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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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37-Nodejs Course 2023: Break II: Splitting Model

Let's take a break of development, now lets refine our base code.

Creating Model Types

As we can see that we're adding the Model types inside the model file itself, which is fine but not the best practice. So, let's create a type file for the model and move our types there.

// src/core/database/model/types.ts
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import Model from "./model";

 * Base model to be extended with Child Models
export type ChildModel<T> = typeof Model & (new () => T);

 * The result of the paginate query
export type PaginationListing<T> = {
   * Results of the query
  documents: T[];
   * The pagination results
  paginationInfo: {
     * Limit of the query
    limit: number;
     * Results of the query
    result: number;
     * Current page of the query
    page: number;
     * total results of the query
    total: number;
     * total pages of the query
    pages: number;
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We moved here two types, the ChildModel type which we use to extend the return type of the model to match the child model, and the PaginationListing type which we use to return the pagination results.

Primary Id Type

As we can see that in the update method we're adding the id type to be string | ObjectId | number, which is not the best practice, so let's create a type for the id and use it in the model.

// src/core/database/model/types.ts
 * Primary id type
export type PrimaryIdType = string | number | ObjectId;
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Now the model will look like this at its final state:

// src/core/database/model/model.tsimport { Collection, ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import connection, { Connection } from "../connection";
import { Database } from "../database";
import masterMind from "./master-mind";
import { ChildModel, PaginationListing, PrimaryIdType } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model {
   * Collection Name
  public static collectionName = "";

   * Define the initial value of the id
  public static initialId = 1;

   * Define the amount to eb incremented by for the next generated id
  public static incrementIdBy = 1;

   * Primary id column
  public static primaryIdColumn = "id";

   * Connection instance
  public static connection: Connection = connection;

   * Constructor
  public constructor(public data: Record<string, any> = {}) {

   * Get collection query
  public static query() {
    return this.connection.database.collection(this.collectionName);

   * Create a new record in the database for the current model (child class of this one)
   * and return a new instance of it with the created data and the new generated id
  public static async create<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // 1- get the query of the collection
    const query = this.query();

    const modelData = { }; = await this.generateNextId();

    // perform the insertion
    const result = await query.insertOne(modelData);

    modelData._id = result.insertedId;

    return this.self(modelData);

   * Update model by the given id
  public static async update<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Replace the entire document for the given document id with the given new data
  public static async replace<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    const query = this.query();

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndReplace(filter, data, {
      returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find and update the document for the given filter with the given data or create a new document/record
   * if filter has no matching
  public static async upsert<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation
    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",
        upsert: true,

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find document by id
  public static async find<T>(this: ChildModel<T>, id: PrimaryIdType) {
    return this.findBy(this.primaryIdColumn, id);

   * Find document by the given column and value
  public static async findBy<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    column: string,
    value: any,
  ): Promise<T | null> {
    const query = this.query();

    const result = await query.findOne({
      [column]: value,

    return result ? this.self(result as Record<string, any>) : null;

   * List multiple documents based on the given filter
  public static async list<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any> = {},
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query.find(filter).toArray();

    return => this.self(document));

   * Paginate records based on the given filter
  public static async paginate<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    page: number,
    limit: number,
  ): Promise<PaginationListing<T>> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query
      .skip((page - 1) * limit)

    const totalDocumentsOfFilter = await query.countDocuments(filter);

    const result: PaginationListing<T> = {
      documents: => this.self(document)),
      paginationInfo: {
        result: documents.length,
        total: totalDocumentsOfFilter,
        pages: Math.ceil(totalDocumentsOfFilter / limit),

    return result;

   * Delete single document if the given filter is an ObjectId of mongodb
   * Otherwise, delete multiple documents based on the given filter object
  public static async delete<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: PrimaryIdType | Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<number> {
    const query = this.query();

    if (
      filter instanceof ObjectId ||
      typeof filter === "string" ||
      typeof filter === "number"
    ) {
      const result = await query.deleteOne({
        [this.primaryIdColumn]: filter,

      return result.deletedCount;

    const result = await query.deleteMany(filter);

    return result.deletedCount;

   * Generate next id
  public static async generateNextId() {
    return await masterMind.generateNextId(

   * Get last id of current model
  public static async getLastId() {
    return await masterMind.getLastId(this.collectionName);

