DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v17 staff on September 17, 2018

Hey there! Welcome to! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community!✌️ Welcome! Leave a comment below to int...
oaleeapp profile image
Victor Lee

Hello everyone,

I'm Victor, an iOS developer from Taiwan, currently working in HK, just want to know more developers all over the world and seems here is the right place to come.

hmmm, just want to say~

hello world!

Victor, Lee Chung Yun

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

The hello world never gets old! haha, welcome to mate

wlaboy profile image
Wilson Laboy

Nice hello world!

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Great to see you here Victor 👋

May I ask how you found out about

oaleeapp profile image
Victor Lee

I just searched dev note taking, and the second result is here, ha

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thanks mate 🕺

constantince profile image

Nice to meet you. I love Taiwan very much and hope to have a trip there. By the way, May I know your which city is your hometown?

oaleeapp profile image
Victor Lee

I’m from Taipei, but currently working in HK though, but welcome to ping me if you want to ask something about Taiwan or Taipei 😀

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constantince profile image

Sure I will and I should say that Taipei is a modern city and I like your Mayor. ;).

shinyuy profile image
Shinyuy Marcel

hello world guys!

realky711 profile image


mrufflesmcghie profile image

I'm Matt a Microsoft Server Engineer (mainly network admin) came here as just starting to learn development.
Not sure where to start have a few projects of my own I want to complete hoping people may be able to help offer advice.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Welcome to Matt.

Mind if I ask what make you interest in development?
(_ e.g.)I've seen some who used PowerShell moving to C#_)

timea profile image
Timea Kiss

Hello everyone!

This is Timi, 30 years old full stack dev girl, working remotely, travelling, living in Spain for a year and a half, but in NYC for 2 months right now. I love building, creating solutions, making life easier with good products.

A lovely article brought me here from my chrome extension, which hit a chord with me as I feel I am at a similar stage.

Besides development, I have a huge interest in architecture (in the brick and mortar way), sustainable development and smart cities. I want to create some mini projects in these fields to create a portfolio and get some insight in these fields.

I am interested to see what can come out of meeting all of you!

Yours truly,

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Welcome Timi! I'm honored that my article was your doorway into 🤗🤗

Which stacks/tech do you work with professionally?

timea profile image
Timea Kiss

Heey :)

I am glad too! :)

I work with react, react native, mobile and frontend stuff, and starting out with php more recently.

I can see you are doing rails. What is your purpose with being a developer?

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aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Hi Timi,

I've freelanced in Wordpress for a few years. I decided to learn to code back in February. As a freelancer, my passion is providing efficiency and workflow solutions to small biz and nonprofits, so I'd like to continue in that vein as a developer 😁

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timea profile image
Timea Kiss

Sounds great, best of luck with it! ;)

jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Hi everyone!

My name is John, I first became interested in software development in school. I was lucky enough to have a great teacher shout out Professor Phillips (Modesto Junior College).

That was a few years ago, I started working in IT, and was able to do some cool development projects and learn on the job. Mostly doing SQL reporting, and some email automation, with some Front End thrown in the mix. After a few years, someone suggested I learn Web Dev and I loved it. So I started learning on my own through MOOCs and tutorials, and I have been steadily working on improving my skills.

Over the last two years I have taken a few freelance clients and now work on the website and blog site at an IT firm.

I have been mostly working on my own and looking to work with a team on a product in the near future, I like JavaScript, React, Node, and Express, but I also like learning other languages and frameworks.

Visit my portfolio
Twitter me @jbull328
And link me into

I'm looking forward to chatting with you all!


dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Welcome to, John 👋

Great to see you around.
Let's learn from each other.

I can't seem to connect to btw 🤔...

jbull328 profile image
John Bull


Great to meet you!

Should be maybe if that doesn't work.

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thanks John for the links.

I was able to works on Chrome doesn't load on FF & Chrome...

Might be due to a VPN I am using.

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jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Yeah, it definitely could be some VPN issues or errors with the way I have my Cloudflare SSL and DNS setup, that is all a little new to me. Glad the first works though.

webdev0611 profile image

Hi Everyone!

I am a Web developer who loves coding.
I am the newbie here and hope to learn and share new things in programming.

Please feel free to message me. I'd love to hear from you. :)

Ming Lee

jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Hi Ming,

I'm new here, good to see I'm in good company. What sort of coding are you into? How are you learning these days?



webdev0611 profile image

Hi John,

I am sorry to very late response. I was busy so never checked this community. So I missed your message.

I am a full stack Javascript developer, and I joined this community to learn new things. :)

ReactJS and NodeJS are my main stack to build web application out.

Feel free to message me if any question.


t0nyandre profile image
Tony André Haugen

Hi there everyone! :) I'm Tony; a developer from Norway that are just getting into blogging about coding, development and what I am doing as a full stack developer at Sorentio. What I want to do in the future is to get a remote job and keep on evolving as a developer while still having time for my family and crossfit which the flexibility of a remote job will provide me.

I love working in the back-end with databases, apis and the logic that the user don't see while interacting with a piece of software or a website. Clean and testable code is also important to me. Why do it halfway when you can do it proper the first time around? :)

And by no means am I an expert in the field but I'm a firm believer that teaching others will excel my own learning and that's why I am diving slowly into writing articles and blogging about my work/progress :)

Thanks guys :D

oletreichel profile image
Ole Treichel

Hi everyone,

Frontend noob from Hamburg, Germany here. Learning React now after ~ 2 years of jQuery. I was amazed by the number of articles here, even for a relatively specific topic like next.js. Came here from hackernews.

Looking forward to not only learn but contribute here with some posts. Almost everything I learned in frontend development came from blogs and posts like here.

Thank you,

daslaf profile image
Osman Cea

Hey cytel, I'm new here as well. Hope we a have a pleasant time here in

harleybl profile image

Hello All,

I'm Harley and have been developing software professionally for about 20 years in Media, Internet, Video Game, and Financial companies. I've been following the Practical Dev and on twitter but hadn't visited the site before. I was listening to the Software Engineering daily podcast today and was interested by Ben's description of the site and community, so I decided to check it out. I am always looking for ways to increase my personal and my team's productivity and am looking forward to using this as a resource and can hopefully contribute as well.

jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Hi Harleybl,

Greetings from one SWE Daily listener to another. With your many years of experience, how have things changed over the years? I probably have seen some and first started learning when Jquery was just starting to fall out of favor. But you have probably seen a lot. Any tips for keeping current?


harleybl profile image


How have things changed... Lots and at the same time not so much. That isn't really a helpful answer. When I started was basically right after the PC revolution and just before the internet 1.0 really took off. Development had shifted from large mainframe development to taking advantage of PC's power, so there was a big emphasis on 2 tier type solutions. With the internet bubble things shifted from 2 tier and fat clients to 3 tier and web clients/thin clients. Following that was an emphasis on doing Service Oriented Architectures which are kind of the pre-cursor to today's cloud computing distributed/micro-service architectures. Its kind of funny because it feels like the pendulum is swinging back towards fat clients first with the rise of Javascript frameworks, mobile applications, and extrapolating that to things like web assembly and edge computing. Well maybe not fat clients in the traditional sense but moving computation closer to the user or device and away from the services.

As far as keeping current I think you are probably already on the right track by listening to SWE Daily and being a part of communities like this one. Apart from that in my professional life I look for opportunities to incorporate new technology and try new things while still accomplishing the goals of the business. If that doesn't fill your appetite I recommend having a side project to work on that allows for more green-field development and experimentation.

In general you have to figure out what are the things that really interest you and stay current on those at a deep level, while having an idea of what else is going on in the industry at a higher level of abstraction. I feel that will keep you flexible enough to be able to solve a wide variety of problems.

In your specific case of JQuery I wouldn't worry too much as I am sure there is still a lot of JQuery out there to be worked on. Some industries are still running Fortran code written in the 70s and 80s. Do I want to work on those systems... well no. My advice here is simple. Don't get good at the things you don't want to do. It's like every time someone gives me a Perl endorsement on LinkedIn I wish they wouldn't have. (Perl is fine if that is what you want to do, I just don't personally enjoy developing in that environment, but then again I haven't used it since the late 90's).

With so many new frameworks and methods popping up every day the hard part is figuring out which ones are worth learning and which don't have a good life span. So I basically take a wait and see attitude while new technologies gather some critical mass before I jump in.

Hopefully this helps.


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jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Thanks for all the great details! So many gems of truth here.

dianasperanda profile image
Diana Speranda


My name is Diana, a senior student at the University of Zagreb studying Computer Science. I follow community for over a year already. It has been a really great source for me to expand my knowledge.
I look forward to meeting people from all over the world and maybe I get a chance for a student internship in some cool company. Also, I would like to write a few posts.

archeia profile image

Hello! I'm Archeia (sorry for pseudonym) and I'm just a beginner to programming.

I have a passion to create a desktop mascot that helps cure loneliness even by just a bit. I like reading articles and I hope to learn a lot of things from you all!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

It's a nice name, doesn't matter if it's pseudo.

dorothydotfiles profile image
Dorothy Dotfiles

Hi I'm Dorothy,

I wouldn't call myself a dev. I'm not looking for work in the tech industry. I'm just a keen hobbyist. Started learning Haskell today and I write a blog entitled "Grandma Runs Arch Linux".

peeyushtm profile image
Peeyush Raj • Edited

Hello [x for x in ['', 'World', 'Everyone']]

I am Peeyush, the podcast interview - SE Daily interview with Ben Halpern - brought me here.

I have been a tech-founder for 4 startups since graduation (2009) - 1 failed (no market -, 2 (acquired -,, 1 (going on -

Office snacks I would recommend - chewy nature valley bars.

mmonfils profile image

Very cool Peeyush, I also listened to that episode - SE Daily is great!

spreech profile image
Sam Foot

Hello World! 👋

I am Sam, a freelance full stack developer. I have been building applications professionally for over 10 years.

I just learned about on the Indie Hackers podcast 😲

Drop me a message if you need any help, I'm here to try to give back to the community as much as I can.

Have a great day

waynez209 profile image
Wayne Zimmermann

I am new here as well

carvaq profile image
Carla Vaquero

Hey guys!

I'm an android developer from Switzerland!
I've fallen slowly but surely in love with Kotlin, although I still heavily use Java.
As a kinda zobby I collect good developer jokes. So if you have any to spare please send them my way.
One of my favourites is: Yo mamma is so big she has multidex enabled.

alwinao profile image
Alwina Oyewoleturner

Hello All, Glad to be here! I'm learning to program with Flatiron School via their online program. I've attended Codeland twice, where I heard Ben Halpern speak. I also attended Write/Speak/Code where I heard Jess Lee speak. So has definitely been on my radar for a while. Looking forward to learning and sharing in the community.

red_is_cool profile image

What up my dudes

I'm web developer (junior) from South Africa looking for a place to vent frustration and gain some insights into the world of web dev. Looking to become a full stack web dev and then jump over into some data analytics in the not so distant future.

peace out


coderlog profile image
Xavier • Edited

Hello everyone!

I'm Xavier, currently trying to change my professional life learning to code.
I hope to stay here for a while, learning from all and sharing my journey.

I have tried some popular learning platforms: codecademy, treehouse, freecodecamp, udemy…

Text editor based learning sites give me the feeling of making progress, with quick wins challenges, but after a couple of weeks, I feel like I can`t remember almost anyhthing…

Video based learning is too boring for me, too slow.

Time goes on and on, and I haven't build almost anything on my own (except a dozen of WordPress sites).

But...I am confident I will get it at some point.

This time my approach will be different. Just building things, learning 'just in time' and joining some community like

By the way I hope to be hired remotely and/or find a cofounder for a side project.

Sorry for lenght, that is almost a post!


claire profile image
Claire Martinez

HI All,

Looking forward to some great articles here.

By the way, how do I save/bookmark an article I'm currently viewing? I don't see the save button unless I do a search and see save on the results items but I can't find a bookmark for the current article. i.e. some site links to the article and I want to add to my reading list for later


moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

The like/unicorn/reading list buttons are pinned to the bottom of the window down there

twoldemariam profile image

Hello DevTeam,

I am working with landscape restoration monitoring team at WRI.
We have been desperately looking for higher resolution satellite imagery to map landcover of few districts in Africa and Latin America. We have some good data Collected on Google Earth by local operators. The challenge is that the best available imagery (open source) is still Sentinel-2, only 10m resolution.

I am so excited to here that Microsoft & ESRI developed a model to produce 1m resolution landcover map for Chesapeake region. The lack of high resolution landcover maps is a big problem, especially in many developing countries.

Is it possible to access the model, to test with the training data we have from some African landscapes?
Do you have access to 1m resolution imagery for some African countries, e.g. Ethiopia?

Unlike deforestation, restoration requires tracking of very minute improvements in vegetation, soils, and moisture/hydrology as well as biodiversity for long term. To make matters worse, we need to scale this to 100 of millions global drylands. AI for Earth innovation is right on this problem.

Thank you,
Tesfay Woldemariam

bechev profile image
Bertrand Chevalier

Hello all,

I'm Bertrand (Bart is my US friendly name!). New developer and new on I heard a lot of great stuff about the community here.
I recently finished a bootcamp and now want to meet mind alike people and keep on learning!

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Welcome to the community! Perhaps make a post about your experience and learning on the bootcamp you've just finished? That'll make a good first post!

bechev profile image
Bertrand Chevalier

Great idea, I wanted to do something like that indeed. I do have some stuff to say about that!
I am also trying to develop a few habits around coding. I'll discuss about that too :)

dinoperovic profile image
Dino Perovic

I'm Dino from Croatia. I've been working as web dev for 6 years. Just stumbled on this site by accident and loving it. Python/Django & VueJS is my tech of choice, learning GO lang as I go.

I like apples! To answer the snack question. 🙂

Greetings to all. 👋

red_is_cool profile image

Stack choice on point.

dinoperovic profile image
Dino Perovic


snowleo208 profile image
Yuki Cheung

Hello everyone! I am a newbie on front-end development, leart via freecodecamp, udacity, codecademy etc... for nearly two years and finally get a front-end development job few months ago. Glad to join here and know more about development! :)


owencrabtree profile image
Owen Crabtree

My name is Owen. I'm a developer from Ireland. I just read about on github and it seemed like a great place to interact and learn from other developers so I thought I join and check it out :)

sorinmarta profile image
Sorin Marta

Hi guys,

Sorin here, I'm a web developer, I've been working a lot with WordPress in the past years, but recently I got more into Laravel for the backend and ReactJS for the frontend.

