So, show me your website/portfolio and tell me what technologies do you use and why?
Here is mine https://thedev.sk
It uses Preact and Typescript...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Here's mine sunchayn.github.io/old. Now, it's on hold as I'm planning to make a new one.
The technology stack I've used was vanilla JS (ES6) and SASS3 alongside Gulp as a build tool.
Look great, congrats 👏👏👏
nice, you nailed the terminal look 👏
Love the blue screen at the end of the page!!
Here's mine andrewbaisden.com/ the backend is in Node and the frontend is in Next.js. Deployed to Netlify.
Can you make one for me? Not a site, but you know, just make me look as cool as you? 😎
Like a super hero, right!?! : )
I just follow Saitama’s Workout.
Every single day!!!
100 Push Ups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats, and 10KM Running.
OK! We'll start with
$saitamaWorkout / 5
and go from there!It’s just good lighting 😅
Too powerful, one punch and got a job
Really nice, I noticed that you have horizontal scrollbars on your page caused by the 100vw which is used on the div right inside the header element, give the header 100% width and replace the 100vw with 100% too, it will make the issue gone. But other than that it is really nice, nice power level ;)
Thanks for the feedback I will look into it. I don't see those scrollbars though what OS and browser did you see it in?
13 inch MacBook pro, with the native mac os, latest chrome browser, I have an always visible scrollbar, and the 100vw never counts with the width of the scrollbar. I hope this information will help you to debug ;)
This is mine mdor.dev/
I want to start adding more features, but I tried to keep it simple.
I kept the stack to the minimum.
For the site:
For the build process:
For the code quality:
So far, it has:
Performance: 97
Accessibility: 100
Best Practices: 100
SEO: 100
And the load time is very decent, coming from the network tab:
361 kB resources
Finish: 487 ms
DOMContentLoaded: 306 ms
Load: 451
This is the repo github.com/MDOR/mdor
Hi really nice page, I see you even customized the scrollbar, but I found a really annoying bug, after I used the navigations buttons the site does not allows me to scroll, it is stuck on one place, no mousewheel, no touchpad, I cant even move the scrollbar with the mouse, navigation through the menu works. The scrollbar works when you load the page at the firs time, but it stops working after you use a navigation button. Please check it out. Tested on chrome/edge chormium, both latest on windows 10, 15.6 inch screen Full HD, 125% scaling in windows display settings.
Nice! Thank you for report that., I'll take a look.
Mine is carlevans.dev I use Craft as my CMS and use Eleventy to build a static site which is hosted for free thanks to Netlify / AWS. I use Nunjucks as a template engine. It doesn’t use a front end framework but it does use Barba.js for page transitions 😊
Nice colour section carl
You got me with that one, nice, simple minimalistic, nice colors 👏
I was actually working on my portfolio website around 3 months ago. Designed this all by myself from scratch. Since then, I've learnt react, gatsby and next.js and right now I'm in the phase of migrating this design to react based stack, for improved performance. Still most of the design will remain the same. You can have a look here : ishandeveloper.com
Moreover, I have also created a personal blog of my own using Gatsby. I'd love for you to have a look at it here : blog.ishandeveloper.com

Loved, the blog page...
Can I get the source code for the blog site?
I am currently working on a Dev.to plugin that can display your all blogs on the external page and would appreciate getting the source code the project.
Here is the link.
Sorry this has a dirty CSS, cause I have been busy on other project and don't want to design it now.
Thank you;
Thats really nice, it is clean, nice usage of empty spaces and great color choices in the blog for post background. 👏
Thank you @theonlybeardedbeast !
My personal website is: Bobby Iliev
And here is a website that I've been helping with recently: DevDojo you should check it out!
Nice portfolio 👏 devdojo looks nice, I will save it to my bookmarks.
Thanks for the nice feedback! 🙌
Here you go rathik.net/ , Built in VuePress and backend for markup post and page , I connected to forestry as my simple backend

nice and cool, wishing the best 👏
thank you
Sharing mine: jeffjadulco.com
Things I used:
Nice, both versions (light and dark) simple and clear 👏 In what language powers you graphql backend? I mostly choose hot-chocolate or graphql.net for .net or typegraphql for node, because I love the code-first approach.
