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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on November 15, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

I started a new job!! As a backend developer. This is a huge win for me given that I am In my last year of college. Thanks in large part to my articles, the interview process was all smooth sailing.

sduduzog profile image

I swear this platform is changing lives. I have my own success stories that started here. Congratulations on landing the job

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Share them on a post. I'd love to read your success story.

I agree, is an amazing platform for personal growth.

srikanthm9 profile image
Srikanth Mokkapati

This is something happened to me today...I did not get the confirmation yet, but my performance satisfied myself in the interview. Thanks, to Dev.To.

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

🎊 I hope you get your win as well. Reply to this when the confirmation comes!!! All the best. 🎊

Continue contributing to the community in your own little way whenever you can.

jess profile image
Jess Lee


prashant profile image
Prashant Nigam

Great and best of luck with your new job

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Thank you.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

This cracked me up 😂😂. Thanks Nick.

tuwang profile image


jess profile image
Jess Lee

I listened to my interview on The Stack Overflow podcast and didn't cringe to death 😅

play pause The Stack Overflow Podcast
erikthered profile image
Erik Nelson

Congrats! I'm looking forward to giving this a listen soon.

Still me when I hear my voice on anything:
shut up shut up

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

My wife brought home a Stranger Things LEGO set yesterday and we're gonna do some building tonight! 🙌 🙌

I just might consider giving this to my niece and nephew after we've had our fun... that's a hard might.

tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy 🧚‍♂️


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited



tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy 🧚‍♂️

I 💖 that gif! Thx Nick! :)

prashant profile image
Prashant Nigam

Quite a prolific week. Great stats and congrats

tarasnovak profile image
dataPixy 🧚‍♂️ • Edited

hey, I am a prolific dev! They don't call me dataPixy for nothing :) Just b/c I have not blogged for years doesn't mean I can't spread my wings in prose. Most of them were just my reposts & some recent updates I am working on ...

On a serious note, I was quite surprised by those week 1 stats. Turns out there are more devs interested in my vscode dataViz tools content on this platform than on Twitter.

Will def. post my dev tools updates on from now on since it looks like it's where good hands-on devs congregate lately :)

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

I joined and people actually noticed my little article. I didn't think anyone would care about what I had to say, but some folks did. That was kinda cool.

trackrunner profile image
Laszlo Toth

Nice, you just joined and already wrote an article! I am new member too, but I am far away from write anything right now. I am at my early learning process :)
I read your article, and however not everything is clear I see you put the effort, so well done.

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

Ok. Joining a community is always a great step in the right direction. I think with practice and experience, I'll get better at writing to make myself clearer :).

jess profile image
Jess Lee


thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

I resigned from my dead end admin job to focus on Flatiron School full-time! 🎉

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Woohoo, good luck!

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I got a new job! I bypassed the interview because I'm an active contributor in a 200k community of Filipino Freelancers and the recruiter got familiar with my name

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

congrats. This is very cool.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard • Edited

Launched (an alternative to Meetup), and got 50 live groups, with over 100 more already registered but not live yet!

saviobosco profile image

That's great. I would love to contribute if you dont mind.

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Awesome. I had this in mind for a while now. Is it an open source project?

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

It's not right now, though I do plan to open source at least large chunks of it in the future. I want to try to get it off the ground first though :)

Thread Thread
lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Cool. I'll look out for when you do. See if I can provide valuable contributions with the backend stuff.

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Started #100DaysOfCode, learning ReactJS. I've always used Angular in the past, but am in love with React so far.

It's shown me the huge benefits of not just sticking to what you know, and at least having an understanding of the alternatives.

missiemediva profile image
Evelyn Green

Hello, I love the way you talk about learning to code, my question is how does one get started on 100 Days of Coding, give me the low down on how I can learn to code for a 100 days, where do I start?

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Hey Evelyn :) Thanks for the comment.

I've just written another article on my first week of #100DaysOfCode (

In terms of getting started, I just picked something I wanted to get better at (front end dev), picked something I didn't know already (I know Angular, don't know React) and then found some resources to learn (Udemy in this case).

Hope that helps!

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

I am almost done rebuilding my portfolio I will probably launch it this week! I did not use any third party javascript library or framework so its just pure vanilla and after launching it will be the fastest website I've ever made :D

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

A former client referred me to a local business which has turned into a regular consulting gig. I found myself signing a W-9 the other day, so I guess I'm a "legitimate" freelancer now?

prashant profile image
Prashant Nigam

Finally!!! finished and published first part of the tutorial in that has been pending for sometime. Feels good :)

t00m profile image
Tomás Vírseda

Three achievements this week:

  • After one year of development during my spare time, I proudly released my almost-ready-for-production application in GitHub
  • At the sametime, I learnt how to do commits and branch in GitHub
  • As a consecuence, I wrote my first post in :)
gradientus profile image
Phil Mauracher
deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I got my girlfriend on GitHub! She's tackling CS50x, and I finally feel helpful.

