DEV Community

Free Coil trial for all #gftwhackathon participants

Ben Halpern on May 15, 2020

In case you missed it, last week we announced the Grant for the Web Hackathon right here on DEV: ...
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank β€’

πŸ‘‹ I’m working on a submission for the Grant for the Web Hackathon. Please email me information about how to sign up for the Coil trial.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Yup, we'll be circling back to this daily (starting on Monday) to get folks their free trials.

jakesweb profile image
Jacob Colborn β€’

I am in the process of developing an entry. I already have a coil account that I have not signed up for a subscription, would I need to create a new one or just use the existing one?

chrislarry33 profile image
Chris Lawrence β€’

Your existing one should be fine

alispivak profile image
ali spivak β€’

You can use your existing account & enter the personal trial code (which will be emailed to you after you request it from the DEV team) in the membership tab, in the promo code field.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’

Web Monetized browsing sounds interesting. I'd love to try it out 😎

tomas profile image
TomΓ‘s Arias β€’

Hi, would love to test Coil to work on the hackathon, thanks!

projectescape profile image
Aniket β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm going to be participating too!!
Please mail me the information required for the trial

dfoderick profile image
Dave Foderick β€’

Dear Coil. Please reach out to me in regards to Coil membership trial.

nafis profile image
Nafis Fuad β€’

Thanks a lot for arranging this, it would be great to get a free Coil trial for development.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β€’

I would like to test that ! πŸ‘‹

diegotorres profile image
Diego Torres β€’

Hey! I'm the founder of moncon, new way to monetize content! more news are coming soon ;-)
We are working on the apply for the Grant For The Web!
Happy to be here, learn from all of you a try to do my bit :D
@ben Where is my Coil trial??? (Amazing work with Coil, guys)

alispivak profile image
ali spivak β€’

For those who have asked about a trial account on Coil, to activate the trail you will need to create the Coil account, then go to the Membership section ( and put your personal trial code (sent to you by the DEV team) into the "Redeem code" section at the bottom.

atsmith813 profile image
Alex Smith β€’

I'd love to participate! Can you please hook me up via email? Thanks! πŸ™πŸ½

mrmuhammadali profile image
Muhammad Ali β€’

I read about the web monetization api yesterday and really wanted to try it out. I know I'm late to the party but I already have completed gatsby-plugin-monetization. Now I need Coil trial account to create an example for gatsby. Can I get one? Thanks

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker β€’ β€’ Edited

We're submitting a project. And would like to use Coil.

Bibiana @bibschan will need one too.

sharon profile image
Sharon β€’

Working on GfTW Hackathon with @elliot ! Interested in the Coil trial :)

elliot profile image
Elliot β€’

@ben @sharon commented a bit late! Just shouting out, if there are any trials left we would love to use it!

katieraby profile image
Katie Raby β€’

I am participating too and would love to take advantage of the free trial! Thank you ⭐️

abhinavchawla13 profile image
Abhinav Chawla β€’

I'll like to enrol in the free trial as well :)

thelastjosh profile image
Josh β€’

Would love to participate / get access to the trial! Thanks, Josh

ogopedia profile image
Ogoluwa Ojewale β€’

Hi, I would love to test Coil and also for the hackathon, thanks!

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra β€’

Please mail the info.

spiritupbro profile image
spiritupbro β€’

I’m working on a submission for the Grant for the Web Hackathon. Please email me information about how to sign up for the Coil trial.

mazentouati profile image
Mazen Touati β€’

I would like to be part of this.

chriskharel profile image
chriskharel β€’

Please mail me the information. I would love to try this..

suvink profile image
Suvin Nimnaka β€’

Hi I would love to test coil! Please email me!

rohanreddych profile image
Rohan Reddy β€’

πŸ‘‹ I’m working on a submission for the Grant for the Web Hackathon. Please email me information about how to sign up for the Coil trial.

m_nevin profile image
Marc Nevin β€’

This sounds great! I'd love to give this a try!

saidiali profile image
SaidiAli β€’

id love to contribute. Thank you for this

wangonya profile image
Kelvin Wangonya β€’

πŸ‘‹ I’m working on a submission. Please email me information about how to sign up for the Coil trial.

plopcas profile image
Pedro Lopez β€’

Hi, can I please get the Coil trial for the hackathon? Thanks!

nikema profile image
Nikema β€’

I would like a trial account πŸ™πŸΎ

gustavogr profile image
Gustavo Gutierrez β€’

Hi! I'll be submitting a project to the hackathon.

Please email me the information for the Coil trial!

matluz profile image
Matheus Luz β€’

I would like to try

manojnaidu619 profile image
Manoj Naidu β€’

Hi, I would like to take part in it.

4r7d3c0 profile image
4r7d3c0 β€’

can i has coil

princeadeayomide profile image
Ayomide Adeshina β€’

I will like to sign up for the coil trail and expecting your email message.

peterhychan profile image
Peter Chan β€’

Please reach out to me in regards to Coil membership trial.

morphatic profile image
Morgan Benton β€’

I would like to take advantage of the 3-month free Coil trial. Thanks!!!

rohansawant profile image
Rohan Sawant β€’

Hey Ben! I'll be starting soon as well. Sign me up too.