I really like to read stories from the other developers and that's probably the main reason for my presence here.

Of course, I have to say the traditional...

echo "Hello World";


tsubasa profile image

My name's Tsubasa and I'm Japanese.

I've learned the foundations of Ruby, so I learn to develop with Ruby on Rails everyday and study also English!

In short I'm newbie.

That's why I've joined here to write articles in English about what I learned.
If there's a mistake anywhere in articles I'll write, please point me out that!

shinyuy profile image
Shinyuy Marcel

Okay, that's cool.

tsubasa profile image

Thank you 🙇‍♂️

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kaelscion profile image

welcome tsubasa! if your looking to learn how to be a better developer and your looking to do it in english, your in the right place. I have yet to find another community for devs that is moderated so well and so free of trolling. Hope you like it!

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tsubasa profile image

Thank you 🙏
I hope hare's the right place for me.

ntshoe20 profile image

Hi There,

I'm Itu, Java developer from South Africa. I look forward to being part of the community and learning a lot from everyone. SOmeone posted a link to, so I thought i'd check it out :) I like what I see...

ajinkyad452 profile image
Ajinkya Dube

I am Ajinkya. Don't ask me technology, I have worked on many technologies.. mostly web related. I have joined this for some fresh content. I hope I'll get a good blogs and information.


jkahn profile image
John • Edited

Hey everyone! I'm John, a Full Stack developer interning at American Airlines and going to school for Business Technology at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Node is my forte, but I'm also fairly skilled in Java and a handful of other languages. I'm a part of a consulting firm with some friends, making websites and apps for smaller businesses in the area.

I'm also a part of a couple of podcasts, one that I host myself. Those will be launching in a couple of months.

The first one, Unpaid, launches on November 16th, check it out!

Instagram: @john_kahn2

Unpaid Logo

florimondmanca profile image
Florimond Manca

Hi, John! Welcome to DEV!

The UNPAID podcast is an interesting idea. I'm not entirely sure about the "self-made, no bullsh*t" part — isn't a career made of people helping us out and us helping out other people? Interested to see what's in there, though.

jkahn profile image

Hey Florimond! Thanks for the warm welcome.

I couldn't agree more about helping others out. It's an integral part of how many of our guests are where they are. They received and gave help throughout their careers to where they are now.

The slogan was just put there as a way of saying that they had the perseverance to keep pushing and pushing. We are hoping that it can be a podcast that inspires others to keep pushing through all the hard times that we inevitably all face.

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florimondmanca profile image
Florimond Manca

Thanks for the reply!

wakahuula profile image

Hi everyone! 🙋‍♂️

I'm Kosta, a Java Software Engineer from southern Germany.
I've been following @thepracticaldev on Twitter for some time and (finally) decided to join in the fun over here too.

Currently I'm working on a few Flutter apps (private and @work) while practicing Dart.

Cheers 👋

janjanarnaldo profile image

Hello World,

I'm Jan from Philippines, I was just searching the web on how to eliminate the boring feeling if you keep on working on a single JS Framework over and over again. Then I read @marluanguerrero blog about Vanilla Javascript.

Hope I'll be able to learn more from you guys!

belatedintp profile image
Aud Kim • Edited


Someone I know referred me to, and I decided I should join. I am not yet a developer or in the industry; I am actually a full-time attorney. That being said, there are some things I want to program, to materialize some of my thoughts and ideas into, and I hope being here will help me hone in my skills to help me realize those thoughts of mine into reality.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

👋 Welcome INTP Panda to

Great to see someone in a different field of profession to be interested in programming.

& Please feel free to ask any questions 😀 (either by replying to a post or writing a post).

belatedintp profile image
Aud Kim

Thank you! I certainly will. I'm already reading so much and getting a lot of information!

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

If you happened to know any developers at your work,
I am sure they'd more than love 😍 to help you out, as well.

kellysyp profile image
Kelly Makes KILLER🎃 Games

Hello World!

My name is Kelly, I'm a Mainframe Programmer by day, Web and Game developer by night, and I live in New Jersey.

I am currently working on learning more Javascript tools. I am looking for my dream job as a remote Javascript developer.

Favorite office snack? Just give me some good coffee and I'm good to go!

kraamel profile image
Amel Braiek

Hi everyone !

I'm Amel, a junior fullstack developer(js/react/node) from Paris, I was before in master degree in Neuropsychology.

I love to create (I also do painting and sculpture), and I AM CURIOUS AS HELL (oups ^^')

So, here I am, to keep learning and grow up with all of you and connect with our awesome community !!

À très bientôt ;)

dirkncl profile image
Dirk Levinus Nicolaas

Hello, I'm Dirk Levinus Nicolaas from Indonesia.
I am nobody, I just want to know about javascript, which is so powerful that web pages can do anything.
I just started learning after this age is almost advanced, just spending old age.
But the more learning the more confused, because of the many libraries, frameworks or whatever the names like require and define are increasingly dominating, so they lose the basics of javascript itself.
for example, I found that in the Github program it was good but only with a line of $ (function (.. blah ... blah ... blah, I was forced to include jquery because it contained one word .attr (...).
Because I only study as a hobby, I just try to learn pure javascript, because if you want to learn the library and framework, it only takes time, even though this age is already advanced.
It turns out that only with pure javascript, we can create our own library and framework ...
Your opinion?...

Keywords: "I don't like Framework, library or Require and define"

sandris profile image

but why you should invent a wheel? reuse existing stuff and build ideas, not frameworks which exists :|

dirkncl profile image
Dirk Levinus Nicolaas

Oh sorry, actually I don't understand about the meaning of framework or library, what I know is that frameworks are like React, Vue or typescript and others ... and libraries are collections of functions like Underscore, jquery and others.
I'm sorry if I'm still blind in this discussion, but I really want to find out a lot about pure javascript that can empower html pages.
If I research Google that is very well known, it turns out that it relies on pure JavaScript for the client side, but the way to access the resources is rather complicated and spread across several sites.

Actually I want to study,

chaostheory profile image
Brian Lee

Hey guys,

I'm just sayin hi!

I'm in the SF Bay Area, and I found my way here through the podcast.

Besides beer and programming, I'm into history and learning design & UX.

I've built, an IMDB for everything and not just movies; and I'm working on more stuff I hope to release this year.

In terms of my tools, I started with Java, worked a lot with Ruby & Python, but now I've transitioned to Typescript.

Looking forward to having a conversation with everyone


peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank • Edited

Welcome, Brian! Do you have a favorite beer? I'm finishing up some work right now and will likely crack open an Oberon Pale Ale soon.

sgruetter profile image
René Bernhardsgrütter

Hi there,

I'm René, a Software Engineer at Frontify in Switzerland. Since I got here the second time already today (via different channels), signing up makes kind of sense.

Looking forward to continue growing as an engineer :-)


glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Hi everyone 👋

I have been following the twitter and reading posts here for a little while now and finally decided to make an account.

I am Glenn, 24 years old and from Belgium 😎I work at Appwise, we build custom native apps for clients. I am actually a consultant currently and work full time for a client and work on their projects and assist them with my expertise whenever possible.

In my freetime I mostly work in PHP and JS (web development). I am always wanting to learn new things (if I have the time for it), I am willing to look into Vue.js for a while now and probably will rebuild an old bootstrap website.

I have never been into blogging myself before but lately I have been wanting to try it out more and more so maybe soon you guys will see my first blog post ever.

I am very happy to join this community with great people and lots of information and experience.

nitroglicero profile image

Hi all,
My name is Djala / from Nederlands.
Just finished my courses / Html, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
Ready to learn some more.
My background is Network engineer at Verizon / Cisco.
My plan is within 6 months to upgrade my coding skills and get a job as a front-end Web developer. I'm here to join DEV community and share coding knowledge.

kai22 profile image
Laurence Willis

Hello All,

I'm Laurence, a Creative Technologist working out of the Hardford, CT area.

I'm the lead UI/UX developer at an insurance company, but when I'm not doing that, I'm drawing, painting, building furniture, building computers, learning functional programing, gaming, writing webVR/webXR, editing video, and dabbling with music and sound.

I'm here to share some of my strange ideas and experiments, and help out (or get help) where I can.


blak_it profile image
BLAKIT IT Solutions

Hi everyone!

We are BLAKIT, the company, founded by three developers Alexander Korolchuk, Artem Korolchuk, and Vital Ozierski.

We create iOS and Android apps, websites, web applications, and complex software. We enjoy the process of developing tech solutions, studying new technologies, sharing expertise, and exchanging opinions.)

Our company is located in Belarus, a small country but famous for its mentality, IT specialists, and popular products like World of Tanks, MapsMe, MSQRD, Flo, Viber, My Coach which were invented there.

We chose this website as we are said by our friends that the community here is very friendly and as passionate about programming as we are.)

Maybe, it’s quite unusual to be registered on behalf of the company, not people, but we can’t say that we love a too formal approach.))

In our blog on, our team members will publish interesting information related to the latest news, technology trends, useful developments and recommendations, and much more.

Hope, we’ll become a great part of this amazing community by providing good content!

Warm regards,

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

You're welcome, wait for your posts!)

mdanapalmer profile image

Hi there! I'm Dana, am super shy and am fighting to come out of my quiet shell. After spending a long time as a pharmacy tech and also in customer service, I'm aiming to make friends and create an inclusive space for learning, fun, and productivity!!

Oh and I like outer space, cats, and crocheting. Tell me about yourselves!!!


padiu profile image

Hello My name is Peter, it's nice to know about this community.
I studied electronics, if you need help w/ it, just tell me.
I'm a begginer in dev, but want to learn.
I want to dev a mobile app for educational electronis labs.

  1. I recommend Doritos.
adamghill profile image
Adam Hill


I came to check out the community after listening to the recent Indie Hackers podcast with Ben about Loving what I see so far and looking forward to writing more articles about Python soon!

r3_abd profile image

Hello!I'm Abdellah from Cameroon. I'm a student of software engineering. I love development and I hope to get help here.I heard about from software engineering daily podcast by Ben Halpern.

trevorseitz profile image
Trevor Seitz

Hello all! I’m a student at Flat Iron School working on my final project in React with a Rails back end. I currently live in Rochester NY but I got here by way of Albuquerque and LA - originally from Calgary

pspringett profile image

Hello everyone,

I'm Phill. I have been in the software industry for 30-odd years, writing C for most of that time, but played around with more modern languages like Python, Go and Scala. The one key thing that I have learnt from being in the industry for so long is that maintainability is absolutely key, and for code to be maintainable it must be easily understood. I'm evangelising this in the company I work for. Don't let it be said that older developers have nothing to offer - I feel at the top of my game!


thedavos profile image
David Vargas

Hi everyone

I'm David, a javascript developer. Somehow i ended up here while i was reading some tech posts . Currently i'm learning stuff about web development and i hope to build my portfolio soon. It's great to see that there is such a page. Hope to learn and have fun with everyone!


riccardomessineo profile image
Riccardo Messineo

Hello devs,
I'm Riccardo from Italy and I'm also the CTO of
I love application design, I'm keen on microservices and I'm a big supporter of clean code.

I came here to share my secrets and be contaminated by yours :)

👋 Cheers!

ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael

Welcome and enjoy the journey

olu_semola profile image
Oladoyin Falana

i'm really afraid to say anything here. didnt like the idea of the notification i got. Anyways, i believe you won't kick my ass out here cos i dont think i im a developer yet i'm just a newbie in the world of web development and i found this site why i was lost in a digital ocean

sandris profile image

welcome :D less fear and more action please

hakash profile image
Morten Olsrud

Greetings! 🖖

TLDR: I'm Morten, trying to dev again, occasionally do some writing.

My name is Morten from Norway. I'm a father and husband, and I work as a technical advisor, technical project lead and sysop in my day job. I've been coding almost as long as I've had access to computers, but about 12 years ago circumstances led me astray from coding and landed me with both feet in sysops.

Been working with code on my spare time and have squeezed in as many tools and mini projects at my day job as I have been able, but it is still not a dev job.

On my spare time, when I'm not coding, I've been doing some writing on my own blog, on contract and on Medium. Most of my blog is republished to Medium for greater reach and exploratory monetisation, but I haven't the time between job or family, nor the dev skills, to really build a following one could possibly live off of on Medium, podcasts, selling lessons etc.

Stumbled upon this site through some tutorial articles and liked the format. Seems like a great place to share and discuss ideas, share what little I know for others to hopefully learn from and build a friendly network.

Looking forward to seeing you all around!


frederikdesmedt profile image
Frederik De Smedt


My name is Frederik and I'm a Belgian post-graduate student in AI.

I decided to join after having read several high-quality articles (as it was over several months I don't remember which ones).

As my education suggests I'm into AI, however, my major specialization is probably still in programming (because of my CS background).

Most of my time on will probably be reading articles from others, though I would love to write some articles myself in the future. I would also like to get into contributing on open source projects, so if you know of something new and interesting out there you can hit me up (check my profile to figure out what I'm interested in).

Yours truly,


mack0n profile image
Mac Koniarek

Good Morning everyone,

I'm Mac, web-developer from UK. Running my own business as a development agency here in Manchester.
Came to learn what's new and trending, hoping to stay for a little while :)

Thanks, see you around.

codydjango profile image
Cody Django Redmond

hi all! I'm Cody Django, head of engineering at a innovation startup for the architecture, engineering and construction industry. Our team is based in Vancouver Canada and focused on AR/VR, rapid product iteration and CI/CD pipeline development. Our most popular office snacks are bananas, dried seaweed and Pocky, ha!

davidbonachera profile image
David Bonachera • Edited

Hi there,

I'm David, living in Shenzhen, China and working for a logistics company.
Here I'm mainly doing automation / bigdata with Talend (Java Based ETL).
Developing api webapp also with a PHP/JS stack to simplify the way we access warehouse's data. Because yea, logistics companies are still using IBM OS400 / DB2 stuff.

