Very quick idea. Would anyone else be up for trying to write a article a day during the rest of November?
This is, of course, a big cheat on my part because I'm counting this as my first one.
My lesson for the day was to always stash your code. Even for experiments.
This post by @srebalaji saved me quite a bit of time.

Useful tricks you might not know about Git stash
Srebalaji Thirumalai ・ Feb 4 '18 ・ 3 min read
Long story short I was asked to see if something was possible with our code several months ago. I did the experiment we agreed it worked but not to implement it.
Because our Git branching is already pretty Byzantine I didn't do what I should have done and create a branch for it. Luckily though I did stash it with an almost sensible label.
Today I was asked to make the change, and thanks to having a stashed copy the code was still findable.
Looking back there are a couple of learns for me. Ones I really should have learned long ago.
- Always keep your code safe.
- People do change their minds or come back to things
- A stash can sometimes save your bacon.
Top comments (18)
I’m not sure if I should write for the sake of writing. For me, writing a well thought out article takes time. I still think I can improve the quality of my articles and I’m not sure if I can do that if I write daily. Maybe that’s what it might take. You should by all means do it and not wait for approval from anyone else. I’ll be rooting for you. ;)
Another goal you could explore is to contribute to the branch daily.
Dude, i can write mathematical proofs and research papers but i dont have the confidence to start doing articles.
Have you thought about teaching us how to derive a mathematical proof or summarize interesting research papers?
Just start somewhere. I still suck at this, but I try to do better every time I write.
Thanks Nick - That's a very valid point about the balance of quality and time - and a good suggestion about going for a contribution per day instead.
I’ll try!!
Wow that’s ambitious! I tried one every five days for my first couple of months ... that was challenging enough :)
Good luck!
I'm attempting this myself this year, as my own variant of NaNoWriMo. Just published the first one. 🙌🏼
Thanks Ana - Your pomerdoro article was really good. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Good luck.
Best of luck to you too. We can do this! 💪🏼
I'm in! I might try to write every day, and only put out posts when they're actually finished, though. But usually my posts are relatively long, so I think it'll be good practice to try to focus on a bit shorter posts for a little while! :)
Funny, found this on day 4 of what I've been jokingly calling "Almost NaNoWriMo" :)
Count me in for the long haul, though not everything will be published here as not everything I have on the roster to write about would be a good fit for here.
A large part of me wants to try this, but I’m also scared. My posts on average take 8 hours to write, so my quality would be less good. Not sure....
Thanks - that is a good point about the quality dropping. You produce such lovely crafted helpful articles I can understand why they take time and thoughtfulness.
I'm counting #discuss posts etc. as articles in this challenge, personally. I know it's the only way I'll make it.
Thank you so much! After sleeping on it, I think it isn’t realistic for me this year — but maybe next year! Excited to see other people’s posts!
Cool. This is why I love this site. I'd not really heard of LXC before reading your articles. Really enjoying the series so far.
Thank you for the article. I've always been a fan of stashing for little experiments / restart with a possible comeback, but I had no idea the stash could have a label.
Thank you for the article.
Nobody has an enlightening thought or experience every day. This would be a great source of spam. Please don't.