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What do you use for password management?

Ben Halpern on September 14, 2019

youbicode profile image

I was not into password managers until I used Bitwarden. It's open source and works perfectly, chrome extension, app on Android/iOS. Saves me time and headache remembering passwords and secure notes.

damienomurchu profile image
Damien Murphy

+1 for bitwarden too - apps and extensions for almost everything, cloud backups (where your data is encrypted locally first), open source, and free

pheeria profile image
Olzhas Askar

It's great! But what do you think of it as being developed by one guy?

napoleon039 profile image
Nihar Raote • Edited

I like Bitwarden as well and I'm using it as my only password manager. I tried using Dashlane but it isn't as good as Bitwarden. There are others like 1Password, but I trust Bitwarden more since it's free and open source.

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

A user from told me about Bitwarden. Highly recommend it also.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Typically password123. That way I don't need a tool to remember anything.

roylarsen profile image
Roy Larsen

I use hunter2

Hopefully noone sees that

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I just see ******** when you type that.

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roylarsen profile image
Roy Larsen

Oh, good. It still works

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jck profile image

Thank you both for throwback laugh! 😂

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

winstonyallow profile image

This is not a safe password. Please try Mb2.r5oHf-0t instead.
According to IT experts it is the most secure password!


codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

I seriously hope this is facetious, because this is the worst possible way of handling things.

dwilmer profile image
Daan Wilmer

Don't worry, it doesn't work. Most websites require an upper case letter and a symbol as well. Password_123 works much better.

And yes, we're joking.

jesperhoy profile image
Jesper Høy • Edited

KeePass on my Windows computers, along with Keepass2Android on my phone, and sync via DropBox / Google Drive (password database file is encrypted by KeePass).

Both are free and open source.

This has worked really well for years.

Ports are available for Linux, Mac, IOS, etc.

stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

This is exactly what I do too except that I use KeePassXC which started as a community fork of KeePassX.

kidpixo profile image

Keepassx is great, I use it for ssh keys with its embedded ssh agent and 2f@ secret, that I store along with qrcode for quick setup.

dbh profile image
David Harrison

Same! I use Dropbox for synchronizing the master file. I can then access it from KeePass (or some variant ) on a Mac, 1 windows laptop, and a PowerBook laptop, and a Linux box.

gsilvapt profile image
Gustavo Silva

I wanted to do this but I always feared one thing: Does this mean that if I update one password somewhere, I have to keep downloading the files in all clients I need? So, if I update one password, I need to update all copies in all clients?

kidpixo profile image

Yes, you do.
Those are passwords manager, non sync client : I like the Unix-like philosophy of doing one thing.
I keep my encrypted password db in sync with gogole drive, but you can use whatever you want.
I know people who are sending themselves the db every time they update something, ugly for me, but it it works for then then +1

easyaspython profile image
Dane Hillard

Like @dbh mentions in another thread, storing the Vault file in Dropbox or another similar cloud-based folder can be a solution for this. The file is encrypted at rest, so it's a fairly safe thing to do. Then the only place you need to sync it occasionally is your phone!

rhymes profile image

I used to use LastPass, now I switched to Bitwarden also thanks to this thread:

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Me too. Though after exporting everything to Bitwarden, I kept Lastpass on my work machine, just to try to consciously keep them separated from my personal passwords in a more definite way than just having different folders.

kip13 profile image

Where I'm working we use a light bitwarden server self-hosted

erikthered profile image
Erik Nelson

I did the same thing, Bitwarden just works a lot more consistently than LastPass ever did for me.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

I never trust password management tools.

They might collect my passwords and sell those info for some other parties...

Or worse, they might get hacked and all my accounts across the internet would be exposed.

I use simple passwords like (123456) for stuff I don't care about, and different passwords for accounts that I care about.

fransk profile image
Frans Krojegård

Yeah, the risk of that happening is way lower than you reusing a cracked/leaked password.

Sounds like the thing that would make you happy (and safe) is keepass, synchronised in a way you feel comfortable with.

jingxue profile image
Jing Xue

I agree that we can't/shouldn't trust the tools, but the question remains - how do you manage the passwords for the accounts you care about? Either your life is incredibly simple or you have incredibly good memory. (Well, come to think of it, either case would be quite admirable to me.)

