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Welcome Thread - v14

Hey there! Welcome to!



  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. Or answer this question: what's your favorite non-coding hobby?

Top comments (516)

charlottetusset profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Charlotte, I'm currently doing a 6-months bootcamp to become a web dev! I ended up here because I want to learn more and read more about tech news, languages such as PHP, JS, Ruby, etc. By the way, I'm looking for a traineeship in Amsterdam to start in December! My favourite non-coding hobby is probably music (not playing, more gigs and listening)! Cheers!

thomashazledine profile image
Tom Hazledine

Hi Charlotte. I think there's a strong correlation between having an appreciation of music and being interested in code. My degrees were in music, and now I'm a developer. I used to think I'd had an unusual journey, but I keep meeting people who've come into the industry the same way!

josetorreschang profile image

These may be spam, but can't avoid replying on your comment, I was a musician for 15 years, leave it couple years ago to start software development, glad to hear that there are more people like me. People always seems to be shocked about my career change.


storrence88 profile image
Steven Torrence

Fellow musician recently turned developer here!

dovy profile image
Dovy Paukstys

Musicians make the best devs. I’ve seen it again and again.

dcupif profile image
Damien Cupif

Hey Charlotte, welcome to, I am also new joining the community :) I hope your dreams will come true in finding your internship in Amsterdam! I love listening music too, what is your favorite? Cheers and good luck learning!

jaybhatt216 profile image

Hello Charlotte I too am doing a 6-month FullStack developer bootcamp here at Columbia University , the stack we are learning is MERN which is MongoDB Express React Node

swiftesther profile image

Hello Charlotte.

gbreen84 profile image
Ger Breen

Best of luck Charlotte, new here as discovering new music. Lucky bones band song matchstick men is one I came across recently. Check it out and enjoy if you get the chance.
Good luck with it all.

architectak profile image
Ankit Kumar

Hello Charlotte. Nice to know something about you. Cheers!!!

rtownsend profile image
Rebecca Townsend

Hey Charlotte! So awesome that you're doing a bootcamp - I did one last year, and it was the best decision I've ever made. I wish you all the best in your coding!!

rachelmorrell profile image
Rachel Morrell


jmartsch profile image
Jens Martsch

Hi Charlotte :)

gweecl profile image

You are so pretty ! ❤️

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator • Edited

Joining the community just to leave unwelcomed advances is considered harassment and absolutely not aligned with our code of conduct.

This is the only warning you’ll get on the subject. You must be a constructive community member in order to take part.

kip13 profile image
kip • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Kip, I don't like to comment very much because I dont have the good knowledge and experience to do that the most of the time and my english is bad too, but I'm trying actually. I'm feel better reading the amazings entries that exist here, the save button is my best friend ! Thanks everyone for share their experience, tips, advices, knowledge, guides with all, is all that I can say with total confidence. BTW I love 'Friends' TV show, I had to say.

gbreen84 profile image
Ger Breen

Hi kip
Good to know about the save feature, will look into site now.
Also I had a friends T-shirt from the studio in NYC when I was in school and it was one of the coolest with the new York skyline, have not thought of that trip in years. Thanks kip 😁😁

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thanks for being a great part of the community Kip!

joshzaldana profile image

Hi Kip - Friends is by far one of my all time favorites! :)

mayurvpatil profile image
Mayur Patil

Hahha.. F.R.I.E.N.D.S 😃

touseefbsb profile image

I had to reply to u just because u said u love FRIENDS tv show, I am a die hard fan myself :)

ruzzyy profile image
Ruzanna Boryan

I finished watching FRIENDS a couple days ago :D the Best TV show))

jaybhatt216 profile image

its a great TV show one of the best

bipo1arcoder profile image
Derek Underwood

Friends is one of my top 5. Lovvvveee it

osama_mhd profile image
X &Y

Hi everyone, I'm Osama not "bin ladin", I'm currently trying to learn C++ cause I'm computer science student "2nd semester" and I need some help, my favorite movie "interstellar" TV " person of interest" Music "X&Y" By Coldplay, thanks bye.

kip13 profile image
Osama.getLastName() != "Bin Ladin"
monasan2002 profile image
1chan • Edited

Hi, I also like “person of interes”!

yoric profile image

Hi everyone, I discovered through Hacker News. All the articles I read were a pleasure to read.

