  • Python
  • D (...basically redoes C++ syntax so it doesn't suck)
  • OCaml or F#
  • Lua
  • 6502 assembly
  • 68000 assembly
  • Prolog (... the syntax is nice; the language is painful)

Syntax that I'm not sufficiently familiar with to find the flaws, but I bet I'd find it nice, or at least not ugly:

  • Swift
  • Go
  • Kotlin
  • Groovy
  • Boo
  • Ada
christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

You put OCaml in "nice syntax" and Haskell in "don't like". I've learned programming mostly with OCaml so I love it but I've been considering also learning Haskell, since I believe it is more popular. Would you say your view why you don't like Haskell? :)

eljayadobe profile image

I think plain OCaml and Haskell are probably about tied for popularity.

If you include F# as a kind of OCaml (since it is pretty much OCaml for .NET, as a first-class supported citizen by Microsoft), then OCaml wins the popularity contest in a landslide.

If you are deciding between Haskell versus Scala or Clojure ... well, I think either Scala or Clojure have Haskell beat.

Haskell is a pure FP.

Clojure is Lisp with FP added. (Normally targeting JVM, but can target .NET or transpile to JavaScript. Probably a bother to target .NET or JS.)

Scala is OO, with FP; targeting JVM. (In contrast to F# which is FP, with OO added in order to support .NET requirements.)

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mudia profile image

I find it fascinating that you think that Haskell uglier than OCaml! As a new hobby/amateur programmer, I find that your description of the two languages is the exact opposite. I know nothing of OCaml but just looking at comparisons of code and it seems that both languages are similar but Haskell is cleaner and has some nicer syntax options, especially when it comes to function composition.

eljayadobe profile image

I find OCaml's syntax to be very, very clean, and Haskell's syntax to be unnecessary awkward and clumsy. YMMV.

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christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

Well I like the globally unambiguous (except for variants with parameters arguably) and above all unforgiving syntax of ocaml so I will surely agree :)

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mudia profile image

I am an amateur and seeking what to learn. It seems that Haskell is the holy grail of functional programming. I think OCaml only has success because it caught on in certain European Universities (especially in France).

In terms of popularity though, it seems that its reputation fro being too difficult has held it back. However, there are enough people that tell you that Scala sucks as a functional programming language. I tried starting it, and it's just ugly and tedious.

Anyway, as you are an OCaml expert maybe something like this will help you

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eljayadobe profile image

Thank you for you interest.

Since you are seeking what to learn, and you are enjoying Haskell, I would say stick with Haskell.

Programming languages are tools. If Haskell can handle the kinds of problems that you are working on, then that's a good tool for the job.

If you discover a programming challenge that Haskell is not the right tool for the job, then that would be a good time to consider alternative languages.

Regardless, Haskell will teach you a lot of good programming habits. And those good habits will be applicable to any other programming language you learn in the future.

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Wish I got to write in 6502 assembly... My OS professor made us write the machine code direct... and those 16 bit words were virtual, but the chip was designed so that the least significant byte was first... so you have to invert your variables HEX notation...

I still have nightmares.

igormp profile image
Igor Moura

Intel's assembly syntax is really gorgeous when compared to AT&T's syntax

eljayadobe profile image

It's not the Intel vs AT&T syntax that is the problem, it's the 80x86, Itanium and AMD64 syntax that is the problem.

I'd add that RISC syntax of DEC Alpha and PowerPC assembly is likewise ugly, but for different reasons than Intel's syntax.

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igormp profile image
Igor Moura

Ops, my bad there.

Pretty much any CISC ISA is kinda ugly when compared to most RISC ones.
MIPS, RISC-V (and even ARM to some extent) are way better to read and write, even if that means more lines of code in the end.

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eljayadobe profile image

I'd put 6502 or 68000 up against any RISC assembly, any day. 68000 was especially enjoyable. 6502 was small enough to hold in your head. Both were great fun. And, alas, both have utterly gone by the wayside.

edoxtator profile image

I loved 6500 family assembler. So simple, direct.

programliftoff profile image
Programming Liftoff

I think you’d put Ada under the verbose category. Definitely a lot of typing

lyfolos profile image
Muhammed H. Alkan

Bad syntax: Erlang
Nice syntax: Coffeescript

... Really?

eljayadobe profile image

What do you find particularly bad about Erlang's syntax?

