DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v94 staff on October 07, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
developman profile image
Dmitry Mineev

Hello, DEVs people. I am a newbie here. I am working as a full-stack web developer and I like to try and study something new. Development is my hobby. I wrote a lot of programs for trading using different languages such as C#, LUA, MQL4, AFL, C++, and more. Now I am working with Ruby on Rails + AngularJS, ReactJS (GatsbyJS). And I am glad to be a member of this awesome community. Thank you!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

lazylad profile image

Hello 🎈

iamvs2002 profile image
Vaibhav Singhal

Hey! Howdy...

asisbagga profile image
Asis Bagga

I am new here as well,
I am a soft engg too, i work for hpe's oneview sdk on python ruby go lang, and other devops tools like ansible, terraform, etc

damiendoescode profile image
Damien S.


martinthoma profile image
Martin Thoma

Oh, interesting! I haven't even heard of MQL4 and AFL. What were the reasons to use the exotic languages?

developman profile image
Dmitry Mineev

MQL4/MQL5 - the languages for the trading application Metatrader4/5. They have their own language for this. As well as Amibroker. They have Amibroker formula language. :)
Developing software in the trading sector is very fun.

thebuildguy profile image
Tulsi Prasad

Hello Devs! 😊

This embed gif thing is 🔥


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have some new faces! Welcome to DEV 😄

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

Hello Ben, are you new? 😉

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Not entirely

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Hey Ben , was wondering if you were able to receive the photo link ? Thanks

fedgl profile image
Federico Garcia-Lorca


devhalimah profile image

Thanks Ben 😊

denices profile image
Denice Soper

Hi Everyone, I'm new here and new to coding, I'm currently self taught and am learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python. I've been learning Git and GitHub as well and have started the hacktoberfest challenge! Its great to be part of this community!

satyajeetcode profile image

Hey...good skillset....keep working and advance in the fields of your interest

salthedev profile image

Hi Denice! I'm self-taught & new as well, best wishes for you and your journey, and never give up!

kevinlalkalathingal profile image
Cloud_Kiddo • Edited

Hello world, newbie here. I'm currently an engineering student and I would like to explore and learn more on web development, blockchain development and other fields that interests me. Have some knowledge in HTML, CSS, Java, JS, C, C++, Flutter. Currently learning ReactJS and Python.
I'm glad i found this social network and could be a part of this community. Looking forward to meet new people out there! <3

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heya! Welcome to DEV. 🙂

Quick tip — if ya wanna learn more about web development or blockchain, consider following these tags: & Whatever tags you folllow will be more likely to show up in your feed. You can do the same for users too! You can even make adjustments to follow "weight" from in case you want to follow some tags more than others.

Glad you joined up here and hope ya dig the site! Don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have 'em and I'll do my best to help. 😀

kevinlalkalathingal profile image

Thank you😄

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

That's awesome thanks Michael

natashang profile image

Hello! I followed the @thepracticaldev on twitter for months before I got tired of saving every tweet and decided to create an account here! I'm a junior Front End Developer trained in React, Redux, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and SQL. I've also worked with Java and C#. I was last employed at T-Mobile until laid off from them merging. Now back to job hunting, networking, and strengthening my foundation with data structures and algorithms. Happy to be a part of this community!

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Welcome Natasha

natashang profile image

Thank you Laura!

cboles profile image
Chris Boles

Hello Natasha and welcome! I currently work at TMO right now. Mind if I ask what happened? Our department hasn't merged yet and we haven't heard much about layoffs.

natashang profile image

Hi Chris! So this spring, Tmo completed its merge with Sprint to create "the new T-Mobile". I didn't feel any repercussions until the end of Q2, where my first team was dissolved in the reorganization as Sprint employees were added to the parent department.

I was then repurposed to work on a second team, with a different set of responsibilities, for another month before receiving notice that I would be laid off to reduce headcount, which doubled with the new additions. That being said, Tmo's a great place to work, so perhaps there may be an opportunity to rejoin in the future!

Thread Thread
cboles profile image
Chris Boles

Hi Natasha,
Thanks for the response. I work in Operations and we have not yet integrated the network. So sorry to hear that happened to you. Hopefully you are able to find something quickly or are able to rejoin. I assume you were with Sprint before the merger. I wasn't aware TMO had Full-time Web Developers.

priyanshuofficial profile image

Hello, Everyone I am a newbie here. I am working as a full-stack web developer and I like to try and study something new.
I learning Python data and flutter
I am Web Developer
And I am glad to be a member of this awesome community. Thank you!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Lego astronaut saying awesome!

kornatzky profile image
Yoram Kornatzky

Hello. Let me introduce myself. Yoram Kornatzky. Software Architect & Engineer. More than 20 years development experience. Past 10 years freelancer. Ph.D. Computer Science.
Available for projects, full-stack, Laravel, PHP, Node.js, front-end, blockchain, auctions, MySQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search, Redis. These are the things I have been doing for the past 10 years. For companies such as CheckPoint, LivePerson, Verint, Outbrain, Cadence. Happy to be here. And already published one post on auctions just today.

