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Neha Dahiya

Human entirely made of words 🎀

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Your existence as a citizen is the most basic thing but being existing as an award citizen is the need of the hour .”

Your existence as a citizen is the most basic thing but being existing as an award citizen is the need of the hour .”

2 min read
“ Sometimes unplanned things make the best experiences of our life”

“ Sometimes unplanned things make the best experiences of our life”

2 min read
Mental health has become one of the biggest concerns of our generation.

Mental health has become one of the biggest concerns of our generation.

2 min read
Mental health issues are becoming a major cause of a less inhuman world and higher suicide rates.

Mental health issues are becoming a major cause of a less inhuman world and higher suicide rates.

2 min read
Your existence as a citizen is the most basic thing but being existing as an award citizen is the need of the hour .”

Your existence as a citizen is the most basic thing but being existing as an award citizen is the need of the hour .”

2 min read
The only thing the world desperately needs is: humanity, the only thing the world is slowly losing.”

The only thing the world desperately needs is: humanity, the only thing the world is slowly losing.”

2 min read
Books are the best friends to have: neither do they complaint nor do they demand anything”

Books are the best friends to have: neither do they complaint nor do they demand anything”

2 min read
Wedidit: a non-profit organization

Wedidit: a non-profit organization

2 min read
Your one decision at right time and right place can bring a change you don't even expected for”

Your one decision at right time and right place can bring a change you don't even expected for”

2 min read
It should be the fundamental duty of a citizen to be aware of his / her county just like a kid about the family”

It should be the fundamental duty of a citizen to be aware of his / her county just like a kid about the family”

2 min read
Justice delayed is justice denied

Justice delayed is justice denied

1 min read
Mental health issues are becoming a major cause for less inhuman world and more suicide rates .

Mental health issues are becoming a major cause for less inhuman world and more suicide rates .

2 min read
“ Life is too short too make every mistake and learn from every single one of them”

“ Life is too short too make every mistake and learn from every single one of them”

2 min read
“You alone cannot bring a change in the whole world, but you alone can be a reason to start for a change”

“You alone cannot bring a change in the whole world, but you alone can be a reason to start for a change”

1 min read
Mental health as one of the biggest concerns of our generation.

Mental health as one of the biggest concerns of our generation.

2 min read