I'd like to enter such a community to share thoughts, news, tips and tricks about programming.

I am a 40 yo developer from France, but I'm currently living in Asia with my wife and our baby (she's from Philippines). We traveled through China, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines so far.

Tech gadgets i bought (and love):

  • Inmotion V8 Unicycle
  • DJ Mavic Pro drone

Drama I watched:

  • Hana Yori Dango
  • Signal

US series I watched:

  • Dexter
  • Breaking Bad
  • Walking Dead

Anime I loved:

  • Monster
  • Elfen Lied

Books I am reading or read recently:

  • 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos
  • The Obstacle Is the Way
  • 100 ways to motivate yourself
  • Autobiography of a Yogi

Sports I love

  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Trail running

I wrote my first article: Remember why you love to code

kip13 profile image

Hacker news is a good site to explore and get amazing info!

blackmg27 profile image
Ogechi Ike

Thanks for sharing your article! I like Dexter, Breaking Bad, Psycho Pass, Black Lagoon, and Atlanta myself.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

So great to have you. Great first post.

masterplucas profile image

Oh Monster is a great series! I love it! I want to see it again.

jacklagare profile image
Jack Elendil B. Lagare

I have a Mavic Pro too!

jaybhatt216 profile image

code geass > other anime
for me

nsrivastava2 profile image
Nitin Srivastava

Hello Everyone, I am Nitin. I am a Software Engineer by qualification and right now running my own software company. I have good experience in the eCommerce area. I am looking forward to build up my knowledgebase and at the same time will try to contribute to the community.

My hobbies are - painting and cartooning.

wesley7104 profile image
Wesley Randolph

Hey Nitin, I am really looking into the eCommerce space right now with one of my current businesses. I believe it will be the best addition to grow at this point. Welcome to

angeliqueb71 profile image
Angelique Barth

Hi Everyone, I'm Angelique, I finished bootcamp(full stack web development)about a year ago. Im having trouble with JS and hoping someone can recommend a link or any advise. I do have enough experience creating websites, worked with Github, heroku, Id, Xd, Sketch, HTML, CSS and backend - Ruby/Rails. Im also looking for an intership in New York. Looking forward to chatting with all of you.

mikeeus profile image
Mikias Abera

Hi Angelique. Have you used freeCodeCamp? I found their challenges really useful in levelling up my JS skills.

angeliqueb71 profile image
Angelique Barth

I heard about it, but havnt tried. Will look at it now. Thanks!!!

Thread Thread
ahmad_auth profile image
Muhammad Ahmad • Edited

If you would like to do a complete course on Javascript, Codecademy is a good place to begin with. They have a task-based learning system. They make you implement every concept you learn before moving on to next one. It really helps in understanding the concepts.

jessachandler profile image
Jess Chandler

Hi, Angelique!

Wes Bos has a fantastic short piece on javascript with 30 little projects to show you how it works. It's called javascript30.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Yeah check out @wesbos ' He also has a great free course thanks to Mozilla on CSS Grid. Check out If you enjoy listening to podcasts, Wes and Scott "El Toro Loco" Tolinski have a great one called Syntax. And lastly, he did an AMA on a while back that might interest you.

resesitated profile image

Hi everyone. I’m David. I’m a web developer based in Accra, Ghana (West Africa). These days I code mostly in javascript (node.js with express.js). I’m here for the great articles and discussions that always teach me a thing or five. Favorite non-coding hobby would be music. Rap music mostly but I’ll give anything a try.