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Hello, bet your a busy man!!

joshuaoloton profile image

Hello devs, I'm new to this platform. I recently got involved in open source by completing 4 PRs in the ongoing hacktoberfest challenge. I'm learning python and just got interested in frontend web dev as well

groundh0g profile image
Joseph Hall (groundh0g)

Howdy. I'm an old dog who continues to learn new tricks. I've worked on most platforms in many languages, but my hobby attention of late is drawn to tools and code to build static sites, SPAs, containers, and keeping the server side of things as cheap as possible. (My allowance isn't very large.) I'm just kicking the tires. So far, I like what I see.

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Static IP I would like to think are going to be the new to trends.

allanjegu profile image
Allan JEGU

Hello :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hello Allan

fedgl profile image
Federico Garcia-Lorca

Hi there Allan!

lazylad profile image

Hello Dev people, I am joining this community today to explore world of awesome developers, I like to work with C++, Currently working on Android project and on the way of making this project learning about Android Development with Kotlin, I like to design UI and want to learn about UX key concept. Hope to learn something new here make some friends and share some meme on programing.

HelloWorld! 🖐🖐

zaritanveer profile image
Zari-Tanveer • Edited

Hi! DEVS, I'm novice Web developer and here to learn. I love to code and learn techniques. Development is my passion. I'm currently working with Laravel framework and Frontend development using CSS and Bootstrap but I wanna learn JS and wanna improve my skills. I'm happy to be a member of DEV community.

mhmd_brr_sfdhn profile image
Mohamed Abrar Saifudheen

Hello Guys ! Finally found out a great community .I came across this community via Youtube .I hope our interactions would be beneficial for all .I am interested in flutter and dart and little bit of python .Any intrested feel free to text me

squashbugler profile image
John Grisham

Hello fellow geeks! How should I put this? I'm a software dev working at a startup but long before that I was just another geek. I've been learning and hacking for several years now and love it! I mostly work with Javascript and React on front end products but I have basic full stack knowledge. I don't know when I'll have time but I'll be trying to post and engage with this community. I look forward to learning with everyone!

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Welcome John

davidsylver007 profile image

Goodday wonderful people of DEV, the name is sylver, new initiated into this community,i am hoping to make alot of awesome
friends and mentors, i currently on a web development path working with react and node, please give us all the support and
love need to grow, thank you all.

tzacee profile image

Hey happy people,
my name is Maxim, Im a 21 yr old dude from Germany, who is studying Computer Science atm. Im also a computer nerd, like most of the people here :b. Im familiar with a lot of languages. But I would consider C++ as my main language. But Im also open for C#, Go, JS/TS (ofc with some frameworks like VueJS & Angular or on the server-side with Deno & Node JS), PHP and Java. I hope I can meet some programming-interested people :) Have a nice day! :) Greetz Max.

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Welcome Maxim

sendy profile image

Hey Guys,

I am new here as well. I am working as a designer and frontend developer. I love Figma, React and Javascript. I joined because I wanted to share my ideas, thoughts and wanted to stay updated with dev community. I am really glad to be a part of this amazing community :)


jessesbyers profile image
Jesse Smith Byers

Welcome to the community! It's a great place to be!

doakcovington profile image
Doak Covington

Howdy Dev! I have found that a great learning method for me is to make "cheat sheets" for certain topics. I've decided to turn these cheat sheets into blog posts as a way to further reinforce what I'm learning. I'm looking forward to sharing these, and reading posts from all of the amazing Dev community members!

brunoluiz profile image
Bruno Luiz Silva
fmt.Println(`Hey everyone, my name is Bruno Luiz Silva 👋`)

I am a Golang and JS software engineer. My goal is to not only write about languages, tech stacks and so on, but as well about more general tech scene, practices and so on ⚡️

danielvip3 profile image
Daniele De Martino

Heya! New to DEV - obviously. I am a (young) full-stack web developer from Italy.
I looked at resources here for a lot of time before joining, encouraged by Hacktoberfest. DEV often helped me to be productive and learn more.
Now it's my turn to help others to create better software.
I will probably write a lot about mistakes I made as a beginner and how to avoid them (but not the common ones eheh) and mostly cool new/unknown technologies I try and their pro and cons for each situation.
I hope to bring something new and fresh to DEV.
I appreciate this community's friendly approach; thanks to y'all, DEVs!

sachinkoli profile image
Sachin Koli

Hello all Techies,
My name is Sachin and I am a self-taught developer. I started to learn code a few years back when I was doing my master's in mechanical engineering. Now, I work as a Frontend Developer.

I enjoy learning new things and very much enthusiastic about Tech, that's why I am here to learn from others as well as help others in learning.

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Very hard thing to even try..self teaching. But with that said, I am also self taught.. Who knows how many times I have created "nothing" until finally seeing one develope... Lol

apaulovp profile image
Antonio Pinto

Hello DEVs. I just sign up here.

I came to learn more about some technologies, and to try to write something myself.

I'm working with Python+Django and React, while learning about NextJS and ReactNative.

I'm looking for some roadmaps about development to guide me what to learn, in what order, and what is missing in my knowledge today.

