My name is Addy and I’m an engineering lead on the Chrome team at Google leading Developer Experience. We do this through Chrome developer tools, web standards, working with sites & frameworks in the ecosystem and through tools like Lighthouse and Workbox. I give talks about speed and have written books like Learning JavaScript Design Patterns and Essential Image Optimization. I am excited about Developer Experience and how personal software via AI might democratize software development.
To learn more, you can find me on Twitter at @addyosmani
Top comments (118)
Do you think the recent rise in popularity of single page applications using React/Angular/Vue have been good for web performance? To me, it seems too easy to create bundles that are very large and difficult to parse on the client (plus, SPAs can be really complicated, but that is a whole other discussion). Do you think the SPA is the future of web development or is there still a place for server generated HTML?
Great question :) A lot of the sites I profile these days don't perform well on average mobile phones, where a slower CPU can take multiple seconds to parse and compile large JS bundles. To the extent that we care about giving users the best experience possible, I wish our community had better guardrails for keeping developers off the "slow" path.
React/Preact/Vue/Angular (with the work they're doing on Ivy) are not all that costly to fetch over a network on their own. The challenge is that it's far too easy these days to "npm install" a number of additional utility libraries, UI components, routers..everything you need to build a modern app, without keeping performance in check. Each of these pieces has a cost to it and it all adds up to larger bundles. I wish our tools could yell at you when you're probably shipping too much script.
I'm hopeful we can embrace performance budgets more strongly in the near future so that teams are able to learn to live within the constraints that can guarantee their users can load and use your sites in a reasonable amount of time.
SPAs vs SSR sites: Often we're shipping down a ton of JavaScript to just render a list of images. If this can be done more efficiently on the server-side by just sending some HTML to your users, go for it! If however the site needs to have a level of interaction powered by JavaScript, I heavily encourage using diligent code-splitting and looking to patterns like PRPL for ensuring you're not sending down so much code the main thread is going to stay blocked for seconds.
Thanks for responding! PRPL is a new pattern to me, hopefully with more awareness we will be able to use it and techniques like it to get better performance.
What was the book writing process like? How did you balance something so long form with technologies that are constantly changing/improving? i.e. did you have to go back to the 'first chapter' at the end, and update anything?
The approach I take to writing books and articles is embracing "The Ugly First Draft". It forces you to get the key ideas for a draft out of your head and once you've got something on paper you can circle back and start to build on that base. I love this process because you get the short-term satisfaction of having "something" done but still have enough of an outline you can iterate on it.
With my first book, "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns", the first draft was written in about a week. It was pretty awful :) However, it really helped frame the key concepts I wanted the book to capture and gave me something I could share with friends and colleagues for their input. It took a year to shape my first ugly draft of that book into something that could be published.
On writing about technologies that are constantly changing - I think every writer struggles with this. My opinion is books are great for fundamental topics that are likely to still be valuable to readers many years into the future. Sometimes topics like patterns you would use with a JavaScript framework or how to use a particular third-party API might be better served as short-lived blog posts (with less of the editorial process blocking you). You're still spreading your knowledge out there but some mediums are better than others for technologies that change regularly.
This is especially true of the front-end :)
Yikes, it took me nearly 9 months to put together the first draft of Build Reactive Websites with RxJS. What's your secret?
My ugly drafts are really, really ugly :)
It'll sound awful, but I have never intentionally written a book or long article. Often, there will be a topic I'm deeply invested in learning more about or writing about and I'll just try to consistently take time out every day to build on the draft.
With the first draft of the patterns book, I wanted to write an article about the topic so I started there and it just grew. I would stay up late and keep writing into the early hours of the morning each day during that week. The first draft wasn't very long - it may have been 60 pages of content.
However, the very early versions are not something I would have felt confident sharing with anyone. There were many parts with half-complete thoughts. It lacked a lot of structure. Many of these are things you have a better chance at getting right when spending 9-12 months on your first draft. I ended up spending that long on rewrites.
Apropos of books and long articles, thank you a lot for It was illuminating and also very useful to make clients understand that re-inventing image resizing each time is usually not the best move :D
I'm sure you've encountered some real humdingers when trying to optimize slow pages. Got a favorite story about some ridiculous performance bug you've encountered?
Hmmmm. The worst optimized site I've encountered in my career was probably just a few weeks back :) This was a site with a number of verticals where the front-end teams for each vertical were given the autonomy to decide how they were going to ship their part of the site.
As it turns out, this didn't end well.
