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Welcome Thread - v27

Hey there! Welcome to!

An orange clay person enthusiastically waves hello!

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community! ✌️

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment and say hello or ask them a question. πŸ‘‹

  3. Or answer this question: what's one post or article you would recommend to someone?

Top comments (177)

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Heyow I'm Michael, right now I'm a fulltime web developer. I want to get into freelancing and writing about my experience!

I would love to give back to the community by writing about my experience.

Right now I'm posting mostly on Instagram @lampewebdev.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Michael! Nice to meet another Gary V. fan!

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Hello Jesse! Nice to meet you too :)

cmabuza profile image

Hi there, nice to meet you! Your instagram feed is awesome.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Thank you! Much appreciated!

Nice to have so fantastic people like you here too!

abourass profile image
Antonio B.

Hello! Nice to meet you!

arnellebalane profile image
Arnelle Balane

Hello! I'm Arnelle, a fulltime Web developer (mostly focusing on the frontend). Right now I'm into VueJS, and recently started learning React as well.

I have a personal blog, but looking into posting more here in the future.

Looking forward to learning and sharing more cool stuff here at! ❀️

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

Welcome Arnelle,

I look forward to reading your thoughts on the transition form Vue to React. I'm making a foray into React from Angular. I enjoy Angular 2+ and now I'm at a point where I'm ready to check out other frameworks. A few customers in my market have asked about Vue and so I think that will be my next look after React.

arnellebalane profile image
Arnelle Balane • Edited

Thanks Stephen!

Will definitely write about my experience with React. I am rebuilding my personal site with React and have learned a lot from it. Still needs more practice though to get comfortable with it πŸ˜†

Vue is cool as well in its own way, totally worth checking out πŸ‘

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Hi Arnelle, πŸ‘‹ to

I can see how much effort you have put by how constantly your have shared you posts on your personal blog πŸ˜ƒ.

You can also cross post your personal blog posts in by importing your Medium feeds (

feed setting

arnellebalane profile image
Arnelle Balane

Hi Sung Kim! Oh wow that's really helpful, just updated my settings to also publish from my blog's RSS. Thank you for the tip! πŸ‘

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Arnelle!

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hey y'all! :) This is a great post by @kelly if you want to get started with freelancing:

There's a ton of information in the comments, too.

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

Welcome :)

philfernandez profile image
Phil Fernandez

Hi, I'm Phil. I am a 39 year old undergraduate studying Computer Science at Sacramento State. I'm about half way through my junior year. I love math, puzzles, and solving problems in general. Starting this Spring I'll be learning about database management systems, computer organization, and software engineering, as well as linear algebra.

Outside of school, at the moment, I've been spending allot of time teaching myself about web development. Things like the basics, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and some other topics that fall under that umbrella, such as Python and Django and Flask, React, Sass/scss, etc.

I don't remember how, or where, but somehow I stumbled across this site and it seems pretty cool. For a while I was just lurking, but I though what the heck, why not sign up? So here I am!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Phil!

What were you doing before Sacramento State?

philfernandez profile image
Phil Fernandez

Hi Jesse,

Before Sacramento State, and for most of my adult life, I was doing varying types of trade work. Carpentry, house painting, handyman work, etc. I owned a small business for several years doing this type of work. A few years back I was presented with the opportunity to attend school for training in any field of my choosing. I've always had a thing for computers, so I decided to give CS a go. Initially the plan was to just attend a local community college for an associates degree, but once I got going in academia I really enjoyed it. I decided to take it to the next level and go for that four year degree.

jbull328 profile image
John Bull

Hey there Phil, welcome!

Hope you find a lot of value with this community. I just started trying out some Django today as they use python at my work, maybe I can hit you up for pointers.

philfernandez profile image
Phil Fernandez

Hi John, thanks for the warm welcome! There's definitely allot to learn when it comes to Django. I'm a beginner myself, but if you ever run accross something that you could use an extra pair of eyes on I'd love to help out to the best of my beginner's knowledge!

jplonghi profile image
Jose Longhi • Edited

Hello, I'm Longhi, I'm a fulltime backend developer, mostly .net. Right now I'm all into kubernetes and docker, also learning about AWS.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Longhi!

