Below you can either write about why someone might want to follow you or devs you think others should follow and why. Feel free to do both.
Remember that mutual follows can message/pair via DEV Connect, so you're encouraged to follow back and say hey π
Top comments (13)
I'll start with four great devs this week.
Follow @annarankin , who is a full-stack developer with an artsy background. An awesome teacher and community member.
Anna Rankin
Follow @samthor for some really intricate and fascinating posts on a variety of cutting-edge tech. I loved his most recent post.
Sam Thorogood
Follow @yellzheard for really creative coding demos.
Omayeli Arenyeka
Follow @rdegges for really well-written posts on all things security.
Randall Degges
Follow me if you're excited about what we're building at because that's mostly what I talk about but it's kind of hard to avoid me on-platform. π
by the way
@ Mentioning the user and using the tag (
{% user ben %}
), as I have, is a good format. But feel free to use any format you like.Thanks @ben for the shoutout! This'll motivate me to finish the numerous other drafting posts I have waiting to post. π
Follow @kauresss who has been posting some "coding worksheets," which highlight different concepts through CodePens.
Follow @kbk0125 for incredibly high quality articles explaining coding topics through analogies.
Kevin Kononenko
Follow @saigowthamr who has been turning out a tremendous volume of helpful articles, usually introductory articles and step-by-step how to's.
Sai gowtham
@vaidehijoshi makes computer science topics fun. With colored markers!
Vaidehi Joshi
Follow @rhymes for lots of great Python content and more.
Follow @terceranexus6 for security things written so that you can understand and get excited about them.
@sarah_chima writes a ton about Sass and CSS!
Sarah Chima
I've got a lot more, but I'll space them out in future weeks :)
thank you for the shout out!
Follow @jiaqicodes ! She's one of the organizers of Women Who Code in NYC, a frequent conference speaker, and she just published her first post on :)
Jiaqi Liu
Follow me! I mostly post about free resources to learn.
Also don't follow me since I'm looking for a job and I'll be mostly commenting something to get a job.
Follow Sai (@saigowthamr )
π€ Why?
because he posts many useful (mostly front-end) content (many are small enough to read fast & digest) consistently.
Sai gowtham
Follow @frosnerd if you enjoy reading DevOps tutorials.
Frank Rosner
Follow @trekhleb for learning about generally useful programming topics.
Oleksii Trekhleb
That's all I have for now. π
Zell Liew π€
Follow me
Because I ask for obvious questions π
Definitely follow @vickylai and @vaidehijoshi for both great technical writing and great writing!
Vicky Lai
Vaidehi Joshi