DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v59 staff on February 05, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
roseakoth2015 profile image
Rose Akoth

Hello amazing developers. Am Rose Akoth, an android developer. I love java and kotlin. Am a beginner in learning web front-end development. I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

dominicchuma profile image

Yea, Hi

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Rose!

kaypeter87 profile image
Peter Kay

Welcome Rose, hope you learn many new things that enable you to advance your career.

kcnick profile image

Hi Rose

souravjamwal77 profile image
Sourav Kumar

Hi, welcome to community Rose.

adrianvaldes profile image


harrarmeow profile image
Matthew Atkins

welcome to, rose! hope you enjoy your stay. :)

bajitkumar profile image

Hello Rose.

theinsaneguy2 profile image


testthetester profile image
Rahul Sinha

Hello !!

nettow profile image
João Silveira (neto)


jozemariajr profile image
José Maria

Hello Rose, very nice to have people like you here.

kembalsado profile image
Karl Kenneth Embalsado

Welcome Rose!

bigleo16ka profile image


maradaallen profile image
marada allen


dominicchuma profile image

me too

silviostudios profile image
Silvio Studios

Hi Rose, I just joined as well and happy to be here amongst like minded folks. I want to eventually get into app development as well. All the best!

shanedrosenthal profile image
Shane Rosenthal


bmuntper profile image
Bernat Muntaner


mehf profile image
Morten Frandsen

Hi Rose, I liked you hello-message. I almost never write in public forums, but your post inspired me to also do so 👍

kunal__kashyap profile image
Kunal Kashyap

Welcome Akoth :)

albertoroldanq profile image
Alberto Roldan


nelliesnoodles_90 profile image


I'm trying out DEV for my future blog posts.
I love python and am self taught, currently learning web development.

Nice to meet you all, I've enjoyed many articles from the DEV community. Hope to be a contributor.

tcpremedia profile image

Thats so amazing! what inspired you to learn?

nelliesnoodles_90 profile image

After a while, the toll you see blue collar work take on yourself and the ones you love, pushes you over that line of indecision.

I didn't know if I could, but i no longer let that keep me from trying.

amaralluiz profile image
Luiz Amaral

Welcome, Nellie.

divyanshpratap profile image

welcome Nellie, believe in yourself you have a great future ahead.

kembalsado profile image
Karl Kenneth Embalsado

Oh hey. Welcome Nellie!

mubashirqures17 profile image
Mubashir Qureshi


aureliome profile image
Aurelio Merenda

Hello Nellie, welcome!

lebon_yg profile image
Yves Ganza


sarahasnolimits profile image
Sara Morgan Nettles

Came here because of a post I saw about the tragic death of Scott Allen. Even though I never met him, I consider him someone I looked up to and strived to be just like as a Pluralsight author myself. My fourth course on building Lightning Web Components for Salesforce was just released.

mubashirqures17 profile image
Mubashir Qureshi

hi sara

brs999 profile image
Ben Spencer

Yeah he was a great mentor, author, and teacher!

arechta profile image
Asphira Andreas • Edited

Hello ><, greetings.
I'm Asphira from Indonesia. I am a self-taught dev, currently I am a web developer still a beginner though and I'm here to learn and making some friends. looking forward to being a part of this community to learn new things and connecting with amazing dev here.

redmagececil profile image
Dylan K, aka ZeroPaladn

High five to "self-taught" devs, figuring out stuff as we go along! Welcome aboard!

arechta profile image
Asphira Andreas

Ahaha thank you Dylan, high five!

kikihakiem profile image
Kiki Luqman Hakiem

hello fellow Indonesian 👋🏻

herodav profile image
Hervé Kabamba

Hi there!
I have learned more by myself than University has taught me.
So, good luck :-;

jozemariajr profile image
José Maria

Olá Asphira, sou do Brasil. E também estou iniciando no Desenvolvimento Web. Seja bem vinda.

thestackingnerd profile image

Hello. I'm a self-taught dev. I currently work for a medium sized manufacturing company where I'm the sole dev for their custom built ERP system.

Not going to lie, I'm a bit burned out in my current job and I'm just looking to connect with other devs and figure out what I want my next adventure will be.

carverfan profile image


I'm the same. Looking to re-discover my love of tech, hopefully through Python.

All the best, good luck!


tishamentnech profile image
Tisha Mentnech

hey y'all - I'm a research librarian with interest in the intersections of libraries & information, and computers. I want to learn at the things. I love reading Dev posts and seeing how much overlap there are with the professions and how often we do not talk outside our silos.

bottlejammy profile image
Pranay Suresh


amandaamos profile image
Amanda Amos

Hi Tisha,
That's awesome! Libraries are an interesting place to watch the cross section of technology, information, and accessibility.

mdkcore profile image
Rodrigo Oliveira

hello world (of! I'm Rodrigo (aka MDK, mdkcore); linux and game development are my passion!

also, like c/c++, python and shell scripting, still learning some programming languages (like go and rust) and trying to finish my new VPS setup to migrate all my stuff.

my friend told me about the site, and I hope to learn a lot and help everyone here!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Welcome to DEV, Rodrigo! 😀

Hope you dig it here. And actually, I just created a new "Welcome Thread" in case you want to comment on the latest edition. You can find it here:

Just to note, there's a new one every Wednesday, and you can always find the latest one by going to

mdkcore profile image
Rodrigo Oliveira

nice, will do that, thanks!

redmagececil profile image
Dylan K, aka ZeroPaladn

Sup, my dudes/dudettes? I'm Dylan and I'm a budding Quality Engineer who's moving from a career in manual testing to automation and web development. It's a big jump, and I'm currently in the "fake it 'til you make it" phase, learning as I go along!

nettow profile image
João Silveira (neto)

hello Dylan!
in fact it is a big jump but nothing is impossible, just follow your mind.
i wish you archive your goals! Good luck dude.

chriseteka profile image

Hi friends, am chris, java developer and a newbie in scala, was tracking a friend and landed myself here, I would really appreciate supports to help me learn. I might also have interesting stuff to share as well.

ragunathandev profile image
Ragunathan M

Hai, Guys this is Ragu, am a java back-end developer and i love front-end development. and am beginner for front end development so,forward to learn new things hopefully am learn and improve the programming knowledge at this platform.

fdocr profile image

Welcome to DEV Ragu! There's a lot of frontend content in the #javascript & #webdev tags. Hope you enjoy your time around here!


prashanthaps profile image

Hello Dev Community, My name is Prashanth, enjoy working with Linux and C/C++. Enjoy working on proof of concepts/ideas. Trying to extend my learnings into Machine Learning and cloud development. Look forward to learning and sharing with you all.

arnoa69 profile image

I don't know how I stumbled into, but here I am enjoying the day not working just refreshing ES6 syntax and going on with vue and vuex tutorials. Happy that to hear that I am not the only lost programmer, not knowing what he really wants in life, but still fighting my way to get my own product and company.

jephio profile image
yousif aziz

My name is Yousif Aziz, I`m a software engineering at Safa solutions and consultant in many other companies around Egypt.

My passion for programming, security, open-source DevOps, Linux and electronics

I`m looking forward to learning and share knowledge with you

tiglinux profile image
Tiago Ribeiro Santos

Hello everbody! My name iS Tiago. I love Node.JS,Angular, JavaScript,Python and Arduino . I a eternal student of web development technologies and every days in my life . It's a pleasure to connect in this development community to learn,shared knowledges.

acoh3n profile image

Hi Tiago! Great to have you here. Welcome!

codekyles profile image
Kelvin Nyadzayo

Hello Devs, I'm Kyles a newbie in react, also certified in java , android enthusiast, I have joined the community to learn React and be able to be up and running and share my experience in programming paradigm, thank you in advance

llchx profile image
little one

Hi! My name is Lauren, I've been working within the technology industry for almost a year now, specifically within software development (Front End / Javascript).

I'm here to learn more about modern web technologies and broaden my network.

I currently live in Central London and attend many Meetup Events: React BYOP, Coding For Girls and FINOS / Open Source.

Great to meet you all, looking forward to learning and sharing within DEV community. :)

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Welcome to DEV Lauren!

kembalsado profile image
Karl Kenneth Embalsado

Hello guys! I've been working as a "Full-Stack Web Developer" here in the Philippines and this is my first job. I'm still surprised on things on the web development. I hope that this community will help me and welcome me! Cheers!

mondal10 profile image
Amit Mondal

Hello World! 😆

My name is Amit Mondal and I am a 💻 Fullstack developer by profession.
Very excited to be a part of this humongous community of intelligent devs around the world. I am here to learn as well as share 📚 .

ydnicwolver profile image

Hello developers.
I am Cindy, 27 years old. Currently, I'm a Computer Science student in France and mostly self-taught. All my current knowledge learned in my spare time. I work with languages such as C, Java, C# with a touch of C++, and my learning is still going on.

My other interests include graphic design, animation and so on.

