I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
I'll use something similar when I rebase (to squash) a series of commits in a git repo (vim's my editor for Git). If when presented with the list of commits you do:
You'll squash all commits into a single commit in one fell swoop.
Well, if the acronym would have been CEV, I could have said Can't Exit Vim; and Don't (know how to) Exit Vim seemed too far fetched, so Don't Exit Vim is the closest to what I wanted to say I could think of.
I'm a Software Engineer and a teacher.
There's no feeling quite like the one you get when you watch someone's eyes light up learning something they didn't know.
Kim Arnett [she/her] leads the mobile team at Deque Systems, bringing expertise in iOS development and a strong focus on accessibility, user experience, and team dynamics.
Been using UNIX since the late 80s; Linux since the mid-90s; virtualization since the early 2000s and spent the past few years working in the cloud space.
Alexandria, VA, USA
B.S. Psychology from Pennsylvania State University
Any mention of velociraptors is worth a thumbs-up!
I need to start putting "velociraptor(s)" in any presentations that I'd normally put "velocity" into: see if the PHBs notice it or not (or at least mention it).
Web developer crafting code from the tropics, based in Costa Rica. I work hard so my dog can have a better life. I also love traveling and eating delicious food!
Started out teaching English at Embry-Riddle. Graded 10,000 essays. Learned lesson. Became a mathematics teacher. Discovered computing. Never looked back.
Houston TX
Stetson University: B.A., M.A. in English; M.S. in mathematics
I'm a quality hero, customer champion. Experienced software tester and newbie developer.
Okay, so I've actually been dabbling in code for a long time. I've just not gone very deep in any language .
Robby Russell is the CEO and co-owner of Planet Argon, a Ruby on Rails development firm based in Portland, Oregon. (and creator of Oh My Zsh & recently launched Maintainable podcast)
I am a self-taught programmer, my first language is RPL.
I love to learn cool maths and facts about creation.
I am currently the tech leader for an open-source project
Developing my inner developer. Math/stats/finance/economics background and moving forward into software/data science applications. Working to move into a quant dev/analyst/trader role.
Do Everything Vetter
Don't Exit Vim
Don't Exit Vim has got to be my favourite so far.
Pro tip: ESC + :wq = exit vim
To be fair, any reference to Vim being hard to quit is always a cheap win.
As a regular vim user, the cheapest win for me is emacs.
Another pro tip! There is a shortcut for
Another pro tip for regex:
I'll use something similar when I rebase (to squash) a series of commits in a git repo (vim's my editor for Git). If when presented with the list of commits you do:
You'll squash all commits into a single commit in one fell swoop.
Another other pro tip, that's bound to just
, withough a colon.I'll buy that! 😂
That's so good, sir :D.
You can’t exit ViM, why ask not to do it?
Vim is the Hotel California of editors.
Well, if the acronym would have been CEV, I could have said Can't Exit Vim; and Don't (know how to) Exit Vim seemed too far fetched, so Don't Exit Vim is the closest to what I wanted to say I could think of.
I would say Do Explore Vim! I love Vim :)
Developers, dEvelopers, deVelopers!
Okay, this one is my favorite so far!
Silly variant: Developers Evelopers Velopers
This is actually what ballmer says near the end of it, LOL
Developers Engaging Virtually
Developers Exchanging Value
The second one feels a bit too business-y to me though...
So... DEV Engaging Virtually? 😈
GNU style recursion? ❤️
The first is the best one to me!
Make sure you have spaces between each word for the latter.
This one deserves the prize so far.
Define Every Variable
Deprecating Every Vocation
developers emitting vomit
do evade viruses
works on my machine
NPM has prepared me...
Don't Evaluate Void
Dinos Expanding Vocabulary
Dust Excites Vacuums
Devs Explaining Vividly
Deploying Enterprise VMs
Disk E: Volume
Disproportionate Experience Vouchers
Doing EVerything
Developers Eating Views
Developers Encouraging Views
Developers Encouraging Values
Did Everybody View
Doesn't Entice Violence
Developer Encouraging Values
Developer Excited Values
Developer Excellence Vlogs
Dev Edited Vlogs
Does Everybody Vim
Indeed, everyone does!
1st one
𝔻𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤 === 𝕎𝕚𝕟!
𝔻 evelopers
𝔼 qual
(a synonym for𝕍 ictory).
Kinda stretching the meaning here 😝
2nd one
𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕍𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕥
Make sure you hold it after having a few drinks 🥃 at a conference/meetup.
Please be respectful of others 🙇
Developers, Entrepreneurs, and Velociraptors
Any mention of velociraptors is worth a thumbs-up!
I need to start putting "velociraptor(s)" in any presentations that I'd normally put "velocity" into: see if the PHBs notice it or not (or at least mention it).
Developers Enthusiastically Venting
Dancing Eddie Vedder
Double-Expletive Variable
Developers Exchanging visions
Deal with Everyone Virtually
Damn! Everything Vorks?
dev.to = Deploying Everyday Value . To Order
A couple that popped into my head real quick.
in any case, this acronym should be recursive.
Delivering Excellent Value
discussion exec --verbose
Donkeys Eating Verdure
Doesn't Even Vacation
Darth Earth Vader
Delivering Enhanced Visions 😛
Yeah, YAML too. it's just that GNU's the most popular and recognizable example.
Danger! Emacs! Vim!
DEV est via. ("DEV is the Way.")
Serious: Developers Exchanging Value
Hilarious: Unit Tests Passed
These are awesome! 😂 ok lets see.... 🤔
Or ...🤔
Exhilaration (and)
Dev, Evolving, Voice
Debug Everything Virtuoso
Doing Extreme Validations
Don't Expect Violence
Do Expect Virtue
Deny Every Vulnerability
Do Eat Vegetables
Derive Each Vector
Do Explain Vows
(feels like the npm acronym, should be a git so we could make some fun with random pick the list as the website base-line)
Debbuging... Enable Verbosity
Delivering Exciting Vision
Doing Everything Visually
Delivering Educational Videos
Did Everyone Vanish
Developing Exhaustingly with Volition
Drink, Eat, VIM
Dummy Entertaining Viewers
Developers Excelling Vertically?
Delightful. Educational. Versatile.
Do, Evolve, Venture.
Define Every Virtue
Deliver Everybody's Vans
Don't Eat Venison?
Developer Enabling Virtues
Developers: Empowered Versions!