CodeLand:Distributed is a community-first conference by DEV and CodeNewbie designed to help programmers level up their knowledge, motivation, and career. This year, the conference is entirely remote, allowing you to stay home, stay safe, and join us easily no matter where you are. We look forward to catching you live on July 23 & 24.
Today, we are thrilled to share the first group of speakers for CodeLand:Distributed 2020! 🎉
Meet your speakers (Part I) ...
- Aisha Blake
- Alex Morton
- Beleicia Bullock
[Deleted User]
- Charity Majors
- Erika Heidi
- Josh Puetz
- Mai Irie
- Miranda Limonczenko
- Safia Abdalla
- Sangeetha KP
Vaidehi Joshi
Alex Qin
Amit Nambiar
Denise Yu
Eyal Yavor
Vanessa Mack
Wesley Faulkner
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the second round of talented and inspiring CodeLand:Distributed speakers. Given their expertise and unique perspectives, we're looking forward to one of the best CodeLand conferences ever!
>> Haven't registered for CodeLand:Distributed yet? Secure your spot today! The event starts at $0.

We know how much work goes into drafting submissions. Thanks to everyone who shared a talk or workshop proposal with us. We loved reading your thoughts and hope to see your name in a future CFP down the road.
Top comments (6)
@aishablake @alexlsalt @belebull @mipsytipsy @erikaheidi @joshpuetz @mirie @mlimonczenko @captainsafia @humblefool_2 @vaidehijoshi
Really excited to see such an awesome group of speakers. This is just the first batch, and there will be more great presenters being announced in the coming weeks. I hope you'll join us on July 23/24 at CodeLand:Distributed!
Yay!! What an awesome, interesting lineup of folks--I am so looking forward to this!
So, so, so honored to be among such inspiring folks for CodeLand Distributed! 😁
All the talks and workshops are listed on the site.
I want to say I'm looking forward to a few especially but there are too many I'm really excited about 😄
What an honor to be part of this list!!! Very exciter about Codeland <3