In this series, we shine a spotlight on the different DEV moderators — Trusted Members and Tag Mods — who help to make DEV a kind, helpful place. Aside from spreading good vibes and helping fellow community members, these folks also assist us with removing spam and keeping posts well organized by adding and removing tags as necessary amongst other things.
If you want to learn more about what these awesome folks do, I recommend checking out our Trusted Member and Tag Moderation guides. There is information about how to apply in both guides if you're interested in joining up as a moderator.
Introducing Christine Belzie 🙌
This month, we're featuring Christine Belzie, who assists us as a Trusted Member and Tag Moderator for #beginners, #opensource, and #writing. Christine's unique pathway into the industry is not as a software developer, but rather a technical writer. Her goals around championing inclusivity and diversity in the open source world very much align with our values here at DEV and make her an excellent addition to our mod team. I had the pleasure of interviewing Christine asynchronously recently and am siked to share it with you all here. Thank you, Christine!
The Interview
Let's jump right into my questions and Christine's answers!
Michael Tharrington: Can you talk a bit about how you got interested in tech as a non-developer and your goals to become a technical writer for the dev industry?
Christine Belzie: A couple of years ago, I was interviewed for an Instructional Designer position for an EdTech company. Everything went pretty smoothly until I was asked if I had a basic knowledge of HTML. I took a deep breath, and told the interviewer “No”. A couple of days later, I received the classic “We went with someone else” email. From there, I found myself seeing more Instructional Design job postings requesting candidates with coding knowledge, so I decided to learn it. I have a blog post that delves more into the story, so I highly recommend reading it when you get the chance. Now, what got me interested in tech writing, in particular, is the fact that I've been doing a lot of blogging about my coding journey and making docs-related contributions to open-source projects in the past year, so I decided to make that my career path.

Dev Retro 2022: How I overcame imposter syndrome and found my way into coding
Christine Belzie ・ Jan 14 '23
Michael: I’ve noticed that you like to write about open source! What interests you in open source and are there any particular open source projects that you’re following or would like folks to know about?
Christine: Collaboration and inclusivity. When you’re just starting your coding journey, it can be difficult to find a community of people in technology who are supportive and welcoming, and I thank the open-source community for being welcoming and helping me grow in my journey.
As far as open-source projects that I follow, I am a huge fan of EddieHub. It was the very first open-source project that I contributed to when I started my open-source journey. They have an emphasis on collaboration before code and are open to people from non-tech and tech backgrounds, so I highly recommend it for beginners.
I also love LinksHub. It is a project that my colleague, Rupali Haldiya (@rupali_codes), created to provide resources to help developers from all backgrounds learn new skills. Right now, we’re participating in this year’s GirlScript Summer of Code, so I have been helping people in that program with making their first open-source contributions. Being a maintainer for LinksHub and helping GSSoC members has been a great learning experience for me and has expanded my perspective on open source.
LinksHub aims to provide developers with access to a wide range of free resources and tools that they can use in their work. These resources include links to free software, libraries, frameworks, and other tools that can be used to build and deploy applications and websites.
Welcome to LinksHub 👋
LinksHub is a hub of links made for and by the community. Whether you're a new developer, a seasoned technical writer, or a customer service representative looking to learn how to code, we got the resources you need to aid you in your learning journey.
We recognize that there's a wealth of information available, but often, it's a matter of knowing where to find it. That's why we've made it our mission to bring the right resources to you
We are passionate about helping people from all backgrounds start their open source journey. Here are some initiatives that we have partaken in:
Michael: I saw on Twitter that you list in your bio: “Championing #inclusivity in coding spaces”… Would you please talk about why you believe diversity and representation are so important for us to focus on in the tech industry?
Christine: For a long time, I never thought that learning to code was possible because I have never seen women in tech roles. If I had been exposed to organizations like Girls Who Code during my teenage years and college, I would have had more confidence to learn how to code and pursued tech writing earlier. So, I have created Twitter posts acknowledging womxn in tech during Women’s History Month, started Open Source Queens, and maintain an open-source repository that provides links to womxn-founded open-source projects with Amanda Martin (@amandamartindev), so that young womxn won’t experience the same feelings of imposter syndrome as I did.
This is a living document that can serve as a resource for finding people including those identifying as women, transgender people, nonbinary people, and other underrepresented genders leading open source projects and companies, serving as maintainers, or otherwise supporting Open Source.
This is a living document that can serve as a resource for finding people including those identifying as women, transgender people, nonbinary people, and other underrepresented genders leading open source projects and companies, serving as maintainers, or otherwise supporting Open Source.
This resource began in reponse to a discussion post started by Christine Belzie titled Where are all the women owned Open Source projects. In looking for some resources to send Christine, I was unable to find anything thorough or currently maintained and decided to start this project. It is our hope that this resource will get so large that we will have to find a better solution to hold all the amazing resources.
Contributions to this resource are welcome and encouraged.
Click on the to learn how to submit resources.
Alison Gianotto aka "snipe" - Snipe-IT
bashbunni - Devrel @ Charm and other projects like…
Michael How did you first discover DEV and what encouraged you to become a moderator for the community?
Christine: I have been trying to find a way to grow my audience on Hashnode and learned that is another platform where new tech bloggers post their content, so I decided to join the community. I have learned a lot about repurposing content and working with Markdown through this platform. After a couple of months, I decided to become a moderator because I wanted to give back to the community that helped me grow and help amplify the voices of other bloggers, especially those who are not as well known and come from marginalized backgrounds.
Michael: As a fellow non-technical person working in the software dev industry, I occasionally have feelings of imposter syndrome. Do you ever get hit with this same issue and if so, how do you cope?
Christine: I have had moments of imposter syndrome, especially when I first started my coding journey. What has ultimately helped me cope with these feelings is adopting Nike’s slogan: 'Just do it!' I know that sounds difficult, but sometimes, you just have to ignore those negative thoughts that swirl in your head. Know that you have skills to offer, and just work.
Wrap up
Thank y'all for reading. Stay tuned for future mod interviews in this series!
Top comments (8)
Love this!
Congrats @cbid2!
Love it. Congrats @cbid2
Love #opensource 💚
Awesome interview, thanks @cbid2
Thanks for all the work you do in supporting the community!
Amazing! Congrats @cbid2
Amazing! Christine is doing great things for the community
YAY! So happy to see this.