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Jimmy Utterström profile picture

Jimmy Utterström

Swedish software developer at Storytel. Enjoys singing and tea.


Software developer

Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Removed from Twitter for my actions 12 years ago (as a 12 year old)

Removed from Twitter for my actions 12 years ago (as a 12 year old)

3 min read

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Debugging Svelte apps with the newly released Svelte Devtools

Debugging Svelte apps with the newly released Svelte Devtools

Comments 1
2 min read
How to write Go code and make it run on Adafruit Feather or Arduino

How to write Go code and make it run on Adafruit Feather or Arduino

Comments 1
5 min read
Generate merged GeoTIFF imagery from web maps (xyz tile servers) with Python

Generate merged GeoTIFF imagery from web maps (xyz tile servers) with Python

Comments 4
7 min read