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lyfolos profile image
Muhammed H. Alkan

I love Erlang already dude, that guy just says CoffeeScript is better than Erlang's syntax. That's dumb

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eljayadobe profile image

Oh... I didn't say Erlang had bad syntax. I said Erlang has ugly syntax.

I thought you were saying Erlang had bad syntax.

If I were targeting the Erlang VM, I'd probably use Elixir.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

A C++ variadic template, with move operations, lambdas, and static conditions, is essentially unreadable.

eljayadobe profile image

All of C++ is a syntactical morass.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

True, but filled with little hidden gems, thus we continue to slog through it.

skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

We need a simpler syntax for C++ :)

ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Some recent addition to the language help with that. Things like "if constexpr" permit to get rid of some SFINAE, and lambdas are generally helpfull into simplifying some code.

Well, even if the syntax for lambdas is...

[&](const std::string& some_adjective){std::cout << "... a bit " << some_adjective << " sometimes ...\n";}("laborious");

(this is just an useless example of code that nobody should ever write)


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skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

Indeed. +1 for using \n instead of std::eol.

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ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Indeed! (You probably mean std::endl ;-))

And yes, this thing is the devil and should not be used. I'm sad so much books and courses about C++ use this thing as a "new line" character, it is not. It happens to print one before flushing.

std::cin and std::cout will synchronize themselves, you don't need to flush by hand, you just makes your program slower that it should be, and this tend to make me angry ;-)

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skyrpex profile image
Cristian Pallarés

Oh yeah, I meant std::endl... haha I have read too much about LF and CRLF eol's these days

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ybalrid profile image
Arthur Brainville

Remark, I wouldn't be a bad thing to have a global called "eol" or "lf" in std that doesn't flush the output. :-)

But it's really a shame that they called this thing "endl"...

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman

We need to switch to Rust. :)

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Does PERL still count as mainstream?

Because PERL.

nancyd profile image
Nancy Deschenes • Edited

Totally PERL. Except maybe it doesn't count, as it is, afterall, a write-once language.

If you need to read it, you're better off rewriting it, it'll be faster and easier.

mshappe profile image
Michael Scott Shappe

I don't understand why Perl is so low down in this list. It should have been dead first. I mean, I used to adore Perl, because of what you could do with it--it was the first of the "scripting" languages that felt really capable, and for a while I wrote everything in it.

But go back and try to read it, even if you wrote it yourself...gah...

kshoultz profile image

I was going to say perl

bosepchuk profile image
Blaine Osepchuk

I vote for perl as well.

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mbtts profile image
mbtts • Edited

I haven't found any of the C style/family languages that bad, but Perl would probably get my vote. In the code I looked at and wrote there were too many squiggles and not enough words. In worst cases looks like hieroglyphics to me.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

which is really awesome because it forces you to show where you're declaring the value, and where you're just reassigning it via =. Absolutely love this syntax.

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ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

Yeah, but if I recall, the syntax made it redundant anyway, since Pascal wouldn't accept assignments in the middle of a logic evaluation, for instance, would it?

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antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

I've no idea, I've never done any Pascal.

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arj profile image

Correct, Pascal didn't allow assignments in expressions as an assignment was a statement and not an expression.

In C an assignment is an expression and thus it is allowed to be included into other expressions.

In Pascal though you never had trouble with this:

if (x = "command") {
   std::cout << x << std::end;
eronaeon profile image


vikkio88 profile image

Go? I like it but the error checking and the way it simulates objects oriented programming via struct and receiver is disgusting to look at

ogfris profile image

idk what's wrong with that, it has one of the best syntax and structs are good when you adapt yourself to it

vikkio88 profile image

"one of the best syntax" according to which parameters? It is personal preference after all, isn't it?
The error management is horrible to read, for example, I find more readibletl try catches, rather than checking all the time if error not nil.

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ogfris profile image

i guess you just don't like new things.

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vikkio88 profile image

I do like plenty of new things, is just go syntax that makes me puke.
Why are you taking this so personally? lol
It's just a personal opinion

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ogfris profile image

i felt attacked

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vikkio88 profile image

are you in the golang core developer team?


mine is just a personal preference that I expressed.

