
Cover image for What was your win this week?

What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on December 13, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
sduduzog profile image
  1. I reached 3k followers on
  2. My two last post reached over 150k views combined

The office characters raising their hands in sync repeatedly

nickchug profile image
nicholas chug

I started my first dev job after a year of self-teaching and bootcamp 🎉

melaniephillips profile image
Melanie Phillips

Yeah you did!!! 👏👏👏

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

@maurogarcia_19 and I built a web app for DEV users to see their year's highlights! We received 33k requests and a lot of screenshots and support from the community ❤️

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

I almost forgot about this!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Love this project! Amazing work Paula and Mauro! 🔥💪

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría • Edited

Thank you, Nick. We appreciate all your support!

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

very neat! congrats!

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

Thank you!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

My win this week was hearing back from one of our clients, Lucasfilm Ltd.

Their technical team let us know that they were very happy with the improved frontend performance of Shotgun, the product I work on.

These improvements are related to a tonne of work I did to our webpack configuration/frontend build a couple of months ago (they just upgraded to the version with my improvements). 🥳

Maybe they’ll send me the Millennium Falcon I couldn’t afford as a kid.

Millenium Falcon

Or maybe a Wookie. I’d be happy with a Wookie. Chewie!


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

Lol! Just spent 5 minutes looking for that Chewbacca GIF to send to some friends... didn't find it, but there are LOTS of great Wookie GIFs!

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría • Edited

Wow that's huge! Congrats, hope you get your Millennium Falcon soon 😂

eugeniolentini profile image
Eugenio Lentini • Edited
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Very cool! Congrats! 👏

Just FYI, you can embed the post using a liquid tag like this

{%link %}

and it will look like this

monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

I didn't know about that either, thanks!

eugeniolentini profile image
Eugenio Lentini

Ahhh really cool man! much appreciated :-)

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Someone contacted me for a writing gig😳 Looks like the big guy up there wants me to write🙌🏼

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

Wow! Congratulations! 🎉

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Thanks! I wasn't expecting this but I'm happy. 😄

monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

That's so cool, nice work!

seniru profile image
Seniru Pasan Indira

You are lucky!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Great news Vicente!

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

Finally got to start working on that documentation I've been postponing since September...

monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

Ooh man, good luck and may the force be with you.

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

It's not as bad as it (might) sound

amyroche profile image

After 5 months of searching and being ghosted by the last place that wanted to hire me, I signed a job offer for a new dev job that starts January 6th! Can’t wait to start the new year with a new gig!

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson


agustinl profile image

I launched my side project sitesshowcase , and I can't believe these results:

sessions per country


dev_ze profile image

Nice page, well done. I just added my page and I think I finally have to add a ssl certificate as my favicon does not show and I assume that this is the reason...

agustinl profile image

Hi Felix, thanks for submit your site.
Yes thats the reason becaus the favicon doesnt show. I helped you, submiting the favicon manually to the site, now looks good ;)

Hace a nice week!

Thread Thread
dev_ze profile image

Hei Agustín,

(Whereas now you removed my motivation to finally make the the page https :D)
Will do it anyway, one day, I hope...

All the best,

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agustinl profile image

Hahaha do it, for the future (?


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dev_ze profile image

Agustín, I finally got my page to be https.
I had real trouble to migrate a tiny portion (a websocket) server due to two problems. One was an unintentionally generated second websocket server and the other one was a branch mismatch between front and back...

Anyways, thanks for motivating me and if you want you can point the image source back to my page...


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agustinl profile image

Hi Felix, congratulations on this! I will change your image soon,

Have a good week!

piannaf profile image
Justin Mancinelli • Edited


Not my win and didn't happen this week, but I did notice it this week and everyone at work is feeling the win. I'm posting to celebrate with everyone involved.

