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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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90-Nodejs Course 2023: Restful Routes: Restful Resource

So, we got to know what is meant by Restful Api concept, now let's start implementing it in our project.


Before we start implementing the Restful Api concept, we need to know the workflow of the project, so we can understand how to implement it.

Our first step is to create a route.resource method, this method will be used to generate all the routes for a specific resource, so we need to pass the resource name to it.

This method is supposed to generate the following routes:

  1. GET /resource - Get all resources
  2. GET /resource/:id - Get a specific resource
  3. POST /resource - Create a new resource
  4. PUT /resource/:id - Update a specific resource
  5. DELETE /resource/:id - Delete a specific resource
  6. PATCH /resource/:id - Update a specific resource

The second argument is resource object, that object should have certain methods, each method represents a handler for a specific route, so we need to pass the handler for each route to the resource object.

For example:

const resource = {
  list: listUsers,
  get: getSingleUser,
  create: createUser,
  update: updateUser,
  delete: deleteUser,
  patch: patchUser,
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So based on what the resource contains, we'll add the routes accordingly.

The other good feature is that we can also pass route options to be used with these routes, as we do with single route call.

We'll also use route name feature to name the routes, so we can use them in the future.

Enough talking now let's move to the code.


First off, let's define our Resource Type.

// src/core/router/types.ts

/** Route resource */
export type RouteResource = {
   * list route
  list?: RouteHandler;
   * Single resource route
  get?: RouteHandler;
   * Create resource route
  create?: RouteHandler;
   * Update resource route
  update?: RouteHandler;
   * Patch resource route
  patch?: RouteHandler;
   * Delete resource route
  delete?: RouteHandler;
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So we just defined a type that is used to define the resource object, it contains all the methods that will be used to handle the routes, the handler is the same as the single route handler, so nothing new here.

Resource Method

Now let's define our resource method, this method will receive three arguments, the first one is the resource path, the second one is the resource object, and the third one is the route options.

We need also to set the resource name if it is not passed in the options, let's see in action.

// src/core/router/index.ts
import { ltrim, merge, toCamelCase } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
// ...
   * Add full restful resource routes
   * This method will generate the following routes:
   * 1. GET /path: list all resources
   * 2. GET /path/:id: get a single resource
   * 3. POST /path: create a new resource
   * 4. PUT /path/:id: update a resource
   * 5. DELETE /path/:id: delete a resource
   * 6. PATCH /path/:id: update a resource partially
  public resource(
    path: string,
    resource: RouteResource,
    options: RouteOptions = {},
  ) {
    // get base resource name
    const baseResourceName = || toCamelCase(ltrim(path, "/"));

    if (resource.list) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".list";
      this.get(path, resource.list, { ...options, name: resourceName });

    if (resource.get) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".get";

      this.get(path + "/:id", resource.get, { ...options, name: resourceName });

    if (resource.create) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".create";, resource.create, { ...options, name: resourceName });

    if (resource.update) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".update";

      this.put(path + "/:id", resource.update, {
        name: resourceName,

    if (resource.patch) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".patch";

      this.patch(path + "/:id", resource.patch, {
        name: resourceName,

    if (resource.delete) {
      const resourceName = baseResourceName + ".delete";

      this.delete(path + "/:id", resource.delete, {
        name: resourceName,

    return this;
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Nothing hard here, firstly i got the baseResourceName, you can pass it in the options list, otherwise it will be taken from the path.

const baseResourceName = || toCamelCase(ltrim(path, "/"));
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toCamelCase is used to transform the path to camel case, for example users-groups will be transformed to usersGroups.

And i used ltrim to remove the / from the path, so if the path is /users it will be users.

Then we checked for each route type, we started with list, if it exists we'll add the route, we used the baseResourceName and added .list to it, so the route name will be users.list for example, then we added it as a route to our router system.

And the same applies for the rest of the routes.


Now let's see how we can use it.

// src/app/users/routes.ts
import router from "core/router";
import login from "./controllers/auth/login";
import listUsers from './controllers/users/list';
import getUser from './controllers/users/get';
import createUser from './controllers/users/create';
import updateUser from './controllers/users/update';
import patchUser from './controllers/users/patch';

const restfulUser = {
    list: listUsers,
    get: getUser,
    create: createUser,
    update: updateUser,
    patch: patchUser,

router.resource("/users", restfulUser);"/login", login);
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And that's it!, now you can use the resource routes in your application.

🎨 Conclusion

In this article, we learned how to create a resource route, and how to use it in our application.

In our next article, we'll see how to create our first Restful Class, that manages everything within a one place!, stay tuned.

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