creativ_bracket profile image

Good to have you here David. Any companies in Ghana working with Node/Express?

resesitated profile image

Hi Jermain. Yeah a number of startups (like mine) are. Many that come out of the MEST incubator. Not many of the bigger companies though.

jrhusney profile image
Jordan Husney

Hi. I'm Jordan. I'm the co-founder of Parabol, an open-source SaaS application for conducting on-line retrospectives and other meetings with your team. I was inspired to join this community by @andreasklinger 's tweet sharing went opensource. I enjoy writing software for multiplayer collaboration: I love building the tech that makes building Google-docs easier. I work a lot with GraphQL, extending it for pub/sub state distribution.

Fun fact about me: after starting an office-less, fully-distributed company I'm having a hard time imagining ever working in an office again. I value the flexibility and focus over the social atmosphere.

Fun second fact: the late musician Prince used to live with my parents, and my dad wrote a book about the experience

teekatwo profile image
Tori Pugh

Agree about being office-less, once you leave that social environment it's difficult to want to go back.


ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael

I'm interested in your experience in starting a business without an office. I hope we'll have a chance to talk.

Feel free to share all this with us

jrhusney profile image
Jordan Husney

Happy to speak! I'm likely to go out on paternity leave any day now (another exciting thing going on in my life) but feel free to write at and we'll set up some time when I'm back.

coryswainston profile image
Cory Swainston

You are an interesting guy. What exactly do you mean by office-less? My jobs have had varying amounts and degrees of office

jrhusney profile image
Jordan Husney

You're too kind. Thank you.

We all work remotely. Currently there are 5 of us:

  • I'm in Los Angeles, CA
  • My co-founder is in Brooklyn, NY
  • We have a developer in San Diego, CA
  • We have another designer and developer in Dallas, TX
  • And a designer in Zagreb, Croatia

We work hard to make it work. Having the personal flexibility to work when we want, where we want is important to us. We work on 3 different teams, Growth (Marketing and Sales), Product (Design, Implementation, Support and Testing), ExCo (Finance, Legal, and Human Resources). One key is having a fixed cadence for all of our teams. We start each week with a Structured check-in meeting to discover if any of us are blocked on anything and setup ad-hoc meetings if we need to jam together. If something gets real harry, we might fly to visit one another. But that happens maybe 3X per year.

There are a growing number of these sorts of companies: Invision, Zapier, Hot Jar, and so many more.

Thread Thread
coryswainston profile image
Cory Swainston

Ahh, I vastly underestimated the amount of officeless-ness you were speaking of. That is a neat concept. Thanks for elaborating!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


mfoman profile image
mfoman • Edited

Just became 23, reading implementation of DDD. Looking for connections, friends, foes and rivals! Hit me up, I want to trade knowledge. #HappyBirthday

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

What tools/technologies do you like to use?

mfoman profile image

My development environment is a mix/match of VSCode w/ vim and docker(compose).
I learn/use whatever is expected of me, or when new tech comes out(right now a laravel/react stack).
I create a list of what i'd like to explore like "kotlin" and "reason".

What takes up most of my time now is reading about domain-driven design and microservices.
And I do like to read theory/patterns more than I like new libraries and other tech hype(because there's something new everyday).

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

Nice! I played around with Laravel and built a web app with it. It was kind of cool. I just went with Vue to keep things simple. I prefer React and I’m learning Node and Express and then I want to rebuild the app using that stack.

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mfoman profile image

Laravel intergrates well with Vue as well, so no wonder!
At some point I will try to make something in Vue, but feel I like i don't have the time for it at the moment.

Also a part of the reason is I've yet to try frameworks such as GatsbyJS/Next.js which was developed with reactjs/nodejs in mind.
They focus more on server-rendered and isomorphic components in which I find interesting/confusing.

And I'm about to get in the mindset of Reasonml, the new language also built with React in mind.

