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Leon mckenzie (rowan turner) profile picture

Leon mckenzie (rowan turner)

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Optimize for What You Can Do: A Coder's Guide to Customization and Inclusivity

Optimize for What You Can Do: A Coder's Guide to Customization and Inclusivity

2 min read

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Why i quit my job as a staff engineer

Why i quit my job as a staff engineer

7 min read
Why I Chose Linux: A Journey To Development Freedom

Why I Chose Linux: A Journey To Development Freedom

Comments 3
7 min read
Data Spark #002 - Digital Signal Processing: A Comprehensive Guide

Data Spark #002 - Digital Signal Processing: A Comprehensive Guide

2 min read
Data Spark #001 - an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Current Trends and Future Predictions

Data Spark #001 - an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Current Trends and Future Predictions

3 min read
the tech leads grind

the tech leads grind

6 min read
why we should diversify tech

why we should diversify tech

7 min read
the game and web dev turned dj/audio engineer turned senior audio software engineer - why i went back to engineering

the game and web dev turned dj/audio engineer turned senior audio software engineer - why i went back to engineering

3 min read