Thank you for any help.

lorenzoblog profile image


Check this cheat sheet compilation / roadmap that I just published:

Hope this help, thanks

alvinb profile image
Alvin Bryan

Hello DEV community! I've been consuming a lot of content from here, and now I'm making the leap to create my own.
I've worked on websites, 2D & 3D graphics, Data Visualisations and games. My current focus is Design Systems and Charts.
Super glad to be here 🚀

rishuatgithub profile image
Rishu Shrivastava

Hello all. Newbie here. Currently a data analytics solution architect IT professional from London. Interested in everything related to data. Loves coding, building and designing solutions. Happy to be part of this community. Thanks :)

jessesbyers profile image
Jesse Smith Byers

Welcome to the community!

sushilg96 profile image
Sushil Gupta

Hello, DEVs people.
New to DEV community, I work with Containers and Openshift for Storage, I love to learn new things. I usually use Python but currently learing go.
Its exciting to be a member of this awesome community:)
Thank you!!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi, everyone! Welome to the community!

welcome heart

mindnumbing profile image
Steven Marshall

Hey Folks, new to DEV (obviously). Working for Chef Software UK. Working on Core-Plans and Ruby automation work. Seems like a pretty neat community here, was introduced to this by a friend. Looking forward to meet and talk to others here and share in mutual passions. Anything else you'd like to know, just ask!

patrickalphac profile image
Patrick Collins

Hello Devs! I'm Patrick Collins and I work on the Chainlink project as a devrel. I love building #blockchain projects and I'm really excited to be here. I've worked on the infrastructure team of a hedge fund and financial data provider, so data and it's importance has always been high on my list of things to do!

tominekan profile image
Tomi Adenekan • Edited

Hello everyone. I am a teenager (learning how to code) I code with Python (mainly). I love Coding, Cooking Eating and Running. I'm interested in learning more of JavaScript C++, OSDev and Web Apps. Nice to be part of a coding community. Is there anything (languages, frameworks and such) I should learn.

What Up Dog

devhalimah profile image

Hello Devs!
Aloha 😁

It's so great to be here.
I'm a Junior Front End Developer (Still in Practice 😂) using HTML and CSS for now.

But I write wonderful blog contents on what I learn and my web projects.

nicolasbiondini profile image
NicolasBiondini • Edited

Hello guys! I'm new here but i'm very excited. I'm from Argentina, i have 21 years old and few months ago i started to learn how to code. I started whit CS50 course from Harvard and keep learning whit a few books, freecodecamp, stackoverflow, documentation, yt tutorials, etc. Actually i learned HTML, CSS, JS (and a little of PYTHON and C) and now i'm starting whit Node JS and React in the next weeks. I went to the university and study for 3 years Economics, but i realize "I don't like this, i want to learn how to code and make really things, not just economic models", so that's my story. I'm very glad to be here and i hope to meet a lot of you and your's stories! Sorry for my english guys, i'm still practicing haha. Good luck and Thanks you!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to DEV!! Happy you're here!

nicolasbiondini profile image


gabrielnsd profile image
Gabriel Dantas

Hello Devs!! I am new here (also in the dev world). I am a mechanical engineer that feel in love with programming! Now I am developing mobile apps using React Native and soon I will start a specialization in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. I am looking forward to share knowledge with you all!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, I'm loving this GIF!

ralexrdz profile image
Raul Rodriguez

Aloha, devs! about 15 yrs coding, computer science bach, fullstack web dev and, now, web mercenary. In love with shortcuts, automatization, shell commands, multicursors, eXtrem Programing, containerization, markdown.

If I would send an email to myself 15 years ago I would recomend to uninstall Windows, drop uni, buy bitcoins, drop gaming, sharp and share your skills and start playing the real game: apocalypsis!

If you are starting on #webdev I would suggest giving it a try to SvelteJS (before React). If you constantly work on #backend I would point to KeystoneJS (filebase bootstraper that will give you: extensible CRUD GraphQL API, mongoose models and CMS ). If you constantly use the Terminal, make a favor to yourself and install OhMyZsh! (greeeeat autocompletes), z jump (cd + portal) and Guake Terminal (dropdown terminal). Will slowly upload a wiki to trucolibre, de México pal mundo

Currently getting better at Shell, Vim, Docker, SRE, and CloudComputing. Love to hear suggestions.

adarshcode profile image

Hello, DEVs people. I am a computer science and engineering student. I want to learn machine learning and it's applications in real world. I have also done some basic projects like predicting prices. I have knowledge of C, C++, JAVA(Basics), PYTHON, JS(Basics). Glad to be a part of this community. Thank You.

satendrasr profile image
Satendra Rawat

Hello Dev people, I'm a fullstack developer having 3 year of experience in web and mobile development. I'm a DevOps enthusiastic.
Recently, I was implementing dockerization in an open source project and I landed here by following some article which really helped.
I'm happy to join this community!! I hope, I'll get lot to learn and will try to share my knowledge hoping it will help any one of you guys.

utitofon_udoekong profile image
Utitofon Samuel

Hello world, newbie here. I'm currently an engineering student and I would like to explore and learn more on web development, blockchain development and other fields that interests me. Have some knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PYTHON,PHP. Currently learning ReactJS and Python.
I'm glad i found this social network and could be a part of this community. Looking forward to meet new people out there! <3

chefgs profile image
Saravanan Gnanaguru

Hi Dev community,
Knowledge should not be contained within and it should be spread across to everyone. So I’m happy to be part of this awesome community to write blogs and getting to know latest trends in information technology.🙂

paras594 profile image
Paras 🧙‍♂️

Very well said !

