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LeetCode Meditations — Chapter 8: Heap/Priority Queue

Table of contents

In this new chapter, we're going to take a look at a data structure called a heap, which is a great way to implement an abstract data type called a priority queue. They're so interrelated that priority queues are sometimes referred to as heaps — because heaps are a very efficient way to create a priority queue. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves, and take a deep breath first before we start.

Heap properties

The kind of heap we're interested in is also called a binary heap because it's just a binary tree that has specific properties.

One of them is that it must be a complete binary tree, meaning that all the levels must be filled, and all nodes in the last level should be as far left as possible.

For example, when it comes to shape, this is a complete binary tree:

The shape of a complete binary tree

However, heaps must also be either a max heap or a min heap — all the parent nodes must be either greater than or equal to the values of their children (if it's a max heap); or less than or equal to the values of their children (if it's a min heap).

A max heap might look like this:

An example of a max heap

A left child doesn't have to be less than the right child at all, as in a binary search tree. Also, we can always have duplicate values in a heap.

A min heap, on the other hand, has the values of parent nodes less than those of their children:

An example of a min heap

When we have a max heap, the root node will have the maximum value. And, if we have a min heap instead, the root node will have the minimum value.

Heaps with arrays

We can create a heap using an array. Since the root node is the most interesting element with either a maximum or minimum value, it'll be the first element in our array, residing at the 0th index.

What's nice about using an array is that, given a parent node's index ii , its left child will be at the index 2i+12i + 1 , and its right child will be at the index 2i+22i + 2 .

Heap as an array

Given that, any child node's parent will be at the index (n1)2\lfloor{\frac{(n - 1)}{2}}\rfloor .

\lfloor and \rfloor indicate the floor function.

One question we might ask at this moment is that why should we use an array at all?

The answer lies in the word queue of a priority queue. Since a queue is mainly concerned with the first element (following the FIFO principle), an array can be an ideal choice.
In a priority queue, each element has a priority, and the value with the highest priority is dequeued first.

Inserting/removing elements

Let's take a look at how we can add an element to a heap.

We know that we have to add the new element to the bottom leftmost place, but once we do that, it might violate the max heap or the min heap property.

And how can we avoid violating the heap-order property?

We'll heapify, of course!

Let's say that we want to add a node with the value 20:

Heapifying for insertion

So, the heapify is the swapping of nodes until we know that the heap-order property is maintained.

A similar thing happens when we need to remove an element. But since we're mainly concerned with the maximum or the minimum element, we just need to remove the root node. So, how are we going to do that?

We start off by swapping the last element (the bottom leftmost one) with the root. Now we can easily remove the "root," which resides as a leaf node. However, we still need to maintain the heap-order property, so we need to heapify again.

Heapifying for removing


Even better thing is that if we have a heap, and continually heapify it, we can sort an array!

Let's build a max heap first:

function buildMaxHeap(arr: number[]) {
  Index of the last internal node 
  (i.e., the parent of the last leaf node, 
   or, the last non-leaf node).
  The last leaf node will reside at index arr.length - 1,
  so, we're getting its parent using the formula mentioned above.
  let i = Math.floor((arr.length - 1) / 2);

  while (i >= 0) {
    heapify(arr, i, arr.length);

  return arr;
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Then, the heapify function:

function heapify(arr: number[], i: number, maxLength: number) {
  while (i < maxLength) {
    let index = i;
    let leftChildIdx = 2 * i + 1;
    let rightChildIdx = leftChildIdx + 1;

    if (leftChildIdx < maxLength && arr[leftChildIdx] > arr[index]) {
      index = leftChildIdx;

    if (rightChildIdx < maxLength && arr[rightChildIdx] > arr[index]) {
      index = rightChildIdx;

    if (index === i) { return; }

    // Swap
    [arr[i], arr[index]] = [arr[index], arr[i]];

    i = index;
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With a given index i, we get its left and right children indexes, and if the indexes are within bounds, we check if they are out of order. In that case, we make the index the index of the child, and swap the two nodes. Then, we continue with that new index, assigning it to i.

Now, heapify is nice and all, but how can we actually use it for sorting?

function heapSort(arr: number[]) {

  let lastElementIdx = arr.length - 1;

  while (lastElementIdx > 0) {
    [arr[0], arr[lastElementIdx]] = [arr[lastElementIdx], arr[0]];

    heapify(arr, 0, lastElementIdx);

  return arr;
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Note that our max heap:

[42, 19, 36, 17, 3, 25, 1, 2]
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won't change when used in the buildMaxHeap function, as it's already a max heap!

However, if it were to have 17 as the right child of 42, then 17 would have 25 as a child, which breaks the heap-order property. So, using buildMaxHeap with this broken version will correctly swap the 17 and 25, making it a max heap:

buildMaxHeap([42, 36, 17, 19, 3, 25, 1, 2]);

// -> [42, 36, 25, 19, 3, 17, 1, 2]
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In heapSort, with our newly built max heap, we'll start with swapping the first and last nodes. Then, we'll keep heapifying until we get all the elements in their place.
If we use it with our very own max heap, we can see that it returns the sorted array:

heapSort([42, 19, 36, 17, 3, 25, 1, 2]);
// -> [1, 2, 3, 17, 19, 25, 36, 42]
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The examples are adapted from Vaidehi Joshi's article.

Time and space complexity

Heap sort, as a nice sorting algorithm it is, runs in O(n log n)O(n \ log \ n) time.

In this example, building the max heap starts from the last non-leaf node and goes up to the root node, each time calling heapify. The heapify function has a time complexity of O(log n)O(log \ n) as we're working with a binary tree, and in the worst case, we get to do it for all the levels. Since we do it n/2n / 2 times, overall, buildMaxHeap has O(n log n)O(n \ log \ n) time complexity.

We're swapping the first and last elements, and heapifying as we go through each element, so this is also overall an O(n log n)O(n \ log \ n) operation — which makes the time complexity of heapSort O(n log n)O(n \ log \ n) .
Building the max heap can be improved to have O(n)O(n) runtime.

Since there is no use of auxiliary space, the space complexity is constant, O(1)O(1) .

Now, we can take a deep breath. The one and only problem that we're going to look at in this chapter is called Find Median from Data Stream. Until then, happy coding.


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