Who do you look to for .NET inspiration? I am a fan of Jimmy Bogard, and I often find myself digging around in Damine Bod's articles and repositories.

jplonghi profile image
Jose Longhi

Well I don't have one in particular but I often check Scott Hanselman blog. Also I follow Elton Stoneman for docker on Windows and I like Nigel Poulton pluralsight courses. Other authors that inspire are Martin Fowler and Robert Martin.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Welcome, Longhi! there are some people that are really into docker around here, I'm personally a fan as well e_e

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


gitsuha profile image
Suhasis Saha • Edited

'#include '<'suhasis'>'
using cppspace;

int main()
LinuxDev* pL = new LinuxDev;
Java* pJ = new Java;
JavaScript* pJ = new JavaScript;

if (Algorithm == good && DataStructure == good)
return 1;

return 0;

imharshbhatia profile image
Harsh Bhatia

Hello everyone, I am Harsh, currently transitioning to mobile and web development from Data Warehousing technology. Hold a bit of experience in website development and currently learning android development.

Looking forward to learn with the community and share to the community at!


rbarner14 profile image

Hey, All! I'm Ryan. Formerly a data analyst, currently a software engineer. Working on a personal project that uses Python, Javascript, React, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Jinja, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and D3. Any tips? I'd love to hear them!

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Hi Ryan, πŸ‘‹ Welcome to

You can subscribe tags for technologies of your personal projects to learn
(& share your experience, as well πŸ˜‰).


You can easily subscribe by clicking on "+follow" button.

follow button

rbarner14 profile image
Ryan • Edited

Thanks, Sung Kim! I’ll subscribe to those now!

Thread Thread
dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Enjoy your stay~ πŸ˜ƒ

lpjune profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Lauren, I'm an undergrad CSE student and Android Dev for a research lab. I just started working there a couple months ago, and it's crazy how much I've been learning. My brain feels like mush at the end of every day, but I love it! It's so cool to find this site and read about everyone's experiences, I'm bummed I didnt know about it before now. Anyways, nice to meet you all!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community, Lauren!

I live for that mush! Learning something new every day is the way to thrive, not survive.

lpjune profile image

Thank you, Jesse! Yes it's a great feeling!

walterdom_ profile image
Walter Dom πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

Hi, I'm Walter from Mexico.

I'm a 26 y/o PM.

My main goal for this year is to learn to code so I can deploy my own products. My current stack is nothing fancy, just HTML and CSS.

Before I move into JS I decided to do a real project and that is my personal website, you can see the work in progress here.

I've been lurking the Dev community for a while, mainly reading some awesome posts, but now I'm going to interact and maybe publish some stuff too.

If you guys want to connect on Twitter, please let me know :)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
aezrael1 profile image

I look forward to following your posts and learning more about design topics.

prototorpedo profile image
Bogdan Calin

Hello all!

I'm Bogdan, a frontend web developer at the moment, but throughout my career I have also done backend work.

My tools of choice: Laravel, vue, angular.

What brought me here is the desire to better myself in these fields, and learning about others as well.

Could someone tell me what kind of platform this is? Is it supposed to be a mix between stackoverflow and medium?


fakhrulhilal profile image
Fakhrulhilal M

Hello folks,
I’m Fakhrulhilal, a .NET developer. I love to code in Microsoft stack and javascript also. I see many tutorials from this site. That brings me here. If you want to talk about azure devops and selenium in .NET, please bring me in. Let’s share experience together.

aezrael1 profile image

Hello to all! I'm Danny.

I'm currently a sys admin wanting to focus more on dev ops side of things by following a web developer learning path to see how everything is tied together (front-end, back-end, dev ops, etc.). This seems like a good place to get exposed to a bit of everything and share my own experiences on my personal development journey.

lorenzotenti profile image
Lorenzo Tenti

Hello! I’m Lorenzo. I’m a big data engineer / programmer / computational scientist / tech geek.

Here you can find some more information about myself.

I hope I'll find the time to write a bit more about what I do and what I like here on

See you around.

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

Hi Lorenzo! Nice to meet you!

I'm excited to see what you have to share. Let me know if you have any questions about or anything else!

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