hasanlock profile image

Hello DEV guys, this is Hasan from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am s/w developer working with web technologies. I use Laravel, MariaDB, Vue everyday. I am interested in DevOps, Mobile app dev, Infra engineering. Happy to be part of this community. Cheers!

pdsprog profile image
Paulo da Silva

Hi everyone! My name is Paulo, I'm 33 years old, I was born in Brazil but currently I live in Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA. I have worked in Business for more than 10 years and about a year ago I decided to learn to code. It was one of my best decisions I've made in my life. Right now I'm trying to get my first job as a Front-End Developer and of course I've been taking courses very often to keep learning.

I'm also a geek guy who loves anime, comic books, games, movies, sports and technology.

Thank you!

anja profile image

Hi Paulo that's great! I also switched to coding at 32 😊🙌

vika93rana profile image
Vika93Rana • Edited

Hello everyone, I am new here. I am learning web development with spring boot and basic html, css, and vanilla js (for front end). I want to be a full stack dev and joined DEV to learn from others too. 😊

medjelidi profile image
Mohammed Jelidi

Hello everyone!
Came from the official Angular website as I was searching for communities.
I'm a beginner full-stack developer and here to continue my learning journey and hopefully be able to help people with my very limited knowledge.

chrismulvanygh profile image
Chris Mulvany • Edited

Hello World!
New to but have been using it for quite sometime. Self employed at this time working mainly for the last couple of years with WordPress. While I will always work with WordPress in some capacity I'm sure, I have started to move towards JAMstack recently working on a large project with Strapi, & React with Node.js, Express.js and some DevOps. Really excited to be part of the DEV Community. TY

gowthamnagarajan94 profile image

Hi everyone,

I am working as full stack developer at HippoVideo. I passionate in logical thinking and programming. I develop products in Java, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS and AWS. I am glad that I found and very happy about being a member. Looking forward to learn more and more. Thanks!

pizbernina profile image

Hey hooo, hope you are all doing great!
After I got introduced to Bitcoin some years ago I got interested into coding and hence decided to acquire technical skills. Thus, after completing a bachelor in business management I started a master in information systems. Only one semester left.
Just landed my first technical internship as a developer (FE: Typescript React & BE: Python Django).

Currently, trying to understand Redux and Django :)
Also, will soon write my master thesis in the area of NLP, namely creating a model that grades essays. Super excited to do a deep dive into NLP.

Happy to connect with anyone, especially if you understand Redux :))

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham


brucelampson profile image
Bruce Lampson

I really enjoy being on Great platform!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

It's True - Dwight Shrute

guiguerreiro39 profile image
Guilherme Guerreiro

Hello all!
I've recently discovered DEV and I'm digging it!
I'm a Software Engineer currently working as a Full-Stack Developer in a SaaS application focus towards security..
I've been trying to increase my knowledge on several innovative frameworks and I'm eager to learn more and more about new and trending technologies that you guys find helpful and awesome! As of now, I'm mostly working with Python/Django, ReactJS/GatsbyJS/VueJS and Flutter/Dart!
Great to meet you all, and hopefully we can share our wonderful experiences and ideas to grow as a developer together!

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Awesome 👍 never enough people interested in security. I also am very interested in the difficulties for the Developers to implement it in there Projects.

d4rkd0s profile image
Logan Schmidt

Hello everyone,
just posting the current interests:

  • go
  • github actions
  • yaml
  • automate everything
  • k8s
  • ansible
  • terraform
  • a/b testing
  • code quality

and much more.

Looking forward to sharing content, and contributing to the community,
and to the platform owners, you have a very nice and clean website :)


d4rkd0s profile image
Logan Schmidt

An update, a year later Oct 2021.

Current interests are:

  • k8s, helm, docker (anything containers)
  • godot
  • erc20
  • worried about EIP-3554
  • golang
d4rkd0s profile image
Logan Schmidt

An update, Oct 11th 2023

Current interests are:

  • automate everything with python
  • Serverless / Events at work and with projects
  • Godot 4
salthedev profile image

Hey everyone! I've had a couple false starts at learning code up until recently... I quit a full-time warehouse I'm two months into my journey & I haven't looked back! I don't really have any friends or family interested in development, so I'm just super excited to be here and to meet you all!

lorenzoblog profile image
mrbandit profile image

I'm an embedded systems engineer. I do medical, avionics, telecom && other mission-critical systems.
I also give back by being a judge at science fairs, robotics events, etc. I encourage everybody here to do the same. It is very rewarding and helps encourage kids to get into STEM.
It looks like there is a varied membership! We can all learn from each other. I will usually lurk, but y'all will see a post or comment from me from time to time.
I would also encourage newer programmers to watch the Uncle Bob youtube videos. While I have some quibbles with him (I'm an old fart also), but I also get things from him.

antixcode6 profile image

Hello all! I am new to this community and enjoying reading as much as I can when I have time. I currently work as a cloud engineer - aspiring to become an SRE - and write code in Python, PowerShell, and Bash once in a while. I am learning Go to level up my tooling skills. I love taking things apart and learning how they work, as well as making things more efficient.