One of us, one of us...

alais29dev profile image
Alfonsina Lizardo

I finally made a small function on vanilla JS for a project for work :) where previously I would have used jquery which is what I know mostly, this after studying vanilla JS for just a month (on and off). This may seem as a tiny achievement but it's a big one for me :)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats! I'm sure it felt great. Keep at it!

Vanilla Ice Cream Cone

jarodpeachey profile image
Jarod Peachey

Got paid for my first freelance project 🎉🎉 It was a 7-page static site built with Gatsby. I had to integrate the back end with Google Sheets, which was new for me.

I also had fun learning how to download each image (from the sheets data) from the url, save it to a directory and access it, so I could still take advantage of using gatsby-image 🔥

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

Survived a visit from my parents. yuk yuk yuk

jess profile image
Jess Lee

ha, feel you.

tholander profile image
Théo Holander

Publishing my first NPM package and my first article !😄

deepu105 profile image
Deepu K Sasidharan

Making it to top 7 posts in Dev :D

arntj profile image
Arnt Joakim Wrålsen • Edited

I've finally solved how to implement authentication for the app I'm currently working on at work. This is actually quite complex as it has to integrate several existing webapps with an external authentication service built by another vendor.

lgraziani2712 profile image
Luciano Graziani

Finish migrating our ui lib's storybook from v4 to v5.2, add its new docs addon, refactor all the stories to the new structure and improve things!

It was a one and a half week of work. It felt reaaaaally good 😊🥳

hectorcaac profile image
Hector • Edited

I leave tutorial hell !! after some time try to figure what to build with react, I create a simple dashboard using github api.
There are still a lot of work to do !! but I am kind of happy with the result so far.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

A couple of things:

  • I organized the first DigitalOcean community meetup in Sofia, Bulgaria 🤩
  • I’ve got to 100+ followers on 🤘
  • I’ve got 1000+ contributions on the DigitalOcean community forum 🚀

It’s been a productive week! 🥳

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

Finally found another active maintainer for the project I adopted a year ago

GitHub logo android-password-store / Android-Password-Store

Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application

Password Store

Android Arsenal GitHub workflow Backers on Open Collective Sponsors on Open Collective

This application tries to be 100% compatible with pass

You can install the application from:

Pull requests are more than welcome (see TODO).


  • Clone an existing pass repository (ssh-key and user/pass support)
  • List the passwords
  • Handle the directories as categories
  • Decrypt the password files (first line is the password, the rest is extra data)
  • Add a new password to the current category (or no category if added at the root)
  • Pull and Push changes to the remote repository
  • Ability to change remote repository info


See the wiki for a newer written version of the following gif walkthrough


Q: What kind of repository can I clone from?

A: Make sure to only clone from bare repositories (see git-clone(1) for how to create a bare repository from an existing one). Otherwise the clone will fail.

Q: I get a "Permission Denied" error when…

He also happens to be an old friend of mine and we've been having a lot of fun bringing the app up to modern standards 🙌

phizzard profile image
Phil Tietjen

I broke 2000 views for the first time on my latest article here on Dev! The outreach potential on this platform is just magic to me and the community is the most positive I've ever been apart of!

buaiscia profile image

I almost finished my React-Gatsby project for the end-of-the-year KPI, a nice portal where all monitoring/autodeploying tools are shown and are ready to be used in a single page (read iFrame). Super happy to have understood pretty well now use and pass of props among components, composition and dynamic CSS.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I got unblocked on some legacy code that I've had to retrofit to work with some React components we're using. All it took was a couple of days of deep focus, i.e. no Slack/email.


Aside from that, some cool things on the horizon.

And lastly, winter is officially on in Montreal. That's good and bad. Good that snowboard season will be starting soon though.

trackrunner profile image
Laszlo Toth

So many interesting comment, well done all!

Here is my win situation:
1) I am in the beginning of an online course. However, It was just a Practice Set, but I am pleased to build a Simple screen Android app without error( Some Buttons, TextViews). It works as I expected, yeah.

2) It is not programming related but I am also pleased that I was able to do my running training this week. After a summer injury, this is a bonus happiness:)

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

Technically I started 3 weeks ago, but I finished it this week (due to focus shifts). I guess in total it took me about 16 hours to set up a somewhat extensive integration test of our enterprise software. Something that a few test engineers were not able to setup in the past ~4 years.
I used Citrus Framework to send messages via JMS to our system, with some SQL verifications, etc. With not a lot of work I was able to verify a large party of basic business logic. Validating even more seems quite simple at this point.
In fact, I'm looking into ways to extend Citrus Framework to make certain things even easier, while others can apply this framework to increase QA of our product.

This Citrus test I set up is now part of our CI/CD pipeline, which runs every day to verify our product with the "demo" configuration to check if it works with the trunk and most recent release. This significantly increases confidence in our product (for demos) for our (pre)sales department. So they are not afraid to upgrade to the latest release.