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

Maybe I have a good memory, and also I help that with the choice of what I call simple-sentence-passwords like


I forget some passwords for stuff I don't use often, say DockerHub account, so I simply restore that password by email in seconds.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited


Open source (esp. cloud solution) means that I should roll my own compilation/server for the app, cuz it's easy to provide an open source app and ship some extra code (that collects your passwords) with the binary.

So no thanks, I don't really wanna go through that hustle.

rhymes profile image

Not really Yaser. Open source means just that, also we are not talking about some random npm package with crypto mining hidden inside, we're talking about tools that are peer verified by security firms:

The code is open source but you can just use the cloud version.

They don't store your passwords, they store the encrypted version and the master key never leaves your device.

My bitwarden account syncs on various browsers and two devices. 1password and the others work just like that.

For why you should use a password manager and not your memory

Troy Hunt is also the person behind Have I Been Pwned, a tool to check if your email is part of various security breaches

Its DB of 500 million leaked passwords is also exposed as an API and currently used by various sites to bar people from using leaked passwords again.

Fun stuff 😂

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yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

The code is open source but you can just use the cloud version.

Yep, and I'm not really into self-hosting my own Bitwarden (which seems pretty safe).

The problem is that you take their words for granted, call me paranoid, but I never trust these words:

Bitwarden does not store your passwords

Why are you providing me the service then? Nothing comes for free dude!

Yes, Troy is pretty popular in the security scene, but again once I heard Gary Vee saying that we (humans) can sniff if someone is selling us something, this is what I mean:

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matteojoliveau profile image
Matteo Joliveau

Bitwarden, like many others, has a free plan and a couple of paid plans that add features like secure team-shared credentials (think developers sharing servers root passwords in an organization), encrypted file storage and security audit logs. As @rhymes said you don't have to take THEIR word for granted, they have been audited by security experts and deemed acceptable. They publish peer-reviewed papers about their crypto setup and have a good reputation.

If this is not enough for you, that's totally fine. But you're really falling deep into paranoia because no real reason for not trusting them has been found yet.

rhymes profile image

Use an open source one that encrypts everything

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

I use Lastpass and their identities feature. This lets me keep home and work (and different workplaces) separate so I don't have to worry about logging in with the wrong account. When combined with the browsers people feature I can easily jump between the identities without having to worry about losing my place with what I'm doing.

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

I have pass on my PCs, which sync with an encrypted Keybase repository. My phones use an Android client for pass called Android-Password-Store which I am a maintainer for. Keybase's git protocol hasn't been ported into a standalone JNI library yet so my phones pull the local git repository from my desktop. It sounds like a lot but it's actually pretty straightforward!

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

I use pass along with tomb. Great tool!

aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

Important ones in my head, others saved to Chrome. 2FA where possible. I believe the best password security is where you don't have to enter it at all so I'm really looking forward to a time when fingerprint etc is mainstream. Right now it's just Google who has that.

rhymes profile image

Fingerprint is not much more secure than a password though, it can be lifted and you never change it in your life, ever.

It's handier for your personal device but biometrics on a mass scale are more about tracking people than they are about providing infallible security.

aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

Not quite, the fingerprint doesn't go anywhere from your device. Check out WebAuthn, it's a new W3C standard

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rhymes profile image

Yes, for device security is OK. what if you're logging in from a computer or a device without fingerprint reader?

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aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

You get the prompt on your fingerprint device. When I login to gmail on my laptop, I get the sign-in prompt on my phone where I have to verify with the fingerprint if logging into some unknown device.

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rhymes profile image

Got it, thanks. It works like a 2fa basically

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aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

Yep, kinda, but better.

sduduzog profile image

Just three days ago I kept receiving prompts to confirm that I'm logging in to a new device, It was obvious someone was trying to log in to my account.