When I am bored of scripting I like to mess around with front-end development and am currently enjoying diving head first into Angular.

I am very excited to be apart of this community!

eternaldreamer profile image
Shrishti Goyal

Hello everyone. I am Shrishti Goyal from India . Currently, Pursuing my engineering from INDRA GANDHI DELHI TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY in Computer Science . A technology lover who is passionate to explore new areas in technology like exploring Machine learning , web development and Competitive programming. Open-minded individual who adapts quickly to change and is eager to learn new things. Love to contribute in Open source projects .

linzijayne36 profile image

Hi everyone! Another newbie here, I'm interested in web development. The technologies I seem to have settled on are HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (well, it'd kinda be a bit difficult doing web dev without those three really!), PHP and MySQL. I still consider myself a beginner even though I have just finished a BSc (Hons) Computing and IT degree through The Open University, as when you are busy studying such a broad subject you don't really get chance to hone in on any particular skill all that much. I miss the community feel of being with the OU, hence why I have suddenly appeared here ;) It's great to see that there are people with such a range of interests and skills on here.

marianord profile image
Mariano Rodríguez

Hello everyone at DEV. I'm joining here after finding a lot of useful and interesting content. I'm a Cloud Engineer, focusing on the architecture side of the Cloud. I work with Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker, Packer, AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean. To keep with the development part of DevOps I like to work with Python and I'm working to get into Rust.

Thanks everyone for making this community so awesome.

gr3g profile image
Greg Motyl

I think I found awesome community I was looking for! I am programming since over 25 years now 👴🏻 and professionally since 15. I have been there when internet was born. My first real program was written in Turbo Pascal, having as only source of knowledge "help" option from menu 😅
Anyway, this long journey never ends (hopefully😉 ) and now as principal developer in large organisation, where we strangle legacy monolith with lots of micro-services, I am still learning something new every day. I did PHP for over 10 years, but now I focus mostly on TypeScript and React on front-end and .Net C# on the backend.
I like to start my day with inspiring article from this great community and I hope I will find something interesting to write about from time to time too.
Best regards

smallscripter profile image
Danielle H

Hello DEV community, I found this site from's "Top 10 Programming Blogs in 2020" article. It's the first blog listed there!
What prompted me to actually make an account here was the "Happy Ada Lovelace Day!" post, I wanted to answer it with my female CS Professor!
I'm a new student in Computer Science, and a big newb in programming. I started even just thinking about personal programming projects within the past couple weeks (I'm on my second year in college), so my experience is very bare.
I've been applying to internship listings on indeed and linkedin recently to try to get some experience (just made a resume yesterday) and I hope I can land one sometime within the next 5 or so months.
My big dream is to become a senior software engineer someday :D

skoliver89 profile image
Stephen Oliver

Hello everyone. I just signed up, a friend of mine in the business recommended that I check the site/community out. I am technically speaking a Full-Stack Developer but my job title is Software Engineer; my work experience level is on the low-side so not sure if that is normal or not. Currently, I support both modern and legacy code bases simultaneously, but my favorite flavors so far are ReactJS, .NET Core (C#), and SQL Server. Happy to be here and part of the larger community. Thanks for having me!

anamari23343905 profile image
Ana Marija 💻 | ☕ | 📸 • Edited

Hello all 👋
Little bit about me.
I finished beauty school but never loved it and I started learning about linux and fell in love so now I am working as System Engineer in Croatia.
Looking forward to meet new people here.
Thank you!

anja profile image

Hi Ana that's awesome! Welcome!😊🌻

cboles profile image
Chris Boles

Hello fellow Devs! Just finally joined after lurking for a few weeks. I love working on web development in my spare time, websites mostly and would like to move on to apps as well. I'm currently working through The Odin Project ( to level up my skills. I love meeting new people and I'm glad to be hear!

dizzyweird profile image
René Deutschmann

Hey peops i am new here. i had to learn different coding languages in school and university but i was never able to write a proper program that was useful or entertaining. i want to change that so i decided to learn python hihi

ahmeteneskcc profile image
Ahmet Enes KCC • Edited

Hello, DEV community.I am very new to programming. Created websites using react js, vue js. Want to migrate backend from frontend.

ginger386 profile image
Alyssa Arce

Hi all,

I'm new to this community, but am looking forward to learning more! I'm a junior in Software Engineering hoping to gain some real-world experience in the coming year. Most of my experience is in Java and Python, with some Javascript, HTML/CSS, and C. My dream is to work in the video game industry.

Nice to meet everyone!

bhadmus profile image
Ademola Bhadmus

Hello!!! I am a newbie here and a rookie in software quality assurance. I use python for almost everything in software testing, I use it for web, mobile, RESTful API, and Graphql automation. I also use it for load testing. I am looking to improve on it in areas of deployment to a CI/CD pipeline. I am basically here to learn buy asking questions and sharing from what I know so someone can correct my errors.

romarick36925 profile image
Mbah Romarick

Hello you all. It's a nice opportunity meeting you all. I am a software engineer and currently am working on Django and Flutter. I really like development and spend most of my time on it. Will like to collaborate with you so that I could have a successful career. Thank you

ginger386 profile image
Alyssa Arce

Hi all!