My plans are to use the same approach to set up integration tests for various customers so that we know their setup still works in newer releases.

cole_ruche profile image
Emeruche Ikenna

Started learning Webflow and decided to not get stuck in "Tutorial Land" as I felt Webflow was a bit complicated.
Tried out a little something of myself - made something using my existing portfolio website as mockup.


I still have a lot to get hold of in Webflow, though.

nazimboudeffa profile image
Nazim Boudeffa • Edited

Fixed a lot of little bugs on and reviewing the code of the original project that seems to be an abondonware available on my GitHub account, and trying to make things much more funnier then Facebook

A lot have to be done on but proud to have created an opensource plugin for YouPHPTube that let people to start uploading their videos from a third party site aka wasabi and posted it to gumroad asking anyone using it to fix a price without trolling the head project

So, two social networks clones, one of Facebook and the other one of Youtube but not made to be concurrent but just the way I want things to be instead of haveing to use them as they want me to do

mauro_codes profile image
Mauro Garcia

My DEV shirt arrived today! The perks of having an awesome girlfriend in the top 7 @paulasantamaria

jkimexploring profile image

I finished everything I needed to and more before vacation so I dont have to think about work for the next four days!

gyuluu profile image
Vlad Anghel

participated in my first tech meetup and completed my second web app using react and hooks 💪🏻

varunbarad profile image
Varun Barad

After many previously failed attempts, I finally started understanding how things work in flutter and built a very very basic hacker-news app.


sirseanofloxley profile image
Sean Allin Newell

Deployed my first helm chart at work this week!

fossheim profile image

Had workshops with a customer and they went very well (imo) and managed to end our current sprint with all my issues resolved (it was a lot)

erikthered profile image
Erik Nelson

Finished a feature at work that's been a huge pain for the past few weeks. Glad to have it behind me. It's no fun working on a terribly outdated app (Rails 3, CoffeeScript and Backbone).

sararf22 profile image

My biggest win this week is to finally managing what to learn next! especially with my full time job , I'm still trying to have some time for webdev.

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar • Edited

Got confirmation from React Norway that I would join the conf as a Speaker 🎉🎊🎉

justaashir profile image
Aashir Khan

I crossed 100,000 views, got 7000 followers and wrote 2 paid guest posts. So Hooray!

kawhyte profile image
Kenny Whyte

I attended my first Development Conference 🤗

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

Finally got to set up terminal and listery to get rid of that mouse dependency...

coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

I wrote my first article for Codrops on the new GSAP 3 features.
First time I wrote for a blog other than my own.

rwkyyy profile image

I survived another Black Friday 🤣 with no downtime to my clients websites 🤓 (compared to prev. years)

standingdreams profile image
Douglas Rogers

Completed a design for a website idea I've been working on. Also, I finally posted an article to this platform!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Julie Effing Lerman, Queen of Entity Framework development in .NET and kind of a big deal, quoted me and featured some of my content (and in her keynote in Kiev.

badrecordlength profile image
Henry 👨‍💻

I went for a job interview at my university today (Digital Education Ambassador), I think it went pretty well 😄.

dbredvick profile image

Shipped a bunch of progress on a side project 🎉🎉

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar
tommygeorge profile image
tommy george

Got some seriously great progress into tests on three projects, using Cypress. So very excited about this.

nutriz profile image
Jérôme Gully

I have finished all stories of the sprint 💪

heymarkkop profile image
Mark Kop

I've got an article published on a tech webite!
This is its translation to english:

andrekelvin profile image

60% done with my Text Detector app. Hoping to finish before this month ends

eclecticcoding profile image

Great week learning, both at Flatiron and VueMastery. Planning my next Rails project and am so excited.

albertomontalesi profile image

Fixed some critical bugs on Friday and got a raise. Overall not a bad week.

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii

I finally started to move forward with my personal project! Setup most of the things and started development, very excited about that!

jjowensdev profile image
John J Owens

I don't do deployments often. My win was deploying a website to a live environment, via Jenkins. It didn't crash! :)

djtai profile image
David Taitingfong

Someone who I look up to because of how hard working and accomplished they are told me that they're proud of the hard work I'm doing and what I've accomplished.

Legit shed a tear.

rossholloway94 profile image
Ross Holloway

The team I work in completed our first sprint since moving to follow the Scrum framework this week! Productive one too.

papabearcodes profile image
David Quick

Finally finished my portfolio and started applying to jobs.

keevcodes profile image
Andrew McKeever

I reached 500 followers this week. Thanks for all the love everyone!

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

Ticked off the last thing on our list for my daughter’s birthday party tomorrow 🥳 🎉 🎈

daleran profile image
Sean M Davis

I started my first Sofware Engineer job this week. A dream job at an amazing company!