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Cover image for Role Casting: Which Developer Path Suits Your Ambitions?
Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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Role Casting: Which Developer Path Suits Your Ambitions?

Welcome to "Discover Your Code," guided by our official DEV moderator, Sloan the Sloth 🦥. This series is designed to help aspiring coders and students explore the coding universe, ignite their passion, and find their ideal career paths.

Today's question is:

How do you visualize your future? As as a software engineer, UX/UI designer, data analyst...?

Responses from newbies and experienced devs alike are encouraged in order to broaden our horizons and showcase different POVs.

Follow the CodeNewbie Org and #codenewbie for more discussions and online camaraderie!

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John Johnson Okah

An ML Engineer with a focus on NPL (finding the Algorithm for Storytelling)