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Mihai-Adrian Andrei profile picture

Mihai-Adrian Andrei

I'm a Full Stack developer. I mostly use with Next/Remix or Sveltekit. I also like working with Python so you will find some diverse content here.

Location Romania Joined Joined on  github website
Implementing Supabase Auth in Next13 with Prisma

Implementing Supabase Auth in Next13 with Prisma

Comments 1
8 min read

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Building a FastAPI Application and Deploying it with Vercel

Building a FastAPI Application and Deploying it with Vercel

Comments 2
3 min read
JWT Authentication using Axios interceptors

JWT Authentication using Axios interceptors

Comments 9
7 min read
A beginners guide to building a Flask API with Prisma

A beginners guide to building a Flask API with Prisma

Comments 7
5 min read
How to monitor ETH Transactions using Web3.js

How to monitor ETH Transactions using Web3.js

Comments 2
3 min read
JWT Authentication using Prisma and Express

JWT Authentication using Prisma and Express

Comments 38
9 min read
How to use Python with Notion API

How to use Python with Notion API

Comments 3
4 min read
Nuxt3 App + Serverless API on Vercel

Nuxt3 App + Serverless API on Vercel

Comments 3
2 min read
Nuxt3 + Express API

Nuxt3 + Express API

Comments 17
2 min read