DEV Community

Iain Freestone
Iain Freestone

Posted on • Originally published at

🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 24th September 2021

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1. Faust.js

Faust.js is a framework for building front-end applications for headless WordPress sites. Faust.js provides tooling to reduce the pains of building a headless WordPress site

GitHub logo wpengine / faustjs

Faust.js - The Headless WordPress Framework

NOTE: This is prerelease software. As we work towards our first release, we will 💯 introduce breaking changes



Faust.js is a framework for building front-end applications for headless WordPress sites. Faust.js provides tooling to reduce the pains of building a headless WordPress site (namely around data fetching, authentication, previews, and SSR/SSG) while offering a pleasant experience for both developers and publishers.

Getting Started

Faust.js aims to be framework agnostic, so it can be used with any front-end framework. Visit one of the guides below for a starting point:

As we work towards our first release, we will be introducing support for other frameworks.


Visit to view the full documentation.

WordPress Plugin

There are two key parts to Faust.js: the NPM packages and the WordPress plugin. To take full advantage of headless, you will need to install the plugin in addition to the…

2. Command Line Interface Guidelines

A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.

GitHub logo cli-guidelines / cli-guidelines

A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.

Command Line Interface Guidelines

An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.

This is the source code for the guide. To read it, go to

Join us on Discord if you want to discuss the guide, or just chat about CLI design.


The content of the guide lives in a single Markdown file, content/ The website is built using Hugo.

To run Hugo locally to see your changes, run:

$ brew install hugo
$ cd <path>/<to>/cli-guidelines/
$ hugo server

To view the site on an external mobile device, run:

hugo server --bind --baseURL http://$(hostname -f):1313


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

3. React Draft Wysiwyg

A Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS.

GitHub logo jpuri / react-draft-wysiwyg

A Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS.

React Draft Wysiwyg

A Wysiwyg editor built using ReactJS and DraftJS libraries Demo Page.

Build Status


  • Configurable toolbar with option to add/remove controls.
  • Option to change the order of the controls in the toolbar.
  • Option to add custom controls to the toolbar.
  • Option to change styles and icons in the toolbar.
  • Option to show toolbar only when editor is focused.
  • Support for inline styles: Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeThrough, Code, Subscript, Superscript.
  • Support for block types: Paragraph, H1 - H6, Blockquote, Code.
  • Support for setting font-size and font-family.
  • Support for ordered / unordered lists and indenting.
  • Support for text-alignment.
  • Support for coloring text or background.
  • Support for adding / editing links
  • Choice of more than 150 emojis.
  • Support for mentions.
  • Support for hashtags.
  • Support for adding / uploading images.
  • Support for aligning images, setting height, width.
  • Support for Embedded links, flexibility to set height and width.
  • Option provided to remove added…

4. You don't (may not) need Moment.js

List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin

GitHub logo you-dont-need / You-Dont-Need-Momentjs

List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin

You don't (may not) need Moment.js

Join the community on Spectrum

Moment.js is a fantastic time & date library with lots of great features and utilities. However, if you are working on a performance sensitive web application, it might cause a huge performance overhead because of its complex APIs and large bundle size.

Large bundle size

Problems with Moment.js:

If you are not using timezone but only a few simple functions from moment.js, this might bloat your app, and therefore is considered overkill. dayjs has a smaller core and has very…

5. Front Matter

Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more

GitHub logo estruyf / vscode-front-matter

Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more...

Front Matter

Front Matter a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Marketplace Number of installs Ratings Buy me a coffee

Check out the extension documentation at

What is Front Matter?

Front Matter is an essential Visual Studio Code extension that simplifies working and managing your markdown articles. We created the extension to support many static-site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and more.

The extension brings Content Management System (CMS) capabilities straight within Visual Studio Code. For example, you can keep a list of the used tags, categories, create content, and so much more.

Our main extension features are:

  • Page dashboard where you can get an overview of all your markdown pages. You can use it to search, filter, sort your contents.
  • Site preview within Visual Studio Code
  • SEO checks for title, description, and keywords
  • Support for custom actions/scripts
  • and many more

Site preview

If you see something missing in your article creation flow, please feel free to reach out.


6. run-wasm

Run WASM based code executions in the browser easily

GitHub logo slipHQ / run-wasm

Run WASM based code executions in the browser easily


A simple way to run WASM based code executions in the browser.


Goal of the project

The goal of this project is to build an easy way to execute various programming languages in React via WebAssembly.

People should be able to use this project to embed executable code snippets on their websites easily!

We're building this as a new component to be used inside the Slip authoring tool.

Development Workflow

  1. Clone the run-WASM repository and cd into it
git clone
cd run-wasm
  1. Run yarn in the root directory.

    This will install all the dependencies defined in the package.json file

  2. Run yarn build in the root directory.

    This will build the run-wasm package in the lib folder and allow you to import it in the example-nextjs project.

