It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.
Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
And remember, if something you learnt was a big win for you, then you know where to drop it as well.👇👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

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onMouseEnter/Leave events. Creating variants with props and styled components. Creating animation utility components. Lots of JavaScript stuff that I can't seem to remember currently.
Brain is fried. First couple weeks of the javascript journey are tough.
Since your brain is fried, here’s some fried chicken.
Seems like I'm in my first couple of weeks right now 🤣
I learned the fundamentals of PostgreSQL and WebRTC. I used it to write a tutorial on how to build a Twitter Spaces/Clubhouse clone 😁! Here's the article series:
How to build your own Social Audio chat application
Ashwin Hariharan for Egen ・ Feb 23 ・ 20 min read
How to build your own Social Audio Chat Application - Part 2
Ashwin Hariharan for Egen ・ Feb 23 ・ 19 min read
It was a pretty exciting week at Egen!
I learned a bunch, creating vados and integrating it with Netlify to have my page about bass playing. Mostly how to use html templates in Rust, to generate html fast. Also some basic Rust things relearned since it's been a while using Rust.
That's awesome! 🔥
I've been learning Typescript this week. Also I've been programming in Python for years now and I just found out that the "//" operator is floor division and not integer division.
I learned that Gmail has a 102KB limitation for displaying the content of an email (minus attachments). Why 102KB instead of 100KB? Probably to allow for email headers.
I also released xcron this week:
xcron is the souped up, modernized cron/Task Scheduler for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD server and desktop operating systems. MIT or LGPL.
xcron is the souped up, modernized cron/Task Scheduler for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD server and desktop operating systems. MIT or LGPL.
Everything you have ever desired to have in cron/Task Scheduling/Job Scheduling system software. And then some.
xcron is the reference implementation of the Job Scheduler Feature/Attribute/Behavior Standard (JSFABS) and is 94.2% JSFABS-compliant.
There was a LOT of learning that went into making it over the past year. Getting software to work with feature parity on all supported platforms is rather challenging. Getting feature parity on Windows is especially tough when stuff has to be done that literally no one else in the world has done before:
The crickets were sounding pretty hard on Google Search through a good chunk of xcron's development.
I learned Apollo/GraphQL (for front end) and made a GitHub Topic Explorer using the GitHub API.
Also learned what I was doing wrong with Redux in a project. Hilarious. I needed to add a default reducer that returns state itself 😂
Learned more about writing semantic HTML. Already familiar, but pushing myself to write more screen reader friendly code! Yay accessibility!
Next: jest / unit testing 🤩
i have learned useState and useEffect .
i will learn React.createContext and useContext for next week
I learned something through AWS integration related sessions, also learned ML's random forest, recapped some basic statistic math in probability.
I've been learning (re-learning) JavaScript basics. I'm already familiar with conditionals, and variables so it's not going too bad!