   * Get an instance of child class
  protected static self(data: Record<string, any>) {
    return new (this as any)(data);

   * Get collection name
  public getCollectionName(): string {
    return this.getStaticProperty("collectionName");

   * Get collection query
  public getQuery(): Collection {
    return this.getStaticProperty("query")();

   * Get connection instance
  public getConnection(): Connection {
    return this.getStaticProperty("connection");

   * Get database instance
  public getDatabase(): Database {
    return this.getConnection().database;

   * Get static property
  protected getStaticProperty(property: keyof typeof Model) {
    return (this.constructor as any)[property];
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Splitting Base Model

As you can see, the base model is getting bigger and bigger. So, we need to split it into multiple classes, we can do it by couple of ways, but let's use the simplest one, which is the inheritance.

Let's create the BaseModel class.

Base Model

The base model will be the top class that will contain the basics methods and static properties for the model.

// src/core/database/models/base-model.ts
import { Collection } from "mongodb";
import connection, { Connection } from "../connection";
import { Database } from "../database";
import masterMind from "./master-mind";
import Model from "./model";

export default abstract class BaseModel {
   * Collection Name
  public static collectionName = "";

   * Define the initial value of the id
  public static initialId = 1;

   * Define the amount to eb incremented by for the next generated id
  public static incrementIdBy = 1;

   * Primary id column
  public static primaryIdColumn = "id";

   * Connection instance
  public static connection: Connection = connection;

   * Constructor
  public constructor(public data: Record<string, any> = {}) {

   * Get collection query
  public static query() {
    return this.connection.database.collection(this.collectionName);

   * Generate next id
  public static async generateNextId() {
    return await masterMind.generateNextId(

   * Get last id of current model
  public static async getLastId() {
    return await masterMind.getLastId(this.collectionName);

   * Get an instance of child class
  protected static self(data: Record<string, any>) {
    return new (this as any)(data);

   * Get static property
  protected getStaticProperty(property: keyof typeof Model) {
    return (this.constructor as any)[property];

   * Get collection name
  public getCollectionName(): string {
    return this.getStaticProperty("collectionName");

   * Get collection query
  public getQuery(): Collection {
    return this.getStaticProperty("query")();

   * Get connection instance
  public getConnection(): Connection {
    return this.getStaticProperty("connection");

   * Get database instance
  public getDatabase(): Database {
    return this.getConnection().database;
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Now let's update our model to extend that model.

// src/core/database/models/model.ts
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import BaseModel from "./base-model";
import { ChildModel, PaginationListing, PrimaryIdType } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends BaseModel {
   * Create a new record in the database for the current model (child class of this one)
   * and return a new instance of it with the created data and the new generated id
  public static async create<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // 1- get the query of the collection
    const query = this.query();

    const modelData = { }; = await this.generateNextId();

    // perform the insertion
    const result = await query.insertOne(modelData);

    modelData._id = result.insertedId;

    return this.self(modelData);

   * Update model by the given id
  public static async update<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Replace the entire document for the given document id with the given new data
  public static async replace<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    const query = this.query();

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndReplace(filter, data, {
      returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find and update the document for the given filter with the given data or create a new document/record
   * if filter has no matching
  public static async upsert<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation
    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",
        upsert: true,

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find document by id
  public static async find<T>(this: ChildModel<T>, id: PrimaryIdType) {
    return this.findBy(this.primaryIdColumn, id);

   * Find document by the given column and value
  public static async findBy<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    column: string,
    value: any,
  ): Promise<T | null> {
    const query = this.query();

    const result = await query.findOne({
      [column]: value,

    return result ? this.self(result as Record<string, any>) : null;

   * List multiple documents based on the given filter
  public static async list<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any> = {},
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query.find(filter).toArray();

    return => this.self(document));

   * Paginate records based on the given filter
  public static async paginate<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    page: number,
    limit: number,
  ): Promise<PaginationListing<T>> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query
      .skip((page - 1) * limit)

    const totalDocumentsOfFilter = await query.countDocuments(filter);

    const result: PaginationListing<T> = {
      documents: => this.self(document)),
      paginationInfo: {
        result: documents.length,
        total: totalDocumentsOfFilter,
        pages: Math.ceil(totalDocumentsOfFilter / limit),

    return result;

   * Delete single document if the given filter is an ObjectId of mongodb
   * Otherwise, delete multiple documents based on the given filter object
  public static async delete<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: PrimaryIdType | Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<number> {
    const query = this.query();

    if (
      filter instanceof ObjectId ||
      typeof filter === "string" ||
      typeof filter === "number"
    ) {
      const result = await query.deleteOne({
        [this.primaryIdColumn]: filter,

      return result.deletedCount;

    const result = await query.deleteMany(filter);

    return result.deletedCount;
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What we did here is we moved all variables and connection methods to the base class, the Model now is left with CRUD operations which are common for all models.