I discovered DEV while looking for a way to exchange and share information around programming and at the same time improve my English.
I have already read many articles from the DEV community that I have enjoyed.
Hope to be a contributor.

ababio12345 profile image

Hi everyone, am Johnson, and I loved web development. I want to know more about the web, and have many friends around the globe 🌐. I am currently learning HTML, CSS, Java and PHP. Guys, I am a beginner, and I loved to learn more and shared with the world 🗺.

harrarmeow profile image
Matthew Atkins

welcome to, wiafe! hope you enjoy your stay. :)

also a fellow web developer ;)

cesarec88 profile image
Cesare • Edited

Hello amazing people! I've decided to subscribe because I've never been part of community! and I'm sure Is something amazing to do! Great to meet you all! in this days I'mn learning to write stuff in react! I want to have fun with it! so suggestions are more than welcome!!


mdkcore profile image
Rodrigo Oliveira

hey, welcome, let's have fun them! :p

amandaamos profile image
Amanda Amos

I've dappled in html and basic stuff over the years, and am finally diving in to formally learning all the stuff. My background is in music, ag, and food. I'm stoked to lurk in that back corner over there, while I'm watching and learning. Currently, I'm in a rural high desert.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

lobaluna profile image
Celia Palacios • Edited

What wonders me is the world-wide community there is here!
It is great to read you all.
Thanks for your generosity and enthusiasm! These are what makes the worlds spins on and on!

BTW, I'm Mexican and live in a small city. I'm learning and learning and learning.

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

¡Bienvenida, Celia! 👋🏼

neh_195613929 profile image
Sneha Tiwari • Edited

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001
Developers. I'm Sneha Tiwari, Web developer and beginner in Android development, love to build up logics and influence by CircuitPy.
I look forward learning n sharing the Ideas with you.

caseypitman profile image
Casey Pitman

Hello there. I’m Casey. I’ve been coding for about five months. I’ve picked up a lot of HTML/css since then but have found that I’m totally in love with JavaScript.
I’m a public school teacher but I’m really hoping to make a transition to full time dev.

washrow profile image

Wuzhappenin eurybody, names Wash-Row and I'm here to develop my skills in programming. I have no experience, but I wanna learn all the essentials to make it in this field; maybe even make the next big app.

rahultripathidev profile image
Rahul Tripathi

Howdy folks , I am Rahul from India . Currently learning and building tools and stuff , looking forward to share my work with you guys and learn from the community and the devs out here :)

vikasdubeyyy profile image
Vikas Dubey

Hey Folks. I'm Vikas, Software Developer specialized in Android, Java & Web Technologies. I work as Full Stack Developer. Java is priority <3 . A new bird in Performance Engineering. Thanks for the platform. <3 <3

Browse on

calvinbcoding profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Calvin, I create full-stack web apps and enjoy writing JavaScript and Ruby. I'm looking to expand my coding knowledge to include python as well as polish my skills using React and GraphQL. I look forward to helping other new developers while growing as a developer myself. Thanks for having me!

col_foundation profile image

Hello developers. Am Clinton Owoh, a web developer. I love web design most especially using PHP. Am a beginner in server-side development. I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

klaus19 profile image
Tejas Khartude

Hello developers, I am Tejas Khartude, an Android App Developer. I am working on Android Since 2014 and I would say it's been a phenomenal ride. Currently I am trying to learn Flutter and Dart. I love java and kotlin but I think there is a bright future for Flutter and Dart.

hamzajamshed50 profile image

I am facing following error

Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js:87)
my backend is running on 5000 port no and react app is running on 3000 by doing authentication I am facing that type of error in the console.
please help me out

arenukvern profile image
Anton Malofeev


I'm Anton, hope to be self-taught developer someday)

Trying to switch from VBA Excel background to web/android amazing things, like js/ts, vue, flutter&dart, so I'm here to study as much as possible.

Also hope to learn how to contribute for community and open source projects, because its all seems like a big mystery for my yet:).

Good day for everyone!

albertoroldanq profile image
Alberto Roldan • Edited

Hi everybody,

I am Alberto Roldan, beginner in Web Development, specially in JavaScript but with a lot of enthusiasm and a high motivation to learn and start working in real projects.

This is my first portfolio which I have built only with code:

I am naturally curious, quietly confident with new challenges and a great team player.

Hope to learn from all of you and I will try to share my piece of cake.

I’ve read this interesting article which I would like to share with you all.

Have fun and enjoy!

carverfan profile image

Hi All,

I'm an old guy from the UK who's currently taking a career break to focus on learning Python. I really enjoy coding (mostly shell scripting) but my job was moving further and further away from it, so I decided to step back and re-focus an what I love.

I'm based in the commuter town of Bracknell which is the south-east of England, UK.

I'm toying with the idea of setting up a local beginners Python study-group...

I was made aware of the community by the Talk Python to Me podcast.

Best Regards, N.

domenicosolazzo profile image
Domenico Solazzo

Hello developers,

my name is Domenico Solazzo. I am an Italian software developer working and living in beautiful Oslo, Norway.

I often read great blog posts here but now, it is time to bring my contribution to this fantastic community!

Wish you a wonderful day!

bottlejammy profile image
Pranay Suresh

Hello community! I'm Pranay from SF. I've been a Fullstack engineer for a decade now. Worked at startups in silicon valley including Tesla for ~5years (yes I called it a startup :)). I'll be sharing some posts, helping/mentoring folks and learning from you all. Cheers!

eduardobueno profile image
Eduardo Bueno

Hello World! Sou o José Eduardo, mas podem me chamar de Du, Dudu ou Edu... rs. Entrei aqui com o objetivo de conhecer a plataforma, trocar experiências com outros DEV's, e compartilhar com o pessoal um pouco do que aprendi ao longo da minha carreira na área de TI. Abraços a todos!

divyanshpratap profile image

hello developers. I am divyansh pratap currently pursuing my bachelor's in computer science. I am very new to this world of programming. I look forward to learning and
sharing our knowledge and connecting with you amazing peoples.

arunpk11 profile image

Hi, I am a Java Full stack developer. I am very keen to learn and work on Python, particularly very eager to learn how to develop REST APIs using Python and Django. Hope I would get help here. Also I would like share my knowledge on JAVA. Thank you :)

kaynaat007 profile image
Nikhil Kumar

Hi guys,
Core python dev here.
Exploring Java and rust.
Interested in go as well.
Likes databases.
Likes operating systems ( only open sources once ).
Likes building stuff.

Looking forward to learn a lot from everyone around here.

Please feel free to discuss or ask anything.

eziamakanv profile image
Nnaemeka Valentine Eziamaka

Hello guys! My name is Emeka a backend web developer. I'm here to share my experiences as a developer no matter how little and also to learn as much as I can. I'll be posting about the problems I've been faced with and how I solved them and mostly stuff I find cool :)

mergimukaa profile image

Hello devs. I am Mergim, 26. I am Software Engineer. Currently I am working as fullstack web developer, using Laravel as backend and Angular as frontend. I easily adapt to new technology. Looking forward to collaborate together. 🙂

oliverqueen006 profile image
Oliver Queen

Hello Techies, This is Hiten Pandya an Web Developer from India. Articles of Dev are part of my daily brain workouts. I love to read your articles.

Nice to meet you all and I am very eager to learn and communicate with you guys and would also like to share my thoughts.

dileep3605 profile image

am trying your solution everything was running but it's throwing error on this state

const compFactory = moduleRef.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(entryComponent);

Error: No component factory found for SiteedittoolModule. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

if can anyone help me that will be great

mattmcadams profile image
Matthew McAdams

Hi everyone! I’m a self taught web dev with a background in graphic design. Lately I’ve been playing with a few Vue projects and getting a more formal grasp of JavaScript with FreeCodeCamp.

I found the dev community after reading several fantastic articles and decided to join after Hacktober fest last year.

rafal_d profile image

I'm seasoned C++ developer, over 20 years of experience in software development. Ocasionally developed some tools in Python. Now I'm focused on gaining some experience in Haskell and Elm by implementation of some small projects.

jferragut profile image
Jonathan Ferragut

Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan and I am a full-snack developer but typically get relegated more towards the front end. React and python/flask/django are my bread and butter. Glad to meet you and looking forward to the community!

gentyalavidya profile image
Vidya Gentyala

Hello,I am vidya I doesn't no any thing, I am just searching about ctf, hacking, I found this website and after reading about it I downloaded this guys didn't consider me as a beginner I am below that.

jimit_rangras profile image
Jimit Rangras

Hello Folks, I am Jim, currently working as a DevOps Engineer, mostly inclined towards crafting solutions revolving around Build Release Engineering, Cloud Infrastructure design, Monitoring, and operational intelligence, etc. I look forward to learning and sharing new advancements, tools, best practices along with you all.


tatogiorgi profile image
Francisco L Giorgi

Hi everybody, my name is Horacio, I am retired and I studied system engineering a long time ago and I want to update my knowledge in web design (html, css, javascript, etc.). It is a pleasure to be here to learn and interchange experiences.

farrukh_uet profile image

I am here after reading this article
Making the advanced search query with Eloquent-Builder in Laravel by Mohammad Fouladgar:

I want to comment on this artile.

falkyouall profile image
Falk M.

hello world, happy to be here, i like Javascript and Jhey Tompkin's article "React Hooks in 5 Minutes" brought me here. i really can recommend those destilled fine words about the hooks api. Its a real a joy to adapt my code to the hooks!
I will hopefully write my first post soon. It will be about integration testing with react, cypress & docker.
See you soon!

sbijlwan0 profile image
Sunil Bijalwan

Hi everyone. i am sunil bijalwan, a full stack devloper. i love java, javascript and logical part of programming work. i am beginner in everything except learning. fast learner. look forward to be in touch with u all.

raihansust20 profile image

Hi all,
I am a newbie software developer from Bangladesh. I am currently in love with Node.js and my current work comprises writing small apps it.

ashishsantikari profile image
Ashish Santikari

Hello Folks,

After 53 unseen notifications(a lot of things happened on the personal front, could not dedicate any time :|), I decided to make a comeback with full energy. I am Ashish, a front end dev associated with finleap connect, located in Berlin.