This community seems super fun and based on knowledge sharing, i'm glad to be part of

Looking forward to learn from all of you. And more about product development !

My simple website :

Cheers !

mzrt profile image
Evgeniy Tortumashev

Hi everyone
My name is Eugene or, if less formal, then Zhenya.
I'm JavaScript developer from Russia.
A year ago I came to the frontend development from the database development.
I had a desire and interest in web development for a long time before I came to the frontend.

mapelsun profile image

Hi everyone,
I'm Pelumi. I studied Environmental Engineering in school and I've been practicing professionally. However, during my undergraduate days, I learned WordPress and became proficient in using it, especially Divi builder (eventually turned this to a gig on Fiverr). I've always wanted to code, learned HTML and CSS also (using Jon Duckett's book), but anytime I see JavaScript syntax, I'm like wow...I'll never know However, recently, I've decided to confront my fears and learn web development fully. I've been taking some Udemy courses (Colt Steele, Andrei Neaogoie, to mention a few), FCC, and also getting answers from resources such as MDN, Stack overflow and GitHub. I don't know where this path will take me, but I feel happy and fulfilled every time I sit down to learn new things even though it might take me hours to grab a concept...the important thing is everything is becoming familiar gradually. I'm here to learn, benefit from everyone and also to use their stories as motivation to continue on this path. I hope to call myself a developer and a programmer too someday:).

karthikeyanpa90 profile image
Karthikeyan Palanisamy


This is Karthik! I am a Software Developer, currently building analytics dashboards for a recruitment company.

Feeling great to join this community and looking forward to get along with lots of dev people!

Feel free to bring up any topic/ question to me that requires discussion! No strings attached!

pmknyc profile image

Hi Community,

I'm Paula, a career changer from biobehavioral research to coding. Live in NYC. Currently in Flatiron School's online full stack web dev program. Did some IT end user support back when paying my way through graduate school, but pretty new to coding!

The wonderful surprise in joining the coding ecosystem has been learning how communal a community it is! Great to meet you!


mojo2012 profile image

Hi folks,

I‘m Matti from Austria. I‘m a Java developer (mostly SAP hybris).

Currently I‘m trying to build my own little java ORM application framework (head over to if you want to know more about it).
I‘m here because I got an invite and it looked kinda nice 😅

jubertsecuban profile image

Hello Guys,

I'm Jubert, a .NET developer from the Philippines. I have been following you guys for a while in Facebook, and it has taken a great interest for me to register in this site.

I have been a developer for 15 years now. And still my eagerness to learn more has not faded. I hope i can learn more and contribute to you guys. :)

Hope to hear more from you guys soon.


rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Hi Jubert! Welcome to! I look forward to seeing your posts and comments :)

Let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything!

sebelga profile image
Sébastien Loix

Hello everyone!

I'm Sébastien, a belgian guy living in Madrid. I've been developing software since 2001... can't believe it's been that long already! :)
I'll be starting a new position in October, 100% remote... a new experience for sure! Happy to meet remoter from around the world...


josephscade profile image

Hello everyone!
My name is Léo, I'm a French student. I discovered computers and programming when I was 7, fell in love with it, and never stopped it.

I think I discovered this website thanks to twitter. Since this day, I visit on very often. I love it because it is easy to see awesome tips and discover new practices.

Léo P.

morpheus profile image
Neetish Raj

Hi Guys Neetish here, I am subscribed to the news letter of News and one of the article was "Javascrip Standardization- Interview with Jory Burson" and it brought me here and then I started reading many cool posts one by one and thought this place is cool to hang around.

I am doing Full stack development, For side learning right now I am just going through my old college math syllabus again. Recently I got the realization that I never actually studied Math but just passed those subjects.

Regarding office snacks I would prefer fresh fruits and juices. Also occasional chicken nuggets would be awesome.

krassib profile image
Krassimir Boyanov


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey hey!

sheldonnunes profile image
Sheldon Nunes

Hey everyone,

I'm Sheldon, my friends call my Shelly. I am a boardgaming, arrow flinging, jazz playing guru with a pretty big giraffe obsession. Have always been drawn to coding as I really like to create things and see those build errors get out of control

I realized that I have been a silent observer and not getting too involved in the coding community and so have started trying to contribute back! I am currently in a back-end web developer role but have been exposed to a whole bunch of different roles (I particularly enjoyed doing mobile dev with Xamarin)

You should start seeing some more activity from me on here as well as my personal websites:

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn:

What office snack would I recommend?
Grapes - From my experience of playing super long board game sessions, grapes always taste good and don't give you the guilt of other foods.



williamparry profile image
William Parry

Hi all,

I'm Will and I live in Sydney.

I saw this website pop up while checking out #hacktoberfest on Twitter. I've been a developer for a while, and enjoy collaborating on open source projects.

I also enjoy teaching web development, so if you need a hand with your project or learning, let me know.

dmgarland profile image
Dan Garland

Hello I'm Dan Garland,

I'm a web developer, teacher, mentor and founder from the UK. I have been in tech for 15 years and love making apps for startups, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby. I've recently got into dapps as a Solidity developer, and am learning Go.

Fun fact: I have played live at Glastonbury festival!

I'm looking for opportunities to get into lead developer / CTO roles with startups. I have more about my background at

I'm creating online coding courses as my current side project, so if you are learning to code do come visit me at and I'd be glad to help in any way that I can.

Office snack has got to be cottage cheese. It's high protein and low carbs and very tasty. You're welcome!

dafahrni profile image
Daniel Fahrni • Edited

Hi everyone

I'm Dani, 40 years old, married, living in Zurich. I like TDD, Clean Code, SOLID and I'm delighted to recently got across with Simon Brown's C4 Model of Software Architecture. Happy to be hear :-)

ginamc profile image


I'm Gina. I'm a social media and marketing manager who is also low-key front-end web master in a pinch (unofficial title), but skills are a bit lacking. Found my way here via resource in Udacity's Front End Web Developer nanodegree slack channel. Trying to wade into the deeper side of the dev pool (can't stay stuck at HTML forever... I'm surprised I survived this long tbh).


blank profile image
Giteshwar Mali

Hello DEVs,

I'm Giteshwar, an undergrad from India and just started with web development. My journey started(5 years ago), when I joined this month long summer session on C and C++ just after the high school, which opened a whole new world to me.

I love mathematics, and this is one of the reasons I got interested in computer programming. Because of all the things I can do with computers.

So basically, I'm noob to this development business but I'll catch up soon :)


garcialopezco_29 profile image
Carlos García

Hello DEV world!

I am a Rails developer and Linux enthusiast, I ended here because I was reading the comments in a tweet about some ugly code found in medical software, did you read it?



nataliemac81 profile image
Natalie McCroy

Hi everyone!

My name is Natalie. I have worked professionally as a QA Engineer for several years but I've returned to my first love and am doing freelance web design & development.

I found my way here via Ali Spittel's great article about public speaking: as I am looking to start giving talks and I found her tips very useful!

I'm also learning react right now and playing with some js animation libraries like

Looking forward to connecting, learning, and sharing!

mohamedshedo profile image
Mohamed Alaa Shedo

Hello everone,

I'm Mohamed Shedo, a Software Developer with experience in Game Development with Unity3D and new to Web Development. I started to work now as backend Nodejs Developer and aiming to be full stack developer. Just want to know more developers and enhance my skills with you.

chipd profile image
Chris Dermody

Howdy everyone!

Delighted to have found you, I'm hoping I can help out and contribute to the discussion.

I'm working full time as a Product Manager/Owner but I also like to build my own websites and web apps in my spare time.

I'd love to build something that can make some money on the side, and possibly even replace my salaried job. But for now I'm focusing on keeping it light and fun, and to continue learning new cool stuff.

My latest app that I'm really enjoying working on is It's a web app that lets developers and programmers build a good-looking portfolio site using their Github repositories as projects.

Would love some feedback on the idea, as well as any thoughts you have on the business proposition. At the moment I'm not sure if there's enough of a market in it but I'm still feeling it out..


spoonerweb profile image
Thomas Löffler

Hey there.

For a long time I didn't know that there is such a community behind this page. I only followed the twitter account. ;)
Now I'm here and hopefully write much.

About me: I'm Web Dev for mainly TYPO3, writing PHP and - if I have to - JavaScript. Other things I love is GitLab and the possibilities with it.

constantince profile image

Hey guys, I am from China mainland, as a web developer, I am very glad to meet you on dev. I found dev when i am searching react tech on Google, and it just came out. This website style looks very classic and nostalgic, but I like it. Tea and chips are my favorite stuff when I am working in the office.

mnengwa profile image

Hey there, I am recent graduate from Kenya and a PHP developer. Laravel + Vue are my to go to frameworks. I am also interested in Golang & Python.

Most of my questions/curiosities kept being answered through posts and here I am.

Recommended office snack: Chevda

ayoshing profile image
Shing Wong

Hi everyone!

I'm Shing. I'm a recent coding bootcamp graduate. I didn't come from a traditional CS background, which means I still have plenty of things to learn. I have a couple projects up(its on my profile), so feel free check it out. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated, in fact go ham with the feedback. I'd love to learn from ya'll and contribute to this community.

Cheers! 🍻

jdmukiibs profile image

Hello World!

My name is Joshua, Computer Engineering student at Middle East Technical University, North Cyprus Campus. I love to learn from experts and people ahead of me in the field I am entering so here I am.

I am particularly interested in the IoT field and Networks and Security, so Hopefully I'll learn a lot on here and get to interact with more experienced fellow computer lovers. From programming languages to all sorts of computer related possibilities.

With love,
Joshua Daniel Mukiibi(pronounced Muchiibi)

pandoracat profile image

Haha. Nice to be here. I'm Mis Cat, a novice to react( I have learned react, redux, and react-router). I found here by the link of official website. And, as my nickname says, I love cat, and I have three nice cats.

cgreenwooddean profile image

Hello Everyone,

I'm Connor, a recent soft.eng graduate. I'm currently studying a Masters in Humam-Computer Interaction. This seems like a really friendly place. Just wanted to connect with other developers like myself and engage with some cool people.

Connor :)

zakui profile image
Jules Thea

Hello everyone,

I'm Jules, a software developper from Guinea, currently working as software developper at Dn-Tech a Tech company in Guinea

Just found in my search and was't be able to go away for here because of great articles a found on this site just want to say Thanks to theirs Authors

And Hello World to everyone

Jules Thea
From Guinea Conakry

sree_ram_k profile image
Sree Ram

Hi ! I am Sree, currently working in SF. I work on backend systems and previously I worked on designing microprocessors. I am looking forward to set started with frontend design and if possible, build a portfolio website.

Also I found by chance, shout out to Dinesh

dsalahutdinov profile image
Dmitry Salahutdinov

Hey! Everyone!

I'm Dmitry, the Ruby Backend Developer at Amplifr. I am gonna to share the knowledge I've got from doing my job!
Also want to keep track of modern web-development and discuss the stuff.

I've already wrote some articles, please take a look:

Thank you. Glad to join and took the part of community :)

riyashan profile image

Hi to everyone,

I am Roshan Web Developer from Sri Lanka. Married to Malaysian and Currently living in Malaysia. I like to know about the other developers and need to discuss about new technologies etc..

franchoo profile image
Frank C. • Edited

Hi, I'm Franchoo (Frank C.)!

Cr34t1v3 latin-american that works as a senior developer mostly on the JVM (Java, Scala, ...), i try to consider myself a functional programming evangelist, some call me a cookie monster and regarding the question, I'll go ahead and recommend butter cookies as great office snacks!

peteramd profile image
Peter Anthony Melecio Duot

Hello world, I am a frontend developer from Philippines.
Just a question, is this like a facebook for developers/engineers? xD

janjanarnaldo profile image

This is not the seconds facebook, but the first haha

peteramd profile image
Peter Anthony Melecio Duot

Facebook for dev, hope they'll make an android/ios version of the page haha

dineshbhagat profile image
DB • Edited

Hello Everyone!

I am Dinesh,
Java developer from India,
looking forward to learn from all of you,
I come to know about from a nice article by Klaudia
so thought to signup and bookmark it.


manugbhat profile image
Manu Bhat

Hello world,

This is Manu from India. I am passionate about technology and like solving interesting problems. Got here through one of my colleague who blogs here.
I do backend , frontend development and been at this for past 14 years now.
Looking forward to contribute.

sajidali2444 profile image
Sajid Ali • Edited

Hi, I am Sajid Ali from Pakistan, I am .NET/React/Angular developer, and learning something new is my hobby.
I just found this blog very helpful and learning new things. I would recommend other developers come here and check the site and learn new techniques.

you can reach me by
skype: me.skystar

Thank you guys awesome blog.

mahimailer profile image

Hello All,

I am Mahipal from India. I came to know when I reading an article on Containers vs Serverless by Adnan.

Working on Angular, NodeJS, etc
Interests on Block Chain, Containers


xxczaki profile image
Antoni Kępiński

Hi everyone!

oscardom profile image

Hi everybody!

I'm glad to be part of this community. Surfing the net I ended up here so many times until I finally got subscribed to the web. For sure we can learn and grow together as developers!

We are in touch and let' code!

scallahan101 profile image
Shannon Callahan

Hello everybody, I'm a student of Thinkful bootcamp and my name is Shannon C. Currently, I am at half-way through the program. I have tons of respect for yall's profession in this industry. It isn't easy to learn those codes.

mohnabil421978 profile image
Mohamed Nabil

Hello fellows,
I am Mohamed Nabil a front end web developer graduated from Udacity Nanodegree and I am from cairo Egypt and I am making a career change from civil engineer to a web developer and hope I can find my way in this path and use your help, nice to meet you all.

glamazon profile image
Peggy Sturman

Hi Everyone,

My name is Peggy. I work as a Sr. QA Engineer at at small startup. I'm the only QA here and I really miss community. I've done mainly black box testing for most of my QA career. I have been self-teaching front end (mostly HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Node) and I feel like a professional tutorial taker at this point! hahahaha. I just got accepted into the Flatiron on-line part time bootcamp. I'm leery about pulling the trigger as I don't want to be in debt. My goal of wanting to attend bootcamp is to learn to code so at my current job (or any QA job) I can do automation or have the choice if I want to be a Dev. I'm feeling pretty stuck in life and just trying to move forward. I'm a single mom and I want to give my son the best life possible.

