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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on September 13, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
jess profile image
Jess Lee

This week, I...started working on a talk!

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

This gif is perfect 🤣

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I did the morning grocery shopping with both babies all by myself.

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

This is an enormous win. The win is huge.

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim

👏Great job! What a win. God bless you and your family. 💝

mauro_codes profile image
Mauro Garcia

Congrats! It's not easy!

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

I gave my first talk and was on a D&I panel at my work! I didn’t think public speaking was too scary before, but I’ve shown myself that I can do it. 🎉

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

That is so cool! congratulations! I've applied to my first talk in local javascript community. I am super scared though.

I've given a public presentation in one of the hackathons before but it didn't go that well, I was scared during the presentation too so I missed out some important points.

I hope I'll do good this time :)

douglasfugazi profile image
Douglas Fugazi

Congratulations, may you share the slide to learn more about it? 😊

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

Yes! I will grab the link and paste it directly below my comment.

Thread Thread
ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

Done! :D

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

I shared my slides from this talk on Twitter!

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim

Wow, this is amazing. Always first is the hardest one. Let's do one more, to forget there was a time you were scared by it.
& congrats on being the first person of the newsletter❣️

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

Thank you! May I ask, what newsletter are you referring to?

Thread Thread
voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim

My apology for being unmindfulness. I just assumed that everyone in dev community is receiving this by default. maybe not the case.
by newsletter, I meant the one from
dev community newsletter email
Double congrats again❣️

Thread Thread
ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

I just spent SO much time looking for this! I found it in my notifications settings. 🤣

talkingtechwitd profile image
Talking Tech With D


brumor profile image
Paul Bricout

First week at my new job! Don’t have a lot of tasks yet, but I guess that it is normal when one arrive in the middle/end of a sprint. But I managed to complete the few ones that I got! 😁

mauro_codes profile image
Mauro Garcia

Congrats! It's totally normal to start slow. Even more in the middle of a sprint. Wish you good luck

brumor profile image
Paul Bricout

Thanks, Mauro, that's comforting to know that it is a normal thing!

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

Way to go!

brumor profile image
Paul Bricout

Thanks! ☺️

napoleon039 profile image
Nihar Raote

That's great. Congrats on the new job and good work completing those tasks on your first week!

brumor profile image
Paul Bricout


embiem profile image
Martin Beierling-Mutz

I didn't open work slack while on my PTO this week 🙂

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I wrote a series on database concurrency, gave a well-polished and well-received internal talk to my organization on the topics in that series, and practiced the presentation standing instead of seated to see how I might do standing to speak at a conference - though I used my old cane (my knee is bad and my feet have nerve damage).

ackers93 profile image
Andrew Ackerman

Mine is sort of a strange "win", my week started with me being laid off from my trainee position, not due to anyones fault, just the company wasn't ready to grow just yet. I really loved the position so Monday and Tuesday was a stressful time as I'm not really ready to be in a junior developer position as my skillset is quite limited.

But instead of letting that get me down I decided that the best way forward was to up-skill so applied for Lambda School for Web Dev and have been accepted! While this will mean that my wife and I will be on a extremely tight budget for the next nine months and will be living in a friends garage, it's also super exciting to be part of something which will get me into a great job!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Quite the roller coaster! Good luck with Lambda School - hopefully it's great!

ackers93 profile image
Andrew Ackerman

Thanks! I appreciate it! :)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

My git crash course post got picked up by some aggregators and got almost 9,000 views 🤯🤯🤯


360macky profile image
Marcelo Arias

Your post is wonderful! ❤

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

Well deserved because the post is quite nice and easy to follow :)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


nicolepdotme profile image
Nicole Peery 🌵

I got on a video call and didn't die (just got a red, blotchy neck) 😅

pjijin profile image
Jijin P 👨‍💻🦄

I started working on an Opensource Project 🎉


rudylattae profile image
Rudy L.

And another thing:

"99% of the time, you won't be the first person to come up with your idea. That's fine! It's a sign you've hit on something real." -- Go for it!

pjijin profile image
Jijin P 👨‍💻🦄

I have seen several roadmap threads and images. Through show-path I have tried to include some basic details & video tutorial that can help beginners to level up. 👨‍💻

Nice article 👌🏻

rudylattae profile image
Rudy L.

I had an idea for a learning path tool since I recently started traversing the containerization web. I thought the idea just died, but I guess it found a nurturing home in your mind.