I immediately installed dashlane and changed my email and online banking passwords from what I always used to a generated one

chillhumanoid profile image
Jonathan Thorne

Dashlane is one of the more expensive ones for no real good reason. (Imo), I would recommend bitwarden or 1pass or LastPass (lastpass is mostly free actually now, but their support is meh)

sduduzog profile image

I didn't notice. I also want to try our their vpn and see if it's any good

nooxouille profile image
Mauryl Saint Jalmes • Edited

I am quite happy with the 1password solution + complex passwords.
To remind the master password, I am using a password card (, with extra char. that are only in my head.

gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa

Lastpass - Across Android / Mac for Personal use
1Password - Work use

gorvgoyl profile image

from android user perspective, all these pwd managers are not mature enough ( yes i tried them).
for example:
1) they constantly need to look for new input fields/keyboard open/close activities to capture pwd which is not efficient method tbh
2) they can't auto fill these fields, you need to tap on notification to fill the boxes (huge downer for me)
3) none of them work inside browser. (huge downer again)

Alternative: after various apps trial i found out that built-in google password manager works flawlessly in mobile apps and chrome browser, it also remembers card details etc. For mobile browser i use kiwi (chromium based, you should also switch) which has its own password manager.

I really wish for a pwd manager which works on apps,mobile browser and desktop browser but I couldn't find any :(

kidpixo profile image

You sure?
I use Keepass2Android for autocompletion and it is excellent (not like Google one but I have ally password where I want now).

gorvgoyl profile image

thanks for suggestion. so does this work on mobile browser also? also, what's its advantage over the google one

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kidpixo profile image

Yes, I use it on my android devices.
On desktop/laptop I use KeePassXC

winstonyallow profile image

pass (with git repo for sync) and rofi-pass to have a simple way to use stored passwords.

In the future I need to find an alternative for this. Rofi-Pass relies on x-do and I plan to move over to Wayland.

therealkevinard profile image
Kevin Ard

My company uses LastPass, but we're very unhappy with it. It's probably awesome at first, but once you scale... We're at several thousand shared logins, and I can only HOPE it saves the updated server root password. (I usually put it somewhere else for a few days until I'm sure)

These comments - I'll probably start reviewing bitwarden.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)


Then my husband and I have our Master Passwords written down in our safe and my parents safe in case anything ever happened to us. My parents have the same setup. I think it's pretty important in this day and age that someone you trust knows how to access your accounts in the event that something were to happen to you. Better prepared than sorry!

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

A physical notebook in a secure location and lots of memorization. I never store passwords, so that forces me to remember them daily.

And yes, they're long (15+ characters) and not common.

lazyc97 profile image
Nguyễn Hoàng Đức • Edited

You remember 15+ chars long passwords for all and every sites you use? Remembering frequently used ones is understandable but all of them sounds fictionous to me. And if you use the same password for multiple sites, one data breach can do multiple times the damage.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

At the moment I do very small batches of closely-related sites under the current scheme, but I figured out a scheme to switch to one-pass-per-site.

But, yes, I do remember many dozens of 15+ char long passwords. I also remember my library card number from 12 years ago.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

1Password (the standalone license not the SaaS model)

The password vault is just a file, so either you can move it to other devices yourself or use something like Dropbox if you want your passwords to update automatically across devices.

I like that it's not another server that can get exposed like LastPass (I already have crap on Dropbox so whatever) and that it wasn't a subscription service. You have to hunt to find the page to buy a license, but it's still doable. It's also cross-platform so I have it on my Mac, PC, and Android devices (phone, Chromebook).

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

They're pretty much all cross-platform. A password manager wouldn't be much use if you couldn't use it anywhere else.
I think, out of all the big name password managers, 1Password is the only one that explicitly started as a single-platform product, so everything else is an after-thought. I don't know if that makes it better or worse, though.

sh4d1 profile image

I'm using MasterPassword which is not really a password manager but more like a password generator. On my laptop I use pass as a local cache for my password, decrypting them with my private key on my yubikey. I'm also using the yubikey for managing 2FA access.

cloudy9101 profile image


kendru profile image
Andrew Meredith

I have used LastPass for the past 3 years and have never had a major complaint about it.

nerdharder615 profile image

I started with LastPass but just didn't care for it. There were some nice features, but I had issues with the Firefox extension.

I found Bitwarden and made the switch. After a week or 2 of use, I bought the family version and got everything synced between me and my wife. It is easy enough for her to use, so less tech support for me when it comes to our shared accounts.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

LastPass. Their shared folders make it easy to manage passwords across the organization. It’s cheaper than other options with similar features (last I checked). It was the easiest path to better password security when we had none, even though other options seem more highly regarded for individual users.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

Of course, on the day I say nice things about it, this happens.

jnario profile image
Jose Nario

Started with mSecure in offline mode for many years, then eventually adopted LastPass.