Oh that was Gatsby's GraphQL for generating pages at build time (node). No back-end. Sorry for the confusion!
no problem, I have never worked with gatsby, so I just forgot that graphql is part of it :) thanks for the clarification.
I've decided to take a different route and make my portfolio an old newspaper 😊😅
Looks amazing, great job, you are unique in the comment section. The design you linked on dribble doesn't work for me, I have got a 404, but the miniature looked really cool, let me know if you fixed the dribble link, or just write the link into the comment if you have it. 👏
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I've done some design in the past but decided to just focus on the development and deleted my dribble account. but here is a picture of that design if you are interested...
That looks really great! Excellent work!
Thats a great idea, Amir!
Thanks Kostia!
I tried to keep the design simple and minimal.
That's a lot of tech for 'simple' ! Photo feels very nice and human.
I mean the UI/Design not the tech stack haha
Good work clear and informative, nice projects you have there 👏
Thanks :)
I made the js-coroutines site recently - to show off a library I made. It's React/JS not pre-rendered, but I should probably get around to fixing that! I use Material UI for styling and componentry.
I notice that it is way less fancy than many, I guess I was going for informative and single page for the primary content.
Still a nice one, rather an informative page than a fancy one without no information at all, but I think you found a sweet spot in between 👏
Thanks :)
Hey, Mike!
Have you considered using documentation platform, like gitbook or docusaurus?
I've seen some good examples: router5.js.org/ or babeljs.io/docs/en/
Here's mine: flexrweb.com/showcaser
Technologies used:
Great work, nice colors 👍 I think you exactly know what you are doing 👏
Thanks man!
And here's mine : l3m.in
I recently added cover for articles & projects, and the reading time.
Pure vanilla php (poo mvc)/html5/css3, with a scoop of javascript :)
Nice! Pure vanilla php, man you have my respect 👏 I like your domain name.
Here is mine: turnerj.com
It is an ASP.NET Core website using Razor Pages. For CSS, I am using Tachyons. The site is deployed to Azure, with build/deployment through Azure DevOps.
I like it, .net core is deeply in my heart, nice hover on the cards! How do you like the razor pages, I tried them once for a small project, currently I am trying blazor.
I think Razor Pages are an improvement to the general MVC architecture - it allows for a better separation without feeling like I have dozens of files representing a basic action. Currently use it across 3 sites of mine and a web application I am developing - so far so good!
What's your thoughts on Blazor like so far?
I really like it, currently I am working on my million dollar idea :D feels solid, but the tooling feels a bit slowly developed, vs code for some reason doesn't like blazor files, and linting is not that good, visual studio handles it better. I use a library called blazor styled which helps a lot, but no style highlighting inside. And the rebuild takes too much time, if I compare it to a React app development, but I like c# I like how you write components, renderfragments cascadingvalues to share a context of a parental component to its descendants.
Hi all. Great portfolios I see in here. I'm new to the frontend world. I'm not currently currently working as a frontend developer but trying to.
Here is my portfolio
There is still a few sharp corners to fix like the about page. Maybe add a little bit more about me.
Fill free to shoot some advices or criticism regarding it
Hi Nelson, Thats really great work, I like it 👏 one thing which is hard for my eye is the hover efect on card, when you have dark mode, and you hover over the card it changes to white, add a transitition to make it more pleasant for the eyes.
Thank you for your feedback. I've updated meanwhile
Looks great! Here's mine: Pradeep CE.
This is brand new because I just picked up React/Gatsby (tutorials on those soon!). If About Me | Pradeep CE sounds like something you can identify with, tweet at me: let's talk / build something together! 🙂
Nice page/blog you have there, at this time I am experimenting with something, but maybe later this year I can find spare time to build something! Thanks.
This is a website for one of my project on GitHub.
