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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on April 26, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
amejiarosario profile image
Adrian Mejia

This week, I published my new book about Algorithms in JavaScript!

jess profile image
Jess Lee • Edited

This week, I...'hunted' the DEV Android app on Product Hunt! Big shoutout to @maestromac who lead the project. Definitely one of the more special weeks we've had -- lots of wins as a team with lots of merged PRs 😉

Personally, I tried out a new kickboxing gym where they didn't just have you hit a bag, but each other! I loved it.


mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Kicking each other is lots of fun! I used to do that.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank • Edited

This week, I finally figured out how to solve a semi-technical problem that I've been battling off-and-on for over a month. It required some lateral thinking, tons of trial/error, and many frustrating dead ends before finally arriving at an elegant solution that will be scalable and maintainable going forward.

My reaction upon realizing it was all going to work:
such relief

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Can you give a gist on which problem you were brainstorming on ?

healeycodes profile image
Andrew Healey • Edited

This week, someone that I'm mentoring completed a big Python project! I'm in awe of their passion and work ethic. They inspire me 😊.

an excited dear

katiekodes profile image
Katie • Edited

This week, I...

  • Made quiche
  • Made guacamole
  • Went off social media for days (feels great)
  • Got weeks of clean laundry put away
  • Jumped right back into the saddle with exercise after traveling
  • Am keeping my head just above water with traveling, working, coding, blogging, and speaking commitments (how did I let all this pile up in a 2-week timeslot?), which is better than not managing it!
  • Implemented my first coding project using a "stack" data structure (turning a timestamped log file into an XML tree)
jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

Guacamole... that's like a year's worth of win!

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I learned basic 3D design in SketchUp, and started designing a coffee table I'm going to start building this weekend!

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

So cool!

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Don't forget the progress pictures!

That top panel will be a bit of a challenge in precision cuts.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks • Edited

Here's the top, all cut, but unfinished:

Day 1 progress

By the magic of unintentional mathematics, the angles on the top ended up being exactly 22.5 degrees, which is easily marked out on my chop saw and so everything fit together quite nicely. I've got the rest of the wood cut too, but by that it was too dark for the pics to turn out.

I plan on writing up an article here in a couple weeks when it's finished about what programmers can learn from woodworking (with many more progress pics), so stay tuned for that!

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

This week, my girlfriend and I finished moving into our new apartment! We're super stoked about it. A lot more space for us and the cats, plus a washer and dryer in unit 🙌🙌 (fuck the laundromat). It's great!

jess profile image
Jess Lee


darrenvong profile image
Darren Vong

This week, I finally gathered enough energy to publish my first independent tech blog post about my experience of going to React Amsterdam on my own! 🎉

I did it!

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

My team got through all of the incremental improvements that I proposed to unify a legacy cruise pricing system. It will be nice not having to work with a different copy-pasted-modified set of spaghetti code for each cruise line in the future.

red panda working out

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Accepted a job offer earlier this week. I'm officially an employee for the first time in my life. Yay!

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro


alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Muchas gracias!

mjraadi profile image
Mohammadjavad Raadi • Edited

This week, I

  • Worked on a new deployment strategy for my client's Microsoft Windows PCs,
  • Worked on Rspamd to fight spam emails for new servers,
  • And most importantly, submitted a new PR to It's not a big deal or a major contribution but it feels great to see my contribution in action every time I go to my dashboard. You guys are awesome.

Poor Internet connection, no gif for you today. :)

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly

This week, I...

Moved my legacy project from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.1. Now I can finally use scalar type hints and upgrade some of the packages!

aksfjh profile image

I transitioned a legacy system from synchronous polling to a new implementation of asynchronous message brokers. This sped up the processing of items from 4x to 100x depending on the environment, while learning the ins-and-outs of message broker design and implementation.

thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein

This week, I released my first public library on PyPi!

asfaltboy profile image
Pavel Savchenko

Love your opinionated changes, nice one!

capital_eks profile image
Capital 🌸🐑 Ex

This week, I managed to get IBM Speech-to-Text working for a group project. There is still a lot left to work out, though 😅

aandreev0 profile image
andrey a • Edited

This week, I...

Reanimated code that I haven't touched in like 4 months. A lot of mental energy went into this because I was scared that it won't run, or it will return some weird results.

I am working on scientific paper and thesis, so stress is moderate.

At the end code was OK, I fixed minor bugs, and start making progress again.

themafro profile image
Matthew Francis

This week, I was awarded a scholarship and also finished my first mobile web app for my course ☺️

Booker T

voins profile image
Alexey Voinov

This week, I was able to find a way to speed up our build. Someone before me thought that having a cmake configuration that checks and our internal git repo (and updates dependencies to master without asking you) each time you run compilation is a great idea. I've found a way to leave the default behavior as it is and to implement completely offline experience on demand (for me, personally). I'll code it over the weekend and be happy :)

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl • Edited

This week, I finally solved the issue of clearing blank cells in a minesweeper clone using Recursion. I started a MineSweeper clone using React that I imaginatively called "React Sweeper" and after some finagling, I got most of it to work.

Except for clearing blank cells.

For those of you who don't know MineSweeper, when you click on a blank cell, all the adjacent blank cells clear, as well as the numbers around the edge of the area. I knew the way to implement this would probably be recursion, but I had trouble figuring it out.

I sat on it for a month.