For office snacks I would recommend pistachios, cashews or any other type of nut. They give you energy and some healthy fat.

It's great to meet everyone! Oh, and I'm here in the belly of the beast in Silicon Valley! :-p

00xe8 profile image

Hi all,

This is Jacint, solutions dev on day job and bug bounty hunter night time. Thinking of ways to take bug bounty hunting to the next level, specially how automation can be leveraged for quick results, hence got to this website.


cameronwood profile image
Cameron Wood

Hello everyone!

I started programming in school several years ago, in Python, initially. I then started working in C# and got my first work experience placement as a C# developer! I've actually been back to that same company to continue my experience in my summer breaks from university!

I'm studying Mathematics and Computer Science, using Python for numerical analysis in my maths work, and I leant Java and C in my first year at university.

I've been reading on for many months now, and I hope I can start go contribute some of my experience soon.


diegoperini profile image
Diego Perini • Edited

Hello everyone, this is Diego from Turkey!

I've started writing blog posts under TestFairy's engineering blog. The posts are mainly unrelated to TestFairy products. Hopefully, they become useful for Android and iOS developers. I try to read and learn from the community and this is a nice chance for me to give back. I hope some people find my contributions useful.

Q: What office snacks would you recommend?
A: Fresh fruits!

udyses profile image

Hi, everyone,

My name is Ulises, an developer in development or tryng to learn how to code, I like to work with databases, and came here reading a post about lambda and Api gateway from Adnan Rahic (, since are into my interest to learn, I hope to learn someting meanwhile I do some practice.


hamdankhan profile image

Hello $('*'),

I work as a SD manager, also experiment with the code myself. I have Java experience its sort of legacy struts 1.3 hibernate mysql stuff. These days teaching myself react, new javascript features.

npcvicki profile image
Vicki Cole • Edited

Hi folks,

I'm Vicki, a full stack developer from Glasgow, Scotland. I love all things Javascript (especially react) and devops. Looking to improve on my functional programming. Excited to learn from you all!

savyounts profile image
Savannah Younts

Hey there,

My name is Savannah, I am a current student in Flatiron School's Full Stack Web Development program and have been coding about 2 months now and hopefully start looking for a job in the next 2 months or so. Excited to see what all is on here and maybe connect with a few people :)

usamaashraf profile image
Usama Ashraf

Welcome on-board Savannah. Best of luck!

richardlell profile image
Richard Lell

Hello Dev People...

I'm Rick, a web designer and Linux developer. My wife and I run Rainbow Solutions USA from our home office in Birmingham, Alabama USA. Take a look at the newest revision of our website if you will and give some feedback. Your thoughts and views are very much appreciated. Peace.

sank20 profile image

Namaste World!
I'm an Android developer working with a start-up in Mumbai. Not just me but most of my colleagues are looking for Java and Android based projects to contribute to! We're stoked about Hacktoberfest and many of us are beginners. I'm glad I found, you guys are lovely!

olumidecodes profile image
Olumide Aderinwale

Hey everyone,

I'm Olumide, a JavaScript developer (MEVN stack) from Nigeria. I currently work as a freelancer, and lead a couple of dev communities in my neighborhood.

I've been following for almost a year, reading articles and posts, but never signed up. I have learned a lot all these while.

I am eager to keep learning from you all subsequently too.


nazroll profile image
Nazrul Kamaruddin

Hi everyone!

My name is Naz, a web developer & engineering manager from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I transitioned from being a developer to a manager 10 years ago and all i can say is that managing people is hard (and a lot of fun sometimes) and i miss writing code when I'm at work. I'm still learning the craft of managing people and building apps. I hope to learn from all of you and share with you my learnings in the future.


sean profile image

Hi everyone. I'm a developer in the UK. Been developing on UNIX platform mostly (some windows) for the last 20+ years. I just popped over after finding the link and looking forward to reading and sharing with you all

devifeoma profile image
Judith Ifeoma Nwokike

Hello everyone,

I'm Judith, a front-end dev here in Lagos, Nigeria. I'm a Tech enthusiasts. Nice to be here and I also hope to learn more about technology as well as good friends.

Judith Ifeoma

senster profile image


I'm a new dev on the scene after years of being on the sidelines, providing support. I just completed a full-stack JS boot camp over the summer, and have started on a new team for a big website. My days are spent learning our services and systems, while also picking up Python as fast as I can.

I found DEV when I was browsing popular repos on Github. The aesthetic is nice, but how about a dark mode? :D

Anyways, cheers!

tonaain profile image

Hello World,

My name is Toni and I'm a university student who decided to try a CompSci class for fun!(ha, ha) It's a mix between Digital Humanities and Data Science and I'm working with Python 3 and Jupyterhub, and during research I found an article that lead me here, and I decided to join. As a total noob it's probably gonna take a looong time before I'll be able to contribute anything to this community, but in the meantime i'm here to learn and research and acquire knowledge!


kladun profile image
                          ✌ #####----Hello----####### 👋

My Name is Luca and im on the way to being a Web-Developer. 💻
I'm intresting to write✍ with other People where we can learn from each other and reading Books📚.
So if someone knows a good book, let me know. 🕵️‍♀️
I hope we can build up a good communication and can help everyone.

so enjoy your day and goodbye 🙌

amar012 profile image

Hi I am Amar from India. Have been an amateur programmer till now. Feel it’s time to become a professional programmer. Hope with the resources available here and members help & guidance I would turn the corner. Thank you all in advance.

amr3k profile image
Amr • Edited

Hi there, I'm Amr, an Egyptian developer.
I wrote some web apps using my own custom mini PHP CMS atop of a tiny framework of mine.
During the military service, I wrote a medium-sized WPF desktop application using .Net framework with no background of C# nor even an Internet connection and with a very few resources (Just two books) xD
After that I went to Python seeking a fast road to ML but found that it requires much time.
Now I'm digging deeper in Python to gain good experience so that I can hopefully get a job soon.

kashmere1902 profile image
Ryan Owens

Greetings everyone my name is Ryan I'm a brand new humble Jr Dev finishing up a bootcamp in November. I'm new to this Dev. culture and I must say it's been very welcoming. At the moment I'm learning Java Script ,which has brought out more of my creativity by seeing all the possibilities, and knowing my ideas are just code lines away from being developed.

lakatos88 profile image
Alex Lakatos 🥑

Hello everyone,

I'm Alex Lakatos, though most of the internet calls me Laka. I'm a #JavaScript Developer Avocado 🥑 at Nexmo by day, Mozilla Reps Mentor and Tech Speaker by night. I do things for T-Shirts and might be a coffee snob.

Oh, I've also co-started a weekly newsletter called Developer Avocados 🥑 Weekly for people who want to become (better) developer avocados 🥑.

kitapfilmtahta profile image
Düşüncelik • Edited

Hello everyone.

I'm Mustafa from Turkey.

I'm an Android Developer. And also i'm a Computer Science Teacher. I love developing software but especially i'm interesting Native Android Development. I want to know everything about android software development and i aim to be a full stack developer. Nowadays i'm working on backend side my own project about school management with using node.js and mongodb. That's it.

Happy coding fellas...

cpd67 profile image
Chris Dilley

Hey there! I'm Chris, and i'm a junior Web Developer working in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I don't remember exactly how I came across, but i'm really glad that I did. It has a really great community, and I hope to contribute in any way that I can!

amrsom3a profile image
Amr Ismaiel

Hello everyone 👋
I'm Amr, Android developer from Egypt. Just graduated from computer science engineering and have some contributions at more than an app on Google play
I wish I will get some help here to discover my career deeply
Have a nice day all here :)

ultrarunner profile image

Hi everyone,
My name is Jerome. I have been a web developer for about 20 years. I really love the simple and clean UI of as well as the quality and depth of the posts. I look forward to the "top 7 reads from last week" email. I aspire to write a blog post but since I am more a jack of all trades than an expert, it is quite intimidating. As a hobby, I like to run ultra-marathons, meaning any distances between 30 and 100+ miles. As an office snack, I would recommend the fresh squeezed deschutes but I am not sure everyone likes beer. Cheers.

sinameraji profile image
Sina Meraji

Hi everyone,

Sina here (pronounced Cena), final year AI undergrad and part-time product manager from Iran living in Malaysia. I'm passionate about the point education and tech intersect, and I blog about that quite often. That aside, I generally love shaping human behaviour at scale, and automation. More generally, I like humans :D

A few random things about me:
–I have a little webpage where I list down the books I read and the projects I work on:
–my friend and I founded the tech community at my uni 2 years ago, running workshops and hackathon etc. I'm graduating but the club has grown a lot and it's gonna keep going.
–my final year project is a personalized tech tutorial recommender for people. Hit me up if you wanna know more about it

I'm using MEVN stack for it. gonna spend a lot of time here reading stuff haha, big thanks to my colleague Chinmay (idk his ID) for telling me about

raghuram_el profile image
Raghuram El


I Raghuram, from India. I'm currently working on my PhD, for which I frequently use C and python for data processing. I've also written a few web based bots for some browser based games, so programming is my main hobby for the last year at least. I know a little bit of javascript and c# as well. I came to know about this group through Facebook feeds and I find the posts are really informative. That's just a short introduction about myself.

Have a nice day!

emilyjs profile image

Hello, I’m Emily. I’m a film editor turned frontend developer Based in Berlin. Fact: I made my first website in 1998 and it was located in EnchantedForest in Geocities.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Geocities was how I got started too!

alrahat17 profile image

Hello Everyone,
I'm Rahat, a Laravel developer from Bangladesh.I am that guy from college who was always afraid of rockstar coders in college. I believed in so many myths about them, like they know everything, write bug free code always,I am the only one who forget syntax and feel a strong urge to google it,I did it last week why I can't do it today(pretty stupid ,huh?).
This blog helped me to know about devs all over the world. How they think, how they work,most importantly how they learn new things."Explain like I am five" is so good I never miss it even if it's not related to my stack.

Please post more new blogs about Laravel and Web.


iamironblossom profile image
Ishtiaq Mahmood Amin

Aloha!!! I'm an Android/React Native developer, like programming, Kernel, distro, football, Hans Zimmer, Ted-Ed, Vsause, Veritasium, MKBHD, mind bending staffs. Big fan, applying as a middle ware to manage asynchronous learning in a synchronous maner

dariusx profile image
Darius • Edited
  1. Hi, I'm Darius and I heard about this site on a Podcast, but I forget which one. (Maybe SE Daily or SE Radio, but possibly Tim Ferris)

  2. I've been a developer/architect/team-lead in the Java space since the days... and enjoy what I do. These days, the technologies I'm most closely involved with are Java/Groovy, OpenShift, Camel, Spring. Those are the "traditional ones". Then there are all sorts of interesting technologies around that. Random mentions: Spring Cloud, Togglz, Istio, Zuul, JWT.

  3. Also interested in the "threat" from the JavaScript world encroaching into the back-end... with NodeJs apps becoming a little fatter every year, and looking more like Java apps, while Java apps go on a diet and look more like NodeJs apps. It's the other singularity, lol.

  4. I work at X by 2 in Michigan, which offers software architecture consulting that doesn't stop at reports, but continues into project implementation and solving real world problems usefully and pragmatically. (If that sounds interesting, ping me).

  5. Office snacks: It seems that there are a million types of bars out there now. Instead, honorable mention to the overlooked dried mango slices... both the sweet and the sour type. Yum!

abhisheksoni099 profile image
Abhishek Soni

😀Hello world!

donaatas profile image

I'm Donatas, Lithuanian, I want to learn coding, Just general.. I always went so many paths - wanted to create websites, wanted to create software, wanted to be game dev... Now I'm just going from simple projects as my new beginning, just now I don't want to go at it alone, as I don't give myself that push, that responsibility feeling to do things and will be looking for like-minded beginners. :)

Oh, and at the moment I'm Data Analyst at CUJO AI (got very basic grasp of python, as most of the stuff is SQL and manual analysis)

Well then, let's get started - Hello World!

joni profile image
Joni Mettälä

Hello there! 👋

I'm Joni from Finland and I'm currently studying software development. Found a link from Twitter and wanted to check out what's this website.

There is still a long road ahead, and my skills are still under heavy development. During the past year I have mostly done stuff with Java (Spring Boot, native Android), JavaScript (React), TypeScript (Angular), and currently I'm learning a bit Swift and Python because of my courses.

In the future, I'd prefer to focus on front-end development. However, I'm not very good at doing basic HTML, CSS, and JS stuff so I need to improve myself a lot in them.

I also like being active behind events and organization. I've been a volunteer in several events here in Finland, and I'm also a board member in some organizations.

migoobonjour profile image
Migoo #avecle6 🥖

Hello World!

I'm Miguel, a 24 yo French web developer. I won't call myself a "full stack developer" because I'm mostly interested in back-end development.

A few months ago I quited my job to work full time on a project with a friend: RankUp, a social platform to help competitive video game players find teammates and manage their teams.

I also code websites as a freelance, you can find my (outdated) portfolio here: (only in French)

I regularly come here to read inspirational articles about IT or life style. The comments are always kind and bring a positive attitude, I'm glad to join this nice community!

To answer the question what office snacks would you recommend?, I'd say fruits, and particularly lemons! Just wash your hands before going back to work, or be prepared to type on a gluey keyboard.


ajinkyad452 profile image
Ajinkya Dube

Hello Guys,
I am Ajinkya. I am developer. Don't ask me which technology, I have worked on many technologies.. mostly web related. I am here to get of recommendation stuff... I am totally fedup because of the recommendation stuff... Everywhere sites are recommending something. I don't want it.

jpetrozzi profile image
Juan Pablo

Hi everyone!

I'm Juan Pablo from Argentina and I've been full stack developer for a few years.

I really hope to learn from this community and be able to contribute some of my knowledge.

Have a great day!
I see them here...