Used :
nice 👏
Mine is belev.dev
Tech used: Gatsby, Netlify, Netlify DNS. I wanted to play around with Gatsby and this is why I choose it. Good performance, SEO, customizable and React based. For deployment I wanted something with which I can start really quickly and Netlify was perfect for that. Doing almost nothing get’s you up to a point with deployed site, deployment on push to master, preview for PR, SSL from Netlify DNS. I am pretty happy with the setup and the time it takes to go live.
I believe that, I have that now.sh setup, which works similarly like netlify, just a command and my site was up and running, Great choices nice and simple site, nice job 👏
Thank you 🙌
Feels like an old game interface, interesting 👏 great job!
Here is mine: richardcoric.netlify.app/
I used React JS because im currently learning react, and it was a fun way to practice.
I also used a combination of SCSS and styled components because I'm really enjoying CSS-in-JS at the moment; and I like the fact that I can use partials with SCSS.
I would like to add a way to translate the site on the click of a button but I need to figure out how to do that.
Thats a nice site you have built! 👏 I really like the intro screen graphics, congrats! Try i18n-react for translations ;)
Thankyou I'll look into that, should be easier than rewriting the entire site in my native language. 😁
Are you kidding? Mine is thedev.id :D it's not the personal website though.
If you asking one, the real is upset.dev, a really simple landing page built with bare HTML and inlined CSS. No frameworks allowed.
Aw man, that's nice :D you know the "thedev" domain is really nice for emails too, "mark@thedev.sk" not yet ready :D But I like the idea with the subdomains :D Nice clean personal website, great projects, I understand the no framework policy 👏
Thanks, yours too!
I like the idea for emails, maybe I can set up one for frans@thedev.id and there is a possibility I can provide this for public needs as well (name@thedev.id), but still cannot solve the privacy and reliability issues.
I actually reworked my website a few days ago. It can be found at ricardoboss.de and I use NuxtJS and SASS (with Bootstrap v5 Alpha). It is deployed as my GitHub.io page automatically every time I push some commits. The first article I wrote documents this in more detail.
Hi a nice site you have there 👏 Nice setup. One thing caught my eye, you have "résumé" directly in the url, I dont think thats safe for the url, the site works just check it out, a slugify generator would generate it like "resume".
Hi there! Thanks for the feedback! I hesitated to put non-ascii characters in the url but I decided to do it, because I thought modern browsers can handle those. I could add an alias, though. Anyway, nice catch!
I built mine with eleventy.
Nice 👏 are you satisfied with 11ty?
Thank you! I am very happy with 11ty. They really have done a wonderful job of simplifying the process of building a static website. As developers, we already have enough complexity to deal with.
Maybe I will give it a try but at first, I want to try wyam.io/ , I have never heard 11ty before so thanks for that insight :)
Wyam looks very interesting! However, it does look like work on it has been stopped, and the author is now building a new product. I found this on the Wyam github page:
"Note This project is essentially archived. Wyam has been rebranded and rebooted as Statiq. New development is happening over at Statiq.Framework and Statiq.Web.
You might want to take a look at the new project statiq.dev/.
Aw that is sad, thanks, at this point I am working on an app in blazor, so the info I had on wyam was old.
Lots of awesome portfolios here. Well done guys!
Here's mine gabriellinassi.site. Sorry for not supporting both languages PT-BR and US-ENG for now.
Btw I'm very undecided if I should migrate it to NextJs/Gatsby or let it like this since I want to keep working on it and create a blog in the future. However, I'm afraid it's just too much for a simple portfolio.
Nice 👏 I think it's on you, I think it would be manageable both ways. But you can still divide you blog and portfolio to 2 different apps and just link each other, as a lot of guys did. Keep it up :)
Here is mine: soniagarcia.dev
It is a static generated personal website and blog made with Nuxt and hosted for free in Netlify. I have published a couple of posts showing how to build a website like it.
Nice stack, I like the color choices, nice and readable 👏
That look really great nice accent, gives the blog really modern look with the typography and grayscale images, and even when I open the post and see some colored image, it still well plays together. 👏 nice job
Here's mine on Gatsby/netlify. It's always a work in progress, most of my effort is focused on the content. I slowly make the platform as a whole a bit better over time.