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ogfris profile image

i wish i were... lol im not im just a fellow gopher

vintprox profile image
Rodion Borisov

Usually those who don't appreciate Golang's syntax are immediately sent by pro gophers to go learn some computer science, lol. Buncha weirdos in the net!

dougdescombaz profile image
doug descombaz

I like semicolons, parenthesis, and curly braces. Very unambiguous stuff. I don't get a thrill out of optional syntax that allows a language to double as a DSL for something else. Slight verbosity isn't the critical problem in engineering.

defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov


jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby


ben profile image
Ben Halpern is built with Brainfuck.

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anasik profile image
Anas Ismail Khan

No kidding?

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defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov

Open-Source it and we will see ;)

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mouvedia profile image
maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

lol best answer.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

For as many under-the-hood advancements they have when I first came across Go and Rust I denounced them at first because of how ugly they are.

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software • Edited

Yeah, Rust is awful in my opinion! I mean, if you value some of the compiler guarantees it offers, I guess that's fair enough, but it seems more like an academic exercise to me than a usable programming language. One should not have to struggle with a language just to get frequently-used and standard types of logic working.

dfockler profile image
Dan Fockler

With Rust's lifetimes and it's type system you sometimes end up with pretty crazy type signatures. RefCell<Rc<'a &Mutex>>> mostly that's if you are trying to write concurrent code though.

aaronsapa1 profile image
Aarón Ch. Sánchez


xtabdeveloping profile image
Márton Kardos

I'm pretty sure you're alone with that xD

christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

Nope! I dislike it too :)

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itchysand profile image

Seriously? Ruby is syntax is poetry compared to other languages.

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alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

Try debugging poetry. The syntactic vocabulary is far too large for it to be elegant (imo, obviously).

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itchysand profile image

Totally agree with you on debugging. It may not be as practical, but I don't find it ugly. Actually, I think these properties are mutually exclusive.

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alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

It guess it depends on whether you think inelegance is ugly, and then whether a far too large vocabulary is inelegant or not.

jwbowen profile image
Jason Bowen


danielsarmiento profile image

Ada 95 or Lisp.

I actually enjoyed Lisp's parentheses art, but still ugly.

lavigi profile image

Writing LISP with a simple editor that didn't "match" opening and closing parentheses automatically. That was fun!

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman • Edited

LOL I learned Ada in college, just before 95. I thought it was very elegant. Then Ada 95 tacked on OOP and ruined it.

ethan profile image
Ethan Stewart

I get put off by the parenthetical soup that Lisp can sometimes become, but I've never encountered a syntax I hated more than Objective-C. Had to dig in some old iOS code in Obj-C at a previous job for an app we were planning to build, it made me want to tear my eyes out

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Ugliest I ever dealt with is BASIC. Not Visual Basic from MS, but old-school 20 GOTO 10 BASIC.

But that was 30 years ago and I never did it for pay.

aswathm78 profile image
Aswath KNM

JS has the most ugliest syntax . No offence great language . But do we still need semi colons, braces, old style loop declaration etc.. ??

hrmny profile image

Well, js is an old language and is c-like, so blame that ig

But you can leave out semicolons in most places and use functional loops

vintprox profile image
Rodion Borisov

Bruh, stop using obviously outdated tutorials and look around: we have ECMAScript 2016+, and it's better JavaScript you'll ever see (TypeScript takes my cake though 😉). Semicolons never were mandatory, loop declaration is less verbose.

robbydmz profile image

do we still need semi colons, braces, old style loop declaration

No we don't, semi colons are optional and there are better loop declarations in modern ecmascript.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

Well, obviously Perl. There was a long-running gag that Perl5 had ceased development because Larry Wall had run out of symbols to assign random meanings to. But that's not mainstream anymore, I suppose. Mostly because it was so ugly.

So, then; Erlang ->
is horrible ->
looks = if someone was snorting Perl ->
and sneezed;

Honestly. That's an awful syntax.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

My first impression of Javascript was that it combined the slower performance of an interpreted scripting language with the finicky curly-brace/semicolon syntax of C, then gave overly verbose names to all the most common methods. I'm sure there's uglier out there, but this combination really stuck in my mind when I first used it.