Juan Pablo Petrozzi

bensbeaming profile image

Hello All,
My name is Benjie. I’m a recent college graduate, currently working as a Desktop Support Analyst. I really want to switch to a different role in IT and become a developer, which is what brings me here.

chrisdipiero profile image

Hello all. New to I don't recall what article led me to this site, but I liked the community so I decided to join!

I am currently studying front end and am working my way through beginning jQuery. I love learning to code, but am having trouble finding the time I need to dedicate to the grinding one needs to do in order to drive the topics home.

Best office snack? Fresh fruit. People don't eat enough fresh fruit!

kedark profile image
Kedar Kodgire

Hello everybody!
I am Kedar from India and i am a web developer and i love machine learning too. Currently i am pursuing degree in computer science. I came to know about this place through a developer who was helping me in my projects. This place looks great having wonderful people around. I am glad to be here.

simoncoz profile image
Simon Cozens

Hey everyone,

My name is Simon from Melbourne, Australia and my background is Carrier/Telco network and systems engineering.

In the last couple of years I've been working more and more with software, containers, AWS etc and learning about/applying DevOps principles which has lead me to aspire to a move into Cloud and DevOps.

Right now I'm certifying on AWS and learning about all the DevOps tools & methodologies e.g. Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins etc.

Would be great to hear of anyone else has moved from Layers 1-3 to Layers 4-7 and if you have any advice to share!


sh4d1 profile image
Patrik • Edited

Hey everyone!

I'm Patrik, a French developer and system operator (yeah devops). Just finished my studies and doing my end of study internship in Paris.

I'm a big fan of open source, Linux, the cloud and every container related new thing! I also like system programming (kernel and stuff), climbing and rollerblading.

And if you feel like it, you can check out my blog :


freemanfly profile image
Community Crypto Union and Asset Exchange

Hello World!

I declare to the world: Community Crypto Union Asset Exchange

I am committed to bring forth the Community Crypto Union and Asset Exchange.

Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange- CCUAE

I declare and bring forth a new generation asset exchange: Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange- CCUAE

As a founding member and leader of project development and implementation of: Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange Project- I am inviting everyone to team up with me on this monumental project that will forever transform the nature of personal finance. This project is not about me, it's all about bringing forth an alternative in the crypto-space where there was none. I am asking like minded individuals to participate, contribute and collaborate with me together in creating a community-crypto-unionin asset exchange for everyone. I will create an alternative solution to the existing dying fiat based financial system. I feel International demand for crypto account services will increase substantially over the next few years. The adoption and use of crypto-currencies is increasing and I/we get to provide crypto financial account services to everyone on this planet that is interested.

At this point in time, HEATLedger blochchain solutions appear to be the best platform to implement and developed a next generation of crypto-union asset exchange. My first concept of crypto-union and asset exchange includes union of account holders in common cause with stated community-crypto-union priciples as stated, sovereignty, independence and privacy. The crypto-union concept supports union members to collaborate, work together and vote to create consensous among account holders. I'm looking at the OpenLedger DC as a staring point for Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange. Will you consider participating in the future of blockchain based personal financial solutions...

Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange- CCUAE principles-

Sovereignty, Independence and Privacy

Provide crypto account services to the ~2 Billion un-banked people in the world today

HEATLedger based next generation blockchain solution and native assets HEAT tokens

HEAT Wallet- Token transfer and private messeging on the decentralized open source p2p network

Direct Crypto Trading- users can trade cryptocurrencies right from their wallet on p2p orderbooks without going through an exchange

HEATLedger technology, five man-years in the making, including; Java based code, cryptography and p2p consensus code based on MIT licensed NXT, architected for use with private chains, unlimited scalability and use multiple blockchains

Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange- can provide an alternative to the existing crypto-currecy exchanges now operating

Contact me directly at and ask any questions about the development and implementation of; Community-Crypto-Union Asset Exchange.

madhanhere profile image


I am madhan kumar, Angular developer from India. I googled as "encode and decode local storage information" and this post brought me here. I think this place seems to great to learn and share knowledge.

Looking forward to connect with you all guys!

Madhan kumar.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Greetings People of Dev,
I just joined your 'hugle' group and wanted to see what I could see. I am a biochemist by inclination who has decided to go back to Uni. for (another) degree in Bioinformatics. Unfortunately, I am finding it very dry. So I am constantly looking for inspiration and ideas on how to jump ship to Data Science. So I am constantly look for people to chat with. I am fairly new to programming in Python and only slightly better in R and C.L.I.


P.S. Say Hello!

wlaboy profile image
Wilson Laboy

Hello, I'm Wilson. I'm a QA Analyst, here to learn more about development and to connect to a dev community.

I've only started learning C# about 2-3 months ago, and have been focusing on learning NUnit testing since my company is heading more towards automated testing and stepping away from manual testing.

An office snack I would recommend is honey roasted peanuts. You would have to get the snack bag to keep your hands clean, though.

ekynos profile image
Heiko Müller


I came here because I wanted to stop the fake posts from Ben Halpern to appear in the comments section. I was about to write a browser plugin for that, but then I realized it would be easier to just join the community.

Nah. Just kidding.

I'm still working on the browser plugin :P

Best regards,

gaupoit profile image

Hello dudes,

I'm Po, the founder at I am the newbie here and hope to learn and share new things in programming.
If you have any questions about javascript and dev-ops, please ask me and we can discuss.


swati008 profile image

Greetings to Everyone,
I'm Swati from India. I intend on getting into data science field and i came across this community when i was doing my first code in neural network which still doing only no luck as of now :p .I guess i am at the right place i guess i will require more help than i could offer but am grateful to know a community like this.
Looking forward to a journey of learning !!

dsoverby1986 profile image
Dustin Shane Overby

Hello. I'm Shane. I'm a full-stack .NET software/web developer. I've been at this professionally for three years. I am currently working to boost my skills by learning React. I've been enjoying a React course on Udemy by Andrew Mead. My brother told me to check out, so here I am, checking it out and looking forward to finding some new learning resources and hopefully being able to make a contribution to the community.

thezanke profile image
Alex Howard

Hello! Currently I work at a consulting company doing a lot of Node and React. In general I love learning all sorts of new tools and languages. If I'm not learning or working on something I'm probably playing a computer game.

abdul_abimbola profile image
Lawal rahman

I am Rahman, a fresh graduate in computer science. I am here broaden my horizon in the world of programming and also get to interact with as many programmers as possible beacuse my whole life has been recluse.

mohnabil421978 profile image
Mohamed Nabil

Hi fellows,
I am Mohamed Nabil from Cairo Egypt and I am a front end web developer graduated from Udacity Nanodegree and I am making a career change from civil engineer to web developer and hope to use your help and advice to find my way through this field, nice to meet you all.

rachelkam5 profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel. I'm a mom of 2 staying home and learning to code. So far I've learned HTML, CSS, a little JS & jQuery, and WordPress/PHP. I live in Minnesota USA and was an English as a Second Language teacher for 10 years before staying home with my boys. I'm just getting started with some WordPress freelance work. I'm excited to check this site out!

rafaelrochas91 profile image
Rafael Rocha • Edited

Hello everyone,

My name is Rafael. I'm a Portuguese Frontend Developer working in Porto, Portugal.
I want to continue evolving while sharing my experiences and learning from other developers in this community.

Sooo hello there!

zackdotcomputer profile image
Zack Sheppard

Oh hey! I'm Zack. I was brought here because I saw this site bookmarked on a coworker's computer and asked what it was. It sounded like just the group of people I wanted to hang out with while I spend my nights and weekends hacking on side projects.

In terms of office snacks, my personal favorite is anything with peanut butter inside it. Peanut butter M&Ms, peanut butter pretzels, nutter butters, etc. Risky for the allergies, but oh so delicious if no one's gonna die from it.

iamtjconnects profile image

Hey guys,

I am a tech specialist within Infocomm.

Just currently trying to change my career due to my interest in web and software developement.
I am more keen on front end stuffs .

I am excited to join this community.

evagachirwa profile image

Hi, My name is Eva. I am a backend developer (python). I have been working on a project and I need frontend development skills to make it better, so, I am learning ReactJS. I always get help from ... so ... I am here

alepop profile image
console.log("Hello folks! 🎉");

I'm Aleksey, a Javascript developer from Russia. I came here to meet amazing devs from all over the world!

Happy coding ⌨️

maxelkins profile image
Max Elkins

Hi all!

I'm Max Elkins and am currently learning web design.

I have a strong interest in generative design and have started to explore using Processing and p5.js.

Visit my portfolio @


kristophesankar profile image
Kristophe Sankar

Hey everyone,

I'm Kristophe, I'm a full stack developer from the Caribbean. Really trying to learn more and get into remote work. Thought here would be a great place to meet other developers to learn from and share my own ideas.


tvpeter profile image
Peter Tyonum

Hello everyone,

I am Peter, a newbie looking forward to been great in PHP (laravel) and JS (Node, React). Feels great to be here, looking forward to learning a lot from here and helping as i can.

Tyonum Peter.

awg3 profile image
Alan Guerrero


I'm Alan and I am a web developer currently in the NYC area. I stumbled on this site via an interesting video I found in the google web developer site. Seems like there is a lot of great content here and I look forward to learning as much as I can.

I am currently practicing for coding interviews and working on expanding my portfolio with anything from fun snippets to larger projects.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of being part of

hekje profile image
Marcel Hekking

Hi there,

My name is Marcel Hekking. I'm a Python developer from The Netherlands trying to further master Python and learning new stuff, like React. I saw some interesting articles coming by on Twitter coming from this site and thought it could be worthwhile to join.


awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Hi all :) I'm

_awwsmm image
and I just joined a few days ago. I want to get into Android app development and I have a decent bit of experience with Java. I'm a developer at a small company so I have time to branch out. I'm working on learning Haskell and Python, too.

$ bonjour le monde

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey hey!

kevinstirling profile image
Kevin Young

Hi! I'm glad I found this site and am shocked I didn't find it earlier! I am a web developer in New Jersey who happened to find the repo featured on github's front page while taking a tea break :)

Lately I've been coding a lot in Angular and Go at work, while learning about game development and drinking seltzer in my free time :P

pim profile image
Pim • Edited

Hi, I'm Pim

I write code for a living. That's all... Just kidding! Could you imagine?!

I've been a programmer (a term I love) since 2011. It wasn't a profession that I chose. But rather one that found me in a time when I really needed it, and boy am I glad it did.

I started off working for a small company started by one of my teacher's from night school. I focussed primarily on designing databases in MySQL and writing backend code in PHP with a framework we built in-house.

After a less-than amicable departure from that company, I found myself in a .NET shop, forcing me to become intimately familiar with the Microsoft stack. I rose through the ranks of the company from front-end developer to lead platform developer. Eventually departing on good terms to unite my passion for sports with technology at the National Hockey League Players' Association.

Professionally, I work primarily with C#, SQL Server, Node, PowerShell, Knockout and Azure. Though lately, I've been bothered by a constant feeling like there might be something "more" out there waiting for me.

I've dabbled a bit in functional programming using f# and haskell, but really didn't enjoy it much. Most recently I've been experimenting with Go. It caught my attention for the same reason as Knockout, due to it's insane simplicity, which I love love love. Though I have yet to build anything meaningful with it.

I'm a soon-to-be dad of a lovely baby girl. A journey I cannot wait to begin!

If I had to recommend an office snack, it would be high quality coffee!

moon profile image
M Sharma

"Hello World!"

There I said it :-). In our world everything starts with hello world.

I am a polyglot programmer and excited to be part of this community!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hello 👋

igorasilveira profile image
Igor Silveira

Hi everyone! My name is Igor, I am from Portugal and am currently in my masters of Computer Engineering so I have a passion for everything tech and code related so I find myself in every type of related community that I come across with!! (Y)

martinnyagah profile image

Hey everyone,
I'm Martin, a learning dev specializing mostly in python and anything JavaScript related. So basically I am into CRUD kinda development for now.I hope to learn more from the community and also get guidance along my current path.

ndjuric93 profile image
Nemanja Djuric

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking throughout DEV.TO for quite some time now, and I've decided to join :)
As for an office snack, always have be in office with people who will share a cake on the birthday

mafevito profile image
Marifer Villarroel • Edited

Hello everyone!

I'm Marifer from Spain. I am a full-stack developer and a student of computer science.

I hope to learn from all of you and also share new experiences with you.

My mother tongue is Spanish, in case you see any flaws, I am working to improve my English.

Please feel free to send me a message. I would love to hear from you. :)

I can't wait to chat with all of you!

franaguiar profile image
Francisco Aguiar

Hi there, I'm Fran, I'm a backend developer, mostly java and a passionate about monitoring and metrics. I'm been here for a while reading and learning. The reason that push me to write here is because I was wondering why are so much more related post with frontend than for backend.

And also I want to learn the basics about JavaScript frameworks and go on from that. At my work the frontend team is going to redo the client from scratch, in react, and I feel is a good opportunity to jump in.

kreopelle profile image
Kayla Reopelle

Hi Everyone! I'm living in the greater Philadelphia area in the Flatiron School's full stack web development bootcamp, making the transition from documentary filmmaker to junior dev. My wonderful friends in Val's Coaching Crew introduced me to this site!

No office snack scape is complete without hummus & carrots.

georgehossa profile image
Jorge Ossa

Hello, my name is Jorge Ossa, i'm from Medellín - Colombia.
what treasure i finding here!! i hope learn a lot for Javascript, html, css, react and all about necessary to become a Frontend developer.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Hi Jorge! Welcome to! 👋

sandris profile image


I am not a huge fan of online communities but recently I was listening to podcast about and since I am currently trying to help beginners start their career path in IT - I decided to join.

About me - I feel that I can create anything, any project from ground to up :D

benkressdesign profile image
Ben Kress

Hello DEV community,

My name is Ben... And, I am a techaholic.

Admittance is the first step, right? ;) I am also a senior web developer, graphic designer, and photographer for the past 15+ years. I primarily focus on custom web development and linux server deployment/security.

