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Day 20. A bit of progress

It is the 20th day of the challenge. I think I didn't accomplish as much as I planned, but I can identify several areas where I've grown during this time. They aren't related to coding; they are more about project management. There are 80 days ahead, but I should think about and set small goals to the next 10 days. I should do a small retrospective and identify areas for improvement. 

What I did:

I made a bit of progress today. I just fixed the problem with displaying formatted string when we need to pass integer to localized text. 

The rest of the time I worked on displaying web content on iOS. I found various solutions, but they didn't work for me. I need more time to solve this problem; it is a gap in my knowledge about iOS platform. I have just created an issue for future investigation.

What I will do:

If you want to join the project, just leave a comment here, or write a message in LinkedIn.

What help I'm looking for:

Designer (create design of application in Figma)
Android/KMM developer
Any other help related to the project.

My timeline:

Day 1. Deep breath and dive
Day 2. Networking layer.
Day 3. Loading of articles.
Day 4. ArticleItem.
Day 5. Localization.
Day 6. Work on Sunday.
Day 7. First week.
Day 8. Enjoying coding.
Day 9. Expect/actual.
Day 10. TODOs.
Day 11. Friday evening.
Day 12. Frustration.
Day 13. Blocker
Day 14. Monday
Day 15. Reactions
Day 16. Feed
Day 17. stringWithFormat
Day 18. Comment
Day 19. 1 percent

See you tomorrow. 

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