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Lenmor Ld profile picture

Lenmor Ld

webdev @ Autodesk | Someone used to call me "Learn more", and I'm spending forever to live up to it. You'll find me dabbling in random stuff 👨‍💻 or missing a wide open shot in 🏀


Concordia University


web dev at Autodesk

Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2020
Codeland:Distributed 2020
4 Week Writing Streak
DEV Contributor
One Year Club
React Workshop - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

React Workshop - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

2 min read

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Testing async stuff in React components with Jest and react-testing-library

Testing async stuff in React components with Jest and react-testing-library

Comments 1
7 min read
Node Workshop part 2 - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

Node Workshop part 2 - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

2 min read
Node Workshop - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

Node Workshop - free online workshop by SCS Concordia

2 min read
CSS gotcha: How to fill page with a div?

CSS gotcha: How to fill page with a div?

Comments 16
5 min read
Why does the dignified primitive hate the day after Christmas?

Why does the dignified primitive hate the day after Christmas?

Comments 4
1 min read
Ruby gotchas Part 1

Ruby gotchas Part 1

Comments 2
3 min read
🗣 Web Reader using Web Speech API

🗣 Web Reader using Web Speech API

Comments 2
4 min read
🌱 Complete REST API with MongoDB Atlas cloud, Node, and Express in 10 minutes

🌱 Complete REST API with MongoDB Atlas cloud, Node, and Express in 10 minutes

Comments 6
10 min read
How much time on average do you spent coding outside of full-time work?

How much time on average do you spent coding outside of full-time work?

Comments 16
1 min read
What is the standard way to keep UI state and backend state synced during updates? (React and Node)

What is the standard way to keep UI state and backend state synced during updates? (React and Node)

Comments 12
2 min read
Complete REST API with diskdb, Node, and Express in 5 minutes

Complete REST API with diskdb, Node, and Express in 5 minutes

Comments 6
5 min read
Prop-drilling, React Context and Higher Order Component (HoC)

Prop-drilling, React Context and Higher Order Component (HoC)

Comments 1
6 min read
REST API with Node and Express in 5 minutes

REST API with Node and Express in 5 minutes

Comments 1
4 min read
Your first Web Server with Node and Express in 5 minutes

Your first Web Server with Node and Express in 5 minutes

Comments 2
3 min read