Rather than each "vertical" working collaboratively on the stack the site would use, they ended up with vaguely similar, yet different things. From the time you entered the site to the time you checked out, you could easily load 6 different versions of React and Redux. Their JavaScript bundles were multiple MBs in size (a combination of utility library choices and not employing enough much code-splitting or vendor chunking). It was a disaster.
One thing we hope can change this is encouraging more teams to adopt performance budgets and stick closely to them. There's no way the web can compete on mobile if we're going to send down so much code that accomplishes so little.
Oh, other stories.
There are so many ridiculous perf stories out there :)
Oh my goodness this is making me squirm.
OMG six different versions of the same library is definitely the result of poor communication. I can't wait for an AI powered browser opening alerts saying "please tell those developer fools that did this website to talk to each other :D"
The imaging thing is all very common.
I've seen galleries/grids of images rendered using the original images uploaded by the operator, which obviously were neither checked for size nor resized automatically.
Those stories sound like they're really easy to repeat though.
Hey Lauro!
Start with a short bullet-list of the main points to convey.
Check if anyone has already written an article on this topic. Is it recent? Comprehensive?
If there's still value in writing, use the bullets as headings and try to write out a few paragraphs around each of them. Link to related articles so folks can dive in deeper to the topic if they like.
Share an early draft with a friend or colleague. It's easy to spend weeks on a write-up only to realize too late that it's not easy for others to digest. Getting feedback early on can help validate where you're at or give you a chance to quickly course correct.
Iterate. If you find you're writing something long, make it very easy for casual readers to still get the main points from a quick read. This might mean bolding certain lines or using a tl;dr at the top of the article.
Relax. Hopefully :)
What are the first performance improvements that you look for when going to a web page?
The first performance improvement that I check for is whether the site can be shipping less JavaScript while still providing most of their value to the end user. If you're sending down multiple megabytes of JS, that might be completely fine if your target audience are primarily on desktop, but if they're on mobile this can often dwarf the costs of other resources because it can take longer to process.
In general, I try to go through the following list and check off if the site could be doing better on one or more of them:
✂️ Send less JavaScript (code-splitting)
😴 Lazy-load non-critical resources
🗜 Compress diligently! (GZip, Brotli)
📦 Cache effectively (HTTP, Service Workers)
⚡️ Minify & optimize everything
🗼 Preresolve DNS for critical origins
💨 Preload critical resources
📲 Respect data plans
🌊 Stream HTML responses
📡 Make fewer HTTP requests
📰 Have a Web Font loading strategy
🛣 Route-based chunking
📒 Library sharding
📱 PRPL pattern
🌴 Tree-shaking (Webpack, RollUp)
🍽 Serve modern browsers ES2015 (babel-preset-env)
🏋️♀️ Scope hoisting (Webpack)
🔧 Don’t ship DEV code to PROD
Phew, extensive list! Love the emojis :)
Could you clarifiy what you mean by library sharding? Awesome list by the way, thank you!
Thank you Addy for sharing the checklist, enough points for my next talk :-)
Great checklist! Thanks!
Hey Addy, thanks for this!
What's your favorite programming language besides JavaScript?
I recently enjoyed digging back into Rust and loved it. It has a pretty expressive type system that lets you convey a lot about the problem you're working on. Support for macros and generics are super nice. I also enjoyed using Cargo.
My first interaction with Rust was in this excellent tutorial by Matt Brubeck back in 2014 called "Let's build a browser engine!" (I hope someone tries to update it!). Perhaps a good future post for someone on ;)
This is from way back, but I find your origin story quite interesting.
I guess you've always had perf on the brain? 😜
And a follow up question. Is the work you did on your "Xwebs megabrowser" what paved the way for all browsers to start serving multiple HTTP connections per domain to load a web page?
Haha. Perf always matters :)
For some back-story, when I was growing up in rural Ireland, dial-up internet was pervasive. We spent years on 28.8kbps modems before switching to ISDN, but it was an even longer time before fast cable internet became the norm. There were many times when it could take 2-3 days just to download a music video. Crazy, right?
When it was so easy for a family member to pick up a phone and drop your internet connection, you learned to rely on download managers quite heavily for resuming your network connections.
One idea download managers had was this notion of "chunking" - rather than creating one HTTP connection to a server, what if you created 5 and requested different ranges from the server in parallel? If you were lucky (which seldom happened), you would have a constant speed for just that one connection, but it was often the case that "chunking" led to your file being downloaded just that little bit faster.