But let's move these crud operations also to another base class, let's call it CrudModel, that CurdModel will extend the BaseModel and the Model will extend the CrudModel.

// src/core/database/models/crud-model.ts
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import BaseModel from "./base-model";
import { ChildModel, PaginationListing, PrimaryIdType } from "./types";

export default abstract class CrudModel extends BaseModel {
   * Create a new record in the database for the current model (child class of this one)
   * and return a new instance of it with the created data and the new generated id
  public static async create<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // 1- get the query of the collection
    const query = this.query();

    const modelData = { }; = await this.generateNextId();

    // perform the insertion
    const result = await query.insertOne(modelData);

    modelData._id = result.insertedId;

    return this.self(modelData);

   * Update model by the given id
  public static async update<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Replace the entire document for the given document id with the given new data
  public static async replace<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    id: PrimaryIdType,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    const query = this.query();

    const filter = {
      [this.primaryIdColumn]: id,

    const result = await query.findOneAndReplace(filter, data, {
      returnDocument: "after",

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find and update the document for the given filter with the given data or create a new document/record
   * if filter has no matching
  public static async upsert<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    data: Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<T> {
    // get the query of the current collection
    const query = this.query();

    // execute the update operation
    const result = await query.findOneAndUpdate(
        $set: data,
        returnDocument: "after",
        upsert: true,

    return this.self(result.value as Record<string, any>);

   * Find document by id
  public static async find<T>(this: ChildModel<T>, id: PrimaryIdType) {
    return this.findBy(this.primaryIdColumn, id);

   * Find document by the given column and value
  public static async findBy<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    column: string,
    value: any,
  ): Promise<T | null> {
    const query = this.query();

    const result = await query.findOne({
      [column]: value,

    return result ? this.self(result as Record<string, any>) : null;

   * List multiple documents based on the given filter
  public static async list<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any> = {},
  ): Promise<T[]> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query.find(filter).toArray();

    return => this.self(document));

   * Paginate records based on the given filter
  public static async paginate<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: Record<string, any>,
    page: number,
    limit: number,
  ): Promise<PaginationListing<T>> {
    const query = this.query();

    const documents = await query
      .skip((page - 1) * limit)

    const totalDocumentsOfFilter = await query.countDocuments(filter);

    const result: PaginationListing<T> = {
      documents: => this.self(document)),
      paginationInfo: {
        result: documents.length,
        total: totalDocumentsOfFilter,
        pages: Math.ceil(totalDocumentsOfFilter / limit),

    return result;

   * Delete single document if the given filter is an ObjectId of mongodb
   * Otherwise, delete multiple documents based on the given filter object
  public static async delete<T>(
    this: ChildModel<T>,
    filter: PrimaryIdType | Record<string, any>,
  ): Promise<number> {
    const query = this.query();

    if (
      filter instanceof ObjectId ||
      typeof filter === "string" ||
      typeof filter === "number"
    ) {
      const result = await query.deleteOne({
        [this.primaryIdColumn]: filter,

      return result.deletedCount;

    const result = await query.deleteMany(filter);

    return result.deletedCount;
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We just moved the CRUD operations to the CrudModel and the Model now is mostly empty, but we need to make it extend the CrudModel.

// src/core/database/models/model.ts
import CrudModel from "./crud-model";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {}
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Now the model is pretty much clean xD, but we're really really good now as we can split the low level code to be in the BaseModel class, and the crud operations in another class, which will leave a good space to our Model class to have its own methods and properties as we didn't start doing it yet.

🎨 Conclusion

In this article, we created a types file and move our declarations there, we also split the model into two base classes, one contains the base methods and the other contains the CRUD operations.

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