(Yeah, I know V8, ES6, etc. It's gotten better, but I've never forgotten that first impression.)

robbydmz profile image

You're first impression is unfortunately just a first impression. The 'slower performance of an interpreted scripting language' is a myth since it is actually compiled to native by the V8 engine.

mbtts profile image

XSLT if it counts as mainstream (maybe not now).

For the uninitiated it is a way to program using XML alone. Typically it is used to convert from one XML document into another XML document using an even bigger third XML document known as a "stylesheet". Unsurprisingly this process typically requires a heap-full of memory and copious amounts CPU.

I might be doing it a disservice but I found it hard to comprehend, hard to write and transforms non trivial to debug.

kriang profile image
kristofferanger • Edited

Swift is ugliest, look at this AppDelegate method for example...

override func application(_ sender: NSApplication, delegateHandlesKey key: String) -> Bool {
    return key == "tasks"
pbkarlsson profile image
Philip Karlsson

Before learning Javascript, I'd have said Javascript. It took a while to get used to things like passing functions as arguments to functions.

Now however I'd probably say Python. At first glance it might not look that bad, but I find the lack of (), {} and semicolons mildly annoying.

anasik profile image
Anas Ismail Khan

I nominate C++.

jakebman profile image

I like that C++ has the Spiral Rule.

I'm worried that it needs it.

eljayadobe profile image

C has the Spiral Rule. C++ broke it.

jxpx777 profile image
Jamie Phelps

AppleScript is by far the ugliest language I have to deal with on a regular basis. For all its attempts to be “English like”, I have never once written anything but the most trivial statements without at least an hour of futzing. It’s simply brutal.

stefandorresteijn profile image
Stefan Dorresteijn

Objective-C is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

I personally really dislike the PHP and JS syntax. Ruby and Elixir have a special place in my heart. I just want to write English and have it translate to code.

kauhat profile image
Jack Fletcher

Anything related to shell scripting. Special shout out to CMakeLists.txt.

PHP is fine. Take away the $ and you've got something that looks like any other language.

akashdeepsingh profile image
Akashdeep Singh

I wonder why no one's mentioned HTML. It is a language, and if you were typing on an IDE without closing-tag-matching, it's an absolute nightmare to work with. Thankfully, I've largely gotten jobs with backend programming so I've not had to wrestle too much.

djtai profile image
David Taitingfong

I'm assuming because by technicality it isn't a "programming" language. I've always found HTML easy to read and comprehend though, but hey - that's just my opinion.

rahra profile image
Bernhard R. Fischer

Definitely python. Oldschool 80's-style. I wonder how this could become so popular.

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

I still love it, chunky retro capitalization and awkward indentation and all, but even I have to admit that the inner elegance of a well-designed SQL query only shines through sometimes.

igormp profile image
Igor Moura

I feel a personal hatred for JS, PHP, C++, Haskell, Lisp and Java.
I dislike Rust's syntax, but also feel like that's a necessary evil for what the language offers.

Python is on a weird spot where it can be both beautiful to read or a whole hell for you.

On the other hand, I'm all love for C, Go, and most archs' asm <3

jvarness profile image
Jake Varness

I feel like if you tried hard enough, or didn't try nearly as hard as you should, you can make any modern language look abysmal.

C takes the cake for me because I don't think you can make the code, nor the error messages, look particularly great.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Perl !

And I'm also not a huge fan of PHP's syntax, too many $'s even though I'm contemplating doing my next project with Laravel (trade-off between PHP's language syntax and Laravel's great community and ecosystem).

I see people picking on Java, the good thing about Java is its readability, that's why it is so popular with companies ... but yes, way more verbose than it needs to be.

edoxtator profile image

Java makes my back hurt. It's like COBOL 77. Three hundred lines to add two numbers together and display the result.

rpoirier profile image
Reese Poirier

Python 2 - so bad I avoided the language like the plague until Python 3 changed my mind about it
Ruby - my new bête noire
Perl - Though I love it so, it is hardly easy on the eyes
[[[[[[[Objective C]]]]]]]]
(Most ((functional(languages))) - though I may only like Haskell through Stockholm syndrome

eddienewpath profile image
Eddie Dong

I know java and ruby only so I do not have much to say about other languages. Java is definitely verbose but I don't see it as ugly. ruby is build to write elegant code but I find it a bit of awkward and insecure because of its simplicity.