I wanted to experiment with applying this notion of "chunking" to web browsers. So if you're fetching a HTML document or an image that was particularly large, would chunking make a difference? As it turns out, there were cases where this could help, but it had a high level of variance. Not all servers want you to create a large number of connections for each resource but the idea made for a fun science project when I was young and learning :)
Back to your question about this paving the way for browsers serving multiple HTTP connections per domain: I think if anything, it was happenstance that I was looking at related ideas. Network engineers working on browsers are far more intelligent than I ever could have been at that age and their research into the benefits of making multiple connections to domains is something I credit to them alone :)
Thanks for taking the time to reply Addy. Keep up the great work and keep that Canadian @_developit in check. I'm not sure how much he knows about perf 🐢. Better check his bundle sizes. 😉
Hey, Addy! 👋
Nice to have you here. Big fan of your work. I'll get right to the questions:
Looking forward! ✌️
Hey Ahmad! I'll try to answer as best I can here.
In earlier years, this allowed us to form a distinction between developers who learned more heavily on the engineering side (DPEs) and worked on tools, libraries and samples. You could think of this as aligned with a software engineering position. We then had DA roles where there was a little more emphasis on creating scalable outreach (writing articles, giving talks, roadshows).
Over time, these roles have blended quite a lot. It's not uncommon to see DAs who are extremely heavy on the engineering side and even write specs as part of TC39 and similarly, not uncommon to find DPEs who enjoy speaking and writing. I think ultimately the distinction matters less these days than it used to.
Day to day: When I switched over to being an engineering manager, a lot more of my time was spent in coordination meetings with other Google teams, leads and in 1:1s with my reports.
A typical day at the office starts at 7.45AM. I'll usually try to catch up really quick on what's new in the JS community or before diving into meetings for 70% of the day. I reserve 30% for working on design docs, coding or writing articles (if it's not too busy). I wrap up sometime between 6-7 and head back home to hang out with the family and friends.
I love VS Code. Use it everyday. My favorite theme is probably Seti (which I use across my editor, iTerm and
50 small ducks. I like my problems bite-sized ; )
Sad (for me). Is that where this road leads?
It's not all that bad :)
Moving to management can feel like a large change. You give up some of the things you enjoy, like coding as much. Instead of building libraries, you're building teams and helping others build up their careers.
There's only so many hours in the day so you're going to hit a limit on how much you can "scale" yourself. When you're trying to help others develop their skills, it gives you a chance to do more of this scaling. You get to see how they would tackle problems (often in new and better ways than you would).
That said it's definitely not for everyone. I've been lucky for the rest of my time to still give me an opportunity to write or code..sometimes :)
Nuce answers. Thanks for the response 👋
Hi Addy!
I'm curious about your thoughts on Brave Browser with regards to speed / performance improvements.
From my understanding, they're aiming to completely change the advertising model of the web, and their strategy involves blocking tracking scripts and ads. It seems like that's a big part of their speed advantage that they tout, and that blocking those two things are something Google could never do, as it's essential to their core revenue stream.
I still use Chrome because all of my stuff (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) is tied to it, but the few times I've tried Brave, the thing really does seem to fly.
I'm curious about your thoughts on Brave's approach, or about tracking scripts and ads in general.
I often switch between Chrome and Brave on Android and have respect for their work.
Users can't be blamed for trying any solutions that block third-party scripts as they can have a non-zero impact on page load performance. We also see many cases where folks are shipping far too much first-party script and sites need to take responsibility for auditing all of the code (1P, 3P) they're sending down.
Stepping back to the topic of tracking scripts and ads - my personal opinion is we need to explore models for the keeping sites we love monetarily sustainable while ensuring user-experience and user-choice regarding data sharing is respected as much as possible. While I can't comment as much on Google's own strategy here, as a user, I'd be happy if we shifted to sites that loaded fast and were more respectful of our privacy and data-sharing preferences.
Great answer; thanks so much for your reply!
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on WebAssembly.
I'm hiring for a WebAssembly Developer Advocate at the moment so I definitely believe it has a future :)
I'm excited about the potential WASM will unlock for types of applications that were heavily bound to the compute of JavaScript. I think it's going to be huge for certain classes of games, accelerating how quickly well known desktop applications and libraries can be ported to the web (I was playing around with a Vim port in WASM just last night!) and potentially for data-science. At the same time, I don't think it's going to displace the use-cases for JavaScript directly. JS continues to see strong adoption for UI development and I don't see this changing anytime soon.