Nice. Feels grunge, the cards like posters on a pub wall 👍 👏
I only have a blog, which is not very impressive as design: mydev-journey.blogspot.com/.
Yours is very well designed, just that I would prefer the same font for headings/menus as for the whole text.
Thanks, nice development journey on the blog! That font choice was intentional, I tried to use one font but didn't fit my expectations, then I (read an article or saw a video, I don't remember exactly) about design where they noted this method. Anyway, I am not a designer either, I went through a lot of designs on dribble for inspiration, for example, neumorphism on the cards.
Here's mine: mishal23.github.io
It's mainly a blog with some pages about the work I do.
Built with Gatsby.js as I like the server-side rendering feature as it becomes fast + PWA support. Deployed on GitHub Pages.
Nice and fast 👏
This is my portfolio and here is the blog.
If you liked it then, checkout the portfolio code here
💪 A clean, minimal, responsive, and customizable portfolio template to showcase skills, experience, achievements, and favorites (movies & TVs).
The minimal, responsive and easily customisable portfolio for developers.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer.
From your command line, clone and run minimal-portfolio:
If you like the portfolio and want to use it to create your own, please refer customization manual.
The chosen accent color gives me some neon vibes on that black background 👏 nice job.
Here's what I got: alexitaylor.dev
Tech Stack:
I like how the white border and the bold text plays together with that animated background, nice job 👏
Here I am at dylanoleary.dev.
I used Gatsby for the front end and used Ghost to power my blog section. The front end is hosted by Netlify and the Ghost content lives on Digital Ocean.
Really nice setup, I will try digital ocean in the future, the pricing seem fair, betten than amazon or azure. Nice job 👏
Here's mine jonathanyeong.com.
I'm a backend developer so design is definitely not my forte. Currently, trying to come up with redesigns. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I think your stack and site is really nice, with simplicity you cant make anything wrong, even if you are a backend developer, you nailed it, it is nice 👏
I think both of you made a great job, this plain style can be really nice, the default html styling in the browser is garbage, and you tweeked that css enough to make it all look good! Great job 👏
This is a school project. I had website creation lessons.
This website is where i share my projects.
I use HTML / CSS with Vs code.
This is the link : projet99.000webhostapp.com
Nice 👏 keep it up!
Vue, Gridsome, and TailwindCSS
Now web monetized!
Amazing designs, I really like it, if you would like to cooperate in the future, let me know 👏
That'd be awesome! If you have any ideas hit me up!
Mine, rajeshpeddalachugari.github.io/
Recently completely re-written in Vue.js.
Used W3.CSS as css framework, which is my favourite css framework.
Nice job 👏 Vue is a solid choice!
Thanks. 🙂
Hey Mark! I've recently built my first ever portfolio web app using just Angular! Check out here.
I also wrote a blog about it on my journey in building it.
How I built my first portfolio website using just Angular
Vikram Kadiam ・ Jul 10 ・ 3 min read
Hi Vikram nice job 👏 I like the overall style, the green you choose is nice, angular is interesting choice these days.
Here's mine, indeliblebluepen.com/
Built with pure HTML and CSS. And yes, those block cursors blink.
I like it, the bow tie is classy with that mustache! 👏
Thank you very much.
My portfolio is made with Nuxt.js and Tailwind css: michaelzanggl.com/
It was a lot of fun to play around with vibrant colors.
Nice you have a lot of interesting articles, I will take a look at them in the future 👏 interesting color choices, hover and active behaviors.
Here is mine [WIP]
I see it as a nice beginnig, you have a nice accent color and white combination, maybe the icon colors are a bit too much, maybe try to use just the accent color or black for icons, but that is just a suggestion, it is your site and your decissions, nice job 👏
Thank you. Will definitely keep that in mind
Here’s mine : portfolio.devaman.dev
Built using pure HTML CSS and JS.