I came back to it this afternoon and finally got it to work. At first I used Array methods, like .map, but that turned out to be very slow, because it resulted in an array that had arrays in it, and flattening such an array got expensive. My largest minesweeper grid would crash because it got too slow. So I replaced .map with an old school for(;;) loop, which helped me avoid having to flatten the array and sped everything up significantly. Now clearing the largest grid still has a small noticeable delay, but less than a second.

It is now complete. It is my first time actually using npm run build on a React App, and my first time deploying a React app to Netlify.

It uses React Router, Styled-Components, CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox.


jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

This week (today), my .NET Core open source project Coravel, which is almost 11 months old, reached over 10,000 downloads!


helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson • Edited


seawolf profile image

This week, I... started to make time every week for a review/retro journal... here on!

The more it takes to solve a problem, the bigger an opportunity for improvement.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

I finally have 500+ LinkedIn connections.

Honestly tried like 5 mins to embed this gif and gave up

mjraadi profile image
Mohammadjavad Raadi • Edited

this is the correct URL.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

Thank you bud.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

![](gifLinkHere) embeds images/gifs 👍

kdraypole profile image
Kobe Raypole

This week, I...started to contribute to the codebase. I'm starting with small PRs until I get comfortable with the workflow. Then hopefully I will be able to help contribute to making the site as awesome as it can be!

git merge

jdmedlock profile image
Jim Medlock

This week, I completed an app that extracts and analyzes metrics from both Discord and GitHub to measure progress and effectiveness of a development organization I work with.


molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) • Edited

My win this week wasn't quite dev related, but rather was due to my recent attempt to get more involved with the online dev community and my biggest fan noticed.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I installed Windows for the first time in like four years. Did it in a VM. Got Python running, and the code for my client. The win is that I didn't get angry once! :)

I also came up with a yummy steamed cabbage recipe, along with a vegan bolognese.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

This week, I...refactored a React w/ TypeScript app to use React Hooks ❗

-No more class components, no more this.

silvestricodes profile image
Jonathan Silvestri

This week, my second post in my Empathy in Tech series out. It's on Cognitive Therapy.

Party Pig

bizzy237 profile image

This week, I... moved a few months of work from test environment to production (note to self: plan vacations more often, seems like that's what triggers our deployment times). Also got a confirmation that I'm getting a raise (it was planned for some time but finally signing the paperwork definitely felt good)

andrerpena profile image
André Pena

This week, I...

Released a side project I've been working on for 4 months now,, an agreggator for remote developer job.

Remoted is cool because it has better filter options then the other aggregators. It also has a nice Graphql API at

I'm now starting to work on the sitemap and newsletter for new jobs.

I'm really happy.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
karandikarmihir profile image
Mihir Karandikar

Not related to tech but this was important to me.

This week I finally started making my way back to coding after a bitter breakup with my girlfriend. It's been tough 6 months and I've neglected coding for a long time now.

Hopefully I'll start working on something interesting from this weekend itself!

To anyone out there having hard time, remember that it's ok to take your time. Mental health > Work. If your mind+body+soul is happy, everything will fall in place :)

ianrathbone profile image
Ian Rathbone

This week, I... came back from the Easter break to a work team that has doubled in size. We assembled, planned out the new 8 weeks worth of work and managed to do it in less time than we did it with a smaller team.

Excited to see where we go!


biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /

This week, I... created my own blog with github pages and jekyll 🦸‍♂️🚀💪 :

I cross-posted most of my DEV posts to there.

So happy!

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

This week, I...

Made my first two pull requests and so far one was accepted, credit goes to @ksato1995 for starting me down the path.

aroup profile image
Aroup Goldar Dhruba

This week, me and my friend @uraniumreza had built and deployed web and android apps which will revolutionize the saloon industry in my country.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

This week, I...received an email from which stated that I'm now one of the two tag moderators for #python & #beginners. This is one step for me to learn how to be more civil online, another step to read more articles for more learnings and experience & another to learn how to collaborate online. 🍻 🍻

jaimetrejo profile image
Jaime Trejo

This week, I completed an android UI update for a plugin I'm working at work and got a C# project (haven't worked on one before) handed to me.

Also, spent like 10-12 hours cleaning my yard haha.

igorsushko1 profile image
IgorSushko1 • Edited

This week, I try finish calculator, but wrote only a half because i spended a lot of time in react-state/ but did a half and understend a lot its very good too...

luispa profile image

This week, I finished my first month as a Frontend Engineer at

victorosilva profile image
Victor Silva

This week, I...

  • applied for driving lessons & license
  • uninstalled all social media (except for this one) so I can focus on more significant stuff


katiekodes profile image
Katie • Edited

This week, I got a conference proposal selected to the conference of my choice!

_justirma profile image
Irma Mesa

This week, I...recorded a podcast episode with a guest. We talked about what to look out for when starting your own product or startup.


bin95 profile image

This week, I...learnt to add PWA to the site. woah to myself :-)

pra3t0r5 profile image

This week, I...

Brought an idea to life that will guarantee to save around 5000 lines of mapping coded manually, also improving performance.

In around 15 lines of code.

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

This week, I deployed code to a production site and didn’t blow anything up! :)

blackbird profile image
Omkar Ajnadkar • Edited

This week, I...
✔️completed my undergrad 6th sem written exams...(Finally)...2 more to go...
2 month holidays coming....