But in addition to a password manager, I use my vanity domain to create a distinct email for each account (which is itself non-guessable).

This makes logging into websites very inconvenient, and yields dozens of distinct email accounts, but that's the point.

nazimboudeffa profile image
Nazim Boudeffa • Edited

Only one password anywhere : BigBrother1983

With a 3 because if someone hear me saying it

No seriously I have all of hem written in excell on my PC with the related account and correspondant site

chillhumanoid profile image
Jonathan Thorne

The files on your computer have a much higher chance of being looked at than your passwords being glanced at in a password manager.

In fact, I remember a while back for windows, Microsoft having access to any and every folder on a computer, Facebook as well.

Whereas a password stored in a password manager is encrypted, the managers peer reviewed by big name security firms, and the only way they can get your passwords is if they can guess the master password or want to spend the time brute forcing and decrypting.

Hell, with options like keepass and keepassxc, where you are the maintainer and host of the database, there's no reason for not having a password manager.

aquilafasciata profile image

I haven't started using it yet, but I intend to start using

It's simple reproducible, and doesn't store anything whatsoever as it's entirely algorithm based. Just choose an extremely strong master password, because no 2FA

itsdarrylnorris profile image
Darryl Norris

Plain Text like this:

cd ~/Desktop/
touch password.txt
echo -e " bestpassword"  >> password.txt

Just kidding I am currently using 1Password.

ashawe profile image
Harsh Saglani

What I use is probably what you should too.

It's my brain.
There are tens if not hundreds of techniques to remember passwords even for different websites. If you want the one I use, you may want to watch the following video that I made. If you like it, do subscribe and explore my other videos.

phillipkent profile image
Phillip Kent Knight • Edited

I use LastPass for my personal but picked 1Password for my team at work because (at least a year ago) 1Password was slightly easier for managing a team.

My only gripe with 1Password:
Currently, 1PW access is based on "vaults" but there is no relational setup.. so if you have Passwords A,B,C in one vault... and one person only needs Password B but shouldnt have access to that entire vault, you have to create a separate instance of that credential that will have no connection (including changes) to the other instance of Password B...

...LastPass allows an individual password to be shareable.

nyanafell profile image
Gael Roussel • Edited

I only use in my case.
It's simple to use, create good / long password, store, encrypt, ...

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

I use forgot password every single time. is it the right way?

lampewebdev profile image
Michael "lampe" Lazarski

I use now for some years.

It works pretty well.

darkes profile image
Victor Darkes


papey profile image
Jean Michel Functional Programming

Bitwarden, self-hosted using the rust implementation.

natevick profile image
Nate Vick

1Password for Family and Teams

nyc4m profile image
Baptiste Prunot

I use LessPass, it doesn't store password, it just recalculate it everytime 🙃

jck profile image

I used to use 1Password but their pricing schemes got a little wonky for casual single person use, moved to Bitwarden and have been extremely happy with it!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

LastPass and I really love it.

andrewdcato profile image
Andrew Cato

I’ve used 1Password for years and have zero complaints.

kelkes profile image
David Wippel

LastPass. The UX is not that good but its works great for teams (sharing client data,...)

kelkes profile image
David Wippel

fwiw. ditched LastPass after the security issues. Moved to 1Password.

erica profile image

LastPass & Enpass

patwoz profile image
Patrick Wozniak

For years 😎

Great cli ;)

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans


cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴


arberbr profile image
Arber Braja

Started using password managers when there wherent many options and the most known at that time was Roboform. So thats what i started usint and thats what im still using.

olegthelilfix profile image
Oleg Aleksandrov

I'm using a MacOs default password manager for a not valuable password and my brain for another.

srebalaji profile image
Srebalaji Thirumalai

Lastpass. Free version.

suyash01 profile image
Suyash Mittal

I remember my passwords for my bank logins and use LastPass to store passwords for all the other sites.

lucis profile image

LastPass! Being cloud based really helps a lot

robincsamuel profile image
Robin C Samuel


jcs224 profile image
Joe Sweeney

Buttercup! Found out about it on the Changelog podcast.