Better to open on Desktop
Nice, I love the transitions when you scroll through the page! You have 100vw on your footer, it causes a horizontal scrollbar, change it to 100%, and the problem will be gone. Nice job 👏
Thanks for the feedback 😊
Here is mine. Is a modified Gatsby theme, but in the future I plan to totally rewrite a new one: gughog.github.io/portfolio/
Nice, when you create it make a post about it, share your knowledge! 👏
I made this as teenager: benibela.de/index_en.html
Static HTML, with a code generator initially in Delphi/Pascal, then in Java, then back to Pascal/XQuery
Hmm really interesting setup 👏 yeah old school, I remember to write my first page with tables as a teenager :D
Before that page, I had a personal page with a table layout.
I was proud to not use tables anymore. It is all modern HTML4, CSS, divs, validating with the strict DTD. It was really hard to get it all working in IE that did not support CSS properly
My web: rumahzen.my.id/halaman/0.
Frontend: Vue
Backend: PHP
👏 simplicity 👍
Thanks 🙈
Mine is here: priver.dev
I love it, simple and minimalistic 👏
Thank you :D
Mine is kylerodgers.me/ built with Gridsome and Tailwind Css. I'm happy with the design and it was a fun build, but I want to port it to Nuxt when I get a spare moment.
Kyle, I like the colour combination and Menu. It just awesome
Nice, feels like a dribble showcase design 👏
Here's mine. kenovienadu.me
It was build using react a few months ago. What are your thoughts?
Nice I like the background and color combination choices, great work 👏
Thank you
here is mine tsvbits.com. GatsbyJS based
Simple clear fast, I like that you have the content centered, nut 100% width what makes the text more readable, nice job 👏
actually it is a fork of github.com/gaearon/overreacted.io :)
Here is mine
Prototyped in Adobe XD
Pure HTML and CSS and some SVG
Hosted with Github Pages
Nice, I like the style, I see we have chosen similar dev paths. From that many tools (figma, sketch,lunacy,invison) why did you choose adobe?
Thanks man,
I tried many of these tools but ended with choosing either Figma or Adobe XD and
the only reason for choosing XD is that I was looking for a complete offline solution otherwise I would definitely go with Figma as it has more features and overall is better than XD.
I understand, I still like to use offline solutions too, I am using Invision studio, but it still feels like it is in early stages. But I do really small amount of designing, and in case I need to edit some vector art I use affinity designer.
Here’s mine: nive.sh
It’s built with Next js and Tailwind CSS. I regularly update it with programming related posts. Check it out.
Really nice minimalistic page, both the page and a post detail looks good 👏
Post details page is my favourite 😍
Here's mine: richiemccoll.com/.
What I used:
Nice work, simple and informative, and as I see you have a strong managable stack. 👏 I just hate css in js, but I hate premade css too :D I am the write scss from scratch guy :D
I really like the combination of MDX, Gatsby and Netlify.
I also liked to write scss back in the day, but now I'm just too lazy. Tailwind hits the sweet spot!
Here's mine abhishekdev.tech.
Please give your feedback and suggestion if something needs to be improved.
I like your page, interesting color combination, I noticed that you hover menu states overflow here is my idea how the hover should look, anyway great job 👏

Hey thanks for the suggestion, i am definitely gonna do it.😄😄
Built using Gatsby, Theme-UI and emotion. Deployed to Netlify
Dude, your SSL is got some error. Please look at it.
Oh damn. Thanks for letting me know!
Cool 👏 I like it.
Tech Stack:
HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, jquery, Bootstrap, Bit of PHP for forms...
But still under development,
Nice page, good job, classic stack. 👏
Hi, here's mine.
It's only html, css and vanilla js.
Greetings from Argentina
Nice website, I like the color combinagtion, and the background, I remember programming that particle backgraound manually :D One thing you can improve, I think you load the same javascript file on every page, and you got console errors on the pages which do not contain the contact from, the user wont notice, it is not a big deal take a look at it . Or just conditionally handle it like :
Nice job 👏 cheers!
You are right, I will work on correcting those errors.