Keep on keeping on! :D

pjijin profile image
Jijin P 👨‍💻🦄

😃 Great.

Feel free to contribute to this project 🎉

rumkin profile image
Paul Rumkin • Edited

I've created my own list for fullstack web app development. It has several things not presented in your list. Feel free to copy.

pjijin profile image
Jijin P 👨‍💻🦄

Cool 👍🏻

jmurray90 profile image
Jake Murray

I wrote my first (simple) program!

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim

Congrats!! what a historical moment. You must be super proud of yourself.
Share it with the rest of us, please!

analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac

This week, I've started working on a Google Chrome extension. I always had a problem when I'm streaming some videos and it's starting to annoy me so I figured I can fix it by creating a browser extension.

I managed to finish the very basic functionality that I want but there's still room for improvement so I'm working on that.

I might write about it as well to share some insights the why and how of it.

gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa • Edited

Today I figured out out Ruby's string class has a .to function that replaces text like a charm. Saves time when compared with, having to iterate over a string and replace them one by one. Thanks to

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

This week I achieved more than I usually do in a month. Needless to say I am exhausted, but really happy to prove my capabilities to myself. The two main achievements were:

  • I started a new job that I love 👩🏼‍💻
  • I moved a big server to a new one 💪🏻
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻 • Edited

This week I didn't read the holiday message on college group so I went to college and everything was closed. Then I felt like if I go back home it would feel like a waste of time so I took this opportunity to explore the area around college.

So I started walking on a random road and after some time I reached a lake which I had no idea existed (It's pretty close to my college and I've been going to college for last 3 years 🙈)

So I roamed around and read 20 pages of a book ("The Grand Design" by Stephan Hawkings) while sitting beside the lake

So it became a very successful and positive day for me 🌻🌻🌻

Here's a picture from that day (sorry had to degrade the quality to post here) :

jrohatiner profile image

After a tough work week, instead of letting the negativity take over, I remodeled my bathroom!





voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim

What sorcery happened there.🤭

jrohatiner profile image

Lol. Senior level bathroom engineer 😂😂😂

almadireddy profile image
Al Madireddy
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


nazimboudeffa profile image
Nazim Boudeffa • Edited

I have finally translated the Making your First Phaser 3 Game tutorial to french and added it in an official coding site I am making in node with ads and everything to start discussing code in french, it needs a big review beacause it was done with Google Translate 😂
👉 🎉

Joey Speaking French

ngacho profile image

I love the gif😅😅😅

realabbas profile image
Ali Abbas

I was featured in an Indian Online media website.

Ali Abbas MrRoom

I had an interview with the editor of the channel and finally they featured my startup journey in their STARTUP Stories. ❤

Also, did some open source contributions. Got another freelancing project.🤓

couch3ater profile image
Connor Tangney

Sent out a job application (on a whim) on Monday with some trepidation.

This week, I have not only completed two rounds of phone interviews with the company, but I also (somehow...) managed to land a round three, in-person, interview!

The take away from this? Just submit the application.


jyksnw profile image
Jason Snow

Sometime submitting the application is the hardest part (I very much know this from first hand experience)! Good job taking that step and awesome news about all the rounds of interviews. Good luck in the next round!

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

Entity Framework.

A few weeks ago, I was assigned the task of creating a web app for uploading or viewing files for our client company. I told them I knew a bit about front end, and they gave it to me. I had to, on the fly, learn ASP.MVC, which, to be fair, wasn't hard to grok. It's not terribly different than anything else I've done.

But a few days ago, it came time to start writing the back end. I knew nothing about Entity Framework. Not a single thing. Except it was like Hibernate, and I vaguely know what Hibernate is.

I start cracking at it anyways.

I already have my databases. Those already exist. I just need to build my models. So I do, after a jaunt to the MSDN to read about what the f**k to do.

Then I write a quick console application and attach it to my solution so I don't need to write a view just to test my code. After laboring and learning for a while, it's time to fire it up and see what happens.

And I get System.NullReference Exception: Value is null. And that's it.

Like WTF is this crap? Null? What is null? Is my connection string broken? Is my table wrong? Is my model wrong? Does the table have no data? The hell? Not even a line number to where the error is? Just "value is null"? What's this vague error mean?

About an hour or two of furious research and combing through my code it turns out I forgot to add getters and setters to one of my model's properties, which was keeping it from grabbing data from the tables. But dear god, it couldn't have been a more vague error unless it just said "error" and then shut down Visual Studio.