I am still working on React and slowly want to increase my pace on Svelte.

jacksdrobinson profile image
Jack Robinson

Hi! My name's Jack. I came here because I want to immerse myself in posts about design patterns, and also about AWS since the company I work for is going in that direction. I hope everyone finds this site as helpful as I have so far!

tosincoker26 profile image
Tosin Coker

I am Tosin Coker, a python Developer.
My primary aim is to be a better developer daily. I love new challenges and am looking forward to immensely contributing to the community through open-source contributions, while also positive that I would build great solutions to solve real problems.

shanedrosenthal profile image
Shane Rosenthal

Good day! My name is Shane. I have been developing professionally since 2012. I started using Laravel in 2013. I have worked with everything from logo design to AWS infrastructure and everything in between. I am passionate about new technology and understanding, implementing and introducing the needs of business in a modern world.

park012241 profile image
Joosung Park

Hello! I am Joosung Park from Incheon, S. Korea, a Back-end Developer. I am using TypeScript and NestJS (sometimes ExpressJS) for my projects. I'm not familiar with here yet, but I think it be awsome :)

tgarijo profile image
Tomas Garijo

Hello developers.
I'm Thomas from Madrid Spain.
I love programming. It's a wonderful works to make programs.
I hope to learn every days new things about programming, and of course improve my English.

natalo77 profile image
Joshua Pritchard

Hi there. I'm Josh, the lead programmer at an all student Games Development Studio (Canalside Studios) based out of the University of Huddersfield in the UK.
I saw a post about containers, learnt a lot and liked the writing style and I'm always looking for new development blogs to follow, so I signed up here.

abydon11 profile image
Samuel Banjo

Hi, I am Samuel Banjo, I call myself loop because i try to maintain a level of simplicity by repeating my daily processes. I am a systems admin, a script writer, php coder and a core programmer(back-end and front-end). I am looking forward to sharing code with devs on here.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey! I'm CEO at CreativeIT, a great team of web engineers and open-source enthusiasts. Being a full-stack JS developer with 9+ years of experience, I'm interested in React, Angular, and UI/UX topics.

davidecfranca profile image
David França

And folks, I'm David, I live in Brazil, in Fortaleza. I love programming and technologies. I almost always spend hours on my cell phone looking at new technologies. I work as a mobile application developer, I'm still learning about it.

That's all, folks

helderberto profile image
Helder Burato Berto • Edited


I'm Helder Burato Berto a front-end developer at the Cheesecake Labs located in Florianopolis / SC - Brazil.

I've worked over 10 years with digital product development and have a lot of background in plan, create and structure projects.

Here at the DEV community, I'm sharing some of my knowledge in dev's world and how we can understand new things every day.

Enjoy programming! <3

andersonf94 profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Anderson, from São Paulo, Brazil and I'm learning to code, primarily as a hobby, some time ago I started with Visual Basic made a small library management system, but now I'm actually having a lot more fun with Python, looking forward to go deep into AI and machine learning someday.

1stsalt profile image
1stSalt • Edited

Hello folks,

I am Markus and I just stumbled across this community and wanted to become a part of it.

For myself, I am a C#-Dev with a lot of web Development in Javascript.
Came from SharePoint, raced through ServiceNow Consulting and now back in Full-Stack Web development.

Always there for a nice chat under same thinking folk 😁💕

gzandiemer profile image
Günışığı Zan Diemer

Hi, DEV. You can call me gzan. I am working for a Web App in the Front-end Vue team as an intern as well as pursuing dual vocational retraining in computer science. I am intending to become a full-stack web and mobile developer using preferably Vue.js, ES6, node.js or python. Very happy to have found a new environment.

hipheckts profile image
Ifeoluwa Afuwape

Hi @all, I am Ifeoluwa niknamed Hipheckt(pronounced effect)... I am a software engineer with knowledge in both web and mobile technologies. I am a lifelong learner and open to collaborative opportunities.

hanifi profile image
Hanifi Aynaci

Hello guys, i am Hanifi, a node developer from germany/munich. i am a beginner, working as junior web developer (node and typescript).
I'm here to learn new things and connecting with dev's around the world.

jbbeuzelin profile image
Jean-Baptiste Beuzelin

Hey, Am Jean-Baptiste, a french developer.
I'm here because i want to force myself to share some projects (at this time, i have two projects in my mind and i will launch soon), some thoughts i have, some XP with the community.
I hope it could help ^

herodav profile image
Hervé Kabamba

Hello, devs!
It is a pleasure to join this community.
I am an enthusiastic student who's interested in mobile (Android/Ionic) and MEAN Stack web development.
I enjoy discussing best practices and patterns in these techs.
Hope to have some fun here !!!

mohamed591195 profile image

It's nice to find this community By Google (It can do good things nowadays!)
I am doing web development using Django and worked for some months using it.
I am studying Engineering !
Thank you everyone !

jonathanlindroth profile image

Hi guys and girls! I'm an aspiring developer, 2 years into a CS bachelor. I found a thread here while looking for a solution over 4 space indentation in Emacs web-mode and I laughed my ass off. The second thing I read was an article on WebAssembly that someone linked too, and after that I was totally hooked. DEV seems awesome!

bajitkumar profile image

Hello Dev Community,
I am Ajit. I like learning new technologies and explore them and that is what brought me here. I wish to learn from others and share my experiences with you all amazing people here.

hanifi profile image
Hanifi Aynaci

hi Ajit, welcome to dev!

corenfozz profile image

I was unable to connect brother printer to wifi network. I took the help from technicians to connect brother printer to Wi-Fi easily. If you’re facing any issues with your brother printer, you can call certified printer technicians available online.

davidsm73653221 profile image
David Smith

One of the most common and annoying situations is when you need to print urgent documents and your brother printer shows you that your Brother Printer in Error State. To fix this issue read our post to fix brother printer in error state on windows 10

yorek profile image
Davide Mauri • Edited

Hi to everyone, excited to be part of this community! Developer at heart at fell in love with data long now I work for Microsoft in the Azure SQL team, being the developer's advocate, to make sure developer voice is always heard loud and clear. Like Spawn I'm a twisted soul torn between data and code. C# and Python are the language I love. Along with SQL of course. Looking forward to discuss and learn a lot here!

onyxgem profile image
Gracility • Edited

Hi, folks!

My name is Gracie. I saw an article about some skills I can learn to enable me work from home. That brought me right here. From what I've seen and read from comments on this platform, I believe I'm in for more than I bargained for. I trust it's gonna be an interesting one for me. Ciao, y'all!

sabirjamia profile image
Mohammad Sabir • Edited

Previously I used to use only Medium for reading articles, but after reading several articles I found DEV interesting. One Drawback with medium was there was limited number of stories which we can read in a month without paying.

jbhalsod profile image

Hello Dev family, i am jignesh bhalsod and i have joined this community to learn python coding , having firm hold over IP/MPLS technology and vast experience in the same field , focusing and trying to grow in network automation field. looking forward to have precious sessions of learning with u all.

adrianvaldes profile image

Hello Everyone, I want to become a web developer. I am learning by myself and I came here to learn. I would really like to find a way to practice what I have learn. I do not know where to find projects to make from scratch.Thanks to the community.

harrarmeow profile image
Matthew Atkins

welcome to, adrian! hope you enjoy your stay. :)

baxbaxbax profile image
baxbaxbax • Edited

Hello everyone!
I've recently discovered this site, and found some great articles that made me wanna become part of this community! I am student, final year, interested in lots of stuff, mainly doing full-stack apps now.

alewoo28 profile image
Alexis Woodbury

Hey party people :) I'm Alexis and I’m a software developer with a background in Art History. I love Javascript and React, I'm working on my portfolio site and React-Native app in my free time. Excited to be a part of this community, y'all seem really cool!

mfhusen profile image
Fiqih Husain

Hello World;

I'm Husen from Indonesia. I'm an informatics student, currently I'm learning about web and game development for my final project. Join here to add knowledge and new friends with amazing devs;

taowfik profile image
Muhammed Taowfik

When i found that app i saw the next generation of social interaction for developers including all tracks related.
I hope to join all of you for making a beneficial communications to make developers life better.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Hey all! My names Andrew i'm a Full Stack Developer from London, England. I'm a React Developer currently working with the MERN stack. Looking to connect and contribute with my fellow devs in this community.

silviostudios profile image
Silvio Studios

Hi everyone. I'm Matt a web
and graphic designer from Ontario Canada. I was brought here by some incredible CSS graphics done by a Dev user. I am looking to build up my skillset, I love learning. Happy coding everyone.

