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Tomasz Wegrzanowski
Tomasz Wegrzanowski

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100 Languages Speedrun: Episode 94: Ezhil

Ezhil is basically a Tamil version of Python.

As an aside, the most hilarious thing about it is that even actual Tamil people, creating actual Tamil programming language, where every other letter of the program is in Tamil script, still use ASCII numerals for numbers. So as usual, I was completely right, and Raku \d is indeed completely broken.

Anyway, let's give Ezhil a try.

With Linguagem Potigol I could at least try to write some Portuguese. With Tamil, I'm going full Google Translate, so if I accidentally say "your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries" in Tamil, blame Google Translate for that.

Vaṇakkam, ulakam!

Default package does not work, so you need to install it with pip3 install ezhil==1.0.rc0.

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

பதிப்பி "வணக்கம், உலகம்!"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ ./hello.n
வணக்கம், உலகம்!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Let's start by checking Unicode support:

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

பதிப்பி தநீளம்("Hello")
பதிப்பி தநீளம்("ஆமை")
பதிப்பி தநீளம்("🍛")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ ./unicode.n
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

As Tamil writing is syllabic, "ஆமை" is just two characters.

Fibonacci numbers:

Ḥpaipōṉacci eṇkaḷ

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

நிரல்பாகம் ஃபைபோனச்சி (அ)
  @( அ <= 2 ) ஆனால்
    பின்கொடு 1
    பின்கொடு ஃபைபோனச்சி(அ-1) + ஃபைபோனச்சி(அ-2)

@(range(1,21) இல் அ) ஒவ்வொன்றாக
  பதிப்பி "ஃபைபோனச்சி(", அ, ") =", ஃபைபோனச்சி(அ)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ ./fib.n
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 1 ) = 1
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 2 ) = 1
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 3 ) = 2
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 4 ) = 3
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 5 ) = 5
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 6 ) = 8
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 7 ) = 13
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 8 ) = 21
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 9 ) = 34
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 10 ) = 55
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 11 ) = 89
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 12 ) = 144
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 13 ) = 233
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 14 ) = 377
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 15 ) = 610
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 16 ) = 987
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 17 ) = 1597
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 18 ) = 2584
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 19 ) = 4181
ஃபைபோனச்சி( 20 ) = 6765
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Step by step:

  • it's Python-based but it's not just Python with keywords replaced
  • in particular it doesn't have : equivalent and ues முடி for end instead
  • hilariously Google Translate translates முடி as "hair", but that's not the intended meaning here
  • ஃபைபோனச்சி for fib and for a are just some identifiers
  • syntax is often backwards from Python, and Ezhil uses @ for such cases
  • நிரல்பாகம் ... முடி is a function
  • @(...) ஆனால் ... இல்லை ... முடி is an if/else
  • @(...) ஒவ்வொன்றாக ... முடி is a for each loop
  • பின்கொடு is return
  • somehow f-strings never got to Ezhil!
  • Ezhil translates a lot of keywords and function names to Tamil, but then it sometimes just doesn't, like there's no Tamil version of range so it sticks out like a sore thumb


As range is not in Tamil, let's just do a while loop:

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

அ = 1
  @( 0 == அ % 15 ) ஆனால்
    பதிப்பி "FizzBuzz"
  @( 0 == அ % 5 ) இல்லைஆனால்
    பதிப்பி "Buzz"
  @( 0 == அ % 3 ) இல்லைஆனால்
    பதிப்பி "Fizz"
    பதிப்பி அ
  அ = அ + 1
முடியேனில் @(அ <= 100)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ ./fizzbuzz.n
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step by step:

  • இல்லைஆனால் is else if
  • செய் ... முடியேனில் @(...) is a do-while loop, there's no direct Python equivalent of those


Ezhil changes how indexing works. a[b,c] is equivalent of Python's a[b][c], which could be argued is more intuitive:

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

கட்டம் = [
  [10, 20, 30],
  [40, 50, 60],
  [70, 80, 90],

பதிப்பி கட்டம்[0,0]
பதிப்பி கட்டம்[1,2]
பதிப்பி கட்டம்[-1,1]
பதிப்பி கட்டம்[-1,-1]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ ./grid.n
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Uṅkaḷ peyar eṉṉa?

Let's ask user for their name and say hello.

#!/usr/bin/env ezhili

பெயர் = raw_input("உன் பெயர் என்ன? ")
பதிப்பி "வணக்கம், " + பெயர் + "!"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
$ உன் பெயர் என்ன? குமார்
வணக்கம், குமார்!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

As you can see, as soon as we go outside the very basic basics we keep running into untranslated English words like raw_input.

Should you use Ezhil?

If you're a Tamil schoolkid, maybe.

I'm not sure how much it actually helps. Linguagem Potigol was strongly committed to being 100% Portuguese (in practice a bit of English slipped through like parse errors from ANTLR), Ezhil is full of English words when you move beyond basics, and all the error messages are in English.

I'm also not sure how familiar Tamil schoolkids are with English letters. Is ஒவ்வொன்றாக really much easier to them than for?

Would it help if they went all in, made error messages Tamil, provided Tamil equivalent names for the whole Python standard library and so on? I'm not sure if this limited effort is worth it.

At least it let me show once and for all that Raku is wrong about \d.


All code examples for the series will be in this repository.

Code for the Ezhil episode is available here.

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