I occasionally read some articles here, and thought it may be about time to create myself a login and jump into some discussions. Hope everyone is having a good day/week so far!

mmonfils profile image

Hi I'm Matt from central Iowa (USA). Finished college a couple years ago, currently doing data entry for an insurance company. My goal is to meet people and learn programming as a hobby and perhaps professionally some day. I met someone at a Python/R MeetUp who showed me

I listen to podcasts all day at work such as Coding Blocks, Beers with Talos, Darknet Diaries, Cyberwire, 6 Figure Developer, Software Engineering Daily, The Bike Shed, etc. and other non-tech ones for fun. I subscribed to Pluralsight and just heard about Exercism today as another learning resource.

I'm working on my first program right now - a Python web scraper that downloads the Packt free book of the day.

nastasius profile image

Hi! 😳
I'm Anastasia. In a half year will graduate from university (I hope so) as a programmer. But I haven't find myself in IT yet.
Now I'm interested in Python and trying to use it for resolving some university tasks.
Thanks to codecademy I found some interesting articles here and joined your cool community!
Hope that one day I could be useful like articles authors here...

zohaib_a_butt profile image

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a really nice day!

I am a 24 years old and a CS Grad from Pakistan, working as an ROR Dev since 2016. However, the person inside me wants to learn JS and likes React a lot, so I am learning React Native these days again after a four-month rigorous attempt when RN was at 0.36.

Looking forward to know and learn more about fellow developers around the globe.

zaheer52044545 profile image

Hello Everyone ,

I am Zaheer , a JS developer working in India. Just want to keep myself updated and learn abt Development and the world of programming languages. And grow as a more strong Developer.

Already learnt couple of things from helping in my job. Hope to have a content loaded stay in here.


wainstead profile image
Steve Wainstead

Hello all!

I found out about via Doug Corbett, co-organizer of the Charlotte Modern Devs meetup here in Charlotte, NC.

My interests in software development are all things Python, cloud, Angular, Emacs, infosec, blockchain, and data engineering/analysis.

I have twelve years experience in radio broadcasting as well. Radio was my first love, but coding is my first love!

jeremyknudsen profile image
Jeremy Knudsen

Hi there!

My name is Jeremy. I'm probably a lot like you. Creative. Curious. Thinking deeply and always learning. I am a designer who happens to code, and I've been a designer in tech for... wow, 18 years now!

I stumbled upon an article that appeared in my feed (thanks Google), and I appreciated the respectful discussion that was had there. So, I'm just taking another step through the door to check out the place a little further, as it seems like this is an environment for the creative and curious to learn unashamedly.


bushbass profile image
Alex Nielsen

I've been lurking for a while. I learned HTML in 1995 and even worked as a web developer from 2000 - 2003. Continued to play around with the web since then but really dropped out of the development world around 2007. HOLY CRAP a lot happened in web dev between 2007 and 2017 when I decided to get back into it! So I've been studying up for a while now and looking to re-enter the workforce as a web developer. I'm following the full stack javascript route mainly through freecodecamp and various other online courses. I'd like to start writing about what I'm learning because 'they' all say that it reinforces your own learning. So expect some stuff from me soon. I do have a youtube channel that I use more like 'rubber duck debugging' talking to the screen instead of an object.
I hope to be able to contribute more to the community in the near future.

izgeri profile image
Geri Jennings

👋Hey there :)

I have been enjoying the posts from this community for some time, and I'm excited to become a part of it!

I'm a software engineer who's been focusing lately on Go, Kubernetes, security considerations for cloud-native software, and writing useful documentation. Here's to having interesting discussions and sharing knowledge!

eflorida profile image

Hi All,
I'm a front-end dev currently in Orange County, previously in the Bay Area. Currently working with Node/React, developing a CLI tool (in Node) to manage the modular application architecture design I've created for our front-end team. Breaking a monolithic React app into NPM modules that are far more re-usable an can be easily extended. This will allow for integrating these modules into new Node apps for future scaling and technology changes that would be difficult in one monolithic, aging application.

And I like to run, a lot, pretty far, sometimes on trails, sometimes roads. I live two blocks off the beach.

codnificent profile image
Kingsley Aguchibe

Hi everyone! I'm Kingsley. I was searching for the 'recommended' UI framework for styling react.js project.
I just landed myself here.😁
I'm loving the environment here...

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Hi! Welcome 😁 Glad you’re here. Definitely let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything else!

codnificent profile image
Kingsley Aguchibe

Alright. Thank you

chitkosarvesh profile image
Sarvesh Chitko • Edited

Hey Devs,
This is Sarvesh.
I am a Solutions Architect working primarily in the Telephony domain.
I have worked in multiple voice and non-voice technologies and languages including:
C++, Python, Java, Erlang, go, node.js, AngularJS, FreeSWITCH, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, WebRTC, RTP/RTCP/DTLS, RTMP, GNU Octave, MatLab, SciLab
And have considerable experience in the fields of Telephony, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Glad to be here, would love to hear from you if you have any questions/suggestions/feedback/problems.

ultrarunner profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Jerome. I have been a web developer for about 20 years. I just really enjoy reading posts on I love the simple, clean and fast UI as well as the quality of the posts. As a fun fact, I run ultra-marathons on trails, which are distances between 30 and more than a 100 miles. I hope to write a post one day but I am just not sure about what topic since I am more a jack of all trades than an expert. I welcome any feedback. Cheers.

ivarni profile image
Ivar Nilsen

Hello peoples!

I did a short dive into Elm a few years ago but it kinda didn't stick so I went to the elm-conf the day before Strange Loop this year and got inspired to give it a new go. Excited to dive into it and try to get a small webapp going. Been doing webdev for some years, starting from self-made "frameworks" then going to Backbone, then Angular and then React which I've done full time for 2-3 years now. Hoping to evolve further into Elm.

Like a little dinosaur evolving into a sentient being if you will.

Recommended office snacks is going to make zero sense to a non-Norwegian (sorry) but Rugsprø, Tine kremost med krydderurter and Fløtemysost (which is a mild Brunost). If you're in (or visiting) Norway I can provide an illustrated shopping list.

olifolkerd profile image
Oli Folkerd

Hey Everyone,

I'm Oli, By day I build crazy contraptions for experiential marketing events, by night I maintain Tabulator, an open source JavaScript interactive table building library!

Happy Coding!

Oli :)

valdirunars profile image
Þorvaldur Rúnarsson

Hi everybody!
I am Thorvaldur Runarsson, you can call me Thor for short (I love saying that 🤓).
To a less narcissistic note:

I am a father, an ex- semi-professional footballer and a Software Engineer at Dohop (Icelandic aviation company specialising in flight search and virtual interlining)

In addition to that I am also getting more and more involved in open source work and would love to hear suggestions about what new projects I should look into contributing to.

As far as maintaining Open Source projects I am also just recently proudly calling myself the creator of Zolang (Programming Language) a code gen DSL and language toolkit which I would love to hear your feedback on.

jhordan92 profile image

Hello, greetings from Venezuela :)

I'm Jhordan, a C#, and currently .NET MVC developer. I love learning new things, so probably I'll be going from post to post. Oriented to both backend and frontend.

Hope we get along and that we can help each other grow.

coding4tacos profile image
Taylor Wilkinson

Hi everyone, I'm Taylor. I'm from Michigan (US), but I currently live in Mexico. I'm an online ESL teacher, but I've been teaching myself web development for about nine months and I'm determined to make the career switch. Coding has taken over my free time, and I recently started teaching part-time to give myself more time for learning.

Anyways, I'm here to learn from other devs and hopefully contribute to the community. Finding a community and connecting with other programmers is something I should've done a long time ago.

leonardofed profile image
leonardo federico

Hello everyone, this is Leonardo. JavaScript and VueJS fan, founder of

I've created to Type12 to make coding interviews suck a bit less.

I wrote a more comprehensive post on the why and the how in this Github gist:

Looking forward to meeting you all. ❤

geshan profile image
Geshan Manandhar

Hello Everyone,
I am Geshan Manandhar, working as a Senior software engineer at THE ICONIC in Sydney. I have been blogging since years. I would like to contribute some posts to this brilliant blog too. Thanks!

chubberlisk profile image
Wen Ting Wang

(in Dr. Nick's voice) Hi, everybody!

My name is Ting and I'm from London. This year I graduated with a Computer Science degree and I'm currently working towards a graduate scheme in software development. I recently discovered DEV and it's the first community I feel comfortable being a part of so thank you!

Not necessarily a fun fact about me (probably more of a silly one) but I enjoy making puns with my name and had to try hard not to when creating my own website. If you have some free time, I would very much appreciate it if you could provide me with some feedback. It just works as an informal CV for now. Thank you so much in advance!

mconway890 profile image
Michele Conway

Hey there!
I'm Michele, and I'm currently a student in the Full Stack Web Development course through Flatiron School. I live in Brooklyn NY but am currently getting some R&R in sunny (but mostly rainy for the past 3 weeks) Florida! I'm taking the online course so it's great to be able to travel and continue to learn. Have about 10% of the class left so as graduation approaches I thought I'd start venturing outside of the class and get more into networking and meeting fellow developers :)

vaibhavb profile image
Vaibhav Bhandari

hey everyone

I'm Vaibhav Bhandari. I have been a developer for over 20 years and have done a myriad of things including systems programming (arm Linux kernel contributor, WinCE OS developer), web API (Microsoft HealthVault), Ruby, Python, and others.

I'm currently exploring the realm of speech programming languages and implementing a prototype to transform Alex API to Python code. I want to make programming by talking a reality. I'm exploring questions like :

  1. What is the fastest REPL loop for a speech programming environment
  2. What are new things we can do via speech than by typing, are there any higher order concepts in speech?
  3. What would a community of a Jupyter notebook look like for Speech?

More about me at


iam_chukwuemeka profile image

I'm a novice when it comes developing apps and writing codes but I wa t to learn and become great at it. I would be glad to get help from anyone where to start and what language to learn first. I'm really excited abt this. Thanks.

swami profile image
Swastik Mishra
Hello world!

Hello, I am Swastik. I am a masters student in bioinformatics and computational biology at IISER Pune, India. I just found out about this place and I'm here to explore and learn. Cheers!

morklis profile image

Hello, I'm Sam, really interested in programing and I'm hear to learn new staffs, don't know where to start though but glad to be here because I'm looking forward to developing some really good programs

yourwebgirl profile image
Tracey McAllister

TMack here! I’m originally from NYC. Currently on assignment in Illinois. Happened upon this place by way of a Codepen Spark email. Excited to be here!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Oh cool, what’s the Codelen Spark email?

yourwebgirl profile image
Tracey McAllister • Edited

Hello Ben!

CodePen Spark is an email that highlights several CodePen users, per issue, to “spark” inspiration.

On the latest issue, Ana Liza Pandac shared the steps she took to recreate Red Onion’s Daily Prophet page using Flexbox. The intro text contained a link to her post here on

I clicked the link, enjoyed her article, and decided to join the community. :)

shinyuy profile image
Shinyuy Marcel

Hello guys, from the posts dates, i guess its been a while since you guys where having discussions regarding finding a developer job abroad without a CS degree, but i would still like to share my small experience concerning the issue, cause for while now it has been one of the things i think about allot. I am web developer with 1.5 years experience in web development, and recently i started applying for web developer jobs, and dew to the lack of web developer jobs in my country Cameroon, i had to apply for jobs abroad, and though i have a portfolio website and a github account with some few projects, i still find it so difficult getting call ups for interviews after i apply for jobs and some of the hiring offices are kind enough to tell me my skills are not bad or my skills are good enough for the position, but are also sorry they can't continue dew to my background or me not meeting other criteria. I am sure some of you guys here must have gone through such, please what do you advice me to do, cause for me i have been trying to build my skills to the level i can impress an employer enough for him to want to get me visa sponsorship, but i will still like to get your taught.

dbelyaeff profile image
Dmitriy Belyaev • Edited

Hi there,

My name is Dmitry, I'm from Russia (Saint-Petersburg). At web dev since 1999. I'm full-stack programmer, started from HTML+CSS+JS+PHP many years ago, now practice Laravel, Node.JS+Express, Webpack, Stylus, CoffeeScript, ES6, sometimes Rails. Also Linux (when needed to set up VPS or dedic).

Last weeks dived into Crystal language (like Ruby syntax but more performant than Go) and it's Amber framework (Rails clone).

Recently published Cogear.JS – static websites generator built with Node.JS and based on Webpack (Youtube Playlist).

This site looks very unusual, kind of programmers heaven.

So it will be pleasure join to join the community.

ishantkrishna profile image

Hi Everyone,

I am Ishant Krishna from India. I have a doubt that brought me here. I hope I can ask it here.

Condition compilation for JavaScript in windows 10

I am working on a Script Editor control(using WPF). The language that is decided for editor is JavaScript. But based on requirement, the editor should not compile 'for' and 'while' loop. Is there any JavaScript compiler which can exclude compilation of few keywords on demand. Basically I expect compilation error on excluding keywords from compilation.

I have tried using JSC.exe( .NET framework JS compiler), but didn't work for me.


yu___smith profile image

Konnichiwa, everyone :)

I'm Yuichiro, a developer in Japan.
I just like developing and hacking stuff in my everyday life, and I came here to widen my view and to learn to use more english in my information searching.

Currently I'm mainly coding at work/in private using Python a lot, so I'm looking forward to obtaining those information and maybe outputting them also.


shrinivasg profile image
shrinivasg • Edited

Hi, I am srinivas, IT Trainer. Just want to train more learners. For more information learners can contact me at
Please visit

wajahatkarim profile image
Wajahat Karim 🇵🇰

Hello everyone,

First of all, a big thanks and cudos to the guys behind Dev.To Platform. :)

My name is Wajahat Karim. I am a graduate from NUST SEECS, Islambad and a software developer with over 6 years of experience in working with Adobe Flash, Unity3D, and Android native SDK. I have worked on more than 70 apps and games until today. I am currently working as Senior Android Developer at Contour Software, a subsidy of Constellation Software - one of the Canada's largest enterprise software company.

I am very active writer on my blog and Medium and like to write about anything from life experiences to coding experiments and development tutorials etc. I have co-authored two worldwide published books, Learning Android Intents and Mastering Android Game Development with Unity3D, published by PacktPub, UK. I am very passionate in open source contributions and have created many android libraries and projects. In June 2018, one of my library became #1 on Github Trending. My libraries have about 2000 stars on Github and are being used in various apps by the developers all around the globe.

