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TechWorld with Nana
TechWorld with Nana

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Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial for Beginners πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Complete Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial, in which I explain what Ingress and Ingress Controller is, when you need Ingress and how to configure Ingress in your Kubernetes cluster.

In detail the video covers the following topics:
βœ… What is Ingress? External Service vs. Ingress
βœ… Example YAML Configuration Files for Ingress and Internal Service
βœ… How to configure Ingress in your cluster?
βœ… What is Ingress Controller?
βœ… Consideration about environment on which your cluster is running (Cloud provider or bare metal)
βœ… Demo: Configure Ingress in Minikube
βœ… Ingress Default Backend
βœ… Routing Use Cases
βœ… Configuring https

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Top comments (3)

peterj profile image
Peter Jausovec

Great explanation!

techworld_with_nana profile image
TechWorld with Nana

Thanks Peter! :)

dmitrusty profile image
Dmitrusty • Edited

Much thanks for great explanation job!

Unfortunately, the reality is now different from the one described in this tutorial.

minikube addons enable ingress
does not create an ingress-controller in the default namespace. Instead, it creates an ingress-controller in the ingress-nginx namespace. And the rest of this wonderful tutorial doesn't work :(
I'm new to Kubernetes, and unfortunately this presents an insurmountable difficulty for me :(