I'm pretty new to this community, but I'd love to learn more while I'm here! I'm a Software Engineering student in my junior year looking to learn more about the field and gain experience through internships. Most of my experience comes from coding in Java, Python, and some web dev stuff with HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Nice to meet everyone!

elizabethgraham profile image
Elizabeth Graham

Just joined, thanks to Hacktoberfest. I've been coding for a couple years as a hobby and decided to pivot careers to software engineering when the pandemic hit. Just enrolled in online classes this weekend to knock a bachelor's out 🤞

lazycat profile image

Hi Folks,

One more newbie and i don't know when my rank will increase. It's been 3 years and i'm still learning. I hope here i can learn something new which will help increase my rank and also can make some very good friends and most important thing is I'm a lazy cat.

leigh864 profile image

Hi, came across a great set of articles on how javascript works 'behind the scenes' on this site, so I thought I'd join and learn some more and contribute if I can. I'm a web developer js, Html, CSS, React, Redux, Mobx and there is always more to learn, its an exciting time to be a Dev and I've already read several great articles on here.

martinthoma profile image
Martin Thoma

Hello, I'm Martin. I'm a Python developer, data scientist, full-stack, DevSecOps guy. I came here because there was a tool of which I always forget the name and when I search for it, I found a related discussion (without the tools name) on this site.

akshat472 profile image
Akshat Saxena

Hi peeps, I'm a newbie here. I am into development field and currently learning and exploring this field. I have written some codes on Java, python, javascript and c. I also do graphic designing. I have worked on Adobe Photoshop and After effects. I'm also an amateur photographer. It feels a pleasure to be with you guys!
Hail DEV.

kanhaiya3399 profile image
kanhaiya singh • Edited

I am a full stack(MEARN) web developer and I am trying my best to learn new technology. I am learning react these days to become a pro in it. I found some blog posts from regarding the topic I need and I found it very helpful and that's the reason I joined👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻

aarpit1010 profile image
Arpit Agarwal

Hey peeps!! Arpit Agarwal here..
I am currently studying in 2nd year in IIIT Allahabad (B-Tech) in IT branch.
I am passionate about Machine Learning and a very enthusiastic Deep Learner..
Open for any ML related project collaboration (ping me if interested)..
I am a newbie in FrontEnd Webd too...
Hoping to learn and experience great things..

paultopham2 profile image
Paul Topham

Hello all, i've been coming on here lately when i need to get away from learning JavaScript......

I find myself here a lot....... 🤬

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


callmespiderbyte profile image
Balthazar Jenesuis

Hiya :D I'm only a hobbyist dev, but I work at OfferZen - a dev community and job platform - and host the OfferZen Podcast where I talk to thought-leaders in tech from around the world and share their experiences with software makers everywhere! It's suuuuuper cool to be here and I would love to get to know to everyone :D

ayushgit228 profile image
Ayush Gupta • Edited

Hello devs, I'm a Full Stack Developer(MERN) . I am new to . I am involved in the open source and competitive programming. I recently completed the 4PR challenge in the ongoing hacktoberfest, learn a lot from there and hope to get good info and learnings from here as well. Thanks

paras594 profile image
Paras 🧙‍♂️

Congratulations !!

workinprogressdevelopment profile image

Long time reader, finally decided to sign up. Hi!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


scroung720 profile image
scroung720 • Edited

Welcome everyone except... just kidding I wish you all to have a nice time here.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

You got me there for a split-second 😂

kalijonn profile image

Hello all. I’m a web development engineer looking for all things Javascript/Typescript. I’m interested in exploring frameworks and understanding the trade off decisions that they make between performance, scalability and ease of development. Just started playing with Svelte.

Glad to be a part of this community.

scothinks profile image

Hello Devs! Product Manager in transition 😅
Humbled and excited by the process!

basiru101 profile image

I'm glad to be part of the community

lucistein profile image
Yashasvi Koul

Hello world, Script Kiddie here, i've zilch whatsoever in any of the development field and hoping to turn that around by the end of next year. Hope to get involved in Cybersecurity as it intrigues me....Cheers!!

visualserge profile image
Sergio C. delos Santos Jr.

Hello Guys, nice to meet you all. I'm working as a full-stack developer specializing in .NET technology, I hope I will learn allot from you guys and to contribute as well, cheers!

kaydd1 profile image


kri14 profile image
kriti • Edited

Hello Devs , I am a new to this platform and I have just started my programming basics and I am looking looking forward to learn new things and find an area of my interest . I am glad that I found this community .

shelbdoc profile image
Shelby De Oliveira Cignetti • Edited

Hello, DEV. Im very new to Development. I am currently studying at Georgia Tech Bootcamp. My cat is my number one supporter.

mohizi97 profile image
Abdul Mohiz

Hello Soft folks, I am here to grow in the domain of Front end development and life. I've been working with software and development from 3+ years now. Happy coding everyone.