Btw, if there's anything I can help with don't shy away from asking - I feel I learn the most by interacting with people other coders.

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I built my portfolio site using Gatsby and the NetlifyCMS. It's pretty cool. Gatsby actually doesn't interact with a database. It just creates static files on the HTML build and those sit on the server, so I liked it a lot when I was starting with React. It essentially allowed me to build a React app with "dynamic" information but no back-end. If you want to check out out, I put the links to the site and the code below.

I liked the idea behind laravel, but I prefer Javascript to PHP so I want to get into Sailsjs or something like that. It just creates an MVC architecture for the Nodejs app. Sailsjs is built on top of Expressjs.

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mfoman profile image

Sounds great, thanks for clarification.

Regarding persistence: You might be interested in tech like, I think it's called cosmicjs, a kinda headless cms.

I don't really like the php syntax either, but I do like the "flexibility" even though many "real devs" would disagree.

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

Yeah, my initial complaint was the "halt the site comes to" when it loads because it uses a single-threaded setup. Then it was just kind of a pain to have to change gears between php, html, css, and js all the time. Setting things up initially and then just using Sass and JS makes things much more enjoyable to me.

I've spent time looking at headless CMSs(?) but surprisingly haven't come across CosmicJS. I'll give that a look. So far I like NetlifyCMS, and I've played around with Wordpress, Cockpit, Directus, Strapi, and a few others.

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mfoman profile image

I think it's relatively new too.
You mentioned Strapi, maybe
Look promising, but never tried it personally.

I wanted to get started(properly) with something based on firebase.

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

Part of the challenge is finding one of these that will work well for clients. If I need to update something, none of these would be a problem. I feel that the layout and maybe some of the terminology could be problematic for a client who isn't super tech-savvy. That is one big benefit to Wordpress is predefined fields. On my to-do list is trying Wordpress as a headless CMS using the rest api they offer.

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mfoman profile image

Just remembered I had something else
I'll leave it to you to figure them out, it's a little too much for me :p

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I've looked at it but haven't played around with it yet. Mostly I'm just looking for non-techie CMS which allows me to build a front-end using javascript using an api. I mean, I guess either I'll find one I like or I'll just build it eventually lol.

carolrussell50 profile image
Caroline Russell

Happy belated birthday to you and many more happy ones.

mfoman profile image

Thank you so much :) still nice to hear even thought it's a couple of weeks ago

joshzaldana profile image

👋Hi everyone, for the past couple of months I've been digging the articles and resources here; great work! I'm a growth marketer at Dropbox where I work with email and notifications to improve our activation process for new Dropbox Paper users. Where my email marketers at? :)

Non-coding hobby?
Hmm... I really enjoy bio-hacking nutrition. I'm always game to talk about it.


peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Hey JZ, welcome to the DEV community!

I'd be really interested in learning more about emails for growth marketing, on-boarding, re-activation ("we miss you"), milestones, etc. Do you know of any resources that would be a good start for me to start reading?

Also... I'll bite (pun?). Care to expand a bit on your bio-hacking efforts?

joshzaldana profile image

Thanks for the welcome, Peter.

Some of my favorite and go-to resources are:

  • (tons of ideas for email content and design; as well as interviews)
  • (fantastic resource for growth marketing)
  • Hacking Growth (really good book to read on building the thinking behind growth marketing)

Hahah - nice pun. One of the bio-hacks I've come to implement and adjust is the incorporation of bulletproof coffee in the morning. I usually drink these on days when I'm intermittently fasting. Awesome recipe - 1 tbsp MCT oil, 1 tbsp grass-fed butter or ghee, 1 - 2 cups of coffee. Keeps me pretty full through dinner.

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peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Just bought a copy of Hacking Growth on Amazon. Will check back in after I read it 👌🏽

I'm compelled by the idea of Bulletproof coffee (and keto) in general. I'll give it a look.

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