DEV Community

Jonathan Irvin
Jonathan Irvin

Posted on

18 8

What tense do you use in Git Commit messages?

Let's pick each other's brains for a sec.

Do you use past or imperative tense in your commit messages?


added button to page


add button to page


Why? Pros vs. cons? Have you tried one and moved to the other? Which one makes better sense?

Top comments (32)

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I usually use the present tense. It sounds more natural when thinking in terms of "what does this specific commit do". I think of a commit is a snapshot of an event, rather than a fixed point in history or a changelog.

jerodsanto profile image
Jerod Santo

It sounds more natural when thinking in terms of "what does this specific commit do".

+1000 to this. It also lends itself to easier reading/scrolling through git log. 👌

hardkoded profile image
Darío Kondratiuk

I love these guidelines

”A properly formed Git commit subject line should always be able to complete the following sentence:

If applied, this commit will your subject line here
For example:

If applied, this commit will refactor subsystem X for readability”

ewoks profile image

Meaning imperative instead of present or past tense

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay • Edited

The imperative is a mood not a tense! :) I use present tense and follow the Conventional Commits specification on most projects ("fix: disable current deployment type in index filters").

dopitz profile image
Daniel O. • Edited

Here is a small statistic based on the Github commit messages:

Fix: 25M
Fixed: 12M
Fixing: 22M
Fixes: 23M

Add: 25M
Added: 22M
Adding: 19M

Update: 18M
Updated: 14M
Updating: 18M

Remove: 25M
Removed: 18M
Removing: 18M
Removal: 7M

Delete: 7M
Deleted: 8M
Deleting: 9M

We can see that the imperative is used a little more than the past tense.

Personally, I use past tense because it sounds more polite.

smuschel profile image

I'm using past tense (at least mostly) because the commit reflects something I did in the past. Seems natural to me this way...

acostalima profile image
André Costa Lima • Edited

I usually follow the guidelines proposed here which I think they make valid points. See section 5: use the imperative mood in the subject line.

I also adhere to the Conventional Commits spec.

claire profile image
Claire Martinez

I finish this sentence "If you pull this it ..."

adds new feature to menu
updates readme
fixes broken sql

jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

This is good.

foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

Using imperatives is the official way of writing commit messages, as if each message were prefixed by "This commit will...". I personally prefer this as it's very straightforward and shortens some messages by a few characters.


It's also a good idea to use the imperative present tense in these messages. In other words, use commands. Instead of "I added tests for" or "Adding tests for," use "Add tests for."

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel • Edited

I like to use Imperative for consistency with Jira tickets.

ABC-1234 add Either type
-------- ---------------      
    \           \
  Ticket       Title
yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

I was using past tense till I realized present simple is being used in GitHub, GitLab, and GitKraken commits (Add/Update README, Merge: foo, Revert: bar).