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Alex Kharouk

I'm new. I think I'll be new for a while.


Software Engineer at MVF Global

Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Top 7
Two Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
One Year Club
Book Club: Eloquent JavaScript - Chapter 3

Book Club: Eloquent JavaScript - Chapter 3

Comments 1
7 min read

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Book Club: Eloquent Javascript - Chapter 1

Book Club: Eloquent Javascript - Chapter 1

Comments 12
5 min read
When is your code 'good enough'?

When is your code 'good enough'?

Comments 21
1 min read
Yesterday's Work Rewards Me Today

Yesterday's Work Rewards Me Today

4 min read
Using Ruby for projects that are not Rails related.

Using Ruby for projects that are not Rails related.

Comments 19
1 min read