You can check more about me on following links:

I am interested to see what can come out of meeting all of you!

Yours truly,
Wajahat Karim

pints89 profile image

Hey Guys,

I'm Pinty and currently learning Python, currently based in Cape Town. What brought me here is a lekker blog post I found explaining git rebase which I found it really helpful.

I am happy to be apart of this community and I look forward to keeping up with post's and learning from all of you :).



tquetanor7 profile image
Tony Quetano

Hi everyone,

I'm Tony, a JavaScript dev that's currently in Boston but moving to California in a month. This community looked pretty sweet, and I'm a big open source fan / contributor so it looked right up my alley!


mnengwa profile image

Hey there, Jesus is My Lord and savior. Laravel + Vue are my to go to frameworks - as you have guessed it I am predominantly a PHP developer who is also interested in:
Javascript - for the front-end web,
Python - for statistics,
Java - for Android,
Golang - for kicks

Most of my questions/curiosities kept being answered through posts and here I am.

Recommended office snack: Chevda

alexs1305 profile image
Alex Shannon

Hi all I'm a software engineer in the UK trying to broaden my horizons and learn more from awesome communities

prasadchillara_55 profile image
Prasad Chillara

Hi everyone,

This is Prasad Chillara, working as Senior Software Developer with Mondee Inc, San Francisco Bay Area. Around 12 years of experience with Microsoft Stack and now working on Java and Vertx since an year. Excited to meet you all here to gain and share knowledge.


jinojossy93 profile image

Hi Everyone,

I'm Jino, you can say I'm a web developer or data engineer. I work here in Technopark, Kerala. It's cool to know you all and be part of a community like this.

Hope to contribute what I could.

Thanks for having me here
Jino Jossy |

jklepatch profile image
Julien Klepatch

I am Julien from France and I teach how to create Ethereum Dapps at (articles) on on my youtube channel

I love to hear about other Ethereum Dapp developers and what they are working on!

msitkovets profile image
Maria Sitkovets

Greetings comrades. I'm Maria, a software engineering student in my first year of university. I'm here because I read an article on Medium about finding a community of coders so that I won't feel alone in my pursuit to learn things outside the classroom :)

pavondunbar profile image
Pavon Dunbar

Hello there,

My name is Pavon Dunbar. I am a self taught Linux SysAdmin and a Full Stack Web Developer in Los Angeles, CA.

I love to code and I love reading interesting topics regarding coding, anything Linux, and the Blockchain.

The terminal is my best

Anyway, pleasure to meet you all. I enjoy reading and learning new things from this website, so thank you to the authors for the amazing articles.

If you would like to see my Github profile, feel free to visit and my LinkedIn is

Happy coding, and enjoy the rest of your day and week.


madisonkanna profile image
Madison Kanna

Hi everyone!

I'm Madison, a web developer from California. This place is awesome. Looking to meet other developers and learn cool stuff!


temmuz profile image

Hello, lovely people of!
I'm a self-taught front-end developer based in Freiberg, Germany. I'm soon starting a new job in Dresden as front-end developer & UX engineer at a company where I'll be building & implementing and maintaining a design system for one specific software product and I'm super excited about it! I admire and love to learn from people who have knowledge/are passionate about mostly anything and am looking forward to learning a lot from you guys! Alright, I think that's all about me. Gotta go sleep now. Take care!

dylanjhall profile image
Dylan J Hall

Hello folks,
I am a Full Stack Developer living in the Toronto area. I am really into learning you concepts and techniques, especially when it involves JavaScript.

mcraealex profile image
Alexander McRae

Came here looking to learn how to contribute to open source projects and overall want to learn more.
Office snacks: Skittles

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Can't go wrong with Skittles! hehe

teresambrashear profile image

Hello world! I am HR, in my free time I am learning PHP
I recomend you choco cookies!

ogunladetokunbo profile image
tokunbo ogunlade

Hi everyone, I am olatokunbo from Lagos Nigeria.i am just starting out as a python developer. I am here to boost my career opportunities

daslaf profile image
Osman Cea

Hey folks

I'm Osman, I'm a front end developer based in Santiago, Chile. I've been doing front end for a couple of years now. I'm here cause I've wanted to join a dev community for the longest time, I guess I finally did it.

Have a nice day,

onanasteve94 profile image
onana steve

Hello world!
I am Onana steve from Cameroon, currently Learning front-end dev on freecodecamp. Glad to join this awesome community and can't wait to learn great stuff!

kellbell1441 profile image
Kelly McBurney

Hi there

yuridolzhenko profile image
Yuri Dolzhenko

Hello people! Software engineer from Amsterdam is here.

thebadgateway profile image
Will F

Hi. I am free to work on numerical projects until mid-November 2018. I use python, bash, and C. I don't really understand anything about web development. I like linear algebra, computing and recursion, Monte Carlo methods, stats and orthogonal functions, and things that feel so very true (like gravity, thermodynamics, and so on). Here is the "premise + code (in python)" I show to people who are interested in learning to program:

Suppose my salary is $25,000.00 per year, and I get a 3% raise every year working and living in this fine city of mine, Boston. Given that the minimum salary required to SURVIVE in Boston is $60,000.00 per year (it's factually thereabouts), how many years will it take for my salary to reach this "minimum required salary to survive in Boston" (ignoring inflation here)?

The basic scheme with paper and pen would be:

25000 + 25000*0.03 = 25000 + 750 = 25750 (first year)

25750 + 25750*0.03 = 25750 + 772.50 = 26522.50 (second year)


Ok, it does feel nice to write, but I'm only two years in, and $1.5K away from $25K. Bleck.

We can put together a routine to find the number of years with just 6 lines:

years = 0
salary = 25000.00
while salary < 60000.00:
salary = salary + 0.03 * salary
years = years + 1

How many years?

bthntprlk profile image

Hello everyone!

I’m Batuhan, shortly Batu. I’m a React/Front-End developer in Turkey. I’ve been interested in React for 1.5 years and building UI library as a side project. I’m trying to interest in Stencil.js in my free times and having collection of great UI/UX stuff

I’m happy to be here to learn and share more!!!

vrcca profile image
Vitor Cavalcanti

Olá everyone,

I'm Vitor, a software developer from Brazil.

Nice to meet you all!

iam_chukwuemeka profile image

Hello, I'm Emeka. 😊

peteyonsftware profile image
peterson o.

Hi there,

I'm Peterson. A dotnet developer working in the US. I'm here to read great articles and to share.

thanhtungka91 profile image
Vo Thanh Tung

First time to here, love design!!!

_ahmedta profile image
ahmed tawfik


am learning reactjs and AWS (API Gateway, lambda, and dynamoDB), cause I want to build an API that I think it would be profitable someday

I came across and I like the design and I like anything with the world dev attached to :D

jboku8 profile image
JBoKu8 • Edited

Hello Devs,

I am Jano Bokuchava from Georgia(country).

Full Stack Developer - Trainer.


mart3y profile image

lol hello world and everyone in the dev/.to and git hub platforms i am wanting to study the full stack have got as far as js at min. good luck to everyone and your help will be well received.. matt

stevoperisic profile image
Stevo Perisic

Hello everyone!
Stevo here, coming to you from Atlanta. Always learning new things, always enjoying the articles posted here.

sddania profile image
Daniele Agosti

hello everybody,
I'm Daniele and I'm an italian fullstack developer. I love .net and angular frameworks, but also music and food!
Feel free to contact me for any discussion...


tumulalmamun profile image
Abdullah Al Mamun

I am Abdullah Al Mamun, an enthusiast software developer. currently using .net technologies in software development.

temidayojnr profile image
Temidayo • Edited

Hi everyone,

I’m Temidayo, Junior backend developer from Lagos, Nigeria. Here to be part of the Dev community, learn and also become better at writing code.


taniarascia profile image
Tania Rascia • Edited

Hi there. I’m Tania of I write a lot of tutorials for web developers, and I currently work as a front end software engineer in Chicago.

biscolab profile image
Roberto Belotti

Hello!!! My name is Roberto and I'm a full-stack dev... my aim? I want to learn every day something new!


jandrellformoso profile image

Hi! I love react. and music.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

We have one of those things here!

husen786 profile image
Rahat husen

Hello everyone,myself Rahat Husen and i am full stack developer and i want to know and connect other developer

eunjae_lee profile image
Eunjae Lee

Nice meet you all.
I'm Eunjae Lee from South Korea, currently living in Singapore.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang


oleglukin profile image
Oleg L


arungit101 profile image

Hi all,

Im Arun Poudyal, have been working as a system administration for 2 yrs, i love tech and currently i am interested into web development with python.

vitorhead profile image

Hey guys!

I'm Vitor. It's been a while since I started reading posts from devto, and always wanted to share something. I like to code in functional languages such as clojure, elm and haskell, as well as some other ones like python and nodejs. I'm interested in software engineering and data science, as I think they are both incredible.

Two days ago I published my first post at and I'm very happy about it. Thought of sharing here too, since the community is great and wide.
The post is an introduction to functional programming and you can find it here.


tatermohit profile image

Few hours on and I am totally in love with it.

Hi Everyone,

I am Mohit from India, C++ developer by profession. Currently, learning Full Stack development so that I can turn some of my notebook ideas into reality. :)

I landed on this site through this article on Medium.

Thanks to the creators for providing this exclusive platform to the dev community.

rthompson624 profile image

Hello. I work as an independent. My tech stack is angular, node.js, mongodb, and mysql. I'm on this site to fill in bits of knowledge here and there. Great site!

baaaze profile image

Hey, I've been looking for an easy going dev community to learn and help others. Glad to have found this place! Looking forward to get involved :)

bloodrave_n profile image
Pike Msonda

Hie everyone. Learnt about this forum from another dev group. I am developer very interested in machine learning and it's real work applications.

moinuddin14 profile image
Khaja Moinuddin Mohammed

Hello World,

I am Khaja, a Blockchain Developer from Hyderabad, India. Read a few articles on react and was impressed with the quality of the articles here at so decided to Ben part of this awesome group. Looking forward connecting with you all.

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /

Hi, Quentin, welcome on Dev.

Do you like Go ?

juanlengyel profile image
Juan Sebastian Lengyel

Hello everyone!

I feel really enthusiastic about joining the community, specially since I've wanted to become an independent developer for some time now. Currently I'm developing RPA projects, so I've been learning lots of .Net, though my main goal is becoming a full stack developer. Already had experience developing in C, professionally and academically (Electronic Engineer).

Next step is learning to develop web applications and web services, though I don't really know where to begin; I feel there are so many technologies and providers, it looks overwhelming at first.

Thanks to everyone!

florenxiagrasso profile image

Hi My name is Florencia I'm aspiring web dev from Buenos Aires, Im looking forward to share some blog posting here and learn some new things too!

sackeyjason profile image
Jason Sackey


I'm a London UK-based frontend developer. I've been doing web things for a couple of years. The reason I originally learned programming was to turn my amateur game development into a career, then I took a different direction. I still want to give gamedev a try, on a side project or two. I'm also particularly interested in the history of computing, decentralised systems, end-user-programmable systems, and cooking.

michael_neely profile image
Michael Neely

Hello everyone! My name is Michael Neely and I just learned about this cool site. Looking forward to learning more and coding better.

jacksonxr profile image
Jackson Ladyman

Hi, my name is Jackson and I have always wanted to tell stories that make people happy.

adamson_graeme profile image
Graeme Adamson

Hi I am Graeme I was a mainframe developer, now in the process of retraining.

adamson_graeme profile image
Graeme Adamson

What languages did you use. I used COBOL, Easytrieve Plus, Mantis and Ideal/Datacom.

masavik profile image
Samuel Vijaykumar M

Hi All.

I am Sam, working a for a startup in Chennai, India. I dabble with Ruby, Python and more recently with Elixir.

I am a passionate about opensource, utopia and sharing.

eddiecooro profile image

I'm Eddie, a Javascript developer. I love everything about JS and developers community, So I joined to learn new things and making some friends

mariancarp profile image
MarianCarp • Edited

Hello all, I am Marian and I am new in programmers world, I am learning Java and I am thinking to start 100 days of programming chalenge :)

1mr3yn profile image
Reyn Tancio

Software Engineering Daily Podcast brought me here!

infopro94 profile image
Susan Fowler


I'm Susan, a Flatiron student who still feels quite new at this, especially since I'm wondering why I'm getting errors on code that's working perfectly in the browser. Nothing like taking a break to breathe and reboot (metaphorically speaking).

I've heard nice things about DEV - looking forward to getting better acquainted.

Cheers -

louieb profile image
Vernon Blankenhorn

Hello everyone, my name is Vernon. I've been teaching myself to code. I don't think you can have too many resources or know too many fellow devs.

ndiajg profile image
Ndia G. John

My name is Ndia, I am interested in Sass coding. I would like to connect with more Sass developers.

f_h_m profile image
Faheem Chippendale

Hello World,

I'm Faheem, a front-end developer from Cape Town, South Africa. I'm not exactly sure how I originally ended up here, but I figured it's finally time to create an account :).

I'm looking forward to contributing and learning more about/and from the community.

Until next time;


driesenga profile image
Brian Driesenga


I am a React developer from Michigan in the United States. Glad I found this community. Looking forward to interacting with you all.

long27101988 profile image
Cao Hoang Long

Hello everyone,

I'm Long, a web app developer from VietNam, I join here to upgrate my skill and share anything i know

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hey y'all!

Unsalted mixed nuts and kettle corn have been a big hit at the office. Think I might be ready to try something new though.

norwegiantester profile image
Marius Jørgensen

Hi guys!

Marius here. Norwegian software tester currently located in Oslo. Love everything software development related, and I believe team work and collaboration is the key for great products.

Looking forward to read interesting stuff here! And oh man your site is fast!

howard54681121 profile image
Howard • Edited

Hi, I am Howard a senior fighting caner! Got into programming has a hobby, been playing with python mostly tutorials.just wanna learn something, code something to feel good about.I live in Jamaica.