  3. In the example-nextjs project, run yarn.

cd example-nextjs
  1. Run yarn dev

    🎉 You should be able to see the component…

7. Photon

The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS

GitHub logo connors / photon

The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS


Build Status

UI toolkit for building desktop apps with Electron.

Getting started

  • Clone the repo with git clone
  • Read the docs to learn about the components and how to get your new application started

Take note that our master branch is our active, unstable development branch and that if you're looking to download a stable copy of the repo, check the tagged downloads.

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets. You'll see something like this:

├── css/
│   ├── photon.css
├── fonts/
│   ├── photon-entypo.eot
│   ├── photon-entypo.svg
│   ├── photon-entypo.ttf
│   └── photon-entypo.woff
└── template-app/
    ├── js/
    │   └── menu.js
    ├── app.js
    ├── index.html
    └── package.json

We provide compiled CSS (photon.*). We also include the Entypo fonts and a template Electron application for you to quickly get started.


Photon's documentation is built with Jekyll and…

8. Bezier Easing

BezierEasing provides Cubic Bezier Curve easing which generalizes easing functions (ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, ...any other custom curve) exactly like in CSS Transitions.

GitHub logo gre / bezier-easing

cubic-bezier implementation for your JavaScript animation easings – MIT License

bezier-easing Build Status

BezierEasing provides Cubic Bezier Curve easing which generalizes easing functions (ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, ...any other custom curve) exactly like in CSS Transitions.

Implementing efficient lookup is not easy because it implies projecting the X coordinate to a Bezier Curve This micro library uses fast heuristics (involving dichotomic search, newton-raphson, sampling) to focus on performance and precision.

It is heavily based on implementations available in Firefox and Chrome (for the CSS transition-timing-function property).


var easing = BezierEasing(0, 0, 1, 0.5);
// easing allows to project x in [0.0,1.0] range onto the bezier-curve defined by the 4 points (see schema below).
console.log(easing(0.0)); // 0.0
console.log(easing(0.5)); // 0.3125
console.log(easing(1.0)); // 1.0
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

(this schema is from the…

9. CodeMirror

CodeMirror is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. It is specialized for editing code, and comes with over 100 language modes and various addons that implement more advanced editing functionality.

GitHub logo codemirror / CodeMirror

In-browser code editor


Build Status NPM version

CodeMirror is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. It is specialized for editing code, and comes with over 100 language modes and various addons that implement more advanced editing functionality. Every language comes with fully-featured code and syntax highlighting to help with reading and editing complex code.

A rich programming API and a CSS theming system are available for customizing CodeMirror to fit your application, and extending it with new functionality.

You can find more information (and the manual) on the project page. For questions and discussion, use the discussion forum.

See for contributing guidelines.

The CodeMirror community aims to be welcoming to everybody. We use the Contributor Covenant (1.1) as our code of conduct.


Either get the zip file with the latest version, or make sure you have Node installed and run:

npm install codemirror

NOTE: This is…

10. OpenSea.js

JavaScript SDK for the OpenSea marketplace. Let your users buy or sell cryptogoods on your own site!

GitHub logo ProjectOpenSea / opensea-js

JavaScript SDK for the OpenSea marketplace. Let your users buy or sell cryptogoods on your own site!

Stargazing 📈

Top risers over last 7 days🔗

  1. Authelia +2,514 stars
  2. Public APIs +2,446 stars
  3. The Art of the Command Line +2,233 stars
  4. Free Code Camp +1,826 stars
  5. 30 Seconds of Code +1,391 stars

Top growth(%) over last 7 days🔗

  1. Authelia +35%
  2. Pico +32%
  3. React Web Editor +28%
  4. Medusa +21%
  5. Searchbox +19%

Top risers over last 30 days🔗

  1. Public APIs +7,007 stars
  2. Free Programming Books +6,544 stars
  3. ML for beginners +5,071 stars
  4. 30 Seconds of code +3,842 stars
  5. The Art of the Command Line +3,022 stars

Top growth(%) over last 30 days🔗

  1. Milkdown +145%
  2. Shaper +123%
  3. Ocean +56%
  4. HyperFormula +50%
  5. Authelia +40%

For all for the latest rankings please checkout

Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at to ensure you never miss an issue.

If you enjoyed this article you can follow me on Twitter where I regularly post about HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Latest comments (2)

olyno profile image

Photon seems deprecated. There is no commit since 2017. I don't understand why you listed it here.

iainfreestone profile image
Iain Freestone • Edited

It was trending on GitHub this week. Last commit does not indicate popularity even if no longer maintained.