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Top comments (146)
Hi everyone this is Paolo from Rome, Italy.
I discovered Web3 last summer and I decided to go deep and start a new journey and learn how to build dApps, for now I'm starting on Ethereum.
Nice to meet you everyone
Hello and welcome! I just got started with web3 too! Happy to share what I know (not much hehe) and maybe learn together.
Nice that is pretty exciting stuff!
Hello everyone, I'm Moshood from Nigeria, I'm Data Analyst, Web Design using CMS but now learning and working on both frontend and backend using common languages. I'm new in Web development house and wish to learn more, network and hand in any project using the programming languages I have learnt and still learning.
I am from Nigeria too. Just joined today. Started learning design two months ago. Welcome.
Okay. Welcome
same here am front end developer from oyo Nigeria
Hi Moshood
Hi Gladys.
hello nigeria mate
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the dev.to-community!
I'm Martin, I was a Senior Front End Architect / Manager at one of the world's largest interactive agencies, leading Front End Teams for international accounts. In 2018 I quit and now I'm traveling the world as a professional scuba diver and fully remote Senior Front End Architect / Front End Tech Lead for various international clients.
Currently, I'm publishing the weekly "WebDevDigest: A curated list of the top five web development must-reads from last week" and a library of JavaScript functions in 1 line of code which you can also find on npmjs: onelinecode and GitHub: onelinecode.
If I have enough time, I write more in-depth articles about next.js + TypeScript, for example how to create multi-language pages with next export which is on GitHub:next-export-i18n and npmjs: next-export-i18n
I recommend following the general tags webdev, vscode , career and productivity and javascript, react, CSS. Head over to your Dashboard and adjust the tag weight for to personalize your home feed.
Here's a list of articles to start your journey as an successful developer and a great writer:
If you are looking for your next job, I highly recommend to buy the Book De-Coding the Technical Interview Process by Emma Bostian. It is hands down the best preparation for every technical interview.
If you're interested in my articles, follow me on dev.to/martinkr or twitter.com/_martinkr.
In case you have questions or want to get in touch, feel free to contact me on dev.to/martinkr.
And don't forget to start posting today!
Love the diving part the rest I have no idea what you are talking about. Lol I am in Mexico and goit certified a few years back , I do fishing tours here and play with the blockchain while working remote for bank and lookiing for someone that wants to join a team on the blockchain
Hey, what kind of team? I don't know much about but I'd like to help with what I can!
Hello, very nice to see you.
I am going to be excellent developer in Blockchain.
I'd like to learn much from you.
There's some great diving in Mexico - so I guess the rest does not matter anywas :D
Thanks for sharing all the resources, Martin! Where's your favorite dive spot? Just a DM here looking for more places to add to the bucket list :) Cheers
Cozumel, Belize for your area, Raja Ampat, Sipadan Island, Red Sea - I'm diving warm water only. But to be honest - there are no more "secret spots" in diving :D
(pardon the delayed response) The Red Sea is a big one on my bucket list! I haven't had too many opportunities for warm water diving spots. They look so amazing, but I have heard the same. Seems the main secret spots left are a little more drysuit friendly lol. The Pacific Northwest is cooold and much less trafficked, but stunning in its biodiversity if you ever have the chance (one of my favorites :3 )
If you don't kind the cold, visit Iceland it has amazing diving with spectacular visibility.
Hi everyone! This is Runkids a junior frontend developer from Taiwan.
I am writing my side project github.com/runkids/vue-condition-w... recently. Keep learning every day and hope I can do better 😃!
Hi everyone!
I'm 35 years old and living in Aydın/TURKEY. After ten years i fired my job and i was held in prison for five years. About three months ago i was evicted. Now i have a new life(thanks to God for this!) and new opportunities. I believed one of my opportunities is learning software building like a new career and so i started to learn Python of my own. After a few days, i'll get to start a 9 months course to enter this beautiful community consciously.
Hi all,
Bruno here. Living in Germany. Just joined. Currently working as a Director of Software Development and on my new pet website project ohmydots.com.
I wrote my very first article: dev.to/bmarotta/writing-a-robust-s...
I'm very proud of myself :D :D :D
Hello everyone, I am Siva, current working as Full Stack developer in Portugal.
I recently wrote my first article about my dsylexia and programming.
Dev admins decided to share my article on twitter. Whaat? Yeah
Good day all
I'm very interested in this coding thing
It's like becoming my 2nd habbit
I'm teaching myself from studying previous codes from github, but I still don't know how to begin creating my own app
Any help will be appreciated
The React tutorial on W3 Schools is super helpful and will get you started with instructions to start writing your own app pretty quickly
Hi everyone!
I’m Justus, co-founder of TEA, a startup from Berlin that trains people from around the world to land good jobs. Excited to join this inspiring community!
We are welcoming both new students techexpertacademy.com/apply-now/ and talented individuals who are passionate about their field and want to coach others techexpertacademy.com/coaches/.
If you want to learn more, get in touch!
I have some knowledge in React and Full stack dev.
I hope to learn from you and help you in future.
Thank you. If you are interested in creating a cool website within a few minutes through your Github account to show what you are doing, we might have the right tutorial for you: dev.to/teaberlin/build-an-awesome-...
Hi Everyone, This is Heritier from Norway,
I am a front end freelance developer with some backend experience that is always looking to both take and create new opportunities.
I am learning to build dApps on my freetime and create content in the webdev niche.
add me on discord, thanks.