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Benji ๐Ÿ™ profile picture

Benji ๐Ÿ™

I'm a backend engineer with 9 years of experience in Japan. My skills include developing robust and scalable applications, working with databases, APIs, and servers, and applying software architecture


Octopus Energy

Four Year Club
Writing Debut
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2021
One Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2020
TIL how to see the entire commit column on GitLab using JS

TIL how to see the entire commit column on GitLab using JS

1 min read

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TIL you can create keyboard shortcuts to switch between a specific desktop

TIL you can create keyboard shortcuts to switch between a specific desktop

1 min read
TIL you can restore deleted files from a commit and then apply a git fixup to update the changes of that commit instead.

TIL you can restore deleted files from a commit and then apply a git fixup to update the changes of that commit instead.

1 min read
TIL you can re-order your commit history through rebase -i

TIL you can re-order your commit history through rebase -i

2 min read
TIL you can convert media file extensions with ffmpeg

TIL you can convert media file extensions with ffmpeg

Comments 1
1 min read
TIL you can trick Mypys typechecker using typing.cast

TIL you can trick Mypys typechecker using typing.cast

1 min read
Using xyz.objects.get() with Q unexpectedly returns multiple objects

Using xyz.objects.get() with Q unexpectedly returns multiple objects

1 min read
TIL HTMX is way faster than writing AJAX logic directly inside a Django template

TIL HTMX is way faster than writing AJAX logic directly inside a Django template

1 min read
My Hacktoberfest SWAG has arrived

My Hacktoberfest SWAG has arrived

1 min read
My thoughts on Hacktoberfest 2020

My thoughts on Hacktoberfest 2020

2 min read