andre profile image
André König
deem3n_r profile image
Dmitri Telinov


leandroruel profile image
Leandro RR

i'm alone here using Karspersky Password Manager. it's great.

almenon profile image

If I told you would that be good password security? :P

deepu105 profile image
Deepu K Sasidharan

Bitwarden. Its OSS, secure and cross platform

utgarda profile image
Evgeniy Tsvigun

I use pass
"the standard unix password manager" - state-of-the-art minimalism, the whole thing is just a bash script calling gpg and such.

garrett profile image
Garrett / G66

LastPass for less important stuff. KeePass for stuff like banks that deserve extra protection.

peksapro profile image
Krzysztof Peksa

For security reason, I don't tell you :)


farahanjum profile image
Farah Anjum

My brain. It's reaching its capacity.

jinksi profile image
Eric Jinks

A mix of Bitwarden for cross-platform and Safari/iCloud keychain because it works so smoothly.

I haven’t figured out a good balance between these yet.

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban

We use LastPass, it works really nice with browsers and on mobile as well. Plus it supports yubikey for MFA

swlkr profile image
Sean Walker
gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

A notepad deep inside my desk 😂.

sinewalker profile image
Mike Lockhart
skydevht profile image
Holy-Elie Scaïde

LastPass. But there's a lot of sites that I don't bother creating an email/password account for. I just use google or facebook depending on the importance of the service.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I use mac's keychain.

jijii03 profile image

Lastpass a lot of people recommended this app for password management and I really love it!

humrochagf profile image
Humberto Rocha + Dropbox = multiplatform pluggable cli awesomeness 🦄🌈

Just keep your GPG key away from your Dropbox password vault.

flrichar profile image
Fred Richards

The gnupg.vim plugin. Transparently edit a text file.

redoxeon profile image
Michael Harding

I use Firefox Lockwise. It's been getting a lot better with the beta releases, and it covers all my needs. Really basic though, so if you need a bunch of stuff, it doesn't do everything.

charlesanim profile image
Charles Anim

Store all my passwords in Google chrome 😁

tammalee profile image
Tammy Lee

I use Passpack.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

I use lastpass for all things passwords. It's really great and serves me well.

nshoes profile image
Nate Shoemaker



utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Lastpass user here. 🖐🏼 It does everything I need it to.
Do I need to check out something else? What are the benefits of using something like, say, Bitwarden?

chathula profile image
Chathula Sampath

Lastpass and google smart lock

evanplaice profile image
Evan Plaice


On both Linux, Android, and OSX if I switch back to using an Apple again.

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

I just use “Forgot password?” every time.
Just kidding, I use bitwarden

ivoberger profile image

I use KeePassXC with the corresponding browser extensions on desktop and Keepass2Android on my phone and sync it using my personal nextcloud instance.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Last Pass is my favorite!

gvetri profile image
Giuseppe Vetri

1Password. They provide a good service, meets my requirement and i have the possibility to pay for it.

misski33 profile image

I use a password book that I bought from Barnes and Noble a few years ago! Best thing ever and I write the passwords in pencil so that if I have to change them I can update.

antonrich profile image

A text file and my head. I mostly type out password so I remember them and they are quite complicated. I used to have more different ones. Now I just have two.

enzzc profile image
Enzo Calamia • Edited

Before, I used a simple text file encrypted with AES-256 via openssl (I had a Vim plugin to handle that under the hood).

Now I use KeePass2 on Linux. It’s local.

mohammadraza02 profile image
Syed Mohammad Raza

BlackBerry Password keeper is the best. I have been using it for a decade. Just the format changes when you upgrade like pkb to pkb2. Its encrypted with complete options

danjconn profile image
Dan Conn

I use Keypass X and Keypass Droid. I don't share any passwords over the internet but manually copy each one to the other. Because I'm paranoid.

thoughtfultp profile image
Thoughtful Technology Partners LLC • Edited

LastPass and KeePassXC are two good options.

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

1Password, the standalone licence, not the SaaS licence.

udiudi profile image

Haven't seen anyone mention this, I use Buttercup. It is open-source, works well for me across my devices.

keithmifsud profile image
Keith Mifsud

Just Chrome. I use the random passwords it offers and then store them within it.

davehoran profile image
Dave Horan

Wow. Now I gotta check out Bitwarden.