The win in 3 parts:

1. I saw a tweet on Dec 9

2. Stars have increased by 400 in 4 days

Press github star chart

(Image from star history extension)

3. It was built on a starter kit my company released

First, I suggested that Ben should contribute, then I saw that he had...But he didn't know his commit was the first one in the repo 🤔

first commit

Turns out, that commit is in there because Press was built on something Ben built 🎉


Many thanks to @benwhitley for writing the starter kit and the post to go with it, everyone @touchlab helping to make that happen, and Saket Narayan for building an awesome project!

svijaykoushik profile image
Vijay Koushik, S. 👨🏽‍💻

Finally found the difference between observer pattern and pub-sub pattern. I was confused because both had the same code form in JavaScript.

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar • Edited
monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

What a milestone, congrats!

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar

Thanks, Monica 😊!

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar

Also Got the Top 7 Badge 🔥

vonheikemen profile image

My vim config now is good enough for me to use it in my daily work.

jkimexploring profile image

I reached 800 followers on Dev!
I finished the first two lessons of my machine learning course. The first one took two or three weeks to get through.

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I had an opportunity to learn GraphQL at work, and managed to complete 2 APIs for new features we're introducing 😃

markrailton profile image
Mark Railton

Got a new job. Software Engineer building prototypes and greenfield projects with ReactJS

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

My last post on was in the top 7 posts of the week!

downey profile image
Tim Downey

Flew to Atlanta yesterday and graduated with a MSCS from Georgia Tech today*! 😊

Georgia Tech Graduation

* Technically graduated during the Summer semester, but commencement is in the Fall

samuelemattiuzzo profile image
Samuele Mattiuzzo

I signed a contract as python lead after looking at 2 months of no work (quit my old job, had a contract signed with a not so nice company that I then backed from) with a company that works in the sustainability and open-data world, and I had been waiting for them for quite a while with my fingers crossed!

Although the above happened on Friday last week, this week on Monday I took a train to Oxford (I'm Bristol UK based, the trip is a 2.5hrs long door-to-door journey with loads of small changes) to meet them in person over lunch and wow, we clicked straight away! Feels like I have known then for a while, which is a super win!

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

I started a new job, solved half a dozen issues at said job in the first four days (always fun when you take a look at something and immediately know how to fix it), and in the process learned a lot of things about Travis CI, LXC, and Docker that make me question the sensibility of the people who designed certain features they have.

orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

I built and finished the project from the book - Flutter Succinctly by Ed Freitas. I also learnt a lot about Flutter basics. I finished reading a Havard Review book about Customer Loyalty.
I was able to push myself out of laziness and start drafting articles I intend to publish next year

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss • Edited
  1. On a personal level, one win was: I admitted that I was wrong about something and...lo and behold, it wasn't the end of the world when I did that. On the contrary, when I opened my ears up and listened to what the other person was saying, I was able to solve my problem, taking his perspective into account. (checking my ego at the door has always been a challenge).

  2. On a technical level, I made some pretty cool (I think) progress on my CLI tool lesky; i.e., for people who want to fire up Koa servers asap without pain, you just type les -ow (les ouch, get it? nyuck nyuck)... and like magic, the folder you're on will be served. If your html file also includes my dumb-reloader, saved changes will trigger document reload. But, the version that's out isn't even the cool version yet. Cool is on its way. (Article coming too to help explain things)

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth

Ego is so hard to move away from. But we actually gain more when we put it aside because without It, we are able to take other people's perspectives into account. 🙂

sudokillme profile image

This past week was my first on-site for the company.

We had been experiencing issues with our client's SSH and they're IT wouldn't install it. So I was able to find a workaround that allowed us to use it on the laptops which propelled the project.