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Welcome Howard!

howard54681121 profile image


latenightninjacoder profile image

I have been reading for some months now. Might as well be an official reader by signing up. Hoping to contribute something in the future. Happy to be a part of this community.

bijay726_shah profile image

Hi, everyone.Hope everything goes fine and enjoy your life and generate new ideas.

zimba profile image

Fellow Devs,

I'm glad to join this dev community.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thanks for coming!

datatom profile image
Tomás Costanzo

Doritos with cheddar, definitely.

mojitmj profile image
Moji مجتبی ~🇮🇷+🇮🇹+🇩🇪+🇩🇰+... 🇪🇺

Hi, I'm moji a Dev~Student love to learn more and more... Working with data

grzegorzchatys profile image
dimasx profile image
Dimas Vorobiov

Hello there,
I am Dima, a junior React developer from Poland (and MERN stack).
Nice to meet such cool community!

adhana_ranjit profile image
deepak adhana

Namastey everyone,

I am a beginner data analyst from India and like to code in python.

marioscience profile image
Mario Matos

Hiya! Just joining. This looks really cool!

arjunarisang profile image

Hello (:

hammalrn profile image


dpchimmili_22 profile image

Hi Everyone,
I am Durga Prasad a tech enthusiast and developer from India. Very excited to be here and looking forward to learning and sharing knowledge. Thank you.

suading profile image
سوعاد محد👓

Hey everyone,
My name is Suad, and I have been learning front-end web development for a month now. I don't have much knowledge to share, but I'm here to learn :).

mrbenosborne profile image
Ben Osborne

Hi everyone, glad to be part of this community :)

liaozhonghui profile image

Hello,I'm nodejs learner!

bhomikaprakash profile image

hello everyone,

I'm Bhoomika im a final year graduate student want to know about how developers work all around the world.

theharshitgarg profile image
Harshit Garg


This is Harshit from India working as a dev in an ed-tech start-up. Hope you all are doing good.

mani1soni profile image
Manish Soni

hello everyone,

I'm manish, DevOps enthusiast from india, currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer science.
I want to increase my knowledge in DevOps Field and want to see the workflow of developers.

shashiprasadkushwaha profile image
Shashi Prasad Kushwaha

Hello devs,

I'm Shashi, an Android developer from Nagpur, India. Came here to know more devs and there work. Also want to learn ASP.NET Core 2.

xanderon profile image

Hello 🙂

My name is Alex. I'm a backend developer (Javascript).
I'm here to learn and have fun 🙂

Stay healthy & Share all the knowledge 😁

gwllmnn profile image
Grégoire Willmann

Hello everyone!

I'm Greg a web developer from France.

Symfony and Ruby on Rails are my go to frameworks to develop robust websites.

I'll be posting some how tos on devops soon :)

ckhung5 profile image
Kok Hung Cheah

Hi everyone,

I'm KH, a Ruby developer from Malaysia, currently working in Melbourne, Australia. I was introduced by my colleague and wish to learn more about software development.


imshykh profile image

Hi All,

I am Irshad. I am senior developer based in India.
I saw the banner on github about going opensource. I had never heard of it.
I was wondering, How are the posts gets moderated here.

waqardm profile image
Waqar Mohammad

Hey Guys 👋 ,

I’m Waqar from the U.K., a lawyer-cum-developer currently finding my feet. Hope to see you guys around.

gaperaltav profile image
Gabriel Peralta

I'm Gabriel, software developer I love web technologies and I enjoy learn new things. I'm happy to be part of this community.

rustemibrahim81 profile image
Rustem • Edited

Hi, °_°

josh_xxvii profile image
Oga jo5h • Edited

Hello im Josh, a java developer and an aspiring data scientist from Nigeria. I recently started learning Python and i hope to meet alot of folks who could help me out.

merajnouredini profile image
Meraj Nouredini

Hello everyone!
I'm Meraj, a backend dev,
Just got sick of twitter and searched for another community and I'm so glad that I've found this place
Now I can enjoy my feed much better...

arvi128 profile image

Hello , this is Arvind . I am a full stack dev working in India, currently obsessing over JS .

attaradev profile image
Mike Attara

Hello, my name is Mike. I am a mobile web specialist in training

codingnagger profile image
Jean-Dominique Nguele

Hey everyone,

I'm JD, a polyglot developer from Paris, currently working in London. I read about on Github and thought I'd join in.


Jean-Dominique Nguele

chrissam profile image
Chris Sam

Hello World,

:() { :|:& }; :


I'm currently into Devops ( mostly on the ops side ). Looking to learn new things everyday!

Chris Sam

jeanriffel profile image
Jean Riffel

Hello everyone,

I'm Jean, an Delphi/C#/VisualBasic developer from Brazil, currently study Python, JS Frameworks to improve my skills.

I would like meet others developers.


fey101 profile image
Faith Kangai

I'd recommend crisps, peanuts, biscuits and cookies as office snacks😊

sanjulamadurapperuma profile image
Sanjula Madurapperuma

Hi everyone, I am Sanjula, a Software Engineering Undergraduate. Looking forward to give as well as receive some good pieces of advice!

samusan profile image
Sam Minns

Oh hai, I’m Sam!
I’m a software engineer in Melbourne, AU. I came here to find more programming/problem solving/thought specific content.

wanoo21 profile image
Ion Prodan

Hello everyone!!!

marellz profile image
Dave Njoroge

Hi! New here! Great fan and coder of Vue, Laravel and Node!

pheonix929 profile image
Michael Van Der Merwe

Hey people,

Im Michael, a frontend developer from Johannesburg south Africa.

Found through an article this morning. Keen to get involved!

rehman profile image
Abdul Rehman

Hello everyone,

I'm Rehman, an JavaScript developer from Pakistan, currently working in side-projects, just want to know more developers all over the world and seems here is the right place ..

kremsku profile image

Hello all!

I'm Tuomas, frontend and backend developer living in Finland. I've done programming for a living for two years now and everyday learn new stuff (=the best)!


dilantha profile image
Dilantha Nanayakkara

Been hearing Ben talk about this place on too many podcasts, had to join.

keinchy profile image
Frederick Jaime

Hello All,
My name is Fredie, Front-End dev based out of New York. Excited to meet new people and pick up some knowledge.

nik_o_lin profile image

Hi all,

glad to join this community of smart humans :) Cheers!

sorianog profile image
Gerald S

My short bio:

Work: Native iOS/Android Developer
Fun: AR/VR/MR/XR Enthusiast

Let's chat about anything! 🤓

rbroda profile image


My name is Ryan, i'm a new Web Developer looking for a cool community to expand my ever growing appetite for developer knowledge and also help the community if I can!

sonngovan90 profile image
Ổn áp Standa

Hi everybody.
I'm MT, come from Hanoi, Vietnam...

entrptaher profile image
Md Abu Taher

Great to have you here.
How is it going with #100daysofcode and Coding bootcamp by Flatrion School?Maybe you can share your journey in some posts and we all can benefit from that.
Good luck!

sayantjm profile image

Hi there!
I'm Juanma, a Java backend developer (and a bit front-end) from Spain ready to continue learning, co-working and joining a great community like that!

See you soon.

ephrin profile image
Volodymyr Myrza

Hello all. I am not a cat.
Can write code and a bit of crap sometimes. But mostly because of perfectionist nature overwhelming my mind :)

adalisan profile image
Sancar Adali

I am a machine learning researcher-statistician in Cambridge,MA trying to improve my coding skills.
I have programmed in C/C++,Python,R, Matlab,Perl and Prolog.

ahadbukhari profile image
Abdul Ahad Bukhari

Hello everyone,

I am Abdul Ahad, an open source developer, and educator. I will modify @oaleepapp 's greeting like so

__ Hello Devs__

niravandroid profile image
niravandroid • Edited

Hello Friends,

I am Android Application developer from India working as a freelancer. I want to expand my knowledge and also want to contribute from my experience that's why I have joined!

shouhui profile image

Hello, my friends,

My name is shouhui, and just join a job aboat JavaScripts. If you recomend me some tips or resources, such as books, about this is a pleasure thing for me. Thx.

derivativeofpix profile image
Hamza Asad

Hi guys,

I'm Haris, a HS student, really interested in programming, here to expand my networks and learn more, love this forum. Peace

josh_xxvii profile image
Oga jo5h

Hello, im josh, a java developer and aspiring data scientist from nigeria. I recently started learning Python and im hoping to get help from this community and also help as much as i can.

mrkonrados profile image

Hi there!

M&M and Skittles. You can share this on coffee break

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


wouterversyck profile image
Wouter Versyck


I'm Wouter. Little over a year ago I started working as a full-stack Java developer.

I have a passion for coding and want to learn as much as I can.

ennywayne32 profile image
Hadejuwon Holuwasegun

Am ennywayne, i want to know more about developer.

dorothydotfiles profile image
Dorothy Dotfiles

Thanks. I shall.

caseyocampo profile image
Casey Ocampo

3: Preferred office snacks are definitely Lenny and Larry protein cookies! Also, hello everyone!

udaysinhk profile image

Hi I m udaysinh from india

mistrang102 profile image


shabadrohithans profile image
Rohit Kumar

Hi everyone,

I'm Rohit, a.Net Developer from India, just want to learn JavaScript Framework.

sakaricky profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Ricky Computer science teacher in Cameroon. Want to write code with world developers

faglezm profile image
Fagoezm • Edited

This particular daily question "can I become a developer or programmer?". It's not that easy but it will help me to understand what I'm really curious about this.

youthcodetech profile image

Hello guys I'm Charles Kwabena.. An African developer lol. Currently working on some react-native projects. Hit me DM if. Don't mind

biggo6 profile image
Joram Kimata


My name is Joram Kimata, am full stack developer currently learning Golang

reachvineetjain profile image
Vineet K. Jain

Hey Team
Vineet here from India. Been a Java developer and now an Android developer too. Looking forward to meeting and coding with other developers from around the world.

pooriamo profile image

Hi guys

I'm Pooria. I'm a full-stack web developer from Tehran/Iran.
I do PHP, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
React, VueJS, Laravel, Meteor

I would love to stay up to date :)

uu profile image
Uchi Uchibeke

King Uchi. Nigerian-Canadian Software Dev. Excited to share my thoughts with all of you

nickbrownmediag profile image
Nick Brown

Hello everyone,

I'm Nick from Sydney and I am happy to be here :)

maxsands1503 profile image
Maxwell Sands


I am Max. I am a full stack developer out of Denver, Colorado. I work mostly in the Angular and .NET space. Though I am beginning to branch out to AWS. Best office snack is almonds... or beer.

latenightninjacoder profile image

Hello from Singapore!

It has been months since I started reading the post here and as of yesterday I have officially registered. Happy to be a part of this community and hoping to write a post soon!

cameronmcgorian profile image
Cameron Mc Gorian

Hello :-)

I'm an iOS Software Engineer at Uber living in the Netherlands. Listened to the Podcast on Indie Hackers with Ben Halpern and discovered this site.

All the best,


mayankgarg2 profile image
Mayank Kumar

Hello Developers !
How are you , all ?

I am Mayank from India come here to do fun with coding with worldwide coders.

Let's Have fun together !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

vbraziel profile image

Hi my name is Vance.I have been looking for a place to connect with other developer s

keonglee profile image

hello...what i want to learning

dewaleolaoye profile image
Adewale Olaoye

Hello o
I'm ADEWALE Olaoye from Nigeria, an aspiring software developer
Learning JavaScript and I'm here to learn

bhomikaprakash profile image
BhomikaPrakash • Edited

hi this is bhoomika,being part of dev is great and i have joined to explore......,im a final year graduate student :)

pred0lac profile image
Vladimir Predolac


dr4gonandroiddev profile image
dr4gon • Edited

Hey !

This is Nirmesh Gollamandala, Mobile Dev from Texas, USA. Would love to collab and learn more about Data Science.

oanselmogomes profile image
Anselmo Gomes

Hi from Brazil!

hammalrn profile image

Hi love you

tejaarukoti profile image
Teja Swaroop Arukoti

Hello everyone,

I am Teja, .NET / Web / Unity3D developer. Want to meet my friends over here. Thanks Dev.To for this.

fabio192 profile image
Fabio Silva • Edited

Hi All,

I just learned about on a medium article by Jessica Chan! I like it so far! I'm trying to learn code for the 1005th time! By the way, I'm Fabio and I live in Brazil.

whiz25 profile image
afani martin

Hi, everyone,

Am whiz25, I code in python, Java. I am here to learn more on how to become a better web developer. Happy to be here!

shinyuy profile image
Shinyuy Marcel

Hello guys, my name is Shinyuy Marcel and i am web developer based in Cameroon. Came across while searching on Google concerning finding a web developer job.

phunggroup_53 profile image
Phung Huynh

Chào mọi người,

Tôi là Phungmobile, một nhà phát triển từ VietNam, hiện đang làm việc tại VietNam,
Tôi là một trong Những người sở hữu nhiều Bitcoin nhất thế giới!

keonglee profile image


lu6ith profile image

Hi to all, I'm glad to be here ....

harsha96 profile image

I am Harsha.I currently i am following BSE in srilanka.By the time i am developing android games for kids.

arun_2july profile image
Arun Pal

Hi everyone,

I am Arun from India. I am eager to learn from experts. Hopefully we can share lots of knowledge to help each other.

justinwalz profile image
Justin Walz

Hello world!

mmonge profile image
da monch

Hello there.
Manuel here, a Java developer from Mexico. Currently working with ATG framework (oracle commerce).

Any Mexican dev in the house? raise your hand o/

iam_mayuresh profile image
Mayuresh Srivastava

Hello everyone,

I'm Mayuresh, Ruby on Rails developer from India.


dusica23 profile image

I'm Dusica and I'm working as Java developer. Wanted to contribute to developing comunities, also learn and improve my knowledge, so I'm here :)

King regarads!

meqdad_dev profile image
Meqdad Darwish • Edited

Hi guys...
I'm working with React JS at these days.
Good luck

ronitneve profile image
Ronit Neve • Edited

Chips has to be the go to office snack!

akkawhistler profile image

Hi. I am looking for frequency analyzing code. Would like to study my whistle and voice intonation.

rafaelkalan profile image
Rafael Lima

Hello everyone, I'm Rafael Junior fullstack developer and I'm here to learn more and learn how to create good talks to help others and share knowledge