7daytheory profile image
Matthew Lowe

Hello, I just joined the community as I am looking to move on from my current job as it is not challenging enough. I feel as I have been left behind because my job was not up to date on the latest trends.

aureliome profile image
Aurelio Merenda

Hello devs!
I'm Aurelio, I come from Milan and I'm the Front-End Tech Lead in Real Estate Portal.
I'm using React since 2+ years and React Native 1 year.
Now I wanna continue to study/develop on React Native and start with E2E tests (I'm looking for some all-in-one tools for it).
Bye bye

ismaeljdz profile image
Ismael 🇲🇽 • Edited

Hello, I wanna learn about javascript and share my knowledge you all, I think on this website there are great developers I wanna learn of you, I'm sorry I'm be still learn english, and I don't know if I'm writing it good. :)

ismaeljdz profile image
Ismael 🇲🇽

Hello, I wanna learn about javascript and share my knowledge you all, I think on this website there are great developers I wanna learn of you, I'm sorry I'm be still learn english, and I don't know if I'm writting it good. :)

luxcoder profile image

Greetings everyone.Created account because I wanted to give a credit for post with title "Creating a Domain Model rapidly with Java and Spring Boot "
Will stick around to learn new things and help if I can.

uxkick profile image

UXKick - We Revolutionise User Experience
We build Experiences to create an everlasting impression on your customers.

We are a creative design service agency, Our team here at UXKick specialize in Product Design, Mobile App Design, Web Design, Graphic Deisgn and Brand Identity Design Services.

scottpschneider profile image
Scott Schneider

Hello all, I am a QA Engineer full time and my top interests currently are Automation, and Technical Lead personal development. I deal directly with clients, and translate needs to offshore development team daily/nightly, and I LOVE IT!!

jozemariajr profile image
José Maria

Olá Devs, estou entrando na comunidade para poder compartilhar um pouco de algumas coisas que acho interessante. Não sei escrever em inglês, mas vou treinar e quem sabe, um dia faça uma publicação em inglês. Por enquanto, vamos de publicações em Pt-BR.


mitchduncan profile image
Mitch Duncan

Hi team! I'm Mitch. I'm from Chicago but live in Phoenix, AZ. I'm a long time .NET guy, and I've been moving to x-platform over the last few years. I spend a lot of time between AWS/Azure cloud. I'm ramping up my dev skills on both platforms. Glad to be part of the community.

kcouliba profile image
Coulibaly Daba Kevin

Hello Dev community !
I am Kevin, full stack web developer, continuous learner, code enthusiast :)
Currently, most of my work is Javascript stack, but I recently fell in love with mobile programming thanks to Flutter.
I'd be more than happy sharing knowledge with you all !!!
Fun fact : Can't focus on coding while wearing shoes on :D

martinsos profile image
Martin Šošić

Hi all! I am Martin, software engineer with computer science background. I am enthusiastic about open source, web dev, functional programming (Haskell), startups / creating a product, emacs, mechanical keyboards and more :)!
Currently I am working on, which is still in early stage. I am looking forward to sharing knowledge and connecting :)!

woffy profile image

Hello folks,

My name is Barry and I am 16 years old.
Right now I am learning HTML ,CSS & JavaScript!
I am not a native English speaker so please do not judge me if I make a grammar mistake ,even tho I would love to be corrected ! :)

So why am I here?

I need help with my HTML site code (CSS style) .So I inserted a photo and a text but the thing is that the text is under the photo (I want it to be on the right side of the photo). Any comment is welcome!

leveraget2 profile image
Sonya Holland • Edited

Hello DEV...I am a technology trainer and web designer. I am a self-taught emerging developer. I am here to learn, share and grow. Looking forward to joining the community.

I want to learn more about Python, Java and React. Feel free to share your favorite post/article.

shomari169 profile image
Shomari Mensah

Hi Developers!!
My name is shomari, a .NET developer. I would like all the help i can get to become full fledged dev as I have just started my journey as a beginner in C# .Net frameworks. I am really looking forward to learning, sharing and connecting with seasoned devs.

iamwillie profile image

Yoooo!! Guess I'm new around here. Seems like I've found the dev community I've been looking for thanks to a post I saw by @mocasalter ...

I am an intermediate going senior C# dev. Been doing the thing for close to 10 years now. Currently working on Blazor stuff and learning as I go...

zakisme profile image

Super new to coding, got a base of coding knowledge studying for my bachelors in media, but am looking to greatly improve fast. Looking to explore every type of code eventually. Any references or tips are greatly appreciated! Thank you

diegonavia profile image

Hello I am new to the community, I discovered this because I am following along the course of AWS CSAA by Andy Brown from Exam Pro which I believe is awesome, I am really interested in learning new things but specially passionate to become AWS Professional

nifemiderin profile image
King Niphemi

Hello. I'm Precious Nifemi, I'm a code newbie, interested in web development. Just started learning JavaScript and at times it's looking like a big hill to climb😩. I look forward to learning,and connecting with you amazing people. Please take good care of your boy.

mejidevil profile image
Jesús Martín Mejías

Hello guys. I am an Ux and Ui designer with strong knowlege in Html and Css, and now learning about front end dev and Js deeper. I am coming to the dark side hehe because las years I realizad I really enjoy more coding than designing. I look forward in learning and sharing knowlege with you

ninjasun profile image

Helloo brothers, after a sad year with depression after a burnout I got hired for some projects, unfortunatly I realized I forgot a lot of stuff, good practices and most of d libraries got changed and updated. I did the projects on stack overflow and took almost 6 months to deliver the longer ones. Now I can take 2 months to update myself. Also Looking for React open source project.

atmmoreira profile image
Anderson Martins

I’m a Web Designer for over 10 years creating Layouts with Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5/CSS3, Javascript (jQuery) and Bootstrap. For projects of Institutional Websites, Online Catalogs, and Small Virtual Stores, I use Wordpress with creation of simple themes and implementation of layout in ready themes.

In order to become a Fullstack Javascript Developer, I have been updating on the new features of ECMASCRIPT to deepen my knowledge and make me, master in technologies like: Javascript (Vanilla.js), Node.js (Express), Vue.js, React.js and React Native form mobile apps. In addition learn all ecosystems that involve these technologies, such as MongoDB, Jenkins, Docker, Webpack, etc.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
mehf profile image
Morten Frandsen

Hi friends, just joined I'm hoping to go get to know some of you clever people.
Mostly a backender, finding that a lot of fun. Currently I'm mostly developing on the Salesforce platform.
And looking into to rust-lang on the side, seems like a super cool new language.
I also hope to get inspired to find a contribute to some open-source project(s).

abandolon profile image

Hello DevTo! Just wanted to drop by and say hello with a brief introduction.

My name is Anthony, Ruby on Rails backend developer and bootcamp teaching assistant at Le Wagon. I spent most of my adult life in customer service and hotel management so I am excited to start this new career path.

I look forward to continual growth, learning, and sharing my experience with you all. If you are working on any customer service focused or property management software, I'm happy to give you an "end user" point of view.

If you're new to development and learning Ruby on Rails - I'd be happy to help go over basic concepts of OOP, MVC, etc.

zowweb profile image
Zohaib Khan

Hi everyone.

My name is Zohaib and I live in Kolkata, India. I work as a web (UI/UX) designer and developer. Officially I work as a Front-End Dev but recently I have started to learn NodeJS and Express and Redux and I am so interested in learning new things.

My website:
My Github:

I don't have a lot of work to show but I am proud of what I have achieved in just one year and I am looking forward to become much better every single day.

Would love hear to hear feedback and suggestions from this amazing community!


shivbasav profile image
Shivbasav Nandargi

Hello everyone, Am Shiv, an reactjs front-end developer. In love with react since 2 years and don't want to go away from it... for now am at a intermediate level want learn more and more... also have a fondness for python and ML.. Hopefully will make some geeky friends and expand my knowledge with everyone

sweeftmedia profile image

hi guys I'm David Onyemaenu, visual and UI designer from Nigeria. I recently decided to take the bull by the horns and dive deep into coding... That's what led me here. #community.
I want to learn and grow.

tingiris profile image
Steve Tingiris

Hello World! I'm Steve with Dabble Lab. I'm a long-time coder (read: gray-haired) who's been focused on natural language understanding and voice-first solutions for a while now. I love to learn and teaching helps me learn faster. So, I love teaching also. I've published hundreds of technical video tutorials on building Alexa skills and other conversational solutions at and now I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with everyone here on as well. I'm happy to be part of the community!

d3ms77 profile image
Dimitris Gkikas

Hello World!
Some of my twitter friends highly recommended this place and by the first look I feel I am going to like it here. I am a friendly freeCodeCamper that decided to switch careers from architecture(buildings) into coding. I'm here to get inspired, to connect and to offer help as I grow stronger. I am learning all things HTML, CSS, JS, React, C#, .NET, SQL.