I also fixed an issue with one of our tests (our largest test) on the fly, and my fix made the test perform better than it ever had prior.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis
  • After analyzing the AWS costs for an app that we recently refactored, this week I introducing Cloudfront and CDN Caching in the system and drop the costs from 5$ a day to 90cents.
  • I did my 3rd speech at Toastmasters
  • Got past 10K followers!! yeah
s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I started a new job and managed to make some (small) contributions to discussions and plans already 😁

I also managed to move house in the same week somehow 😂

jess profile image
Jess Lee

oh my, that is a lot!

seniru profile image
Seniru Pasan Indira

There are lots of wins for me - big and small.

  1. I was accepted as a module team member (creating modules and games) for a game called transformice. I wanted to become a member from years. 😀😀

  2. My 2nd and 3rd poas on got more than 40 reactions and about 150 and 400 views f9r each. Also I got more than 40 followers in a day because of that. This is a big win for me!

I'm very happy and I want to dance now 😆

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

For me, it was finding SCC and using it to get some metrics about our code.

Apps in our legacy code base have a complexity up to the 10k range. That's ~10,000 different paths through the code.

The last product we did has 52k loc and a complexity of 1100. The product we are currently working on is 45k loc and 350 complexity. And it is more advanced in technical capability.

The complexity number is subjective, but the magnitudes of them are a reasonable point of comparison. And more importantly they line up with the experience of working on the code. I feels really good to see this kind of progress in our dev process.

honorthydoctor profile image
Diego Oliveira

I bought a Nintendo Switch!

olask profile image
Ola Sk

I started learning Flutter in order to make an e-commerce app with my friend.
Since my friend studied dart and Flutter recently I asked a few questions about the dart's syntax. He asked about my opinion about some data structure he used for parsing some JSON from an API while developing his application. We then decided that I can contribute if I'm gonna keep learning Flutter. I decided to give it a try for a few days. Today was the second. I hope I'll be of any help! 😊 ⌨️

vladislavitsi profile image
Vladislav Kleschenko
  1. Found this marvelous site and was fascinated all week long 😊

  2. Got a new project and managed not to die in the first week 🙃

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría


maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

I made a post again after more than one year 😅
It's such a shame because I actually love talking about programming and the world around it.

tedgoas profile image
Ted Goas

I was able to fix a git bug in my local dev environment (which involves running Parallels 😒) without needing help from a senior engineer on my team.

olask profile image
Ola Sk

What bug is it?

tedgoas profile image
Ted Goas

My system wasn't recognizing a local folder as being a git repository (both the Github client and CLI) even though everything had been working fine for months and the .git and .github folders were present.

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Made my first open source contribution, should hopefully get the pull request approved today :-)

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Approved and merged into the Dapr .NET client repo.

aayushg159 profile image
Aayush Gupta

Had recently joined as a fresher in my company and was working on the UI side for the past 4 months. This week I finally moved to the back end side and implemented my first ever end to end feature. Feels good 😁😁

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

I had my performance review. My work was still exceptional, and I improved in other things. So my effective result was ... less than last year.
So, I won, but I actually lost 🤔

amorriscode profile image
Anthony M.

This week I launched my first product, a writing habit that helps you build a better relationship with yourself. The more you write on Wrabit, the more we donate to mental health!

mattorb profile image
Matt Smith

Taking some days off!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

I got recognized this week for welcoming new members to the DEV community.

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain
albertomontalesi profile image

I submitted the (almost) final draft for my JavaScript course on Educative. I'm really looking forward to see it live before the end of 2019

mdjibril profile image
Jibril Dauda Muhammad
max_tulian profile image
Max (he/his)

ahah, that's a great initiative. This week I started a new project. Also, I cleaned my house :dance:.

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar
amyroche profile image

Thank you! I am so excited about where this position is going to take my career.

tiengdung90 profile image

That's so cool, nice work!

nuculabs_dev profile image
Nucu Labs

Pwned a box on hack the box

lucis profile image

Finished all legal obligations for getting my CS degree

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

I was able to attain handle for my next project.

andrekelvin profile image

Used Firebase Machine Learning Kit to create an app

lucasaranha profile image
Lucas Aranha

Made my first post here :p