Thank You :)
Here is mine namietalkie.com. It looks simple. So I appreciate if you have any comments on it.
Really nice, I love the loader. A smal suggestion between 721px-991px width the landing text is cut of, even on wider screen the "Welcome To My World" is not visible, caused by the 100vh limit, change it to min-height: 100vh or height:100%, should work. Anyway great job 👏
Thank you. I will improve your site by your suggestions
Nice, so you are doing it old school 👏 what template engine do you use?
Great design, Mark! I especially liked project/article badges style!
I've recently developed framd.cc:
It uses NextJS for both FE and BE (therefore it's a bit slow: need to split out the DB api. An advice is welcome!) + RxJS for animations/resource management. I've described the idea and dev process here:
Text to GIF animation — React Pet Project Devlog
Kostia Palchyk ・ Jun 17 ・ 6 min read
Thank you. Really nice, so you have built a programming language for generating gifs, that's nice, maybe you cold extend it to create meme-s. I see you are using a CSS grid, on smaller screen there is a horizontal scrollbar, because of the width of the images, the grid gains larger width than the screen, and a margin around the grid would help for the readability. A really nice project, a nice article, I wish the best, keep it up. 👏 your project reminds me this one sonic-pi.net/ it allows you to program your music
Woah, the project you linked, sonic-pi.net/, — this is super awesome!
Will look deeper into it!
Yep, mine is buggy here and there :) Will check the smaller screens and readability issues, thx!
The language is quite simple now, but I thought to extend it so users can interact with the scene/Emoji. To gamify it, you know.
Anyhow, thank you for the feedback, Mark!
No porblem, anytime!
Here is mine : jimmyklein.fr
It is powered by Gatsby, designed with tailwindcss and deployed on Netlify !
No dedicated server to handle, it's a pleasure to just get to the point : the content !
Nice, its good to see a lot of developers leaning towards simplicity, good job 👏
Link : gudivaraprasad.github.io/Projects/...
Thankyou for your view. Please rate it !!
I am very new to Web Development... :))
Looks like a good beginnig, I think you should center the content of you footer, would be much better! Kepp it up 👏
Thank you so much, will update the required changes soon....
Mine is a bit different, I used webflow to get it done! Not what you would expect from a coder but yeah it helps me focus on putting down the content much better. Still have to fill it up with more projects so WIP, also have to update the about and Navbar, but the basic home design is done
Nice one, interesting cursor behavior
Mine is pxlet.com
It is built with PHP + Bootstrap + AngularJS + MySQL. Pretty old/classical tech stack. Want to build my next one with GoLang.
Nice one 👏 good luck for the next one!
Thank u and yes will keep up.
My blog : ohmyscript.com
Nice, is it your own wordpress theme?
Good work !
Here is mine: canro91.github.io/ It's a Jekyll site with Hyde theme
Nice, you have some interesting .net articles, I will definitely check them out! 👏
This is something I made for just practicing in my early days.
Flat design, nice 👏
You page is really nice and clear, well readable, and you have a nice setup behind! 👏
Hi!, this my web portfolio: agustinl.dev/
Clean simple and minimalistic haha.
These 3 words in one sentence, exactly how I like it 👏
Mine: andrewpillar.com
A simple static site, no JS, no frameworks, just plain HTML files served via NGINX.
That's a nice simple and stable solution 👏
Django + Vue.js (Vanilla) – because I need to move fast. Project has a 10-years plan of development...
That's a really cool project, I don't know django but vue is great, I used it before, nice job 👏
Here is mine Judicael portfolio. The technology used is Gatsbyjs and typescript
Nice, and nice designs on dribble 👏
thank you so much😁
Loving the Amiga vibes here!
Built using Jekyll , and Primer CSS.
Really clean and minimalistic, nice art. Great job 👏
The art is actually Pablo Stanley's OpenPeeps. It's an illustration library
Never heard of it, thank you I will check it out
Heres mine. I really need to write more content for it 😅
Nice 👏 Keep it simple don't overthink it :) We almost have the same avatar, bearded guys unite! :D
Here's mine dchhitarka.github.io/Portfolio/
I'm still working on it. I haven't yet bought a domain so just hosting it using GitHub.