fedgl profile image
Federico Garcia-Lorca

hello everyone! Excited to be here. I heard about DEV being an awesome community so I decided to join. Fun fact: I was born in Spain but moved to the US about 10 years go :D

rakscodes profile image

Hello guys, i just joined this DEV thingy after I got mail from Hacktoberfest for completing my 4 PRs but the only thing that bothers me is that all four PRs are in some review period. Just getting a bit nervous on whats gonna happen but I'm equally elated and happy for learning how Open Source works and this has taught me so much in a short span.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello to news members and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

misterveiga profile image
Ruben Veiga

Hi everyone :) happy to be here!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

ashishnair1211 profile image
Ashish Nair

Oh, Hello Dev.
I am new here just like a padawan seeking apprenticeship from a jedi, you all are obiwans to my anakin, I hope to learn a lot from all of you and contribute to the community as and when I can.
I am a Python and a native Android developer with Java.

codingwolf profile image
Atul Tameshwari

Hello People, I'm a B.Tech(CSE) student from India and a newbie front end developer. I came to know about this community from a friend of mine and talking honestly I love spending my time here. People here are humble and knowledgeable, And I love the fact that how openly people share their knowledge here on this platform. Every time I open this app I learn something new 🔥
Love to all DEVs ❤

shriyansh21 profile image

Hey people working as a Salesforce Dev in an organisation please to meet you all just connect and we can discuss whole lot of Salesforce

anitajoseph profile image
Anita Joseph

Hi everyone, welcome to Dev😊

hmelenok profile image
Mykyta Khmel • Edited

Hello there! I'm glad to join community. Want to learn and share.
Nowadays: React(Next.js, Meteor, WebExtensions) Developer for last 4 years.
Past: PHP for 3y. and one magic year of RoR.
On free time: Emscripten, AWS Amplify, NPM libs for fun

sergiogracia profile image
Sergio Gracia

Hi everyone!

I'm Sergio from Barcelona, freelance web developer avid to learn new things and meet cool people!


muhammadainuddin profile image
Muhammad Ain Uddin

Hello world, I am a newbie in web development, I would really appreciate it if you guys can share some of your best learning resources and some good people to follow on the internet. Thanks!

ash_grover profile image
Ash G

Hi everyone, I'm Ash. I'm a full time software developer. I worked with quite a few languages in the past, recently I transitioned from enterprise software developer developing in C# to full stack developer with React on front end.

I've also been working towards being an indie dev, working on various things on side. I recently created Brisqi - an offline-first personal Kanban app. You can try it out, hope you like it. Outside work, I go on hikes and do some snowboarding in winter.

Looking forward to learn from others and contribute to the community :)

leodesign profile image
Leo Design UI UX

Hi guys! I'm a ui designer. So, don't kick me off here, please ... :-D ... working with Figma, Invision, XD, Sketch, Proto.iO, and something else like these...

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


felipebockmagagnin profile image
Felipe Bock Magagnin

Hello devs :D

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Hey Hey

lorenzofelletti profile image
Lorenzo Felletti

Hello everyone!

kri14 profile image

Hi , i am new to this community and I am very excited to connect and learn new things 😊

hiddencilantro profile image
Steve Kim

Hi everyone, I've recently embarked on a journey to becoming a software engineer at Flatiron School. Excited to be here!

sacpwr profile image
Sachin Uttam Pawar

Hi all,
I am new here i am working as Backend Developer and soon to be Full stack developer. I am very curious developer who like to work on every new functionality in prgramming. I know Java, NodeJs, GoLang, Angular, AWS, etc. Now i am working on NodeJs and GoLang.
I happy to join you guys

raywhizchengz profile image

Hello DEVs. I hope you are all good. I am new here and i'm hoping to gain experience in developing. I have interacted with various frameworks like Angular. I write basic programs in java. Hoping to interact with you guys. Thanks in advance

marville001 profile image
Martin Mwangi

Hello, am new here. Am a full stack js developer

leevanlaningham profile image
Laura VanLaningham

Hello 🤩👋👋

ddnomad profile image

Jiz that’s the laziest iOS app I’ve ever seen 🙃

iamalexbrady profile image
alex brady

Here you are; This is You. #93

adityabhandari profile image
Aditya Bhandari

Hello, DEVs people. I am new here and I'm currently learning Data Science. High on python and ruby.I am glad to be a member of this awesome community. Thank you!❤️

ssingh2101 profile image
Sandeep Singh

Hello people, I am new here. I am a java developer and trying to learn node js. Glad to be a part of this community.

dev33 profile image

Hello 👋

burl21 profile image

Hello 👋

alqahtani profile image
Ahmed AlQahtani

Hello all, I'm Ahmed. Hope you're all doing well

ashwanikya profile image
Ashwani Yadav

Hello, Devs, I am new to this platform. I am iOS developer and I joined this platform to know new technologies.

geobrodas profile image

Hey there just joined Dev! Looking forward to meet more web devs around the world!

rushikesh_aundhakar profile image
Rushikesh Aundhakar

Hello DEVs People... Its my new joining here as one of the member of DEV community.

technoblogger14o3 profile image
Aman Shekhar

Greta to see all the big brains on the same thread. Glad to be a part of it.

impactstunt profile image

Hi, just joined learning Python looking forward to get to know people. Thanks.