Finally got past that.

And then I add a table to my model, one that's referenced by a foreign key in SQL Server.

I get "System.NullReferenceException" again.

Turns out, after a few more hours of research and a Stack Overflow question, I missed an Include() in my query.

Finally after hours, my model is grabbing and displaying data from the database.

All that's left is to finish the rest of the tables and get them hooked up to my webpage, but that shouldn't be too difficult (pound on wood.)

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

After years of preparation and months of work I finally committed the final changes to the trunk to get rid of JBoss 4 as the application server that runs our software. It is now a "plain" Java application. We are no longer held back by JEE.

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

Addressed the elephant in the room in one of our major packages.

Python migration like a boss...

bradtaniguchi profile image

Did the following for the first time, all in 1 (very) productive day

  1. Buy a domain for a side project that I plan to follow through with
  2. Setup Docker on windows correctly
  3. Setup 2 separate (almost) working Dockerfiles which I will use for my side project.
mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

This week, I gave my first talk in ages at DevopsDays India. Was a little nervous at the beginning but spent an entire day just practicing to calm my nerves.

Slides available at:

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart • Edited

The biggest win this week for me was getting my first tattoo! I got three different colored lines on my wrist, each line represents one year sober, and next year I'll get another line. I got it on Sunday because that marked three years of no alcohol for me! :D

I have one purple line, one blue line, and one green line. Next year will be a yellow line, then orange, then a red line. I'll be going for the rainbow, but skipping indigo because to me it's just light blue and therefore isn't really a distinct color to put on the rainbow. Some may disagree, but that's a fight I'm willing to run away from.

jamonjamon profile image
Jaimie Carter

Win in a weird situation: As I'm skilling up to transition out of my current industry, I've been hired by a colleague (in my current industry) to build a basic web-app for a major media company. That was two weeks ago. This week, he wants me to meet with another stakeholder company to discuss integration to their system.
This is all awesome.
However. I'm just starting out, and this is getting big fast. I guess there's nothing like the deep end, right? Even with imposter syndrome at 110%

evanroggenkamp profile image
Evan Roggenkamp • Edited

Wrote a bunch of joins in MSSQL. Getting a lot better with SQL. Traced down some exceptions in our SolarWinds environment which lead me to some firewall changes. Made a lot of progress on my netbox project despite the many frustrating challenges this week. Survived Friday the 13th and simultaneous full moon.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Made some major improvements to our webpack builds at work. 💪🏻

Now I just have to get it sorted out for DEV. I'm kind of swamped for the next little while, so if anyone wants to help on this, the PR is here:

[WIP] Babel & Webpack Upgrades #3887

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • [x] Refactor
  • [ ] Feature
  • [ ] Bug Fix
  • [ ] Documentation Update


This upgrades Babel to version 7.x and webpack/webpacker to version 4.x. This work is good for the project in general, but it also lays the groundwork to fix the Storybook issue mentioned in #338.

Related Tickets & Documents

  • #338
  • #3490
  • #2034

Added to documentation?

  • [ ]
  • [ ] readme
  • [x] no documentation needed

[optional] What gif best describes this PR or how it makes you feel?


charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

Great week.

Mayor Pete wow

  • Invited to do a talk at a local user group! ✔️
  • Birthday! Nice gifts! ✔️
  • Signed a new client! ✔️
  • Well received blog on dev! ✔️
voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim • Edited

I attended all of my class, except for one elective course class.
I also did all my homework one time.
I was even unable to read lecture slides but still coded some lines.
Next day, I wore this tank to school.

I know it sounds silly. but I mean; despite the fact that I have 3 times of panic attack per day even without panicking.
It is super hard. I mean, It's my 3rd semester. But it's never been this hard. and the subjects all pretty much either I already know or I was really looking forward to learning.

Honestly, it's a challenging time ever. but I'll survive, as I always have been.

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

I have more than one!

  • Getting the number of compiler errors in Fantastle Reboot, a game I am working on, down to zero
  • Having an unpleasant surprise (problem report with short window to fix) turn into a pleasant one (fix was simpler than I thought it would be, and uncovered another, much more subtle bug)
  • My first chance to reply to a post by the person who got this whole thing started - amazing Jess 😉
msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

After tearing my hair out over a bunch of complex examples, I used a simple approach to create a PWA for my website 🥳

It opens directly to the blog section of my site and every post is already cached when the PWA is installed so users can read the data offline. Considering I have a crippling inability of understanding web tech, I'm very proud of myself!