Continue with the work, keep it up 👏
Here's mine. It ain't much but gets the job done. kenanajkunic.xyz
Maybe when I find more free time I will thinker around and make something more interesting.
Nice, your neons are glowing bright :D Definetly a short one, keep me updated if you will make any changes. 👏
Sure will! Thanks for checking it out :D
Here's mine rherault.fr.
Build in Symfony and VueJS with the great TailwindCSS framework.
In french sorry :)
Really nice, the transition on the projects is brilliant!
Mine is rurick.dev still WIP
the front is NextJs and there is not back (yet) just a lambda in Amazon
deployed in Zeit
It has Darkmode too
I like the art and the simplicity light/dark works great, nice job 👏
I've done my portfolio with React and bundled with Parcel too :) I have some work to do before finish it but it's available on dastasoft.netlify.app/
Nice, update this comment after you finish it ;) I almost did the same Japanese text to non-japanesse animation, interesting 👏
I have a blog:
yours is supercool :)
Thank you. Yours is nice and colorful, great articles will look into them later 👏
I'm think your portfolio is amazing !
Thank you :)
mhouge.dk is my portfolio.
Nothing fancy, just a simple HTML/CSS/JS site.
Nice and simple 👏
Shortest domain I could get and one HTML file on GitHub Pages, nothing fancy.
That's nice, if I would you I were make that content as a big card, so outer shadows same top and bottom margin and a plain white bckground for the card, gray background for the page. I see you have a lot of experience, nice job 👏 I had a domain with the same length :)
Here is mine: thomasmaitret.fr
Pretty simple one with basic blog fonctionnality, built with sapper and deployed to Netlify.
You don't have a lot of blog posts, but it looks great, the top gradient just give it something more, so it doesnt feel empty, 👏 nice job
Here we go bhantsi.github.io/
Nice one! your projects section misses an id and because of that the scroll to navigation is not working (happens to everybody :)), keep it up, I wish you a lot of luck for the desired knowledge 👏
Here is mine .. as a web developer I always wanted to have my personal website..programmingdive.com/
Nice blog 👏 the same desire stands behind mine.
Here nishantwrp.com/
Nice one, keep it up 👏
rosey.dev ♥️ just html/css/JavaScript, very basic. Hosted by/deployed via netlify. One day I'll do a big update and make it super cool. One day.
That's just enough, nice job 👏 if you once find time to remake it, let me know make a post about it!
I would love feedback on my portfolio. Pretty basic using Gatsby. benwinchester.dev
Thats a nice page you have first I thought you are just switching some premade background images but as I dived deeper I saw that you I really running the game of life on a canvas, nice job 👏 A small tweak could improve the look, at least 5-15 px spacing between the footer icons, because you have these technology circles always spaced, so the page would describe the same styling :)
That time to first paint 🤩 so clean and fast! Very nice
Thanks for reporting the issue. I'm sorry that you had to face it.
It's probably a bug with the container css, I'll surely fix it soon.
Yours is really amazing; to the point. I liked it
Here's mine. Built in React with Styled components.
That's nice, keep it up 👏
Here is mine: gegen07.github.io.
I've done with vue-material and my blog with Butter CMS.
I plan to change somethings in design of home page.
Nice! Butter cms looks good, thanks for noting it! 👏
Feels like ubuntus colors inspired you, nice job 👏
I feel with you! :)
I've tried to keep mine pretty simple: kartikn.me
It's built statically from markdown using Next.js and hosted on Vercel.
Nice, again simple clear 👏 great work
Here’s mine hussainarthuna.dev/
Technology used
Material UI
Well it's never too late 😄 although it might be a bit difficult to find one nowadays 😁
Here's mine css-ninja.netlify.app/ build using Hugo and hosted using Netlify. Used zappier to connect various apps and automate stuff.
Nice page 👏 and nice setup!
Great work ! 👏
Thanks for the insight 🙏