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Cover image for Unravel Your Coding Passion: What Sparks Your Excitement?
Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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Unravel Your Coding Passion: What Sparks Your Excitement?

Welcome to "Discover Your Code," guided by our official DEV moderator, Sloan the Sloth 🦥. This series is designed to help aspiring coders and students explore the coding universe, ignite their passion, and find their ideal career paths.

Today's question is:

What specific aspects of coding and development ignite your passion and curiosity?

Responses from newbies and experienced devs alike are encouraged in order to broaden our horizons and showcase different POVs.

Follow the CodeNewbie Org and #codenewbie for more discussions and online camaraderie!

Top comments (10)

overflow profile image

I am learning everyday the other day I discovered function parameter defaults. It’s always awesome to feel like I’m learning. When I overcome a problem or discover something new. but now I have passed another obstacle. It’s like a micro graduation.

ethanwillingham profile image
Ethan Willingham

I was once given an assignment in a college graph theory class where I was asked to make a custom approximation algorithm of the traveling sales person problem in Java. I made up my own solution and went to work! Designing, Implementing, tossing it all, designing again, implementing, restarting all over again, and then on the third try I got it. It was one of the funnest weeks I’ve had in my life. I’ll never forget this project because it was when was finally sure that I had chosen the right career path, I graduate next week and am starting my own 4 month long solo boot camp curated by myself! Hoping to get a web dev job in the fall/winter!

srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai

Hi! I recently made an open-source project Resume Matcher. And this is something I want to build to help people looking out for jobs and the hiring domain.
And today it's trending on GitHub!
You build for the public and public rewards you with 🧡

Check it out on GitHub:

Image description

kurealnum profile image

I think its the excitement after solving a really tough problem. I don't necessarily like solving the problem itself, but it feels very rewarding!

codingtheself profile image
Alex Miller

I just like the beautiful and Elegant complexity of the code and the coloring and theme of synthax in the IDE.

calculadora_alicia profile image
Alice Calculator

I appreciate the writer for coming up with such awesome content. I want to add to this that you can read Polkadot chocolate blog Este enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva to understand the making of these special gourmet treats and how you can easily buy them online.

suttlebrissetteson profile image

Hello, "Discover Your Code" community! Excited to be a part of this series with Sloan the Sloth . For me, the problem-solving aspect of coding and the ability to bring ideas to life ignite my passion and curiosity in development supermarks accepting. Looking forward to hearing from fellow coders and beginners on their perspectives as well.

peakdev118 profile image

I am very passionate and eager-learner.
Coding is my hobby and I enjoy it.
I love coding very much.

catsarebetter profile image
Hide Shidara

It's changed over the years. It used to be control over an environment (albeit virtually) over the years. Now it's that something that I can make can potentially get millions of users.

boudewijndanser profile image
Boudewijn Danser

Fixing the puzzle, especially if it is in the sweet spot between not too hard / too easy.