My current target is to get hired as a developer (ideally) operating remotely. This way I will be able to devote myself full-time into doing what I love. Any advice on newbie CV improvement and on finding a mentor when you can't afford one, would be much appreciated :)

ibaslogic profile image

Hi Everyone,

Though, I’ve been following this great community behind the scene. This will, however, be my first post (greeting).

While I’ve gained a lot here, I will also like to contribute.

I'm a frontend developer and I've been working with JavaScript, React and Gatsby lately.

Nice to meet you all.

juniorrubyist profile image
Joseph Geis

Hello community! I'm Joseph Geis, a high school student and amateur developer. I'm learning about the different disciplines of computer science (like software development, sysadmin-ing, front-end dev, and mobile dev) and hope to go into the computer science industry professionally some day. I just launched my website at (still working on a permanent site though). I look forward to learning and sharing my creations with the community. (I'm also active-ish on GitHub @juniorrubyist .)

captnphilip profile image
Philip Sebastian✨ • Edited

👋Hi guys, Phil here! Former mobile📱Sr. Designer at Apple in Cupertino CA. Im looking for a technical engineer to collaborate with and brainstorm ideas around a FinTech mobile app Im working on. Previously at YCombinator, Apple, SAP. Let me know how I can help with product feedback, design, mvp, startups, fundraising, etc. Thanks in advance and I look forward to meeting you! 😃

art_ptushkin profile image
Artem Ptushkin

Hi everyone!

I'm experienced Java/Kotlin developer. I passionate about clean code, OOP, design patterns. Maybe I'll write something about clean code here cause It's very important and I saw a few beautiful one except mine:)

Follow me at twitter;)

kikihakiem profile image
Kiki Luqman Hakiem

Hello, world!

I'm Kiki, a software engineer. I know java, ruby, go and docker. Although I know a bit about javascript and CSS, I prefer server side programming (backend). I'm happy to be part of this amazing community. Looking forward in learning with you guys!

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Hello, I'm Kavisha Nethmini, a beginner in learning web development. I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

suyashsonawane profile image
Suyash Sonawane

Hello Guys.

syam00 profile image
Syam Sasidharan

Hello Geeky Nerds :). Myself Syam, a senior polyglot engineer with 12+ years of experience. I love technology which solves a problem. I am looking forward to read more content and create some content based on my little experience so far :). Thanks guys!

kunal__kashyap profile image
Kunal Kashyap

Hello everyone, I am Kunal Kashyap and the greed for more knowledge in the field of web development pulled me to this community. I hope that I can learn a lot here and share as well whatever I discover on the way. Right now, I am new to Javascript/ReactJs. But I am a master in UI development. So Let's connect and code people. :)

murutu profile image

Looking forward to meeting fellow devs. Together we can help each other grow.

bottlejammy profile image
Pranay Suresh

Hello, community! I'm Pranay based in SF. I've been a full-stack engineer for a decade now. Worked at several startups in silicon valley including Tesla for ~5years (yes I called it a startup :)). I'll be writing some posts, helping/mentoring folks and always learning from you all.

huzefanalkhedawala profile image
Huzefa Nalkheda Wala

Hello amazing Developers,I am Huzefa Nalkheda wala,a website Designer and HTML Trainer. I love HTML CSS and JS.I look forward in learning and connecting with you guys

aniketfuryrocks profile image
Aniket Prajapati • Edited

Hello, Amazing Dev's out there. I'm Aniket Prajapati founder of eAdded, an android, c++, java and web(HTML,CSS,js)(nodejs & Nginx) DEVELOPER. Trying to add RUST and GO in my bucket list. I'll love to contribute to the community and be myself motivated by the work of you all. Have a NICE DAY.


mz profile image

Hello everyone!

Happy to join such amazing community. I very excited to reach out such great content and hope to be a part of it someday. I started my career as a Frontend Developer (afraid of backends and databases) after a while I've started to truly enjoy building backend applications. I'm a huge lover of React, GraphQL and Node and would love to dive into Python.

Greetings from Krakow, Poland!

mannanal profile image

Hi All,

I am a dev who loves to do C programming and solve storage related problems. I see that it is great platform out here. Hope to learn from you all and share what I know of. Looking forward to connect with you all.

lanasvet12 profile image

I am from Ukraine and glad to welcome everyone. I like to write new applications and learn a lot.

fdocr profile image

Welcome to DEV Lana!


lanasvet12 profile image

Nice to meet you!

kcnick profile image

Hi I am Nick, a passionate full stack developer interacting with Spring boot, Django and Angular. I love learning new tech stuff and connecting with other techies.
Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community

dwoods447 profile image

Hi all,

my name is Demaria. I am a web developer. I enjoy working with Vue, Node, Nuxt and JavaScript in general. I hope to meet some awesome people and learn alot from here.

ardnet profile image

Hey all, I'm actually a long time developers specialised in LAMP stack. But not sure why I just joined this community, I hope I'm not too late :)

Currently I'm exploring React, and focusing more of Javascript in general. Then next up would be to explore Go and Python.

My goal would also to contribute as much as I can in this community, share some cool stuff, etc.

Thank you.

porter97 profile image
Spencer Porter • Edited

Hey All! I'm a full stack developer using python/flask and react, love to learn more about web design and data visualization. If you have any suggestions let me know, and I look forward to hearing from you!

katheesr profile image

Hello, I'm Kathees from Srilanka and am a java back-end developer in Singapore. I`m looking forward to learn new things and share knowledge with you.


ajarihant7 profile image
Arihant Jain

Hello everyone. I am Arihant Jain. I am pursuing Computer Science Engineering from Assam Engineering College. I love coding in Python and C++. I am very much passionate about learning new things related to coding or Science. I love to read non-fictional books. Hope to learn new and amazing things here.

mdevelopment profile image

Hi. Myself on linkedIn:

deejaydev profile image
Danjuma Ashiwaju

Hey everyone, I'm a selfie front-end developer... Here to share what I am doing and get help from you guys

josealcione profile image

Because of an article by Eduardo Rabelo about PWA I found you.
Thank you.

gladaikins profile image
Aikins Laryea

Hello geeks, I'm Aikins Laryea, a web developer and a react native enthusiast, still a beginner though and I'm here to learn and share along the way. And making some friends.

bhaumin profile image
Bhaumin Shah

Developers, developers, developers, ...x10 :)

Hello world,
I have been a developer for many many years and have been on a break for the last couple of years to tend some personal commitments. I am hoping of get back on the wagon and looking for a good opportunity in either US, India or remote. In the past I've worked in various techs such as JavaScript, C#/DotNet, ColdFusion, Sql Server, Python and have been dabbling in MERN stack, ML, C++, etc. to expand my knowledge base. Looking forward to being a part of this community to learn new things and connecting with some good opportunities hopefully.

thebhavikjoshi profile image
Bhavik Joshi

Hello guys, I am Bhavik, a full stack developer working with Python and Javascript. Looking forward to learning a lot from this community and helping others learn more.

sevontheedge profile image

Hello guys! You can call me Sev, I am a passionate iOS developer who is currently trying to learn more about Android development in general and diving deeper into other mobile related frameworks. Looking forward to learning with you.

ndonnauc profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Ndonna a student of University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I haven't really found my solid ground, lol. I just keep touching stuff here and there, looking forward to meeting new people and actually getting the hang of something.

teamonkeyfruit profile image
Tea Monkeyfruit

Hi everyone. I love the supportive collaborative feel this community gives. Im excited to dive into the great posts.

kp249646 profile image
Karan Pandya

Hello amazing people . I am a software engineer . I code in Go and Python . I also do DevOps in our team on . I love AWS . I am very much interested in learning more about microservices .Looking forward to learn, share, contribute and connect to the community .

Currently i am learning c++ and Data Structures & Algorithms .

umutozel profile image
Umut Özel


I'm Umut, a software architect from Istanbul, Turkey.
Doing mostly C#, TypeScript.

anshulnautiyal profile image

Hello developers... My name is Anshul Nautiyal. I am a front-end developer. I work for, a fashion e-commerce company in India. I am always a beginner in Front-end, especially in JS. Every day new updates come in Front-end. I spent most of my time learning the concept of JavaScript and React and applying it in my work as well as in my personal project.

Here is my portfolio and what I worked on -

I join the DEV community to get a quick update about what's going on in Front-end.

I love to share what I learn in my spare time and in my work in a more easy and elegant way.