_bigbabyboy profile image
Baba landlord🏠

hello,i'm new here just stumbled into web-dev last month still learning but its really hard

linzijayne36 profile image

I’m new here too, but not so new to web development. I first dabbled with it about 9 years ago (very on and off) and then learned a bit more during my OU IT degree. I still find it MEGA tough, like a LOT and I still feel like a beginner even now because I have never really dedicated enough time to it until lately. After a month it will feel difficult! Do it for the pleasure and you’ll soon start noticing how the pieces fit together 👍🏻

iamvs2002 profile image
Vaibhav Singhal

Hey everyone! Just found out the awesome community of geeks here!

m7akaash profile image
Akaash Dutta

Welcome to

vishamdexter profile image

hello lovely people

kabsbhat profile image
Kaustubh Bhat

Hello Dev,

I have come here to learn web development.

adityaa24 profile image
Aditya Anand


weirdguppy1 profile image


hasanulkarimhk profile image

I love DEV! Not only dev, any community that's related to coding is really helpful & friendly. That's what I love about. Take love people who's doing something for this world. ❤️😇

ritesh055 profile image

Hey guys. This is Ritesh here. I am a professional noob😂. Hope to find great community here.

code08ind profile image
Aryan Garg

Hello everyone
I am a full stack web developer from India
And like to code in c++ and Python.

gladyscodes profile image
Gladys Álvarez

Hello DEV world! I just finished my web development bootcamp and I want to continue learning. I'm currently studying JavaScript and React.

renamed profile image
Renato Moura Martins Medeiros

Hello. My name's Renato, I'm 33 and I live in Curitiba, a city in the South of Brazil. I've been working with C#, NodeJS and Ruby on Rails. I hope I can learn and teach in this place.

geeqib23 profile image
Aqib Suhail

Hello, I am currently a beginner in Web Development and i am enjoying learning it. Happy to be a member of this awesome community.

rahulh123 profile image

Hi. I am just a dev who loves game development. I joined this community because it looks good. I am serious 😂. I am a UI designer too and I have an appeciation for unique and interesting styles.

satyajeetcode profile image

Hey guys, I a new to this place. I am into machine learning and python, just reply to this comment or ping me so that we can have a good talk and also collaborate of these topics. Cheers😇😇

manvendra3 profile image

Hello Everyone I am new here and learning C++language

brainyjosh profile image
Brainy Josh

Hello I’m brainy.. been around for a while now but just saw the say hello.. I like to connect with js devs. Been doing this for about 5yrs now.

rubengarcia0510 profile image

Thank you for the welcome
I start new repo in Haskell
I like the implementation of functions of this language
It's very closer to the Math function implementation

katya_pavlopoulos profile image
Katya Pavlopoulos

Hello World! I'm a full stack web developer, recent Lambda School grad, here to learn! Really loving this community so far and look forward to getting to know you :)

zerotechit profile image
Md Nasiruddin Ahmed

Hello Devians.

iamdavidzeng profile image

hello, world!

anonymous7864 profile image

Hello everyone, Cipher here.

panyasw profile image

I am a freelance programmer, live in Bangkok Thailand, I am interest in PHP & Laravel.
Glad to join.

timiofearth profile image

Newbie web developer, kinda feeling overwhelmed.
Hope to get a lot of support from this awesome community.

rezaghari profile image

Hello people!

dangaiden profile image

Finally here after reading many threads...x)
Happy day to everyone! :)

rosemaryly profile image
Rosemary Ly

Hello ! :D

shreyas098 profile image


saleheen profile image
Md Salehin Khan

Hello Devs,
I am new to this community.

zerogame4 profile image
Alejandro Guevara Martinez

Hi DEV people. I am just starting my career as a web developer. I'm interested in community posts.

damiendoescode profile image
Damien S.

Hello There, I Like Python, Bash, Javascript, And Android! Nice To Meet You All! :)

georgesmart profile image

Hello everyone, am new here. I just started my journey in becoming a web developer, am glad to be in this amazing platform. Thank you

wandr profile image
Wandr • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Benji cofounder at Wandr and I'm excited to hear what you think about our video-sharing community app for travelers.

Looking forward to learning more about your topics too.

erendoru profile image


sayandeepmajumdar profile image
Sayandeep Majumdar

Hello World,
I'm newbie here. I'm working as backend developer. Love to work with trendy technology. I'm very happy to join this community.

harshil2306 profile image

Hello first time here! excited to write blogs.

danielleskosky profile image
Daniel Leskosky

Hey everyone! New guy here! This looks like a pretty fun place!

shubhamkumar648 profile image
Shubham Kumar

Hello Dev People , Can you tell me the INterview question of Frontend Devloper React js

damulo profile image

David here. Hello from Spain!

david01300 profile image

Hey my peeps, im on here to learn and advance my programming!!

ashish1692 profile image

Hello 🤩👋👋

kiarash profile image
Kiarash Soleimanzadeh

Hi everyone!

jayeshvora profile image

I'm a newbie here

mubashirmohamed647 profile image

Hello everyone. I'm a newbie web developer, and I like to do it for the sake of fun (; I am currently learning advanced CSS and JavaScript. Glad to be here. Thank you :D!

parthpanchal profile image
Parth Panchal

Hello everyone! Good to be here!