felipperegazio profile image
Felippe Regazio

php by far

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Perl. I was first fascinated by the "there is more than one way to do it" philosophy. But Perl makes it very easy to produce really unreadable, hard to maintain code. (Unless you love regular expressions. Which I don't, even if I find them useful in some cases.)

thallesaraujo profile image
Thalles Henrique

I was literally searching on Google “Why Ruby is so ugly?” when this article appeared on the list. “puts” in Brazilian Portuguese is a slang for “oh, fuck!”, or when something was messed up. And when I saw a code example with:

say = ‘hello’
5.times { puts say }

I only could think what kind of psychopathy is that.

k2t0f12d profile image
Bryan Baldwin

Does count?

djviolin profile image
István Lantos

Maybe related, although not syntax, more like design:

databasesponge profile image
MetaDave 🇪🇺

Anything with too many squiggles and punctuations.



You know which ones I mean.

johannestegner profile image

CoffeeScript by far, its horrid, I rather write brainfuck than Coffee!

jonathasrr profile image
Jon Ribeiro


michaeldober profile image
Michael Ober

Powershell. MS removed the relative simplicity of the dotNet framework as implemented in C# and VB and saddled it with *nix style syntax.

timolinn_ profile image
Timothy Onyiuke • Edited

I'm of the opinion that most (if not all) language syntax looks pretty anyways, as soon as you view the code with a cool IDE, with pretty font and theme. Also formatted by a code formatter.

hannahkfrank profile image
Hannah Frank • Edited

Every time I read a perl script I figure someone's cat has been running around their keyboard pressing random punctuation.

lyassa profile image
lyassa • Edited

Any language that uses ":=" for assignment - GO and Pascal comes to mind, and any language that uses tabs or spaces to define scope in the code - Python Spin and make come to mind.

aghost7 profile image
Jonathan Boudreau

Ugh, here we go again with the language wars...

nyambol profile image
Michael Powe • Edited

Why would anyone call this syntax ugly?

$="krJhruaesrltre c a cnP,ohet";$.=$1,print$2while s/(..)(.)//;

(The textbox code is stripping the underscore off the $_ var.)

t3ndai profile image
Prince T Dzonga

Java for verbosity , PHP for just confusion, Obj-C wtf. Old JS for fuck you.

alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

Some people find one-liners beautiful. I personally really dislike such dense code (python, go, some streams of js), but that's perhaps experience impacting appreciation.

tarzan212 profile image

Surprised that Javascript have not been mentionned more! Truly hideous syntax!

tinsoldier6 profile image
Jason Gade

I will add another vote for C++.

I've seen many good and clear examples in books and on the web.

In actual, working source code? runs away, screaming

kayis profile image
K • Edited

I'd say Perl, PHP and Haskell. Oh and Objective-C of course xD

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /

This discussion is really unfair for JS developers :)

lyfolos profile image
Muhammed H. Alkan


mcfedr profile image
Fred Cox

Ruby, everytime. Non obvious, lacking symbols that define blocks of code. Horrible.

jandedobbeleer profile image
Jan De Dobbeleer

Any language where "good" programmers can't display purpose/intent fits the bill in my book. Therefore I'm inclined to nominate Bash. No matter how good you are, it sucks at that due to its syntax.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Rust. It is forcing me to consider allowing semicolons in my JavaScript.
F# would never do such a thing!

vidthekid profile image


strredwolf profile image

FORTRAN. 'Nuff said. shudders

coopsource profile image
Co-op Source

COBOL or Postscript

thanniab profile image
Thannia Blanchet


jamesbsk profile image
James Bissick

Objective-C and Python

andrewlucker profile image
Andrew Lucker

Node.js; not Javascript, just Node, because of how everything is designed around callbacks.

lffg profile image
Luiz Felipe Gonçalves

not anymore

sandeepkamboj12 profile image
Sandeep kamboj

assembly language

justynclark profile image
Justyn Clark

FreeMarker... Yuck!😝

lyassa profile image

Any language that uses ":=" for assignment - GO and Pascal comes to mind, and any language that uses tabs or spaces to define scope in the code - Python, Spin and make come to mind.