Help me to get the most of it from an awesome DEV community.

timkleier profile image
Tim Kleier • Edited

Hey everyone, Tim Kleier here. Software developer from Colorado. I grew up on Ruby on Rails, stopped over in mobile development for a season, spent my teenage years in rebellion in JavaScript (Node/Express), and now I'm doing JS for my day job and Ruby on Rails in my spare time. Not sure I'm actually a grown-up yet (although I'm almost 40).

marwan01 profile image
Marouen Helali

Hi I just joined this community. I am a developer who loves to write. I might be bringing some of my articles over here so they are free! (unlike Medium!)

benzguo profile image

Hi! New here – thought I'd start by writing up a tutorial on a new stack I'm trying. I'm still a pretty amateur web developer, but I've done a bunch of professional mobile work (iOS apps & SDKs). Looking forward to being part of the community :)

ojochogwu86 profile image

Hello people, I'm Dickson, I discovered here via @lauragift_ post on having 10k followers. I hope I'll learn alot on front end development here and many more.

thilinasandaru1 profile image

Hi fellow Developers,
I am Thilina, a full-stack web developer. I am new to the forum. I think this is the place where developers learn, help and share knowledge with fellow developers. I am also here to learn, help and share my knowledge with you guys. Glad to have you all.

badmashjonatha1 profile image
Badmash Jonathan

Just checking round the internet and I found thus interesting site, and am happy to be here

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

And we are happy to have you, welcome :)

datadrivenforms profile image
Data Driven Forms

Hello devs,

Richard's here! I am part of the Data Driven Forms project, an open source library we are building here in Red Hat. It's a library that helps to maintain, render and handle React forms using a data-driven approach. We are trying to get more people to join our community, because we believe in advantages this approach brings to us, developers. (It really makes building complex enterprise application much easier!) You can take a look at this post, where I'm describing the whole approach (not only the React implementation!):

Otherwise, I am really looking forward to meet you all and to read all your amazing posts!


P.S.: Design of this web is awesome!

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Welcome, Diana!
I love webcomics, do you have anything published? 😄

Hope we'll read you here soon!

lnxslck profile image
Bruno Queiros

Hi everybody! I'm a devop with a long lasting love for Linux and open source, glad to be here, I hope to help whenever I can and learn something along the way.

paulmediakitchen profile image
Paul Steven

Hello and thank you for letting me join your community. I am a front end web developer having previously been an online game developer for many years. Look forward to learning and sharing here.

lebon_yg profile image
Yves Ganza

Hi guys,
I am Yves a 3rd year Computer Science student at Carleton Univeristy,Ottawa,ON.

I am currently focused on Progressive Web App development and I am looking forward to learning alot of cool stuff from you guys!

tariqnawaz profile image

Hello friends, I am Tariqnawaz a Java full stack developer join this beautiful community so that i can become a pro in software engineering. Currently learning React & React native as my front-end technology, looking forward to learn, share & connect. Thank you all

paurush2508 profile image
Paurush Srivastava

First day on

acoh3n profile image

Great to have you here!

deusiels profile image
Deusiel da Cunha de Souza

Hey, guys, hello!! I'm Deusiel from Brazil, a complete benginner in programming. I have been trying Free Code Camp Tutorials and I'm loving it. Even thoguh I'm struggling sometimes to use the concepts in real world, is amazing have a source like this to practice. I'm still looking for places to practice Data Structures. WHat do you do when you get stucked, guys? I would love to hear from more experienced people!! Greetings!

amirulom profile image

Hello world!.

C/C++/CUDA/HPC developer and enthusiastic here.

Return 0;

puneettiwari61 profile image
Puneet Tiwari

Hello everyone, I am new to

kaypeter87 profile image
Peter Kay

Hello all. I am Peter Kay and I'm an SRE @ Stack Overflow. Can't wait to learn and grow together.

brunojuliao profile image
Bruno Julião

Hey! I'm new here... Felt that need to write some technical stuff and so many cool people are using, so I decided to give it a try :)

chaudhryij profile image
Ijaz Chaudhry • Edited

Just started coding. Began with python and django. I am a this is a hobby. Need all the help i can find

jerlendds profile image

Hello, I'm Jordan. I come from a background in Python but I'm starting to learn web development and JavaScript and I'm excited to continue this journey and connect with the community here.

r4rafat profile image
rafat ahmad

Just passing by...peeking out of curiosity...

polmonroig profile image
Pol Monroig Company

Hi, I am Pol I am a student in computer engineering. I love to code in every language and I am passionate about AI. I'm very excited to be in this community!

dannyrajakarunanayake profile image
danny • Edited

I'm trying out DEV
I love python django framework /react and redux. #selflearning #webdevelopment #newjobs #developmentjobs

Nice to meet you all

talk2emmzy profile image

Glad to be here

mitesh1409 profile image
Mitesh Prajapati

Hello everyone. I am here to share my knowledge and at the same time going to learn a lot from great DEV posts. Thanks everyone.

sirdan247 profile image

Hello Devs! I'm Daniel, I'm here for guidance in both python, data science and machine learning from beginner to advance. Thanks

ollietoo16 profile image

Hello DEV's am Oliver Cheruiyot,aspiring web developer, interested and got passion in Python, JavaScript,PHP and react. Looking forward to connecting with new developers and people over here

costi profile image

Greetings from Bucharest.
I just made an account here, in order to get good at Javascript, React, Node, Typescript and mobile apps.

souravjamwal77 profile image
Sourav Kumar

Hi, I'm Sourav from India. I'm learning webdev and right now I'm a freelance content writer and Data Entry Specialist.

njerigathigi profile image

Hey guys,
I'm here to learn more about Python.

erislandio profile image

Hello developers how are you?

my name is Erislandio Soares, I am from Brazil and I work with web development

devcorehq profile image

👋Hi all, you can call me devconhq. Let's continue the amazing journey of sharing knowledge, one post at a time. Looking forward to getting to you all.😎

qkdreyer profile image
Quentin Dreyer • Edited

Hello everyone~ Hacktoberfest made me join in here since is an official partner. This community looks promising, thank for making it :)

vikramda profile image
Vikram Darade

Hello Developer Commmunity, Excited to participate in the developer community. Open to sharing and problem solving and getting in touch with the development community across the world.

bruddock771 profile image
Beatriz Ruddock

Hello, my name is Beatriz, I am a self taught dev. I have been looking forward to being a part of this community to learn new things and connecting with amazing dev here to learn and share with you.

chriscwz profile image
Chris Chia

Hey everyone, a Laravel developer here that’s just trying to learn as much as possible :)

nightdvlpr profile image
Amir Rahimi


mubashirqures17 profile image
Mubashir Qureshi

i am agree & want to continue

dominicchuma profile image

Hey Good people,
Happy weekend....

wagnerfillio profile image
Wagner Fillio • Edited

Hello God, I'm Wagner Filho, Brazilian and passionate about programming, specifically PHP and javascript. I'm here to learn and contribute as much as I can!

moerscode profile image

Hello world! I’m excited to meet all of you awesome developers. I am a designer/high school teacher currently trying to learn as much as I can to become a developer.

the_penhan profile image
Mukesh Dasari

Hey there. I'm Mukesh a programmer who loves Linux, JavaScript and NLP. I believe in learning and learning only. I'm really excited to learn new things from everyone of you.

mariayudina profile image
Maria Yudina

Hi everyone! I saw a lot of developers on Instagram use this website. Decided to join too.
I'm a web developer (backend, PHP, Laravel). Looking forward to be a part of this new community.

barbarahcarrijo profile image
Bárbara Carrijo

Olá pessoal, sou desenvolvedora iniciante e estou aqui para participar dos tópicos e poder contribuir de alguma maneira.

fishiflyfishi profile image

Hi Devs. I'm Fisayo (Dev. Fishi) .I love . net technologies, I write reactjs, I do flutter/ionic ... I'm in dire need of being a machine learning enthusiast..

danbmky profile image
Dan Bamikiya

Hey-lo great minds i'm Dan Bamikiya and joining this group to learn more about iOS dev, AI and Web dev feels good. I know i'm gonna learn a lot from your nice posts and comments. ✌️

ogdenstudios profile image
Tyler Scott Williams

Hey hey, long time reader, first time writer. Excited to join up and contribute.

cowboy_2233 profile image

Karimullah from Afghanistan
Love to learn new technologies
Am mean stack developer

prashant97sikarwar profile image
prashant sikarwar

Hello everyone, please help me to learn and grow in web development in python.i am here to seek your guide in order to have a good career in web development.

seanmun profile image
Sean Munley

Hi, i'm sean. based in philly. work in advertising. specialize in crm. from a dev standpoint, my skills are on front end. looking to learn more back end.

charumindworks profile image
shahrookh khan • Edited

Hello Developers, I am new here, For Learn & Teach. If I know something, You should Know.

Nice to meet you all, I've enjoyed many articles from the DEV community. I hope to be a contributor.

abhijitez profile image
Abhijit Ezhava

Hello devs. Abhijit Ezhava a frontend developer.I'm looking to learn new things from the community and contribute my knowledge. Thanks in advance. 😁

assiduousdev profile image

Hi All!

eben98 profile image

Hello you all. I am trying to create better Algorithms that make our lives easier.

jakedent profile image

Helloo New Brunswick (

Jacob here, a Python (and web) developer from London.

