Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.
Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋
If you are new to coding, want to help beginners in their programming journey, or just want another awesome place to connect with fellow developers, check out the CodeNewbie Org!
Top comments (164)
Hi, everyone! I'm a newbie Java developer (started working 3 months ago), with educational background in biology and science. Any tips on how to make my learning process easier are super welcome! :)
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome to DEV, Ana! Hope you enjoy the community.
I'm not actually a developer, but am a community manager here at DEV and one tip I'd give would be to set your experience level via your settings here if you're hoping to get more beginner friendly content.
Anywho, hope ya find this place to be a helpful, friendly resource! 🙌
Welcome to DEV Ana!
Ana means??
Great to hear that, if I may say/suggest:
Note: This is most likely a paid one!
Note: Select the one that's appropriate for you ;)
Note: Same goes with this too
Wish you the best!
Welcome here Shivam 🥳
Stay Consistent & Practice!!
Welcome you too Ana !
Hi everyone!
I'm an iOS developer with 5+ years of experience. I'm passionate about building beautiful and user-friendly apps that make people's lives easier. I have a degree in electronic and communication engineering.
Welcome, welcome!
Welcome here 🥳
Hi Vishal!
Olha, muito bom! Seja bem-vindo Vishal
Hey welcome!
Hi Everyone!
I'm a software developer with around 3 years of experience. Currently working with Scandinavian Airlines - SAS.
Welcome to DEV Shivam!
Welcome to DEV! 👋
Welcome welcome! I'm Rachel, a Content Creator over here at DEV/Forem/CodeNewbie!
Hi Shivam, nice to meet you!
Hiiii I'm Tracy. I'm a Product Marketer. Love to connect with you guys
Welcome here!
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome to DEV Tracy!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the dev.to-community!
I'm Martin, and I worked as a Senior Front End Architect and Engineering Manager at one of the world's largest digital agencies, where I led Front End Teams for international projects. After 15 years, I quit my job. Now I travel the world as a professional scuba diver, work as a freelance Front End Tech Lead and technical Recruiter for international clients. Besides that, I write about technology.
My latest book about Modern Full Stack development will be published in the beginning of next year by No Stach Press. It's an easy, hands-on introduction to creating web applications with Next.js, MongoDB and Mongoose (there's currently a 25% Discount!). You can read more about how to become a published author in my upcoming article about writing books.
I am mentoring fellow developers on another platform as well as on dev.to. I am currently publishing the "LevelUp: Elevate your Career Today" series where I give Career and Interview advice based on my experience as Engineering Manager and Technical Recruiter. (It's bascially free mentoring, don't tell my paying mentees about that :D)
If I have enough time, I write more in-depth articles, for example how to create multi-language pages with next export, which is on GitHub:next-export-i18n and npmjs: next-export-i18n
I recommend following the general tags webdev, vscode , career and productivity and javascript, react, CSS. Head over to your Dashboard and adjust the tag weight to personalize your home feed.
Here's a list of articles to start your journey as a successful developer and a great writer:
If you are looking for your next job, I highly recommend buying the Book De-Coding the Technical Interview Process by Emma Bostian. It is hands down the best preparation for every technical interview.
If you're interested in my articles, follow me on dev.to/martinkr or twitter.com/_martinkr.
If you have questions or want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me on dev.to/martinkr.
And remember to start posting today!
Hello all! I’m an embedded software engineer looking to interact with more of the programming community through writing.
I wrote a short article about my experience with agile development if anyone needs something to read while their code compiles.
Heyo! Welcome to DEV, Wes. 👋
Appreciate ya sharing your article, I just gave it a read and really enjoyed it. You got skills as a writer. Solid takeaways in the end too! Anyway, hope ya enjoy the community here.
Hey thanks! I appreciate the compliment.
Just as a teaser, my next post will be titled “Offensive Programming.” Should be very poignant for devs who hate checking for null.
Haha, nice! I'll keep an eye out for it. 😀
Hi, I’m with IBM Research and based in San Jose, CA. I’m the Community Lead for Open-Source Science (OSSci), a new NumFOCUS initiative – in partnership with IBM – that aims to accelerate scientific research and discovery through better open source. Launched in July 2022, our interest groups – where we connect scientists, OSS developers, and other stakeholders – have been getting under way. Our initial focus areas are chemistry/material science, life sciences/healthcare, and climate/sustainability.
Hi, I'm a Developer Evangelist at KodeKloud. I help developers learn and grow their skills by creating engaging content, organizing events, and building community. I'm passionate about making tech more accessible and inclusive.
Heyo! Welcome to DEV, Awantika. Hope you enjoy the community here!
Hellu! I'm a new dev in C# / .Net and found this site through an ADHD-dev post and feel like I have a lot to learn. This looks like a good place to grow. I'm going through a vocational school towards .Net with some knowledge towards AI and Devops.
GNU Terry Pratchett
Heyo! Welcome to DEV, Robin. Wishing ya the best on your coding journey and hope that DEV is a good resource for ya!
Hi, I'm Chiemelie.
I'm a FullStack Web Developer and an SEO Strategist. My programming langauges are TypeScript (which is what I using 99.9% of the time now), then I love JavaScript. Next.js and Express.js are frameworks I do. I'm into both MySQL and MongoDB databases.