P.S. The site is open source so everybody can see me struggling :p

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

This week I got the Top 7 badge and also received so much love on my recent article.

brunooliveira profile image
Bruno Oliveira

Well, understood a bit more about the business I'm currently writing software for which is great when you're employed for little less than 5 months...Started working on a few more posts to write here and am planning to use my #goingfunctional series to get extra visibility at work by giving internal presentations with consultants, let's see how it'll develop

erica profile image

I went permanent at my previously-by-contract job in full stack development!

megfh profile image
Meg Hannon

I finished a little side project that helped improve my knowledge of CSS animations!
Check it out :)

kribou profile image
Gaël Hanquez

I am now a CTO

lucaspsilveira profile image
Lucas Pacheco

I started looking for new positions in IT and planning a roadmap to achieve what I want! Also bought a coffee machine that I was wanting to!

jyksnw profile image
Jason Snow

This week, I published my first Python package to PyPI!

lazar955 profile image
Lazar Lukic

ISO 8583 message parsing, finally understood it

briang123 profile image
Brian Gaines

Went from contractor to full-time employee with benefits!

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Fixed one of my projects, tbh I had not thought how hard is web dev until I had to code async code. Learned promises and felt pretty good considering I haven't done much JS coding.

iwilsonq profile image
Ian Wilson • Edited

I finally wrote that damn article that's been sitting in my drafts for over a month :D Come ye fans of Rust and GraphQL

kendru profile image
Andrew Meredith

I stopped drinking wayyyyyy too much coffee.

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I had a week off work and managed to stay off slack the whole time 🏆

Also got back to my other love - sewing! Made myself yet another set of dungarees (can you have too many??) 😂

ecnepsnai profile image
Ian Spence

I finally uncovered the source of a performance problem after a week of struggling with it!

mauro_codes profile image
Mauro Garcia
ogwurujohnson profile image
Johnson Ogwuru

Getting an artice I had planned for a long time, out of the draft to published

vasanthv profile image
Vasanth V

I launched a open source product in Product Hunt this Friday and completed as 3rd product of the day.

bizzy237 profile image

Received and declined a new job offer. Also notified my employer that I move to another city soon. Since they have an office there and it's a bad time to fire me, they might even help me move

hamiltondustin profile image

Finished a lot of exercises in my Udemy Full Stack DEV course.

napoleon039 profile image
Nihar Raote • Edited

Almost finished with this week's CodePen challenge on 5 lines of code. Looks like I'll be able to send in my pen on time.

sinewalker profile image
Mike Lockhart

This week, a little postgresql side project I've been working on got recognised by my boss, and he wants me to present it to the team next week

andersontomkelski profile image
Anderson Altair Tomkelski

Second week at my new job (forgot to post first week in the last week).
My second win is post a win here xD.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

This week, I.. had a biggest meeting as a freelance dev!

stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

This week I got an invitation to give a talk at a small Devops conference! Just have to write it now 🤣

nareshravlani profile image

I was able to take some time out from work and travelled 600kms back to home for my nieces birthday and surprised her 😊

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Still fuzzing Gwion.
A recent session caught really interesting bug, some blocking me for 3 days.
It's all fixed now, gonna push during the week-end.

katylava profile image
katy lavallee

Going on vacation!

jaseldn profile image

Hooked an old project to GitHub and im about to start building on it!

ngacho profile image

First Week for a charity drive I am doing. Hurray🎊🎊🎊🎊

mustapha profile image
Mustapha Aouas • Edited

I finally posted my article about CSS Grid, took me almost two weeks to finish it 😅

misski33 profile image

This week I started going on hikes which has been so peaceful and I finally worked more on my Salesforce trailheads.

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Half way done with my first server application!

matborowiak profile image
Mat Borowiak • Edited

I got hired as intern web developer with zero background or education. This is a big breakthrough in my career!

dandymilton profile image
Dandy Milton


jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

In Django, I made my first Mixin to redirect to a warning page when a user with a deactivated profile tries to browse pages of the system.

I also applied for my first talk, ever! It's on TDD

anilkulkarni87 profile image

I was able to solve reading a Kafka topic from spark in bath mode. And then decode the avro bytes to dataset[row]