Maybe a Google Form would have been better for this? πŸ˜‡

carlbarrdahl profile image
Carl Barrdahl β€’

Hi, I would like to test Coil. Thanks!

ittus profile image
Vu Minh Thang β€’

I would love to try the Coil trial. Please share the information with me.

itshally profile image
Hally β€’

Hi, my partner and I are participating and really interested for testing the Coil regarding for the #gftwhackathon . I would love to try it out as well, thank you!

nubunto profile image
Bruno Luis Panuto Silva β€’

Hi! I already paid Coil for this month, but I would welcome a free trial for the upcoming months, if possible :)

sujan_sapkota profile image
Sujan Sapkota β€’

Hi, I would like to take part in it.

cjscheller profile image
cjscheller β€’

Please let me know how I can get access to a Coil trial subscription - thanks!

imrishabh18 profile image
Rishabh Gupta β€’

Hi, would love to test Coil to work on the hackathon, thanks!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor β€’

Chaaachiiing! Would love to try out a Web Monetization provider from Coil. Can you e-mail info on how to sign up? Thanks!

aminarria profile image
Amin Arria β€’

Hi, I'm working in a submission for the hackaton.

Please email me information, thanks :D

andreisfedotov profile image
Andrei Fedotov β€’

It's a very cool news! Would you be so kind to provide me with this trial please :)

dguo profile image
Danny Guo β€’

Hello, I'm interested in trying out Coil for the hackathon.

yawnxyz profile image
Jan Z β€’

hi!! Could I please have a coil account for the hackathon?? Thanks!!

wobsoriano profile image
Robert β€’ β€’ Edited

Hi guys. Thank you for this. Would love to test also

hugoliconv profile image
Hugo β€’

I would love to participate and I would like to test coil

jkga profile image
kenabella β€’

Thank you! would like to test coil ❀️

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T β€’

Hi Nice to hear πŸ˜„, I would like to try coil. Kindly send me the information.

brodan profile image
Brodan β€’

Ooooh yes please! Thank you for offering this Coil & Dev!

godwinagedah profile image
Godwin Agedah β€’

I will love to sign up for the coil trial. Please mail me the information

mmmmmmmmmmm profile image
mm β€’ β€’ Edited

Hi! I would like to participate, could I get the free trial? I think I am still able to create a solid project thanks to deadline postponement.

It would be enough if I can get it for one week.

fbr187 profile image
Fbr187 β€’

I would like a promo code please

kevinzepeda profile image
Kevin Zepeda β€’

Hi, iam working on a submission for the #gftwhackathon, i need information about how to signup for the Coil trial

ekafyi profile image
Eka β€’

Hi, can I sign up for the free Coil trial please? Thanks!

potherca profile image
Ben Peachey β€’

Hi! I would also like to receive a free 3-month trial to Coil.
I know there's only a couple of days left, but I hope to complete my entry for the #gftwhackathon before the weekend... 🀞

truex profile image
Andrew Truex β€’

I am participating in the hackathon. Please send Coil trial information!

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis β€’

I have no idea what my invention will be, but I am very excited to figure it out!

jethrojm profile image
Jethro Moller (He/Him) β€’

If its not too late could I please get access to the free trial too! Thanks :)

nesmon_ profile image
Nesmon β€’

I would like to test that :D

n0b00de profile image
Nap β€’

Hey Team would love to participate with Coil.

nescampos profile image
nescampos β€’

Hi, I would like to test.
I am finishing my app for the hackathon.

morganrconnolly profile image
Morgan Connolly β€’

May I get a trial code?

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes β€’

Hi, I'd like to try this out. Thank you!

amitlzkpa profile image
Amit Nambiar β€’

I'm working on a project for the submission and grant and would like to get a free trial.

oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison β€’

Hi, I'm submitting a project today. Would love to test with a Coil trial.

gabrielleonte profile image
Gabriel Leonte β€’

Perfect! Almost ready to start testing on a NuxtJS based app! :D

elliot profile image
Elliot β€’

Hi! I'm working on a submission and I'd like a trial :)

silentdev profile image
Ezekiel Lawson β€’ β€’ Edited

I would love to be part of this I'm building. Small project please kindly mail me

gerardocrdena14 profile image
Gerardo CΓ‘rdenas β€’

I’m working on a submission for the Grant for the Web Hackathon. Please email me information about how to sign up for the Coil trial.

oahehc profile image
Andrew β€’

Hi, I'm working on the hackathon and wish to have trail for testing, thanks!

mia01 profile image
Mia β€’

Can I get a free trial pleeaase :)

kewbish profile image
Emilie Ma β€’

I'd love to get one for testing! Props to the Coil and DEV teams for arranging this :)

tx2z profile image
Jesus Perez β€’

I will love to participate in the Coil trial as well.
For the hackaton, I'm working on a web component to include and manage web monetization in any site :)

downey profile image
Tim Downey β€’

I'm working on a pretty basic entry, but would like a trial to test it out.

kdipippo profile image
Kathryn DiPippo β€’

I'd love to get a Coil trial for the Grant for the Web Hackathon. Thanks for setting this up!

gerardocrdena14 profile image
Gerardo CΓ‘rdenas β€’

Cool, I am interested to use the Coil trial. Would you like to send me more info? Thanks a lot in advance.

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi β€’


I am working on a project for Hackathon, please help me in signing for the free coil trial!

andrewmagdy profile image
Andrew Magdy β€’

That's a great opportunity to test it and hopefully I can get this free trial.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash β€’

I would love to try Coil properly too. And I'm about to have a play with the monetization API in hopes of building something this weekend too.

petr7555 profile image
Petr Janik β€’

I would like to take advantage of this offer too.

jimmy63661378 profile image
jimmy β€’

I am interested in receiving a free trial of coil. I am a developer and am wanting to integrate coil into my creations.

lyndell_jones_33a799910f3 profile image
Lyndell Jones β€’

I would like the trial subscription for Coil please

beaolivei profile image
Bea Oliveira β€’

Hey πŸ‘‹
I am working on a project for the hackathon, I would love to get the trial 0/

binarfan42 profile image
.. β€’