Super stoked to be joining the party.


budiharta21 profile image

Hello hooman 😁

cjackbey profile image
Charles P JacksonBey

Hi,my name is Charles JacksonBey

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

🤔 what to write in here? Nice platform for sharing with great people to back. Hi! My name is Ashish and I am ....

jenncancode profile image

Hello! I’m Jenn from Indiana, USA. I’m currently work in civil engineering, but am teaching myself to code. I WILL be a front end developer! Happy to be here and connect with others!

rsdiaz profile image
Roberto Serrano

Hello everyone, I'm Roberto Serrano, from Spain, Web Developer & SysAdmin. I'm love JS

mubarakbunza profile image
Abubakar Bunza Mubarak

Hi devs, I am Abubakar Bunza Mubarak. I work with bootstrap, VueJs and PHP. I am aspiring to be a professional Web Developer. So excited to be here!

hayleykuhl profile image
Hayley Kuhl

Hi everyone,
I'm a content writer at a developer-focused company. I love reading - I learn a lot here! And often find myself thinking about a career switch at some point ;P

o330oei profile image

Maybe not sure yet..Git'rr.Done

aadikha40456975 profile image
Aadi khan

DesiRulez is a desi forum for entertainment. A complete forum to
share videos, listen to music, download cricket videos and ...

Apne Tv

tanaytapanshu profile image

Hello, community!! I am Tanay Tapanshu a web developer. I love HTML, js, and CSS. I am also a React enthusiast and I am really excited to network and work with you all.

rakeda profile image
Brandon [White Fox]

Good evening!

My name is Brandon and I own a mobile application development company! I look forward to learning from, and meeting you all!

thabang23 profile image

Hello fellow coders, Thabang here. I am in love with web apps and databases. I want to be a full stack developer in the near future, also I am would love to learn pen-testing

raghavraman profile image
Raghav Raman

Wassup my peeps! I am glad I am finally on the right place to be judged and judge others too :lol: Am a Software developer, who is really intrested in working on new stuff.

themodulefactory profile image
Steve Lewis

Learning Vue and was looking for lightweight CSS frameworks with no javascript dependency. Stumbled on this site and thought I'd join up

sumitsinghjakha profile image
Sumit Singh Jakhar

I am tool designer and also doing excel works.i am using Nx,solidworks and autocad for design perpose.give me a chance,i give my best for uuuuuuuuu🤝

zuhayer profile image
Zuheyr Tahir

Zuheyr #symfony #ERP

ogbole87 profile image


haresh6x profile image
Haresh Samnani

Hello folks! I am a front-end developer. I love react and gatsby. I have keen interest in blockchain and cyber security and keep reading about it whenever and wherever i get time to

maradaallen profile image
marada allen

Hey my name is Marada I have 5 kids I do hair

padamdhami profile image
Padambahadur Dhami

Hello Everyone,
New to developers world
I look forward in learning netdevops (python, ansible, docker, kubernetes)
Will add more if found more interesting on d way

codekyles profile image
Kelvin Nyadzayo • Edited

Hello Devs , am a newbie in react help me to learn

shellyplouffe profile image
shelly plouffe


asgharaliakbari profile image
Asghar Ali

Hello World!!! From Quetta,Pakistan. I am Learning Web Development, Any Advice To this newbie?

anthony66591253 profile image

Hi I'm Anthony I'm new to Software Engineering and I'm eager to learn....

teenahg profile image
Tinashe Gondwa

Hi Anthony. Good to have you on board

abaran803 profile image

Hey, this is Ayush. I know about this when I was searching the solution of my css related problem. Currently I am a beginner in the field of Web Deveolpment.

agressiva profile image
Agnieszka Palmowska

Hi! It's nice to meet you all. I'm UI Designer, I also like to create HTML / SCSS code using Zurb Foundation and Timber - I mainly create pages on WordPress... And I make friends with GatsbyJS :)

shruti9899 profile image

Hello folks.. Happy to connect with dev community

wanjohichristopher profile image

Hello developers..Am chris .a web developer and a beginner in python hope to see you all here helping each other

rogeliozx profile image
Rogelio Romero Sanchez

Hello , I'm Dev web jr but i try to do my best here :D

emp51302 profile image

Hi All - I am a .NET developer/tech lead/engineer. Looking forward in learning and sharing my knowledge with the community.

magreen8da profile image

Hi, my name is Mike Green (@malexgreen). I'm a chip design engineer developing a web service to visualize chip design data.

thedevboy profile image
Jayas P Jacob

Hey devs myself jayas and i am new to your family. Am a android dev also doing works in python,data management also unix.

kasperversteeg profile image
Kasper Versteeg

Hello devs, I’m Kasper Versteeg and I’m a webdeveloper. I’m currently trying to learn vue and I
Some other front-end languages. I hope you guys can help me learn!

iam_zencoder profile image
Lucky Adogun (ZenCoder)

Halo guys! Happy to be here. I've been a long-time lurker and love the friendly community on here.

coachingict profile image
ICT Adaptability Coaching • Edited

I am Nfor Nelson from Cameroon. Am a Software engineer and coach that believes IT Adaptability is an indispensable skill everybody must have.

ezekielchow profile image

Hi devs. I am Ezekiel, a fullstack web developer. Nice to meet y'all 👋👋

azzam237 profile image
Azzam Al Hadiq

Hi guys, recently discovered this great community. lets hope we can share insight and a lot of good things on tech!

arpithasolomon profile image
Arpitha Solomon

Hi I’m studying Bca it’s full of software so I choose this

savithande profile image

I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

emp51302 profile image

Hello All - I am a .NET Developer and looking forward to share and learn here with all of you in the community. Thank you!

humayuntweet profile image
Humayun Ahmed

Hello to all! I am a student with an enthusiast mind. I believe in Teamwork makes the dream work! currently i am hoping your support for my Blockchain learning

izellso profile image

hELLO devs, it seems that this is a great place to begin your day.

Currently a C++ Software Engineer, ready and open for new adventures and sharing.


chadglory profile image
savithande profile image

Hello everyone..

arunshouri profile image

Started as System Administrator, eventually ended up in Cloud Operations.
Interested in Devops, containers, Kubernetes, AWS.

savithande profile image

I'm from india, currently im working in the field of Android application development.

aliffio_syah profile image
Pejuang Setia

Hello All!

javalin profile image
Arka Bhowmik

Hi. I am here to get my bugs fixed. I am here to get your bugs fixed. BUT, I am here to add new bugs mostly.

aryanneas profile image
Aryanne Silva

Hi, my name is Aryanne! I'm 19 and currently I work as a front-end developer. I want to help people with some articles and learn too! I hope enjoy every moment at

fatherjs profile image
Piotr Kowalski

Hello Everyone! I'm a frontend developer from Poland. Looking forward to get some info and give help to the community.



henshawsamuel profile image
Samuel Henshaw • Edited

Hy guys. lover of code.

sdkim817 profile image
sdkim817 • Edited

Hello, I'm interested in machine learning, machine translation,python, javascript, functional programming, data science, and cloud computing

dwoods447 profile image

Hello my name is Demaria. I am a self-taught developer. I love working with Vue, Node, and PHP. I hope to meet some great people here.

thelinuxlich profile image
Alisson Cavalcante Agiani

Hello fellow developers, here I am looking for a alternative to Medium so I can write about technologies I've been using in my freelance works.

ariaghora profile image
Aria Ghora Prabono

Hi. I am Aria. I speak python and object pascal. I’m into machine learning (transfer learning in particular) and programming in general. Looking forward to nice chats and learning from fellow devs 👋🏻

chrisley profile image
Olaide Akinleye

Hello developers I am Christianah, I'm so happy to be here I am a front end developer right now I'm trying to learn back end so I can be a fullstack developer. I hope to learn so much from you all

modev profile image

Hey guys I’m Mel 👋🏼 A full stack dev with a blockchain and security obsession currently working at a consultancy. I look forward to connecting with you guys.

aldinlapinig profile image
Aldin Lapinig

Hello everyone! I'm Aldin from the Philippines... I'm an avid fan of WP and Flutter for business and eCom applications. Excited to learn and share in this community

filipjanecek profile image
Filip Janeček


niyofestus profile image

HELLO, I am NIYO ,I am web developer,proud to be here

heyonyii profile image
Onyii E.

