It's that time of the week again. So wonderful devs, what did you learn this week? It could be programming tips, career advice etc.

Feel free to comment with what you learnt and/or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Top comments (18)
To stable mind when unknown errors comes 😁🤗
I sooo relate with this. It’s daunting!! It’s just breathe… get away for a bit come back and attack!!
I've been learning React Native over the last week and a half and really enjoying it. I've been a Frontend dev (mainly React) for over 3 years so it's been interesting to see what's similar and what's different. It's not a world away from React for me but little things such as how screen transitions should look or how different iOS and Android can be have surprised me a bit. I haven't had to think about the difference between web and native apps before and I'm enjoying the learning curve.
Been learning Python Flask and Vue. Got to build a CRUD and quite pleased!! Bit by bit wins!!
I decided to finish a hall material ui tutorial this weekend and do a project with it next week inchallah
Was also able to deploy flask app on to Ubuntu Ec2.
I'm learning more into MongoDB and mongoose! Also, Express to create an API.
I learned a bit more about unit testing in Angular. I've gotten better at using Jasmine to help me out with mocking services. I've been writing tests for three days straight. 🙃
and store in general when working with JSONB fields in Postgres on Rails. Might write about it later over the weekend.