It's good to be here!

bmuntper profile image
Bernat Muntaner

Hi guys! I'm Bernat, a junior web developer. I'm still learning so I try to keep myself open to tecnhologies.

chriseteka profile image

Thanks for your reply, will definitely checkout those links

mchaudry7 profile image

Hi I am Maria from Pakistan .i Found when i was searching for javascript sanitize inputs bla bla .i am self learner i am doing freecodecamp web development course .It is hobby .so all the best

goodtime144 profile image
Francesco Serafini

Looking forward to learn useful things from this great community!

yungxix profile image

Basically i just intend to know how developers interact and share ideas here and for the past few months i have been able to come across articles that has inspired me as a code newbie.

kene_nwobodo profile image
Kenechukwu Nwobodo

Hello fam, My name is Kenechukwu but you can call me Kene. I 'm currently working on being a professionalfull stack developer. I really hope to learn, share and connect with you all.

pimcore profile image

Hello technocrats. I am Pimconaut from Pimcore, An open-source digital experience platform for enterprises. I love opensource <3

shriekant profile image

Hi guys, i am shrikant,self -taught java and newbie in learning spring boot. Nice to meet you all and looking forward to learn and share new things

geraldmaboshe profile image


mubashirqures17 profile image
Mubashir Qureshi

agree with the code of conduct

ecmc8 profile image
Elizabeth.Christian MC O'Malley

Thank for included me it's great to join the platform!!😀

theinsaneguy2 profile image


firoj80035140 profile image
Firoj • Edited

Hello, i want to know everything about frontend in 2020

davidsm73653221 profile image
David Smith

You can attain Brother Printer Wifi setup through wireless Direct. Wireless direct gives you the privilege to connect the printer to your computer or mobile device directly without a Wi-Fi access point/router wherein the printer serves as a Wi-Fi access point. You can read our post on how to connect brother printer to wifi

tnaglo profile image
Tomasz Nagło

What brought me here?
Style Customization -> Dark Theme <3

mohanabrabu profile image
Mohanabrabu B M

Hello Dev Community,

It is really good to identify a community like this. Cheers!

jwalker5006 profile image

I joined because Duck Duck Go led me here. My First read was full of constructive respectful feedback and idea's; which is where I want to live.

devcorehq profile image

👋Hi everyone, devconhq is here. Lets begin sharing knowledge, one post at a time. Expect a post from me at least once a week. Looking forward to getting to know you all.😎

ianwerashif profile image
Anwer Ashif

Hello there,

My name is Anwer Ashif and I love languages. I am really happy to join the DEV community.

brs999 profile image
Ben Spencer

Hello everyone. New to the Dev community although I've definitely read articles here before. Happy Tuesday!

vickyjnv profile image
vicky kumar


abbas0v profile image
Musa Abbasov

Hello everyone👋 I'm Musa from Azerbaijan. I'm web developer for 6 years. I joined to DEV because I'm thinking of writing articles in the future and I want to expand my network 🤗

nielmardo profile image
niel • Edited

... I'm niel (Newbee) indonesian
Hello all😀
Thank you admin 🙏
need to learn about Web development

annralf profile image
Ana Rafaela Güere

I am Ana Rafaela named as annralf, I am a Full Stack Developer and learning lover, currently living each day as a code challenge out of my comfort zone, and happy to join me in that great community

renvieir profile image
Renato Vieira

Hello people, I'm a Brazilian software developer, digging deeper into software engineering and web development concepts

kayzweller profile image
Albert Kristaen • Edited

Hello fellow Developer, I am Albert, a Computer Science student. I put my interest on Java, C# and C++. I love music, when I am not busy coding, I love making music and DJ-ing too.

nkalvi profile image

Starting to learn Vue & JS. Love the quality and tone of the tutorials here!

pariola_droid profile image

Hola DEVs

robmilne profile image
Rob Milne

Hi! Stumbled upon this group via online Python self-edu. My world is at the hardware end (firmware). I am interested in interfacing linux to the real world.

lanasvet12 profile image

It’s wonderful to have such a community. I love to create new code and learn new technologies. Now I am fond of React and Node js.

evrim267 profile image

Hi, i'm Evrim. I'm a Web Developer and i just discover this communitiy and joined for learning mostly. :)

ilovememeng profile image

Hello :)

lhartwell profile image
Laura Maka Hartwell

Greetings fellow devs. I'm a software tester for a health care related application. I love my family, my friends, my job, puzzles, reading, learning, and sci-fi.

Nice to meet all of you :)

gwepura profile image

Greetings good people!

o330oei profile image

Hello ..pep's

nizar11 profile image
nizar k

Hello guys. I am a front end developer. I'm trying to learn flutter during my free times. I hope I could find great help and company here. Thanks

hudsondev profile image

Hello everyone. I am Hudson and I work with flutter and dart trying to leverage machine learning into app development. I'm excited to learn and connect will all of you.

jorgesl00 profile image
Jorge Salazar

Lo que me trajo hasta esta web es el interes de aprender de los demas y conocer las nuevas tedencias en cuanto a desarrollo de sistemas y mas.

gregdevogo profile image

"Hello World"

Im Py and Go dev with love to data and simpleness.
Trying to procrastinate with some benefit for karma here:)

taowfik profile image
Muhammed Taowfik

When i saw DEV i felt like this is the next generation for developers all over the world for beneficial communications to make life of developer esier .
Hello to all of you 🖐️

wbcomdesigns profile image
Wbcom Designs 💡

We at design cool themes and plugins to create amazing websites.

Will be sharing cool contents

ghmasai profile image

Hello. This is my first getting-to-know-the -community post!

gitsanto profile image

Hi to everybody.
Looking forward to learn and share to all dev members.👋

takhine profile image
Aniketh Nair

I am a programmer that loves webapp development and machine learning and I'm keen on learning more, so I work with start-ups whenever I get the chance!Looking forward to this community site

rasca0027 profile image
Kai-han (Kelly) Chang

Hi everyone! I just found out about this platform when I was looking online for devops tutorials. Excited to join the community! Hope I can contribute here too :)

lnxslck profile image
Bruno Queiros

Hello everyone! Glad to join this community, I'm a devop and linux enthusiast for many years. I love computers, linux, open source, etc. Hoping to learn with you and help whenever I can.

masri_jakfar profile image

Hi DEV and good to see you all. I’m a blogger, but chances are you haven’t heard of my blog. I love CSS and Javascript. I am open to learn, and love to connect with you.

userjerald profile image

Hello everyone. Where should I be posting questions? I need help.

yimammichael profile image

What an amazing site. Learned a lot in my first day.

smahesh97 profile image

Hello All!

isklz profile image

This is a FA icon :D Badged my websites with it

madiri1 profile image

I don't know why I'm here but I'm sure i will figure it out. Probably learn some Javascript while at it.

jefaokpta profile image
Jefferson Alves

Hi guys and girls. I’m happy for to find out this place. I expect to learn a lot with you

squansah profile image

Curious to learn programming

bvperrync123 profile image
Brandon Perry

I am new and I want to learn about cyber security and programming to gain a career that will allow me to learn new things.

maximoguerrero profile image
Maximo Guerrero

Both very large fields. I would start with a ethical hacking course for security. For general programming Python is a good learning language and is hot in the AI space

harrarmeow profile image
Matthew Atkins

heyo, im matthew. i'm a 15 year old web developer and designer. im significantly experienced in styling websites, but am looking forward to delving into learning backend languages.

aduodebe profile image
Alexander Aduodebe okorie

Am Alex and I love the start up a blog platform on security and safety awareness training. I have over 22 years of experience in this field.

mrohit_1406 profile image
Rohit Mittal

Hello! I am Rohit

raizengxd profile image

Hi Hahaha
I'm raizen from philippines

Sino mga pinoy dito? Hahahahhaha

devendraraju profile image

Hi Community Krishan Here,
New here hope I'll learn something great from here

raksha bandhan

amaralluiz profile image
Luiz Amaral

Hi, I'm Luiz from Brazil. I'm not a developer yet, but work in IT for about 5 years. I love learning about programming and I'm trying to learn more about Python and C#. Sorry for the bad english.

sravanreddyajs profile image

Hi All ,

My Self SravanKumar Reddy.

ranjeetsinghbnl profile image
Ranjeet Singh

Hey guys,I'm Ranjeet Singh, a Full Stack web developer.I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

omerrciftcii profile image
Ömer Çiftci

Hello friends, I am developing mobile applications with Flutter, hope we'll enjoy and improve our development skills together :)

travnyca profile image
Iuliia Rul

Hello, my name is Yuliia,

I live in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nice to meet you guys and I am happy to be here)

domantasjurkus profile image
Domantas Jurkus

Hello, is this the new facebook

designkojo profile image
Simon Ramsay • Edited


I want to learn and share and be part of the best industry!

omodauda profile image
Lawal Dauda

Hi guys. I'm Lawal, a newbie web developer 😃 I look forward to contents that will help my pursuit and connect with amazing developers.

vaibhavtalari profile image

Hi all
Am a full stack developer.

Nice to meet you all at DEV!!

connectrushabh profile image
Rushabh Shah

Hello All. I am Rushabh Shah, full stack developer. I love python, react, flutter and go. I look forward in learning, sharing and connecting with you guys.

vijaychauhan07 profile image

Hello, I'm Vijay from India and a passionate django freelance developer

dzubovic profile image
Damir Zubovic

Hello everybody, 53 yrs old IT guys who love to coding. amateur radio operator, ex fedora ambassador, FidoNet coordinator.

xaverric profile image


nettow profile image
João Silveira (neto) • Edited

hello everyone !
My name is João Neto (call me Neto) and i'm from Brazil.
I'm here to try help, learn and the most principal thing: meet new people
byee se u on topics !

habibmanjotha profile image
Habib Manjotha

Hello Folks!
I am self-taught webDeveloper and now trying to shift to ReAct.
Thank you all!

holi2020 profile image
holi2020 • Edited

My Name Is Aaniya, working for RCB squad.

Wish you happy holi

smnkrt profile image

Hello there!
I'm Simon, i'm working as a software engineer (web development).
I'm glad to finally join and i'm hoping to finally post an article here at some point 😅